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Harbour (Runaway Home #1)

Page 18

by Penelope Louleas

  "Harbour. Did you really buy me sex toys for my birthday?"

  I nod and bite my lip nervously.

  "Best. Birthday. Ever." His bright smile lights up the room, and I exhale a breathe I didn’t realize I was holding. I go over to him and sit on his lap.

  "Let’s have a look shall we?" He sounds excited.

  He pulls out the Bondage for Beginners kit and reads the box. "Blindfold, handcuffs, rope, flogger . . . Damn, baby. I had no idea you were kinky."

  I shrug, "Just curious, I guess."

  He turns my head toward him and kisses me deeply. I can feel his arousal. I break the kiss with a sigh against his lips. "Open the next bag," I whisper seductively.

  With me still on his lap, he reaches for the bag and pulls out the tube of lube. My heart is racing. This is uncharted territory for me.

  "Um . . . babe . . . Tell me if I'm reading this wrong, but are you giving me your ass as a gift?"

  I slide off his lap and face him. His face is unreadable. Suddenly, I feel like I've made a big mistake.

  "Well, I figure it's not a big deal for you, but I—"

  He cuts me off before I can explain. "Harbour. This is a big deal. Don't get me wrong, I want to claim every inch of you, but do you really want this?"

  I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and nod. I'm such a dumbass. I'm sitting here embarrassed by the conversation, but I'm the one who brought it up by buying the lube. What did I expect, really? Of course we were going to discuss it.

  "Lincoln, I want you to take me in each possible way, so yes. I want it. Happy birthday."

  After a moment of silence he erupts with laughter. "Harbour, you're one of a kind. I never in my wildest dreams would've imagined I'd be spending my thirtieth birthday discussing anal sex. How about we put the lube in our room and when the moment is right, we'll know?"

  I roll my eyes. "Jeez, Lincoln, I wasn't expecting you to rip my pants off and fuck my ass as soon as you realized." Well, maybe I was. But if that happened, I'm sure the ride to his parents’ house wouldn't have been very comfortable.

  Lincoln throws the items on the sofa next to us and leans forward, clutching my face and staring at me, his expression completely serious.

  "I don't like talking about other women I've fucked, but you should know the only reason I ever fucked them there was because they were—how do I say this—loose. The only way I could feel anything was to try another avenue. So seeing as you have the tightest, most amazing pussy in the world, I don't need to fuck your ass. But I will. And when I do, you'll fucking love it."

  He kisses me hard, and although he just openly spoke about fucking other women, I choose to focus on his very positive statement. Well played, Lincoln.

  Before I realize what's happening, were both naked and Lincoln is pounding into me on the couch. It's hard and fast, and when he comes, he shouts my name like he’s cursing.


  After a long shower and a lazy lunch, Lincoln and I decide to head out for a few hours. I need to keep him occupied until we can leave at eight thirty p.m. and I just don't think I have it in me to have sex for the next seven hours straight.

  We take the Harley out for a ride, which kills about two hours, and then head back to the apartment for a nap. Well, we were supposed to watch a movie, but after twenty minutes we were both asleep.

  I wake up in bed and I panic. What time is it? Lincoln is sound asleep next to me but I don't wake him. I head to the kitchen where I left my purse and find my phone. Eight p.m. Shit! Time to get a move on. At least I don't have to worry too much about what I'm wearing as I'll be changing once we arrive. I quickly slip into the shower alone, because I know if I wake Lincoln now, he'll join me, and we'll be late. I rush to style my hair and throw on a pretty sundress I bought earlier this week.

  I gently wake Lincoln at eight p.m. "Come on, birthday boy. I can't have you all to myself today. Your family wants to see you too."

  He moans deliciously and slowly opens his eyes. "I don't know, I think they'd understand if I told them what you bought me. They might be surprised to see us, in fact." He gives me a cheeky grin and pulls me on top of him.

  "Down boy, we're already late as it is. Come on, let's go." I kiss him and quickly escape his grasp.

  He takes a shower and I find a casual shirt and pair of jeans for him to wear. The wardrobe smells like him. The subtle scent of his cologne lingers in the air, mixed with that freshly-laundered-clothes smell. I take a deep inhale through my nose and walk back into the bedroom.

  Lincoln exits the bathroom, completely naked, and looking like he's been carved from stone. His hair is still damp and brushes across his forehead. He makes his way over to me while I attempt to calm my raging hormones.

  "I love when you look at me like that," he breathes close to my ear as he takes the clothing from my hands. I let my eyes drag down his body, deliberately stopping at his now erect cock before I look back up at his face.

  "I can see that."

  I sit on the edge of the bed and watch him dress. To me, this sight is almost as sexy as when he removes his clothing. My favorite part is watching him attempt to put his pants on. "This is your fault. Stop watching me like you want to eat me, or I'll let you. I don't give a fuck how late we are."

  I giggle and leave the room. Damn, it's an amazing feeling knowing you can make a man that perfect horny.


  We decide to take a car to the party, or late dinner, as Lincoln thinks it is. I have a feeling he's onto us. I mean, what normal people have dinner at nine p.m?

  We pull up to his parent’s estate and they've done a great job of hiding the cars. The only ones in view are the Whitmores'. I texted Jackie while Lincoln was dressing to tell her we were on our way. The driver sent a message when we were closer so they could get into position.

  We make our way up the stairs to the front door and the housekeeper lets us in. After a birthday hug from her, she tells us everyone is outside.

  "What's up, sweetheart? You look nervous." Lincoln stops just before the door to the backyard.

  "Just excited! Go." I open the door and gently push him out.


  Everyone in the room erupts. I turn to Lincoln and watch his expression. After the shock wears off, a genuine smile crosses his beautiful face.

  "You did this?" he asks me with a hint of admiration in his tone.

  "Jackie and I did. Surprise!"

  He smiles broadly and before he's inundated with well wishes, he scoops me back and kisses me passionately in front of everyone, only stopping when Ben yells out something inappropriate.

  "I love you so much. Thank you," he whispers against my lips as he stands me back upright.

  "Let's say hello to everyone. And I love you, too." I wink at him and we make our way through the crowd. After an hour of hellos and two Lethal Lincoln cocktails, we head up to the room to change into our beach-themed outfits.

  Jackie leads the way, directing Lincoln and I into separate rooms. "I’m not an idiot. You've got five minutes. There's no time for funny business."

  I giggle and close my door to start changing. I pick up the dress and it's beautiful. I slip it over my head and the silk slides down my body effortlessly. It's fitted in all the right places. It has three-quarter length sleeves, a V neckline and it ends mid-thigh. The different blues make it look like the


  There's a knock on the door and Lincoln and Jackie enter. Lincoln looks edible in a white short-sleeved shirt and khaki shorts.

  "Wow! Two things; I'm good, and you're hot," Jackie remarks.

  "You look stunning, baby. Jackie, I thought you loved me? Do you want me to leave my own party early?" Lincoln eyes my dress the whole time he speaks.

  "What does that mean?" Jackie defensively asks.

  "You're going to have me stay here all night and keep my hands off this woman? Impossible!" Jackie and I laugh, but Lincoln's face remains serious.

  "Oh, I can't forget. One last t
hing." Jackie enters the wardrobe and Lincoln walks towards me like a lion stalking his prey. He leans forward and whispers in my ear, "Harbour, do yourself a favor and don't drink too much tonight. You're going to want to remember everything I do to you later. Vividly."

  I swallow hard and my heartbeat accelerates. I nod.

  "Good girl," he says before planting a delicate kiss on my lips. So innocent except for the fact he’s squeezing my ass with one hand.

  "Cease and desist, you two. Jesus!" Jackie reminds me we're not alone. She walks up and hands me a box. I squeal with delight.

  "Are these . . . Oh my God!" I open the box to reveal a pair of stunning Jimmy Choo strappy sandals.

  "Nothing says 'beach theme' like a pair of Jimmy Choos," Jackie says through her giggle. "Mom saw you eyeing them off when we went shopping last week."

  "This is too much, Jackie. Thank you!" I hug her and sit on the edge of the bed. Lincoln lifts my feet and places the sexy heels on, fastening them in place. "Perfect fit, Cindy." He winks at me. He remembers my fake name. The name is as fitting now as it was that night.

  "These don't leave your feet until I say so." He helps me up onto shaky legs and kisses my hand.

  "Let's go party!" Jackie leads us back out to the where the guests are waiting and for the rest of the night we dance, laugh, and I even get to sing a song with the band. It's the perfect night. Lincoln is having a great time and I get to meet all of his friends and family. Even when we're separated I can feel his eyes searching for me. It’s comforting knowing that he needs to know where I am.

  As two a.m. approaches and the crowd thins, Jackie, Dianne and I sit at a table and begin discussing plans for the 4th of July.

  "You're coming up to the Hamptons, right Har?" It's not really a question.

  "I’m not sure. I'll have to check with Lincoln." I really hope he wants to go. I love fireworks and from what I've heard, they're amazing up there. As if he heard me say his name, Lincoln comes over to us. "Hello beautiful ladies, have you enjoyed the evening?"

  "We should be asking you that," Jackie responds.

  "It was amazing. Thank you all again for planning it." He had thanked us earlier in a speech. He referred to me as the woman he loves, which made the female guests swoon. Thankfully, I didn't have to deal with any jealous looks. This was a classy bunch.

  "Lincoln, you guys are coming to the Hamptons for the 4th, yeah?" Jackie asks.

  Lincoln looks at me questioningly. I nod in answer to his unasked question.

  "I guess that’s a yes." He kisses me gently while Jackie rambles on about how much fun it will be.

  At four a.m, I’m exhausted and ready for bed. We say goodnight to everyone and make our way to the car. Thankfully the drive is quick and in less than thirty minutes Lincoln and I are tearing each other's clothing off in our hallway.

  We finally make it to the bed, three orgasms later. It’s not until the fifth that I collapse and quickly fall asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The 4th of July weekend has arrived and for the last week, Lincoln has been acting strange. I have already asked him several times what was up, but he always responds the same way, a mind-blowing kiss. Not that I mind that, but I really do want to know.

  After arriving in the Hamptons and taking a few moments to pick my jaw up off the ground, we make our way inside the Whitmores’ colossal beach-front mansion. It’s so odd to me that a house can be this big but still feel like a home. Its white clinical walls are plastered in color family photos. The couches are large and overstuffed, and look comfortable and inviting.

  We head to the kitchen and I stop at the entry to take it all in. It’s like a modern, supersized version of a county cottage kitchen. The benches are made of thick pieces of oak, exposed rivets and all. They look well used, which is surprising, as I can't imagine the family has much time to spend up here. The appliances are all white and I’m sure, top of the line. The best part about this kitchen? It smells like cookies. Seriously. Like warm, chocolate-chip cookies.

  I look over to the corner and correct myself. The best thing in this kitchen is Lincoln leaning in the fridge, reaching for the milk, opening it, and taking a big drink straight from the bottle. I watch his throat move as he swallows and before my feet can levitate towards him, Dianne chastising Lincoln for drinking from the bottle interrupts my inappropriate kitchen fantasy. Ignoring his mother, Lincoln holds the bottle towards me. "Want some, sweetheart? You’re looking at me like you haven’t had a drink in days."

  He winks and I blush, knowing full well his mum heard him. She exits the room with a knowing grin, leaving us alone. I clear my throat and take a seat at the bench with my back to him.

  "No thank you. I’ve had enough ‘white fluid’ intake for the day." I hear sputtering and Jackie walks in just in time to see her brother try to regain his composure.

  "Really, Lincoln, you’re gross." She throws a towel at him and I look over my shoulder and smirk.

  After an obscene amount of cookies, we all head up to our rooms to unpack and prepare for the night ahead. As per my request, Lincoln and I are in separate rooms. As much as I would love to sleep in his arms, I don’t think he and I have the strength to not have sex and scream the place down. I agree with Lincoln that tomorrow night we can stay in a hotel. It will be the 4th of July, so after the fireworks by the bay, we’ll make our own in the hotel suite. I’m already looking forward to it.

  The night runs smoothly with a delicious dinner at the house and maybe one too many Margaritas. After a hot kiss in the hallway, I say goodnight to Lincoln. The sexy growl he lets out makes closing the door between us very difficult. I swear, it feels as though it’s made of lead.

  I don’t last the night. Like a cheeky teenager, I creep into Lincoln’s room and realize there’s a good way to keep us both quiet. I wake him with a few expert strokes from my tongue on his fully erect cock and then climb onto him. Being in the sixty-nine position in Lincoln’s parents’ house and hearing our muffled cries sends me over the edge three times.

  The next morning, Lincoln and I look like the cats that have gotten the canary. I try to hide my smile but every time I look in his direction he grins and winks; hell, at one point he flicked his tongue like a damn rock star. He’s good and he knows it.

  We all spend the day at the markets and other popular tourist sites. It makes me feel special

  knowing the family have all been here so many times but they are still happy to see it all again with me.

  Ben is due to arrive tonight and Jackie left about an hour ago to meet her friends. She’s partying with us tonight, even though I told her she didn’t have to. Lincoln headed back to the house to collect our things and take them to the hotel. He’s been a bit distracted today, but I just ignore it. If something is wrong I’m sure he’ll tell me. He was still holding my hand and randomly kissing me as we explored the town, so I’m not too worried.

  Dianne, Mitch and I sit in an open restaurant by the ocean, enjoying iced drinks and the cool breeze. My phone vibrates and it’s a Skype call from my parents.

  "I’m sorry, it’s a Skype call from my mum and dad." I go to leave but Dianne grabs my hand. "Take it here, darling. We’d love to meet them."

  I’m suddenly quite nervous. Our parents are meeting for the first time and I don’t have Lincoln here with me. Plus, I never expected them to meet over a Skype call.

  I quickly answer and wait for it to connect.

  "Hi, sweetheart! How are you? We miss you. How’s Lincoln?"

  I groan with embarrassment. "Mum, first off, you don’t need to talk louder than normal, I can hear you just fine. Second, you don’t need to rush, I have all day. Third, I love you and miss you too. Lincoln is great also. By the way, this is Mitch and Dianne Whitmore, Lincoln’s parents."

  I turn the phone and Dianne takes it from my hand. They begin chatting like old friends; my dad even pops in for a few words with Mitch. They get along famously, which is a huge relief. After thirty minute
s, Dianne hands me back my phone.

  "Wow, they're lovely people! I can see where Lincoln got his handsome looks from . . ."

  "Mum! They can hear you." We all laugh as we say our goodbyes, and I promise to call them tomorrow.

  The three of us order cake and make comfortable conversation.

  "So, Harbour, do you see children in your future?"

  Dianne isn't holding back, so I answer honestly. "I do. I'd like at least two."

  "Good answer." She gives me a genuine smile and winks at me.

  "Okay lovely ladies, let's get going." Mitch pays the bill and we head back to the house.

  After a long soak in the luxurious bath, I head to the bedroom to find a gorgeous cocktail dress and new shoes. More shoes! Lincoln knows the way to my heart . . . or into my panties.

  One hour later, I'm dressed , my hair up as it's a little warm, and my makeup minimal. The outfit is divine and is done in a figure-hugging fabric that makes me feel like a sexy goddess. The Grecian-style neckline is appropriate for a family get-together, but my lack of underwear, not so much. Underwear just didn't go with this dress and as it's fitted, I don't need to worry about the wind picking it up and flashing me to the whole family.

  I make my way downstairs and find everyone talking in hushed tones out the back. They stop as I enter, and I'm not sure whether I should be flattered or worried.

  I give an apprehensive smile to Lincoln and accept compliments from everyone about my outfit. As soon as we have a moment alone I'm going to ask about that weirdness. I hate feeling like I'm being spoken about. Too many years ignoring the whispers and gossip while I was with Derek has made me paranoid. I know better now. If something is wrong, deal with it, and don't let it fester. It's easier for someone to lie if they've had a chance to think of one.

  After a light dinner of canapés and some delicious cocktails, we all head to the dock for the best view of the fireworks. Lincoln and I lead the way to the beautifully decorated area. The timber railings are covered in twinkle lights and flowers. The deck is covered in petals and candles of all sizes. Just as we reach the end, Lincoln wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses the side of my neck. I begin to ask him about my awkward entrance earlier, but the first of the fireworks erupts loudly I front of us. The colorful display brightens up the night sky, reminding me of New Year's Eve.


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