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Perfect Love Story (Love Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Natasha Madison

  When the alarm sounds softly, I groan and reach out for it. But my hand is pressed into my bed. I roll over, taking Hailey with me, her groan of frustration filling the room. My chest tickles from her hair. After attacking each other at the door, she refused to let me put on a shirt, so we made out on my bed most of the night. Until we fell asleep. “It’s five thirty,” I tell her, kissing her neck, and she mumbles something. It takes me ten more minutes to get her up, and when I kiss her goodbye, the sun is up, and it hurts to watch her walk away.

  I pick up my phone, texting my mother.

  Can you watch Mila this weekend?

  I put my phone down and pour a cup of coffee. My phone rings. I grab it when I realize it’s my mother.

  “Hello, Mother,” I say. Looking at the time, I see it’s almost six. “You’re up early.”

  “I could say the same to you. Busy day ahead?” she asks.

  “Yeah, somewhat. I have a couple of jobs to check out. Nothing more than usual.” I take a gulp of coffee.

  “So how about I take Mila on Friday and bring her back Monday? It would give you a good break. You could grab the boys and go fishing.”

  Except the boys are the furthest thing from my mind. The only thing I’ll be doing is learning every single part of Hailey. “Sounds great,” I tell her, and we make plans for her to pick Mila up tomorrow. I make Mila breakfast as soon as she wakes, and my day goes by at a snail’s pace. I get a text that night from Hailey asking about my day as soon as I put Mila down.

  I don’t bother texting her. “My day was long as fuck. How was yours?” I say when she answers.

  “It was good, long also. I’m just climbing into bed. I have a killer headache.”

  “Do you, why?” I ask, going to my own room.

  “No clue, maybe the computer.” I hear rustling, knowing she is getting under the covers.

  “So do you have plans for dinner tomorrow?” I ask her as I hear her laugh.

  “Crystal and I are bringing Blake to check out the local band at the pub.”

  “Oh, you’ll like that,” I tell her.

  “Do you want to meet me there?” she asks.

  I smile. “I would love to meet you there.”

  We talk for about an hour. I hear her voice getting lower and lower and then ever so soft, so I tell her sweet dreams. She whispers them back to me, and I stay on the line after she hangs up. She is on my mind the whole night, and I dream of her and her laugh. The next day, I rush through what has to get done. I’m just getting home when she texts me to meet her at seven.

  I shower and change the sheets, hoping she’ll come home with me tonight. I pull out my black jeans and brown long-sleeve shirt. Pulling the sleeves up, I grab my watch and run my fingers through my hair. I pull up to the pub five minutes after seven.

  I walk in, not sure where she will be sitting, but my eyes don’t move far because she is standing near the bar. My heart stops in my chest as she looks over her shoulder. “Holy fuck,” I say to myself as I take her in. She is wearing the tightest pair of blue jeans ever invented. Her white shirt hangs off both shoulders, and her sleeves go all the way to her wrists. Her hair is in curls and pulled over one bare shoulder. I look down to see she is wearing tan strappy fucking heels. When she smiles at me, I see a gold choker on her thin neck. My cock spring into action as my jeans tighten so hard I thank god the lights are dim and hopefully no one can see me saluting.

  As I make my way to her, she turns to talk to the bartender, ordering something. “Hey,” I say, my hand coming out to hold her hip, and she leans over to kiss my cheek.

  “I’m all by myself,” she tells me. “Blake left early, something about having a situation that required his help.” The bartender returns with a glass of wine for her and a bottle of beer. “I ordered you a beer.”

  “You look beautiful,” I tell her, my tongue dry from looking at her. She looks down, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

  “Thank you,” she whispers in my ear, leaning over to make sure I hear. “You look hot yourself.” She smiles, taking a sip of wine. I look into her eyes and see a twinkle, and I’m wondering if she’s thinking the same thing I’m thinking.

  “Hey, you two,” Crystal says, breaking our trance. I take a pull of my drink, turning to look at her cousin, and I almost spit out my beer. Holy fuck, Gabe is going to lose his shit. She’s standing in front me wearing tight black jeans, and I mean tight,

  but that’s not the problem. It’s the sheer black halter she’s wearing without a bra. She throws her blond hair over her shoulder, putting her hand out to catch the bartender’s eyes, and does she ever. “We need three shots of tequila,” she says as she smiles at Pat, grabbing her credit card.

  “That’s okay. Pat, put everything on my tab,” I say from beside her, and she smiles at me.

  “Aren’t you the sweetest.” She looks at Hailey. “That shirt is the bomb.” They trade stories of the day, my hand never leaving Hailey’s hip. I look at the door, seeing Brody and Darla come in.

  Darla spots us, waving her hand. “Holy fuck,” she spits out when she gets closer and takes in Hailey and then Crystal. “Oh my god, I’m so happy I came tonight.” She looks at Crystal. “That outfit is to die for. I need to borrow that top.”

  “Over my dead body,” Brody says from beside her. “Not even just for me. Besides, I don’t think it’ll last the night,” he says, looking away as two beers appear on the counter with the shots of tequila.

  “Shots,” Darla yells out, throwing her hand up, while Brody and I both throw our heads back and groan. The girls toss back the shots and order another round.

  “One more and that’s it,” Hailey says from beside me.

  “What?” Crystal and Darla both look at her, but Darla speaks. “You are no fun.” As they take another shot of tequila. “Country Girl” begins to play, causing Darla to yell, “We need to dance.”

  Hailey finishes off her wine, then leans in and kisses me on the lips in front of everyone. “Be back.”

  I lean on the bar as I watch the three of them in the middle of the pub. Every man watches and some women join them while others just glare at them. “How much are we betting that Gabe is going to lose his shit,” Brody says, grabbing his beer and draining it.

  “I’m almost afraid to be here if he shows up.” I groan when “Save a Horse” comes on.

  “Oh, she’s here.” Brody points at Crystal. “So he’s going to show up. Plus, I may have texted him and told him we are here.” He laughs as Darla yells she’s riding a cowboy tonight.

  They stay on the dance floor till they are out of breath, then come back to the bar to order more shots. “Okay, fine,” Hailey says. “One more.” She then looks at me and winks.

  “You having fun?” I ask her when she leans into me.

  “I am.” She smiles, picking up her shot, and eyes me while she licks her hand and puts salt on it. My cock springs to action, my eyes watching her every single move. She licks the salt, downs the shot, winces, and sucks on the lime. “That is gross.”

  I look at Darla and Crystal, who take another shot and chase it with a glass of water. The band takes the stage, causing the music to get louder. Hailey picks up the glass of white wine I ordered for her while she danced.

  I’m about to lean in and say something to her when I hear, “What the fuck are you wearing?” hissed next to me, and Brody just laughs. Crystal turns around, putting a hand on her hip.

  “An outfit.” She glares at him.

  “Is that right?” He puts his hands in his back pockets, his dress shirt buttons almost snapping off.

  “I think I need another shot,” she says when she takes in his look.

  Darla sees the look Gabe is giving and claps her hands. “I’m so happy I didn’t miss tonight,” she says as they take another shot.

  “I’m going to go to the bathroom,” Hailey says, grabbing Crystal, and Darla follows them. Brody pushes a bottle of beer in Gabe’s hand while his eyes never leave Crysta
l’s back.

  I’m about to take a sip of my beer when I see Kimberley. “Incoming,” Brody says, when she spots me and raises her hand.

  “Hey,” she says breathlessly. “I didn’t know I would see you here tonight.” Coming to my side, she leans against the bar. “You look good.”

  “Um.” I look at my hand and then back up, seeing her smile as she tucks her hair behind her ear.

  “Is someone sitting here?” She points at the bar stool no one is actually sitting on.

  “Actually, there is.” I nod at her, but don’t say anything else because Hailey’s walking back from the bathroom. She stands next to me, my hand going out and automatically gripping her.

  “Oh,” Kimberley says, her eyes blinking a million times. “I didn’t know you two …”

  “Hi.” Hailey smiles at her. “We met, right?” She tilts her head, and I know my girl is not playing right now.

  “Yeah, when you moved into town. I work for Walker,” Kimberley tells her.

  “That’s right. You work for Jensen and Brody.” She grabs her glass of wine.

  “I see some friends,” Kimberley says, walking away. Darla snickers. The band tells us they’re going to slow things down and the guitar riff starts.

  “Come on, cowboy,” Darla says, “you owe me a dance.” He follows her to the crowded dance floor.

  “You want to dance?” I ask Hailey. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor. I take her in my arms, and even with her heels on, I’m still just a bit taller. Her hand goes around my neck, and one of my hands wrapping around her waist. I look over at Gabe, who is following Crystal outside. He makes sure I see him, waving at us.

  “There goes my ride.” Hailey smiles at me.

  “Come home with me.” Four words. Four words that hang in the air. Four words that mean so much while she looks down and then up.

  “Okay.” She leans in and whispers in my ear, “Only if I get to sleep over.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  We say goodbye to Darla and Brody, walking out. Lost in our own thoughts, we remain quiet on the way to his house. Butterflies fill my stomach, my heart feels like it’s going to explode in my chest, my body aware of every time his hand touches me as he drives. From the way his thumb moves on my thigh to the way he picks up my hand and brings it to his lips.

  Parking the car, he looks over at me, and I smile. My hand reaches for the handle to open the door, and I step out of the truck. Jensen walks around the back of the truck to my side. I turn to look at him, but he backs me up against the truck. The cool metal on my back causes me to arch into him a bit. His hands bury in my hair, and he pulls my face to his, his lips on mine, his tongue dancing with mine. The kiss leaves me wanting so much more, aching for him, aching for his touch. We walk with his arm around my neck and my arms wrapped around his waist, and when we reach the front door, he reaches into his pocket to get the keys out. Opening the door, only a dim light glows as we walk across his house to his bedroom. A bedroom I’ve been in about a hundred times now, but knowing what is to come makes my palms start to sweat.

  He stops us when we get to the doorway of his room and turns me toward him. He leans in and kisses my bare shoulder, the prickle of his beard making me shiver. “There is no pressure; there is no rush,” he tells me, trailing kisses from my shoulder to my neck. “It’s just me and you.” He kisses up my neck. My palms lie flat against his chest, and I feel his heart beating almost as fast as mine. “I want you,” he whispers as his tongue trails up and down my neck, “but at any time.” He sucks a bit, and I arch my back into his touch. He stops kissing me and looks at me, his thumb tracing my bottom lip. “We go at your pace,” he says, looking into my eyes. “I don—” My hand stops him from talking.

  “Nothing in this world can stop this from happening. There is nothing in this world I want more than to be with you”—I inhale—“completely with you.” I move closer to him, our chests connected, the heat from both of us seeping into each other. I wrap my hands around his neck, giving myself a little bit more courage, our hearts beat against each other, his hands on my hips. “So are you going to kiss me or not?” I smile as the words come out, but then his lips crash into mine. His hands grab my ass, pulling me to him. Turning me, he backs me into his room until the back of my legs hit the bed, our mouths never leaving each other. My hands roam down the front of his chest to the hem of his shirt. I pull his shirt up, my fingertips working their way up his six-pack. He trails kisses from my face to my neck, then back up to my ear. The sting from his beard makes one of my shoulders rise up, my hands now pushing his shirt up, but he pulls away from me. Reaching his hand back, he rips his shirt over his head and stands in front of me. I reach for the hem of my shirt, but he pushes my hands away.

  “I’ve waited for this for a long time.” His voice deep. “So many times, I wondered what you were wearing and wanted to reach under your shirt.” His hands caress my smooth stomach. Looking down, I see his hands under my shirt, feel his hands move up to my breasts, my chest going up and down as I wait for the moment his hands cup me. His palms finally cover my breast, and I feel his heat through the lace bra I’m wearing. My nipples peak as my hips move forward to feel his hardness. “Fuck,” he hisses when his hand goes to my back and he feels the lace. I cross my arms in front of me, pulling the shirt over my head. I stand there in front of him in my lace bra. Both his hands now go to my breasts, and I look down, seeing his tanned hands on my white skin. “Fits perfectly,” he says as he leans down to take a pebbled nipple into his mouth, lace and all. My hand goes to his head while I throw my head back, my senses gone now. He repeats the same thing with the other one. My nipples get harder with the wetness and the cool air. “I have to see you,” he hisses and looks like he is going to rip the bra off. I turn around, showing him the back. He groans when he sees the satin crisscross down the middle of my back with a bow tied at the end. He gently pulls the string, undoing the bow, his fingers pulling the satin away till the bra falls to the floor. Turning, I stand in front of him. I look down at myself, my full b cup size, my nipples a dark pink as they pebble. I watch him looking down at me, his hands coming up to cup them in his hands. His eyes never waver from his hands while he rolls each nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The sensation shoots straight to my core, my stomach pulling as it gets tight. My breathing comes in pants as my body wakes for him. “I’m going to fuck these by the time you leave my bed,” he says as he pushes them together, and my eyes close, picturing him straddling me as he tit fucks me, my tongue coming out to lick his cock with each forward thrust.

  “Jensen,” I whisper when he bends his head, taking a nipple into his mouth, this time biting it before rolling it with his tongue. He trails his tongue down the center of my chest to my stomach. Getting on his knees in front of me, he kisses my stomach from left to right, my stomach sucking in. His hands on my hips move to the front of my jeans and one hand roams over the seam of the zipper.

  My pussy clenches while I watch his hand go up and down. My hand’s in his hair when he finally unsnaps the button, the sound of the zipper louder than we are.

  The matching white lace panties are revealed when he pushes my jeans down my hips. His face nuzzles into my pussy as his hot tongue comes out to lick my slit through my panties.

  My legs start to shake when I feel him. “Jensen,” I plead when my legs finally give out, and I have to sit on the bed. He unties my shoes, throwing them over his shoulder, then pulls my pants off.

  He stands up in front of me, my eyes level with his hardness. My hand goes to his button to unsnap it, and then I pull down his zipper. Black Calvin’s are the only thing between me and him. My hand cups his cock as I rub up and down, and he throws his head back and moans.

  I lean forward as I suck the head in through his Calvin’s. The saltiness of pre-cum that leaked out hits my tongue. “No,” he says, pushing me down on the bed. He’s looking down at me, standing between my open legs.
  He kicks off his shoes, and I prop myself on my elbows to watch him the whole time. “Get in the middle of the bed.” It’s not a suggestion; it’s a demand. I turn, getting on my knees, my thong showing my bare ass to him as I look over my shoulder.

  His eyes go so dark, they look black. “You play with fire, you’re going to get burned.” His voice sends a shiver down my body. I lie in the middle of the bed as he crawls to me like I’m his prey. My legs open for him, his hand cupping my breast as he buries his face in my neck, and I feel the weight of him over me. He sucks on my neck as his hunger takes over me. Gone is the soft, gentle Jensen, and in his place is a man who wants to own me.

  “I wanted to go slow,” he mumbles between kissing, sucking, and nibbling, the whole time his hand rolling my nipple. “I just can’t.” My legs push back and my hands scratch up his back as the need fills me.

  His mouth claims mine this time, his hips rocking into me. My body goes tight, the touches lighting me up everywhere from my head to the tips of my toes. I need him closer; I need more of him.

  His hand moves from my breast down my stomach and then his hand slips into my panties. His fingers slip through the folds, the tip of his middle finger grazing my clit, and he easily slips two fingers into me.

  I release his mouth to arch my back, throwing my head against the pillow. My hands explore up and down his back while his fingers fuck me, pushing me, making me chase the orgasm. His palm moving side to side on my clit, my stomach gets tight, my hips raise to meet his fingers each time he thrusts.

  “I’m goi—” I don’t say anything because his mouth swallows my words, he swallows my groan, he swallows everything. I come on his fingers, and he doesn’t stop; he continues playing my body like a fiddle. My eyes open looking into his. “Jensen.”

  My fingers trace his lips now to his cheek while he slips his fingers out of me. His weight leaves me, and he kneels in the middle of my legs with his pants still undone. My legs fall to the side, leaving myself open for him.


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