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Whiskey Sour (Romantic Mystery/Comedy) Book 2 (Addison Holmes Mysteries)

Page 14

by Hart, Liliana

  And that’s when I realized. “You already know,” I said, mouth hanging open. “Of course you do. The gossip spreads faster in cop shops than in Betty’s Beauty Parlor. Son of a bitch. Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Because it’s not something you just walk up to someone and drop on them. I work for Kate occasionally and I know her only as an acquaintance on a personal level. She’s a smart woman. I knew it wouldn’t take long for her to find out.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” I said, pulling clothes out of the closet and tossing them on the bed. I rummaged around in my underwear drawer and came out with a pair of black lacy underwear, tossing them on the bed as well. “I’m going to hunt him down like a dog and shove his body parts through a meat grinder.”

  Nick winced and squirmed on his chair, said body parts obviously cringing in sympathy.

  “I’m sure Kate has a meat grinder of her own. You might let her handle this. Probably death by meat grinder doesn’t allow for conjugal visits.”

  I glanced up and grinned. He was still in his underwear, looking rumpled and sexy sitting at my desk. I tried to ignore the sudden rush of happiness I felt just in case he could see my feelings on my face. I was afraid I was falling in love with him, and I knew from experience that the sudden rush of euphoria only lasted so long before reality slapped you in the face.

  “What are these?” he asked, holding up the underwear I’d tossed. “I’ve never seen these before. They look fun. You should put them on.”

  “I plan on it,” I said, yanking them from his fingers.

  “And then I can take them off again.”

  A general look in the direction of his lap showed me he was very interested in taking them off again, but I moved out of reach and shimmied into them before he could grab me.

  “We don’t have time. I’m supposed to meet Agent Savage at Kate’s office at three. He wants me to bring the client list.”

  “I just bet he does,” Nick said, jaw clenched together. “Maybe I should join you for this little meeting. Just to be kept in the loop.”

  “Fine with me,” I said, tossing my robe aside and pulling on the turquoise and lime green maxi dress I’d gotten on sale at Neiman’s last summer. “But you should probably get dressed, unless you’re just dying to rub it in his face that you spent the morning naked with me.”

  “I won’t have to rub it in. He’ll know. Men recognize things like that.”

  “Too bad they can’t recognize when the toilet seat is up or when the garbage needs to be taken out.”

  “Some have more highly developed senses than others,” he said.


  We took Nick’s truck into Savannah since he’d more or less invited himself to stay the night at my place. And because he had air conditioning. Things were comfortable between us, which felt a little odd considering we’d spent most of our time up till now arguing.

  I almost didn’t see them until we’d driven right by—Noogey Winthrop and Marika Dubois.

  “Stop!” I yelled, yanking on Nick’s sleeve as he slammed on the brakes. It was a good thing no one was behind us or it would have been smash city.

  “Are you fucking crazy? You don’t just go doing that while someone is driving.”

  “Don’t you call me crazy,” I said giving him my best PMS look. “I was just taken by surprise. Pull over there and park before they see us.”

  “I’d be surprised if anyone hasn’t seen us. I’m stopped in the middle of the goddamned street.”

  “That’s why I told you to park over there,” I said, showing more than adequate restraint. “I need my files.”

  I rummaged through my bag while Nick did an illegal turn and parked off the side of the road. I could practically hear his molars grinding together, but I didn’t care. I’d just seen Noogey and Marika walk into Christian DeLuce’s jewelry store. Not the usual shopping place for the destitute and impoverished.

  I glanced Nick over from head to toe. Other than the flush of anger in his cheeks he looked like a successful businessman dressed in his suit. Thanks to the dress, I didn’t look half bad either.

  “How do you feel about a little shopping?”

  “Does it involve sex toys?”

  “Not unless Christian DeLuce is designing diamond encrusted dildos in his shop. Which doesn’t sound like all that great of an idea now that I’ve said it out loud.”

  Nick sighed and looked at the front page of the file in my hand. “If we’re going in a jewelry store you’re going to owe me more than regular sex tonight. It’s going to have to be chandelier sex. And it’ll probably have to include dairy products.”

  “I was hoping you’d say donuts,” I said, shoving the file back in my bag and getting out of the truck. “That’d be way more exciting.”

  “We’ll try donuts the next time I screw up. This is your punishment. You’re going to have to live with the consequences.”

  We walked into Christian DeLuce’s store laughing, and we immediately caught the attention of a swan-like man with thinning strawberry blond hair. He was middle-aged, probably close to fifty, and his eyes were pale blue. His skin was so pale it looked like it would catch flame if he went outdoors. He smiled wanly in our direction and headed around the counter to greet us.

  I looked around quickly to see where Noogey and Marika had gotten off to. They sat in a little alcove at the other end of the shop across from a saleswoman who was displaying a large selection of rings on a black velvet background. Marika was falling out of the top she was almost wearing, and Noogey was drooling into her cleavage. It was obvious to see how Marika got what she wanted.

  “Detective Dempsey,” the swanlike man said as he held out his hand to Nick.

  “Mr. DeLuce,” Nick said.

  He looked so frail I was afraid Nick’s handshake would crush every bone in the man’s hand. He couldn’t have weighed a hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet. I’d never actually seen Christian DeLuce in person. It was hard to imagine the man standing in front of me having the strength to machine some of the beautiful pieces he’d created over the years. Or having the eccentric temperament he was so well known for.

  Nick put his free hand to my back and pressed slightly, warning me to keep my mouth shut for the time being. Since I couldn’t think of anything to say at the moment, I was agreeable with this plan.

  “Are you here about my gems?” he whispered. Though whisper might have been an understatement. I wasn’t even sure where he got the energy to breathe out the words. “I’ve just been overcome with worry. That poor foreign man was killed trying to bring me my possessions. And now if they’re not found I won’t have time to design something fabulous for the spring expo. It’s just tragic, I tell you.”

  He brought a handkerchief to his eyes to wipe away the dampness. I noticed he didn’t get teary-eyed over the dead man, but he watered right up over missing a jewelry expo.

  “No, I’m afraid I don’t have any new information I can give you at this time,” Nick said. “But I promise you we’re working with the FBI as well as the McClean Agency to find out who did this and recover your property. We’re here today for more personal reasons.”

  Christian DeLuce clapped his hands over his mouth, the tears disappearing, as what could pass for excitement spread over his face.

  “Oh, an engagement. How wonderful. And to one of the boys in blue. You’re very brave, my dear,” he said reaching out to take my hand in his papery thin grasp.

  Nick’s and my mouth dropped open in Simultaneous shock, and a burst of nervous laughter escaped before I could control it. Nick had broken out in a sweat, and I was pretty sure I was going to have his fingerprints embedded in my back from the pressure he was putting there.

  “Come right this way,” he said, holding out his hand with a flourish. “We normally only do fittings by appointment, but I’ll make an exception this once since I know you’re so busy. And don’t worry,” he whispered out of the corner of his mouth to Nick, “I’m sure I can
find something in a cop’s budget. If not, I do offer payment plans.”

  My feet seemed to be glued to the floor because Nick and Christian walked on without me. I was trying to decide whether or not to turn around and run out the door when Nick turned back and grabbed my wrist, pulling me toward him.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” he whispered. “And stop laughing. This isn’t funny.”

  I jerked my arm out of his grasp. “It’s not like you can’t tell him he’s mistaken. You’re the one letting him get carried away. And thanks so much for the look of horror, by the way. That’s a sure fire way to get dairy product sex.”

  “Keep your voice down,” he hissed. “You’re becoming hysterical.”

  “You’re right,” I said, taking a deep breath. “It’s not like this thing between us is serious. We can certainly pretend to look at engagement rings while I take a few incriminating photos.”

  “It is serious. Sort of,” he said, wincing.

  Sweat beaded along his forehead and he had the panicked look of a buck just before he was about to get mowed down by a semi. I could have kicked myself. Here I was thinking about love and a future together, and all the while he was under the impression that what was between us was sort of serious.

  “Well, thanks for making that clear,” I said to Nick.

  Christian DeLuce was staring at us out of owlish eyes, and I gave him my picture day smile—all teeth and no personality. I took the seat he offered me and managed to sneak another look at Marika and Noogey. She was trying on a diamond engagement ring the size of a baby fist, and I could see the gleam of commission in the saleswoman’s eyes.

  “You don’t seem like a traditional kind of bride,” DeLuce said, narrowing his eyes as he dissected my entire personality in twenty seconds. “We pride ourselves at DeLuce’s on finding the perfect ring for each woman. You’re going to be a hard one to fit, I can tell. You’re an unusual sort of woman. Unique. You’d have to be to catch the eye of our dashing detective. I swear, it’s just like a movie. Very romantic.”

  I wasn’t sure where DeLuce had picked up the Georgia accent, considering he’d lived in L.A. for the past decade, but he seemed to be adapting well to his current surroundings.

  “Just bring whatever you think will do,” I said politely. “I’m sure you know best.”

  Nick was sitting to the right of me, an odd look on his face, but he was providing me the perfect cover to take photographs of Noogey and Marika.

  “Listen, Addison. I didn’t mean all of that to come out that way. DeLuce just took me by surprise.”

  “Move a little to your left,” I said, ignoring him. I used the camera on my phone to snap several shots of the salesperson filling out a purchase ticket. “Gotcha, you bastard. Lean forward like you’re going to kiss me.”

  “Addison, listen to me,” he whispered, moving into position to do as I’d asked. Nick nuzzled against my neck and kissed a spot that had chills dancing along my skin. I had the phone hidden under his arm and a direct line of sight to Noogey and Marika.

  Noogey took out a thick envelope from his pocket and gave it to the saleswoman, and when she opened it, I got a picture of the crisp bills inside. Noogey was going to pay for what he’d done to his wife. I’d make sure of that.

  “Addison,” Nick said again. “You can’t possibly be mad about this. We’re not ready for marriage. We don’t even know each other all that well. Sometimes I’m not even sure we like each other. I thought we were just having fun at this stage of the relationship. I mean, I enjoy being with you. That’s why I’m with you—”

  He was winding down, digging the hole deeper, and I was starting to feel a little sorry for him. “No harm, no foul, Nick. Like you said, it’s nothing serious. We’re just having fun, right? And if this is nothing serious, it’s not like we need to be monogamous.”

  Nick leaned back so he could see my face, and he narrowed his eyes at that statement. “I don’t want to date other people. I have enough trouble keeping up with you. I couldn’t imagine adding another woman to the mix.”

  I flashed him a smile that was cold as ice, but it was the best I could do under the circumstances. I was about thirty seconds from bursting into tears, and I was thinking it’d be best if I just got up and walked down to Kate’s instead of spending another second with Nick. We probably both needed a little time to think. Clearly I had different ideas of what a sexual relationship entailed than he did. It was time to take a step back and evaluate.

  “You’re overreacting, Addison. What we have is good. Just leave it at that.”

  I pushed my chair back to get up, but Christian chose that moment to come back in, a black tray covered in silk in his hands. He presented it in front of us, and then whipped the black cloth off with a flourish.

  A group of five rings lay nestled in the black velvet, and my eye was immediately drawn to the one in the middle. The band was thick silver and in the center sat a cluster of freshwater pearls the size of caviar surrounded by a circle of black diamonds. It was unique in every way, and it was perfect.

  I pushed my chair back all the way and stood up. “I don’t think these are for me, Mr. DeLuce. I’m sorry we’ve wasted your time.”

  My eyes were dry, and I tightened my grip on my purse strap so I wouldn’t be tempted to reach out and try it on.

  “Oh, no, my dear. I’m sure one of these is just right for you. Maybe this one here,” he said, picking up the one I’d been admiring and taking hold of my hand. He slipped it on my finger, and I was almost dizzy with the want. Too bad the fake groom didn’t feel the same way.

  “It’s beautiful,” Nick said.

  I shot him a glare I hoped was strong enough to wither his junk and tried to take off the ring to hand it back.

  “I’ll tell you what we’ll do,” DeLuce said. “Why don’t you wear it for a couple of days and see how you like it? If it’s not to your satisfaction then you can always come back in and make another selection.”

  I was just opening my mouth to apologize and decline his invitation when Nick piped in.

  “That’s a great idea,” he said. “We’ll take it.”


  I walked at a brisk pace down the two blocks of cracked sidewalks until I stood in front of the agency. Nick was somewhere behind me. I hadn’t stopped to look, and we hadn’t spoken a word since I’d walked out of DeLuce’s. I looked at the bare place on my finger and knew I’d done the right thing by giving it back. There was no reason to carry the farce on longer than necessary, and I’d gotten the shots I’d needed of Noogey Winthrop.

  I headed straight back to Kate’s office, ignoring Lucy and wishing I hadn’t eaten the entire bag of Oreos the night before. I could have used a couple or ten right about now.

  “Can I load these photos onto your computer?” I asked Kate, holding up my phone.

  Kate didn’t look so good. She had a green pallor to her skin and she was sweating slightly, even though the temperature in the office was turned down to frigid settings.

  “Sure. What did you find?”

  “We ran into Noogey Winthrop at DeLuce’s Jewelry Store. He was buying a big-assed engagement ring for Marika. I’ve got him cold.”

  I downloaded the pictures I’d taken of the fat envelope of cash in Noogey’s possession, and wondered not for the first time why people with money thought they could get away with anything without paying the consequences.

  “This is good timing,” Kate said, leaning over my shoulder to see the evidence. “The grand jury is set to meet on his case at the end of the week. I’ll have these delivered to the prosecutor’s office and contact Mrs. Winthrop.”

  “That’ll be a fun conversation,” I said, wincing at the thought of Kate having to relay to the old Mrs. Winthrop that there was about to be a new, much younger Mrs. Winthrop.

  “This job is nothing but fun and games,” Kate said with a heavy sigh.

  Nick stood against the doorframe and watched us out of unreadable eyes, while I did
everything possible to avoid his gaze.

  “Agent Savage is running a little late,” Kate said to Nick. “Why don’t you clear out the conference room and we’ll meet in there. It’s too cramped and stuffy in here.” Nick nodded and left, and I let out a slow breath of relief.

  “It’s a meat locker in here, Kate. Maybe you should go home. You don’t look so good.”

  “I don’t feel so good. It’s what I deserve for horking down booze and Twinkies.”

  “We had Twinkies? I don’t remember that.”

  “You threw yours up. It wasn’t pretty. What’s going on with you and Nick?” she asked. “Things seem a little tense.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to get this done and start making plans to move into my new place. I don’t want to think about Nick.”

  We walked into the conference room just after Agent Savage, and he grabbed a pen and pad from the shelf by the wall. I ignored Nick completely, choosing to take the chair furthest from both men. I was starting to think with the kind of luck Kate and I had with the opposite sex, that maybe we ought to just have sex with each other. Of course, I’d miss the whole penis part of that equation, but I saw on a late night infomercial that they could be bought easily enough. It was worth looking into.

  “Did you find out anything about Noelle Price’s death?” I asked Savage.

  “Nothing you didn’t already know. If there was anything to find, they destroyed the evidence with the rest of her remains when she was cremated.”

  I passed Savage the client book we’d retrieved from Natalie the night before, glad to be rid of it. Something about that book made me very nervous, and it wasn’t like I was likely to forget most of the names I’d read in there.

  The tension in the room was also making me nervous. I was out of knuckles to crack and I’d taken to shredding the paper in front of me into confetti-sized pieces. Nick was silent and brooding. Savage was downright gleeful since he’d noticed the tension between me and Nick right away. Kate looked like she was ready to vomit, and I was trying to ignore it all by mentally decorating my new house.


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