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The Last Queen of Lemuria

Page 11

by Gloria Mur

  - "What has happened now? Why so late," growled Gorr, climbing out of bed and putting on his robe. "Enter."

  A young Lemurian man came into the room with a letter, bound with the Queen's seal. The King of Groix barely came up to the messenger's shoulder.

  Gorr mentally cursed. “I feel like a cockroach next to these Lemurian titans.”

  - "Give me the papers," ordered Gorr. "Let's hope you've brought good news.”

  After he unfolded the letter, Gorr laughed. "Ah! That damned girl! I knew it!" And after looking suspiciously at the messenger from top to bottom, he said, "go, say that we will be attending the Festival. Make sure for Shonith La to take care of the Stone! The messenger bowed in silence and left.

  Gorr read the message for a third time, rubbing his hands together. “She finally agreed. What a capricious little girl! The race of the sorcerers had made itself felt. She's quite stubborn and headstrong. It's a shame to be mixing the blood of close relatives, but that's how it happened- Lemuria has no other princesses. We must make due with a wedding between my own children, though from different wives.” Gorr clapped his hands. A servant appeared.

  - “Go tell the members of the royal family. Tomorrow we'll be going to Lemuria for the Festival of the Sun. And call for Prince Grino.”

  The servant disappeared. After a few minutes, the Prince appeared at the door in a nightcap and gown.

  - "You called, father? What happened? I was already in bed," snuffled Grino.

  - "Tomorrow you are to become the groom of Queen Yuma."

  - "I must have misheard. You said that the engagement is canceled, and she will marry one of her own," snickered the Prince.

  - "She has changed her mind. A messenger brought this invitation to the Festival and a contract for your engagement."

  - “What wonderful news!" exclaimed Grino in joy, "absolutely worth crawling out of my warm bed."

  - "I suppose you were in bed alone, right? You haven't grabbed yourself another servant-girl, have you?" Squinted Gorr.

  - "What are you talking about, your Majesty?"

  - "Good, good! But remember! None of that after the engagement until after the wedding. Your bride will live here, in Groix until the wedding. So, in other words, no servant-girls! After you're married, do as you wish." Said the King. "Go. And don't get too worked up about this at night. We've got a hard day ahead of us tomorrow. We will be spending a few hours near the Stone. So, make sure to get a good night's sleep.

  Yala was very worried. Gorr had agreed to take her to Olmolungring! For the first time in twenty years she would be returning to the house where she was born! She will see her children- Yuma and Doro! Yala hadn't even dared to dream of such a thing!

  Gorr wasn't a bad husband, he just loved her in his own way, he often made her gifts and spent three times more time with her than with his other wives. But the King of Groix had always refused her pleas to visit Lemuria. The poor Yala suffered from not seeing her son and daughter. They were taken away right after birth and raised in the family of Shonith La. Since then, Yala had only heard about her children through rumors- many women like to spy on the Lemurian palace through their crystal balls for fun. But Yala had no such crystal ball. She and sorcery did not get along. But then, a great surprise, the engagement of Grino and Yuma. And Yala was allowed to be present. She felt conflicted. She was glad that she was finally seeing her children. And the thought that Yuma would be moving to Groix warmed her heart. If only it wasn't for Grino. The Prince was a particularly horrible scoundrel and lech.

  Guria dressed with special care. She rarely spent so much time in front of a mirror. Because she was already the most beautiful woman in Groix, even if she never combed her hair, and walked around with it matted. The whole population of the Kingdom, with the exception of Yala, couldn't hold a candle to her. But on this day, she would have to be looking her best. She had to outshine all the beauties of Olmolungring. Only stupid people think that women try to be pretty to impress men. Nonsense! A woman's envy is an evil whispering voice from behind her back, combined with confidence in their own superiority- this is the most important force in female attractiveness. Guria smiled dreamily. Aleur would be there. And Yuma! She looked at her own reflection, taking in her beauty. The white dress contrasted well with her tan skin. Her smoothed out curls gave her an innocent look. Only her eyes gave away her true nature- black with a mysterious shimmer, without pupils.

  Guria hurried into the yard, where the royal family had already gathered. Gorr, all his wives, children and servants were already sitting in the flying machine. The Princess jumped in to the huge iron ball- the flüg. The servant closed the door. At that second, the iron monstrosity groaned, let out a puff of smoke, and flapped off into the air.

  In Olmolungring, the Festival was reaching a climax. The living chain of people was pulling itself into the palace, leaving out the other door, and scattering out in a colorful throng of citizens. The streets and city squares were bursting with long tables filled with wonderful dishes. The Lemurians bustled about- their children ran, and songs were heard, interspersed with joyful voices. The great choir procession was already nearing its end, the last citizens who had not gotten to touch the Chintamani and see the Queen hurried to fulfill their custom. There had been rumors flying all day that Yuma had canceled her engagement to the engineer Aleur, and would be marrying a sorcerer. The surprised townspeople were trying to figure out this unexpected change as they passed through the Pink Hall and looked in her Majesty's eyes, though in secret. The Queen seemed wonderful and calm, she smiled, greeting her subjects. An attentive eye would have noticed her abnormal pallor, and circles under her eyes. But the people were too distracted by their beloved festival to seriously consider the personal dealings of the Queen. They were simply satisfied that Yuma had reconsidered, and would be fulfilling her obligations in giving her hand to the heir of Groix.

  After the final residents of Olmolungring had touched the Chintamani, Shonith La took the Stone from its special pedestal and commanded that the box be brought. Yuma, when she saw it, slightly raised her eyebrow. It was the very same box from the Museum of Shambhala, the one found by Margo. But the Queen was surprised to find that she couldn't care less. How far away now seemed those Altai adventures! She remembered how fantastic the Katun had looked on that day, and how nice the 21st century had been, and everyone who was still there...

  After locking the Stone in the box, the Keeper brought the relic to the farthest corner of the palace garden, wrapped it in a silver canvas, and buried it in the ground. This way, the Chintamani would do less harm to the sorcerers. This was the condition of Gorr. But even in the ground, the Stone was dangerous to the Groisillions, so the engagement would have to be done very quickly. Sorcerers can only stand to be near the Defender of Lemuria for two hours at most. Everything would have to be hurried.

  Yuma met her guest on the square in front of the palace. She was in a luxuriant dress, along which she had sewn protective shields. An amulet hung on her chest. It contained three, huge black pearls, sewed together with golden thread, and enclosed in a golden triangle.

  Aleur looked at Yuma with longing from behind the courtiers' backs. He tried to approach her several times, but Shonith La and Doro, as if trying to spite him, did not leave the Queen's side even for a second. So, the young engineer had no way to meet eyes with his beloved.

  They all awaited the arrival of the Groisillions. Finally, with a hum and hiss, the huge, steaming flüg set down on the square. It plopped down on the grass. It gave off pungent exhaust fumes. The guests began to leave through the doors which had materialized to the side. The Queen noted to herself how ugly the sorcerers were.

  - "I greet You!" Pronounced Yuma, bowing.

  - "We are very glad to visit Lemuria for such a solemn occasion," answered Gorr, "allow me to introduce the members of my house."

  "How strange," thought Yuma, looking at the King of Grois, "that is my father... What a flawed face."

- "This is my second wife, Morana, and her sons, Aleese and Megur. This is my third wife..."

  Yuma bowed and smiled at each equally. "I wonder which of them will be my husband? How strange it is to feel nothing. As if I've been burned out from the inside."

  - "Good day, your Majesty!" Came a nasal voice. Before her stood a pudgy, pimply freak. "I am happy that I will be calling you my wife."

  "So, that freak is Grino? Well, I guess I do care after all..." thought Yuma.

  - "Greetings, Prince! I am also glad, that I will become the bride of the Prince of Groix," said Yuma in a monotone, smiling indifferently.

  - "Yuma! Yuma! Look!" Doro pulled on her sleeves. She looked to where he was pointing and saw a tall, beautiful blonde. Doro couldn't hold himself, and breaking etiquette, cried out,

  - "Mama!" and threw himself at Yala, pushing the sorcerers aside.

  They embraced each other and cried. Yuma walked up to them. Such a strange feeling. Her mother. A stranger. Not knowing what to say, Yuma awkwardly extended her hand,

  - "Greetings."

  - "Greetings, daughter," whispered Yala through tears. "You're so grown up!"

  - "I greet you, Queen!" came a loud, mocking voice.

  Yuma turned and froze. Before her stood the same swarthy girl who had been in the forest with Aleur!

  - "Guria, Yuma, Doro!" Came Yala's trembling voice. She took them all by the hand and brought them together, "finally, all my children are together with me!"

  Circles swam in Yuma's eyes, she stumbled and ripped her hand away.

  - "That's no way for a Queen to act!" fussed a courtier.

  - "Oh, don't worry about me," quietly came Yuma, "it must be the heat." And with a superhuman effort, she smiled, "I invite our guests into the Pink Hall!"

  The Council and the courtiers had already gathered in the pink hall. The Queen entered the hall, accompanied by her entourage and sorcerers.

  - "Great Council! Citizens of Lemuria!" began Shonith La. "We have gathered here today to carry out our ancient custom. Today, on the day of the Festival of the Son, as had been appointed, we are glad to announce the engagement of Her Majesty the Queen of Lemuria, Yuma the First and..."

  - “No!” Rang out a desperate scream! Aleur, pale and with burning eyes, pushed through the crowd and threw himself at Yuma's feet, "No! Your majesty! Hear me out!"

  Yuma went pale and looked at Shonith La. The sorcerers looked at one another. Guria bit her lip until it bled.

  - "Aleur the Engineer! Stop!" pronounced the Keeper. "The Queen has canceled her engagement with you. Do not bring shame on the name of your father!"

  - "I am guilty! Guilty! Yuma! Give me the chance to make it all right!" Shouted Aleur.

  The courtiers whispered to one another.

  - "It's too late to change anything," whispered Yuma, "get away from here, Aleur."

  The servants dragged the young Lemurian away.

  - "Well well, quite the passionate one!" snickered Grino. And added, "That stone has squeezed all the juice out of me. I can barely stand."

  - "Shh!" snapped Gorr.

  - "Father, isn't there any way to speed this procedure up?" complained one of Gorr's daughters, "I can hardly breath the air here.

  - "It's all that cursed Chintamani," agreed one of the wives.

  - "You must endure," rasped Gorr. He was also breathing heavily, and having a hard time dealing with his proximity with the stone.

  All the Groisillions looked tired, and were covered with large drops of sweat. Everyone, except Yala and Guria.

  "Look over there! The half-blood doesn't care! She could even go to the Sanctuary of Lemuria!" Whispered Grino. Gorr glanced at his daughter. She looked wonderful, and it appeared that she felt the same. Gorr smiled mysteriously.

  - "Great Council!” Continued Shonith La. "I ask you to give your consent to the engagement of the Queen of Lemuria and the heir of Groix, prince Grino."

  - "The Council consents to the engagement of Queen Yuma and Prince Grino," answered Councilor Rasha. "But the Council is worried, who will rule Lemuria? Prince Doro is too young."

  - "I am leaving the crown to Doro. The Prince's Regent will be Shonith La, as before. Governmental questions will be solved by the Council until Doro reaches the age of majority," Yuma replied wisely.

  - "Very well. In that case the Council would like to announce the engagement of Queen Yuma and Prince Grino!" Shonith La announced loudly. "Congratulate the bride and groom!" And, taking the Queen by the hand, he led her to the Prince of Groix, linking their hands. Grino was barely tall enough to reach Yuma's shoulder. "Sign here, your Highness, and here, Your Majesty..."

  Aleur turned to the wall.

  - "Daughter! We can see each other all the time now," whispered Yala, "perhaps this can console you, though a little..."

  Yuma looked indifferently at her.

  - "I see that you are unhappy. But believe me, time heals all wounds..." said Yala, with tears in her voice.

  - "Yala, stop talking nonsense!" Interrupted Gorr. "My children, I congratulate you!"

  - "Congratulations! Congratulations!” Came an echo from all sides, the peoples faces mixing into one. Yuma automatically smiled in return. Her head was completely empty of thought, and her soul was empty of feeling.

  Taking advantage of the general excitement, Guria slipped out of the crowd and walked up to Aleur. He was standing nearby, leaning on a column, and looking into the distance with an unseeing expression.

  - "Aleur!” She called.

  He snapped out of it, and, seeing Guria, stepped back and waved his arms.

  - "Away! Cursed witch! Leave me! This is all because of you!"

  - "Do not chase me away, Aleur," sang the Princess, walking up very close. "I can help you feel better."

  - "You?! You are the reason I'm so unhappy in the first place! The Black Princess! Now I know why they call you that! You bring sorrow!"

  - "I? Was it I who betrayed my future bride," snickered Guria.

  Aleur, losing his strength, sank into to a chair against the wall. Something white fell out of his pocket. The Princess picked it up and read it: "By the will of the Queen of Lemuria, the engagement is canceled..."

  - "Give it back!" Shouted Aleur, and snatched the letter away, "don't you

  dare read my letters! Get out of here!"

  Guria frowned. It was impossible to just talk with him. He had lost it. No matter, she'd just have to wait. She had time to wait. And when Yuma was neutralized (Guria snickered), the Black Princess would become Queen - then we'll see what that stubborn bastard would say.

  - "You will be mine, Aleur!" whispered Guria. "You will become the master of Lemuria and Groix together with me!" She left the engineer, and, turning around, she noticed with satisfaction that Yuma had seen them talking. "It's nothing, sister of mine, in Groix, I'll put you in your place right quick."

  Chapter 18. The Bride of the Heir of Groix

  Aleur walked aimlessly along the festive streets. The joy around him only emphasized the despair that had filled his soul. Yuma was lost for good. From the moment of the engagement to the wedding, she will live in Groix. That meant that they wouldn't be seeing each other any more. Aleur looked from behind the doors as a colorful horde of sorcerers was carrying his beloved away with them. He watched that nasty little man Grino kiss her. He watched her say goodbye to the crying Doro. And he watched them load their crates into the steaming, flying ball... It all happened as if in a dream. What was there to do now? How to live after all that, which had happened? He had destroyed his own happiness...

  - "Aleur!” Came a familiar voice, shaking him from his state. Tamil was blocking the way on his vimana. "Aleur!"

  - "Tamil. I've... lost her," he raised his hurt eyes at his friend.

  - "That means, it's true?! Greta and I weren't able to make it into the palace. Too many people, we didn't want to risk it. We only heard that Yuma had canceled the engagement..."

  - "She's already in Groix, Tamil! S
he will marry Grino! She saw me with Guria. In the forest."

  - "What are you saying?!"

  - "Yes. Yesterday she canceled the engagement," he sighed, "and today... Today she is called the bride of that freak Grino! Because of me!" He buried himself in his friend's shoulder.

  - "Here, here," Tamil patted Aleur on the back, not knowing how to make him feel better. "Let's go to our house, we can talk. Well, what, have you gone sour? She's not yet Grino's wife!"

  - "She wouldn't even speak to me! And I begged her on my knees! Before all the courtiers, before the Council..." pronounced Aleur.

  - "What do you want from her, Aleur? What would you do in her place?" Tamil felt sorry for his friend.

  - "I... don't know... I can't imagine..." wept Aleur, shaking his head.

  - "Aleur! Let's not lose heart! You can find a way to Groix. Talk with her, explain everything. There's still a whole month until the wedding. Everything could still change!" Tamil himself didn't much believe in what he was saying, but tried with all his might to cheer up his friend. "Aleur, she still loves you, you know!"

  - "She loves me... at least, she did love me..." hope flashed in Aleur's eyes.

  - "Come to my place, Aleur, we'll figure it all out calmly. We need to figure out how to get to Groix," offered Tamil, and turned his vimana towards home.

  Aleur walked after him.

  An alarmed Greta met them at the doorstep.

  - "Aleur! My God!" Your face is blank! Can it be true?"

  - "Yes, Greta, it is true," Tamil answered for his friend. And turning to Aleur, he said, "you should tell her about it, buddy."

  - "Yes, what happened?!" Burst out Greta. "Where is Yuma? Why did they cancel your engagement? The neighbors are saying some nonsense about Yuma being in Groix..."

  - "It is not nonsense," sighed Aleur heavily, "she got engaged to Grino."

  Greta, at a loss, looked at him.

  - "Let's go inside. We'll tell you everything."

  And the friends hid themselves behind the door of the festival-decorated home.


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