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Katie's Maverick (Strasburg: The New Generation Book 2)

Page 21

by Pippa Greathouse

  The room grew quiet. Geoff paused abruptly in his pursuit as Audra rose to her feet and bounced over to the spot where Phebe lay. If the crowd anticipated her reaching down to help Phebe up, however, they were mistaken. Audra leaned forward and grasped Phebe's tightly clutched fist, opening it. In utter surprise, Phebe let her.

  "I'll just be takin' this from you, dearie," Audra said, smiling. "I do believe Mr. Nicholas will be needing it, won't he?" She turned back to Eleanor, grinning. "Don't you think so, Eleanor?"

  "Oh, yes, I believe he will."

  All eyes followed Audra as she bounced back and forth on her way up to the front of the aisle, passing a surprised Geoff. Gracefully, for once in her life, she offered the ring to Nick with a curtsy.

  "Thank you, Mrs. Audra." He bowed graciously and turned back to Katie, who was trying desperately to keep from laughing. His look at her seemed to dare her to.

  Father Michael watched as the younger Wilder sister bounced back down the aisle. Geoffrey helped her to sit down in the pew and bowed to her. When he returned to the front to take his place as best man, Father Michael nodded. He'd known there was no point in beginning. No one was listening to him. He made the vows as short as possible.

  It was when he turned back to the crowd and introduced the bride and groom as Mr. and Mrs. Wellington, a howl went up in the back of the church. Everyone in the church turned to look back at Phebe, her face filled with hate.

  "I suppose you know, that 'darling little Katie' is most likely pregnant by now!"

  A silence fell upon the room as they looked from Katie to Phebe and back.

  However, it was Father Michael who answered, in a voice echoing throughout the room, "She may be, Miss Watson. But it doesn't matter. You see, everyone, I performed the Sacrament of Matrimony on Kaitlynne and Nicholas, weeks ago. This has been a renewal of their love and their vows to each other for the benefit of their families. If God blesses this union with a new life, it will give me great pleasure to be the one to perform the christening."

  Applause broke out through the room as Phebe exited the sanctuary with a bellow of rage.

  Nick swept Katie up in his arms and planted a less than chaste kiss on her lips before leading the eager followers down to the basement for the reception.

  Katie looked up as Lizzie approached her in the basement.

  "You can relax now. Father has just dispatched Mr. Kimbrow to escort Phebe Watson home. She's packing her things right now." She shook her head. "She refused to take the train, after the railway wreck earlier this year outside Winchester."

  "Oh, Lizzie. Thank you for telling me she's leaving. That's such good news."

  Another voice, deep and male, interrupted, "Congratulations, Katie. And Lizzie, please give your father a grateful thank you for escorting her out of Strasburg." Thomas, the older brother of Cicely and Polly, had approached. "After the trickery she performed at Cicely's wedding, I'm sure Polly and Geoff will be quite appreciative. And Miss Lizzie, I believe you promised me a game of chess this afternoon?" He held out his hand.

  "I did indeed, sir." Lizzie put her small hand in his, grinning toward Katie as he led her away. Katie grinned back.

  "I saw Adam Kimbrow approaching her, Katie. I can't believe she'll really be gone," Grandmother Thatcher said behind Katie. "This town has needed to be rid of her for a long time." She turned Katie to face her and hugged her tightly. "My darling, your grandfather and I are so proud of you and Nick. I'm sorry about what happened at the wedding." But before letting her go, her grandmother whispered in her ear, "And I thought you'd like to know she already has two black eyes."

  Katie couldn't help it. She howled with laughter and her grandmother gave her a satisfied grin, before returning to her grandfather's side. Mrs. Billings was sitting at a table near the same spot her cot had been, just a week earlier. She looked regal as she chatted with the Wilder sisters and appeared twenty years younger. Audra Wilder seemed in her element as people from the town crowded around her to hear the story of her deed in the sanctuary.

  "Well, you know, it was the same way she tripped up little Katie a few weeks ago when she caused her to break her wrist. Wasn't it, Eleanor?"

  "Yes, it was indeed, Audra. Quite."

  Audra continued. "It was the least I could do. And she had Nick's ring clutched in her hand. What else was I to do? That ring was for little Katie."

  Lizzie, standing next to Katie, rolled her eyes. "Beware, Katie. You will always and forever be referred to as "little Katie."

  Nick's deep voice, over Katie's head, answered, "Ah, but you should have seen them during the time we were all confined here due to the snow, Lizzie. They were magnificent. And I'll be forever thankful to Mrs. Audra for returning Katie's ring today. It all happened so fast. By the time my brain returned from the surprise, I don't know if I could have caught up with Miss Watson."

  "I swear," Geoff spoke from his left, with Polly under his arm. "I don't know where she came from. We all watched to see if she was here. No one saw her come in."

  "I was on the same row, and I didn't see her, either," Polly added apologetically. "Cicely said to tell you congratulations. She wasn't feeling well, and Abel dragged her home for a nap."

  One by one, the people from town came by to utter their best wishes, until the basement hall was beginning to empty. The Wilder sisters came by for one last hug, and Mrs. Billings put her arms around Katie, giving the couple her best. Geoff carried her up the stairs, and the Wilders followed, one on each side, and walked her back to the dormitory before returning home. Louisa was behind them, with a wave toward Katie and Nick, passing Father Michael on the way.

  "Proud of you, my children." He gave them both his usual indulgent smile. "The fondest image I have of you in my head will always be of you both covered in soot, standing in my office and uttering your vows to each other. But I won't forget seeing you both as good Samaritans, seeing to the needs of others, just as your families have always done. You'll make a wonderful team in Strasburg. God bless you both."

  Katie leaned up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "Thank you, Father," she whispered.

  Many of the staff were waiting for them when they reached Pembroke. James, the aging butler, welcomed them in with a big smile as Nick swept Katie up into his arms and carried her in.

  Geoff was on his way down the gracefully curved staircase as they passed the large statues everyone referred to as the sentinels, in the foyer, and Lizzie was standing outside the drawing room.

  Miss Hazel had beaten them home and came toward Nick with a determined expression on her face. "I wish to know what you desire to do about supper, Nicholas. The family is all here."

  Nick looked at her blankly. "Has my mother no instructions?"

  "She said to ask you."

  "Wonderful." Nick looked down at Katie, who met his gaze with huge eyes. Finally, he gave a decisive nod to his elder brother.

  "Geoff will be the future head of the house. Ask him."

  Geoff shook his head. "Ask Lizzie."

  Miss Hazel turned toward Lizzie, who scowled. "Tea at five, Miss Hazel," she said thoughtfully. "Dinner at seven thirty, as usual? But don't expect Nick and Katie. You might send up a tray for them around eight and just knock twice and leave it outside the door."

  "Thank you, Miss Lizzie. Someone around here needs to make some decisions." Miss Hazel huffed away.

  "Good job, Lizzie." Geoff responded. "But I think Thomas is waiting for you in the drawing room.

  Lizzie only glared at him. "Why can't we just make Miss Hazel in charge of everything?"

  Nick, however, kept on going, with Katie in his arms.

  Katie giggled. But as Nick set her on her feet at the top of the stairs, she frowned. "Oh no, you don't, Nicholas." Hands on her hips, she jutted out her chin and pointed up toward the next set of stairs. "All the way to the top."

  He picked her up and put her over his shoulder, face down, and groaned.

  "Nicholas! No groaning, now. Not fair. You've alway
s called me—"

  "I called you short stuff," he retorted. "Not light stuff."

  A small fist pounded on his back, followed by a gasp. "Ow."

  Nick carried her the rest of the way up the stairs and set her down. "Kaitlynne Wellington, did you just hit me with your injured wrist?"

  She was holding her right wrist with her good hand, looking guilty. "Umm..."

  "I swear."

  "Don't swear," she said, in a small voice. "It's not nice."

  He took her down the hall to their room and moved her inside, with his hand to the small of her back, and closed the door. He stopped to check her wrist to make sure it wasn't injured. Then, marching her over toward the bed, he bent her over it and raised her dress. Pantaloons met his eyes, covering her bottom.

  "What's this?"

  "It's a special occasion. Hannah made them for me."

  His response was to give the ribbon a tug, watching them fall to the floor. "What did I tell you, young lady?"

  "Nick, I'm sorry. I just forgot it was my broken—"

  "You will be sorry, if you've reinjured your wrist and caused yourself more problems. I promise, you'll get more than this." His hand came down on her bare bottom over and over again, reddening it, as she shrieked. Suddenly, he stopped. Rubbing her backside, he plunged his hands down in between her legs.

  Katie's head came up in shock, and she gasped.

  Nick leaned forward, over her, growling into her ear quietly, "I've missed the sight of this little bottom."

  She raised her head and kissed his mouth, staring into his eyes. "Oh, Nick. I've missed you, too."

  He reached upward onto the bed with one hand and grabbed two pillows, stacking them, and then picked her up and laid her over them so her bottom was raised in the air. Climbing up behind her, he leaned down again. "Katie, I swear to you, I had intended to be gentle and slow with you today," he said, pushing up the wedding gown so her lower half was completely bare. "But I can't make myself do it. Not right now."

  "Forget being gentle and slow." She raised up on her elbows, and he put one hand on her back to push her back down. "I love it when you're…"

  "Shh. No talking. Head down on the bed, young lady. Bottom up, and spread your legs."

  When she hesitated, he smacked her backside, hard, and urged her legs further apart. "Obey me, Kaitlynne."

  She gasped as he found her channel and sighed as his member began to thrust inside her, less than gently.

  Nick leaned forward, elbows on the bed under her, and took her breasts in his large hands. She was pushing back against him and was writhing against his groin. He could feel it as her orgasm built, and he reached back one hand to plunge a finger deep into her bottom.

  To his surprise, a guttural cry erupted from her that seemed to last an eternity, and Katie came apart, her little body shuddering over and over again until she collapsed onto the bed., panting.

  "Oh, Nick," she whispered, shivering.

  "I think you liked that." His voice was a combination of amusement and control.

  Katie nodded, smiling.

  It had all been a blur, Katie thought, as she lay in Nick's powerful arms. He had just made love to her for the fourth time and had curled her into the curve of his body, kissing his way down the back of her neck and down her shoulder.

  "Oh, Kaitlynne. How can I tell you what you do to me?"

  "Mm," she breathed, smiling. "Suppose you try?"

  "Suppose I try," he repeated. "Well, let me put it this way, my darling." He paused, and she turned in his arms to look up into his handsome face in the moonlight that came through the window."


  He grinned and leaned forward to kiss her nose.

  "Now, my darling." He chuckled in a low, dusky voice. "Now, you have killed me."

  "Have I, sir?"

  "You have, indeed," he whispered, kissing her ear. "I'm down to five."

  The End

  Pippa Greathouse

  Pippa Greathouse has been writing since the fifth grade, after each student was given an assignment to read aloud a story to the class of their writing. One horrified teacher later, and a class of students who thought the horror story was “cool,” and she was hooked.

  She is married, and has two fantastic children, who have grown and left the nest.

  Since then, the writing has continued. She now is an author for Blushing Books, and still loves what she does. Her favorite genre is writing historical fiction romances, where men are “strong, Alpha men” and their feisty ladies respond to that. And historical fiction is perfect for that! However, she also loves writing contemporary romantic fiction.

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Pippa Greathouse and Blushing Books!

  Time for Change

  Macie’s War

  Catching Carrie

  The Conquered Series (With Ruby Caine)

  Conquered by the Captain, Book One

  Conquered by the Commander, Book Two

  The Strasburg Chronicles

  Angelica’s Rescuer: Book One

  Merrie’s Hero: Book Two

  Cinderella’s Lawman: Book Three

  The Return Of Lucy Grace: Book Four

  Miriam’s Rebirth: Book Five

  Strasburg: The New Generation

  Judging Cicely, Book One

  Katie’s Maverick, Book Two


  Angelica’s Rescuer

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