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Katie's Maverick (Strasburg: The New Generation Book 2)

Page 11

by Pippa Greathouse

  "All right, Kaitlynne. This is the last set, but I'm going to use the belt for it."

  A sob escaped, and he stood her to her feet.

  "Bend over the bed."

  "What? No, Nick. Please."

  "You heard me. I'm waiting."

  She looked up at him with pleading eyes, but he shook his head and stood up, guiding her to the edge of the bed. He reached over and brought one of the large pillows over to the edge and lifted her off her feet, placing her over it so her bottom was high and her feet were no longer touching the floor. Bringing the gown up over her again, he tucked it around her waist to keep it there. A minute later, she felt his hand on the small of her back and his breath on her cheek as he leaned forward.

  His voice was softer this time. "Breathe, sweetheart, and prepare yourself. This is going to hurt."

  He wasn't kidding. Two cuts across her backside with the leather took her breath away. It took several seconds before she was able to breathe again. When she did, she let out a howl.

  "Good girl. Now, take another breath."

  She obeyed and felt four more. The whistle of his belt through the air was heard just before each lash landed. It was several seconds before she was able to breathe again. Another wail followed that sounded as if it echoed through the house.

  "Oh, Nick! You're killing me! Please stop!"

  "I don't think that's your decision. I'll stop when I feel your submission, not before."

  When the next set of four landed, she burst into sobs and begged.

  She felt a kiss on her ear, and heard his voice whisper to her, "Five more, Kaitlynne, that's all. You're doing well, and I'm proud of you."

  She was sobbing too hard to be able to speak at all when she heard the whistle of the belt. It was followed by the lash as it landed not once, not twice, but five times. Each time, it had landed a little further down, and the last two passed her cheeks and landed on the tops of her thighs. She collapsed, sobbing into the covers that were gathered up in her fists.

  At the sound of her cries, Nick threw the belt to the floor and lifted her into his lap.

  "I have you, Katie. Please promise me you'll never put yourself in danger again."

  "I-I p-promise," was all she could get out before sobbing miserably into his shirt.

  Nick rocked her, slowly, listening to her weep with her face turned into his chest.

  "Deep breath, now. Once more." He coached her several times as she continued to sob. When she slowed and gave a few hiccups, he smoothed her hair back from her face.

  "I love you, Kaitlynne, and I can't allow you to be in danger. You are more important to me than anything else in the world. Do you understand that?"

  When she didn't answer, he reached down and tilted her face back slightly away from his chest. He studied her face as he smiled.

  Her eyes were closed. The expression on her little face was penitent, and he leaned down and kissed her forehead, studying her mouth.

  Nick was unable to resist that luscious mouth. He brought her closer and took her lips in a deep kiss, then moved to the tip of her button nose. He held her for a long time, before he finally persuaded himself to lay her down among the pillows. Immediately, she moaned and turned over on her belly. After that, she was quiet.

  He knew she was asleep.

  Sunday Morning

  "Katie, wake up! Breakfast will be served downstairs in half an hour, and Nick sent me up. We went to get something for you to wear to Mass this morning. Your mom picked it out, and I hung it in the wardrobe."

  Katie sat up on the side of the bed, completely baffled about where she was and what time of day it was.

  She stared, and Lizzie threw back her head, laughing. "I'm Lizzie, remember?"

  Katie gave a soft giggle. "I know who you are. But I won't even tell you the thoughts that were going through my head just now. Mass, you said? So, it's Sunday morning?"

  "Indeed. Do you need help getting ready?"

  "No. Just make sure Nick doesn't come in here while I'm dressing."

  "You've no idea how hard it was to keep him out of here last night. He was worried you might get sick from being out in the storm."

  Katie sighed and shook her head. "Men."

  "Anyway, if you don't hurry, he'll be up yelling at you to 'move it'. You know him."

  Katie ran to the wardrobe and picked out the gown he'd brought over, taking it into the bathroom with her. Her hair had kinked into tight curls during the night, and she was glad to see the ribbons her mother sent over with it. Braiding the sides, she wove the ribbons through them and tied them together in the back. But when she sat down to use the toilet, she gasped and quickly rose again. Checking the mirror, she could easily see the stripes that had been left across her bottom the night before. Mass, this morning, was going to be fun, she thought sarcastically, groaning.

  She was just on time when she arrived downstairs with the family to join them at the table. A place had been saved next to Nick. His welcoming grin brought a smile to her face.

  "Sleep well, brat?"

  She gave him a withering glance. "Very well, thank you. You?"

  "No. I worried all night you'd get sick. Glad to see you have color in your cheeks this morning." He gave her a wink and took her hand as they said grace over the meal.

  Katie blushed, wondering if there was hidden meaning in his words, and looked away.

  Geoffrey Francis was discussing his upcoming wedding and was making plans to build their house overlooking the mountains. "We've picked out the perfect spot."

  Nick stared at him. "I thought you were going to live here and take over the running of the estate."

  "Oh, no, brother. That's your job. Dad and I discussed that while you were gone to pick up the girls from school for the holidays."

  Nick stared at his father and then his mother, who smiled impishly at him. "All I can tell you, Nicholas, is someone has to stay here and run it. I know your father and I just got back, but as soon as Geoff's wedding is over, we're traveling again."

  Nick looked from one to the other. "Nothing like having your future planned out for you without your consent."

  No sooner had he said it than he looked down, meeting Katie's eyes. She was tilting her head and looking up with a sly smile.

  "And if I hear one word about what's sauce for the goose, Katie Adams…" he scowled. "You are in big trouble."

  Katie was unable to help it; she let out a tinkling laugh that spread around the table, and Nick winked, making a face.

  Inwardly, Katie admitted sitting on the hard pew was difficult. The readings finished, she watched as Father Michael approached his parishioners and began his sermon. Secretly, she hoped it wouldn't be long.

  Dear Father Michael. She'd known him as long as she could remember. He'd performed the marriage ceremony for her mother and father and for Nick's too. Indeed, for almost every couple in the territory. He'd grown older now, but the sparkle of amusement within his eyes and quirk of easy laughter on his lips still existed.

  However, even Katie found her mind wandering this morning. Father Michael was nearly finished speaking. Nick, sitting next to her on the third row from the back, had her fingers clasped in his, absently rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand. She looked up and found him studying her intently, grinning. She smiled back, happy. Lizzie, on her other side, gave her an inconspicuous elbow in her side with a wink.

  Suddenly, there was a pause in the flow of Father Michael's sermon, and she looked up. From her right side, she heard Lizzie's gasp and met her eyes. Lizzie was staring in Nick's direction. Out of the corner of her eye, Katie saw motion and turned.

  A beautiful blonde, curly haired young woman had moved to stand in the aisle, next to Nick. She was frowning expectantly as if she was waiting for Nick to move over to make room for her. Katie looked up into Nick's face. He was staring straight ahead, scowling.

  Katie gasped. She glanced down at the hand of the girl who delicately laid her hand on Nick's arm, as if i
n an effort to show possession. Then she saw the ring, and she knew. She knew who it was.

  It was Phebe Watson.

  Nick had looked up, when he heard the lull in Father Michael's voice. To his right, he caught Lizzie's face, glaring at him. Katie's held complete bewilderment and something else.


  He turned and stared. Standing next to him was none other than Miss Phebe Watson. She reached out and put a hand on his arm, and when he looked down at it, his eyes suddenly blazed. She was wearing the ring he'd given her.

  What the bloody hell was she doing here? How dare she show up here again! He felt her hand on his arm and moved it, turning away, trying to ignore her.

  "Nick?" Miss Watson's whisper was loud enough to be heard several rows down. "Aren't you going to move over and let me sit down?"

  The fury in his eyes did not change. Next to him, Katie was shaking, and he put an arm about her to pull her closer. Her only response was to lean forward, away from him.

  Unfortunately, there was no place else for Miss Watson to sit; the church this morning was full. Katie scooted toward her right, slightly, and Nick moved over just enough to make room for Miss Watson to sit down. People around them turned and watched, including the Wilder sisters. He gave an inward groan, when he saw them, and shook his head slightly.

  The fury in Nick's eyes did not change. It increased when he saw the expressions of the other parishioners. Most of them were looking at Katie to see what her reaction was.

  It was Katie's reaction that cut to his heart. He could see it. She had emotionally distanced herself from him; he could tell it without her even looking at him. He fought the urge to pick her up and set her in his lap, but he didn't want to embarrass her when everyone was watching her.

  He was done with Phebe Watson. Completely. As soon as Mass was finished, he would tell her in no uncertain terms.

  How long silence had reined in St. Mary's, he didn't know, but when he heard Father Michael's deep baritone voice begin again, he could read between the lines well enough to know even the priest was upset. He spoke only a few more moments before the sermon was over and it was time for communion.

  As the other parishioners rose to go down and receive the sacrament, Nick put an arm around Katie and drew her to him.

  "Let's go, sweetheart."

  Refusing to meet his eyes, she only shook her head. "I can't," she whispered.

  Nick leaned back and once again drew her as close as he could. She sat stiffly, her gaze resting on the floor that slanted downward. There was no way he was going to go down for communion and leave her here, with Phebe Watson in the same pew.

  Finally, it was over. Nick continued to keep his eye on Katie, who sat there with her head lowered as the buzz of whispered voices filled the room. Lizzie was sitting there watching her, until the voice on his left spoke.

  "Oh, yes. I knew I had made a mistake, and I came back. It would be so unfair to Nick, to leave things as they were…" A moment passed before she continued, but not before she rested her hand on his arm once again. "How good it is to see all of you again. Nick has often told me how wonderful you all were, even before I lost my senses and left town…"

  He rose to his feet and disengaged Miss Watson's hand from his arm.

  "I'm afraid, Miss Watson, you have misinterpreted things quite badly if you thought you could come back and resume our relationship. My affections are occupied elsewhere.

  She laughed, as if she totally missed his meaning. "Oh, Nicholas. I know you better than that. You love me. And I love you. There is no reason—"

  "I do not." He turned to his right to reach for Katie and scowled.

  She was gone.

  "Lizzie?" he asked, his brow a solid scowl. "Where is she?

  She only shook her head. "Katie left," she said quietly.

  Nick moved Miss Watson aside and ran for the door. Looking around desperately for her, he finally caught sight of the Adams' family coach pulling away from the church, leaving for home. Her small face was looking back toward him from the window, and when he met her gaze, she turned away, grief and betrayal showing in her eyes.

  "Nick?" Phebe's voice broke through his thoughts. "You left without me? I thought you might at least offer to take me for dinner."

  Nick didn't even acknowledge her. He turned and left, taking Lizzie's arm and setting her inside the carriage.

  "Kimbrow? To the Adams' house."

  Admitting the truth

  Katie waited until she closed her bedroom door before falling apart. Tears began to flow rapidly and relentlessly down her cheeks.

  She should have known this would happen. The sight of Miss Watson's intense, expectant expression as she leaned over to put a delicate hand on Nick's arm tugged at her heart. How could she? And what a horrible way to try to come back—in the middle of Mass! Father Michael had even looked filled with shock and distress.

  But Katie had been naïve to think the girl would not return to try to claim him. A light knock at the door made her turn.

  "Who is it?"

  "Katie, it's me." Her mother's voice spoke softly from the other side. Realizing she'd locked it, she rose and opened it.

  "Come in, Mother."

  "Katie, I only have one thing to say," her mother whispered. "I was watching the whole thing from the front. I saw her when she came through the door, looking so arrogant and—as I called her once before—calculating. She appeared to have been intentionally late, to gain as much attention as possible. Not only was it horrible to you, it was horrible to Nick, and extremely rude to Father Michael."

  "She came to get him back," she said miserably.

  "She did, indeed. But you, sweetheart, did not see the expression on his face, as I did."

  Katie lowered her gaze. "It doesn't matter, Mother. He'll go back to her. I know it."

  "You may think you know it. Obviously, you don't."

  Closing her eyes, Katie turned back to the room. "I think I'll lie down. Please, I don't wish to see anyone this afternoon."

  Her mother sighed. "I'll do what I can. But if Nick comes, I won't turn him away."

  Her mother left the room, and Katie climbed into bed and closed her eyes. When she opened them, Nick was standing in the room, staring down at her.

  "Your mother said you don't want to see me."

  She looked miserable. "I said—I didn't want to see anyone."

  "Why? Because of what happened at Mass this morning? Because Miss Watson showed up?"

  "Because you'll go back to her. She expects you to. From the looks on the faces of everyone else, they also expect it."

  Nick was pacing now. "I don't understand you, Katie," he said, turning back to her. This isn't about her. It's about you and me, spending the rest of our lives together. It disturbs me that you would give up on me so easily."

  "Oh, Nick," she whispered. "I so want to believe that."

  He approached the bed and leaned down over it, one hand on both sides of her. His eyes frowned down into hers intently. "Believe it." His voice was soft. "If you decide not to accept me, I'll remain single the rest of my days. We—you and I—could remain apart and live out our lives without each other. And what a miserable existence that would be." He stood there a long time, before straightening up. Striding to the door, he took one last look back at her.

  "You know where to find me, Kaitlynne," he said, before closing the door softly behind him.

  Katie rolled over on her side, drawing her knees up to her chest and the covers up over her head, sobbing.

  The next visitor was Lizzie, who ranted and raved because Phebe had the nerve to come back to town. She sat down on the bed, handing Katie a handkerchief from her drawer in the bedside table.

  "Thank you." Taking it, she blew her nose loudly. "I'm glad you're here, my friend."

  But Lizzie blinked, staring at her. When she rose, she remained quiet for a very long time before remarking, "I only have one more thing to say to you, Katie."

  Katie pushe
d herself up in the bed and stared at her. "I'm listening."

  "I hope you are," Lizzie said flatly. "Because it bothers me like hell to say this." She crossed down to the frame of the bed and took hold of the end of it, wrapping her arms around it and leaning her head against the wooden bedpost.

  Katie watched her warily. Lizzie's voice was a whisper, when she spoke. "Fight for him, Katie. Nick is my brother. He's loved you his whole life. So, she's come back. If you'd stayed around a little longer, this morning, you'd have heard what he said to her. He told her if she came back assuming she was going to pick up where she left off, she was wrong. He was about to introduce you to her, but when he turned around and reached for you, you were gone. You gave up."

  Katie's eyes became wide. "Is that what you think?"

  Lizzie's scowl took over her normally beautiful face. "Who cares what the hell I think. It's what Nick thinks." Her eyes were misty now. "If you throw him away, Katie, I'll never forgive you."

  The tears in Lizzie's eyes as she turned away touched Katie's heart.

  The door closed behind her less softly than it had behind Nick, and Katie covered her face with her hands.

  A little later, her father came into the room. Katie was still sitting up in the bed, when he walked in.

  "Hello, Papa." She looked up miserably. "Did you come to lecture me, too?"

  He didn't speak for a long time. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he stared at her. "I'm not going to lecture you, sweetheart. I know this morning was embarrassing for you. Your mother and I watched the faces of the parishioners who observed Miss Watson's approach. It might help for you to give them the benefit of the doubt. They were as surprised as Nick when she came in. I don't think anyone expected that to happen." He leaned against the high-boy and stared toward her before adding, "I just spent an hour talking to Nick in my study."

  She sniffled. "And?"

  "And," he said quietly. "I came away with the opinion that I did exactly the right thing, when I gave him my consent for your hand. You need to think about this long and hard, Katie. Do you love him? He certainly loves you." He reached for the door, and his eyes lit on hers again. "If I were you, I'd go over and talk to Nick— but understand me—tomorrow—not today," he said, raising an eyebrow. "Take the carriage, this time. Let Miss Watson know that you aren't giving up. How will you do that? By going and claiming your place at Nick's side. And by trusting him. You don't need to see her. Let Nick take care of that." He gave her an indulgent smile. "Trusting him, my darling, is something you haven't learned to do yet. But it's something you need to learn, desperately."


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