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Demon Spelled

Page 4

by Gracen Miller

  Eyes closed, she nodded, trust a fickle thing at the moment.

  “Watch me.”

  “Why?” She kept her eyes closed.

  “Because I ask it, and because I want to see your eyes as I touch you.”

  She licked her lips as their gazes padlocked.

  Her thighs quivered when the fingers of his right hand touched her, and then the razor glided over her skin in slow wisps. He whisked the shaver in the water and went back to work, meeting her eyes randomly, either to ensure she watched or because he wanted to gauge her thoughts. She had no idea. And at the moment she no longer cared. If he’d give her a minute alone, she’d eliminate the need he stirred inside her.

  The last stroke of the razor came, and he plunked the gadget in the sink. She’d never even shaved her bikini area before. Except for the inverted triangle of hair he’d left, she felt bare and exposed.

  Lyx wet a washcloth—made of some unknown material, she elected not to think of the possibilities of its skin-looking composition—and pressed the fabric to her pussy. As he massaged the warm cloth against her flesh, he leaned close enough his breath puffed against her mouth.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous, Sanja. Everything about you turns me on, from your fantastic breasts, the roundness of your belly”—she’d been called chunky before, so she squirmed self-consciously beneath his touch which heated her flesh—“and especially the wet jewel between your legs.” He licked her bottom lip as he used his thumb to drag the washcloth across her swollen clit and along her entrance.

  Shocked at the touch, she grabbed his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin, with her hips rocking against his material coated hand. His eyes flashed, and a grin stretched his lips. Would his mouth feel as delectable against her flesh as his hand did?

  Where had that thought come from?

  Becoming all business again, he swept her off the countertop and plunked her into the steamy tub. The pink water beaded on her skin as if it held an oily texture, but it felt like Earthly water. Having her recline in the tub, he washed her hair first, scrubbing her scalp and relaxing her.


  No thought to disobey, she stood, the water dripped like beads of baby oil down her body. Instead of using a washcloth, Lyx washed her with his hands. His wet, soapy palms slid over her shoulders and arms, down her back, and along the curve of her ass. Down the back of her legs and back up to her rounded bottom where his digits slipped through the crack, his fingertip probing the tight bud of her body.

  Erica would’ve collapsed if she hadn’t caught the edges of the tub, but that served his purpose since it left her bent over and the rounded globes of her ass exposed to him. He took advantage of her position. She experienced a slight stinging as he pushed a finger into her and past the tight ring. The pain evaporated as he thrust his finger all the way inside.

  She should’ve complained, should’ve made at the very least a weak attempt to protest, but objecting never crossed her mind until after he infiltrated her ass.

  “You feel different than a demon. I imagine you will feel different here, too.” His thumb circled the entrance to her pussy.

  She shook her head hard, the wet skeins of her hair clinging to her body. If he put his fingers there, she’d implode.

  “You’re so close to the edge, I’d make you come if Troz were present.”

  She so wanted that, but shouldn’t! When had they had a chance to work their demonic mojo on her to loosen her morals?

  “I won’t deprive him of watching you climax. Stand up, Sanja.”

  Legs feeling noodle strong, she miraculously managed to elevate into a standing position. He fucked her ass with his finger, the oiliness of the water easing his movements. His penetration felt so good, so different than she’d have imagined, when pain was all she’d been certain she’d have. She wanted him to stop. Needed him to keep going.

  “Lyx, please….” But she had no idea what she wanted from him. Palming one of her breasts, she pinched the nipple, while her other hand found his shoulder. She could feel his stare, intense and as powerful as a Taser. Bravery escaping her, she didn’t dare open her eyes and meet his regard.

  “Say that again.”


  “No, my name.”

  “Lyx.” She made the mistake of opening her eyes. His orange irises eradicated his green pupils. Over his shoulder she spied Troz entering the room.

  “Do you like the feel of my finger in your ass?”

  I don’t want to.

  “It’s a yes or no question.” Troz moved closer, his presence intense. His straight black hair fell to his shoulders. The silver swirls on the left side of his face and corresponding shoulder, bowed like veins. Hieroglyphs were scratched into his left rib cage. His odd-material slacks drooped low, exposing a black goody trail from his navel into his pants. A gold belt held his pants in place. Both demons wore matching gold bracelets. The necklace around Troz’s neck looked as if it’d been melted into his skin. “Yes or no, Sanja.” Troz used his finger to notch her head back and meet his black-as-sin eyes.

  Feeling drugged by their presence, the thought to lie never entered her mind, so she whispered, “I wish I didn’t.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Her ass is tight.” Lyx thrust his finger deep into her. “She’ll have a difficult time accepting me here in the beginning.”

  “You’ll claim her virginity, then,” Troz said, his focus so penetrating she couldn’t look away. “I want her to climax.”

  Lyx added a second finger. Considering the size of his hands, she was thankful he gave her time to adjust and pushed into her slow. Even so, her breathing stuttered at the pleasure-pain of his intrusion.

  “I bathed her free of any human diseases.” Lyx grazed her hip with his teeth. “We’re safe.”

  So that was the reason for the bath. They could’ve just said as much.

  “Keep your hand on his shoulder.” Troz shifted her other hand off her breast and onto his shoulder. Two fingers hooked to the back of her right knee, and he repositioned her foot to the edge of the bathtub. Her new placement opened her for Lyx, and his fingers burst through the snug ring of her ass. She winced, but the fantastic fullness of him slipping deeper diminished the pain.

  Troz skimmed his fingertips through the oily water. They brushed up the inside of her leg that was anchored on the side of the tub. His touch flicked along her tender folds, and she whimpered at his teasing. A digit abruptly entered her pussy. Her mouth dropped on a silent groan as he tangled the fingers of his other hand in her hair and positioned her head so he could stare directly into her eyes.

  Lyx fucked her ass with his two enormous fingers, as Troz fucked her pussy with one. Where is the pain? Humiliation should be burning through her as well, but she felt no shame at experiencing pleasure at the hands of her captors. Her reaction made little sense. These men thought they owned her because they’d paid for her.

  “Her pussy’s so soft, Lyx, she’ll be a delight to sink our cocks into. We’ll be able to ride her for a long time before we blow.”

  God, the dirty talk. It shouldn’t be erotic, but…it made her wetter. And Troz noticed, at least she thought that was why he smiled, presenting straight white teeth. His thumb flicked across her clit, and she trembled, liquid rushing from her body. A half dozen more glides of the pad against her clitoris and she climaxed. Hard enough she lost all control of her body. She went limp against Troz. Anchored to him by the hand in her hair, he fucked her harder with his finger, going deeper with each thrust, extending her orgasm by long, intense seconds.

  Lyx’s fingers in her ass slowed as she clenched around him, both of them to blame for prolonging her release.

  Troz halted when he brushed against the membrane that verified her virginity. He kissed her, and she clung to him, returning the embrace, as his forked tongue stroked against hers.

  Erica grunted into Troz’s mouth when Lyx removed his fingers.

nipped her bottom lip and soothed the sting away with his tongue. “Is your ass sore after Lyx’s finger-fucking?”

  Heat scorched her cheeks. “A little.”

  She heard Lyx shift, his hand gliding over her skin as he rose to his feet beside them.

  “Lyx, the seller will arrive momentarily with my purchases for her.” Troz’s knuckles brushed her cheek. “Will you oil her ass with aloehna?” Erica had no idea what that was, and before she could ask, he went on. “She’ll lose her virginity in both holes tonight. Probably in this one, too.” His thumb skimmed her lips.

  She tried to shake her head, but the hand clenched in her hair halted her movement.

  Troz’s fingers tightened, and his disapproval pinched his mouth. “Have you sucked another man’s dick?” He looked ready to kill someone over the concept.

  “No.” The word was nothing more than a rush of breath. She’d have lied if necessary, but it was the truth. “I-I just…I’m not ready for all that.”

  “My advice, get ready. Fast.” Troz abruptly released her and walked out of the bathroom, the door slamming behind him.

  Their hot and cold receptions perplexed her. Troz had been so gentle and warm as he gave her the best orgasm of her life. Then he’d turned abrupt and cool before breezing out of the room. Tears burned her eyes, as she struggled to process their moods.

  Lyx offered her his hand and assisted her out of the tub. In silence, he dried her off.

  “Did I…?” She shook her head. “Never mind.”

  “What is it, my sex-pet?”

  She frowned and fought the tremble of her bottom lip. Those final two words were a bitter reminder of her current hated status. Not special, just a purchase they planned to use to their delight. And she’d given them free rein over her body moments before without even a weak protest. Only a whore allowed herself to be used like that. Or someone hexed.

  When they tired of her, how would they discard her? After she grew accustomed to the preferable lifestyle of a sex-pet—she mentally spat the offensive word—would they turn her over to another demon to become the common existence of a slave?

  Why do I care when I want to go home? But she did care. The ache in her breastbone implied she cared more than she comprehended. Cared more than she wanted. More than she should. Damn sure more than made sense.

  “Where are my clo-clothes?” Her voice broke on the final word, infuriating her. Gawd, she felt like a hormonal teen.

  Lyx flung the towel aside. Two seconds later he had her face cupped between hands with taloned fingers. That he could retract them at will unnerved her. “You are more than a mere pet. We will cherish you all of our lives. You’ll bear our children, and we hope you’ll want to be a part of their lives.”

  Would a child with Lyx have purple skin like him? She shook the errant thought away. She’d be long gone before they impregnated her.

  “I’m a sex-pet.” Erica practically spat the final word out. “I have no rights, no dignity…no one required to show me respect.” Thanks to her mother’s eccentrics, she’d lived with ridicule all her life. Why should her status be any different in the demon realm? Expecting and hoping for more, planning to get out of her small backwoods Southern Alabama town had been aspirations she should’ve known were beyond her capability.

  “I will kill every one of them who treated you like that.”

  “Stop reading my mind!”

  “Stop projecting your thoughts.” Lyx made a circular motion against her temple with his talon, and she stilled at the sudden calm the movement elicited. “You’ll receive respect or I’ll slice the skin off the offender with these.” He placed the tips of his claws against her cheek while continuing the circular pattern against her temple with his other hand. “You are our sex-pet. That’s a privilege and a highly esteemed position in Baal. You belittle yourself thinking otherwise, and I won’t tolerate it. Troz won’t allow it.”

  “Can’t control my thoughts.” Not only did she feel like a hormonal teen with her emotions whacked out, but now she sounded like one, too.

  Lyx tsked her. “I’ve barely met you, and already I cannot imagine my future without you.” He lowered his hands, and she knew that statement for what it was. A lie. At this point, he’d say anything to humor her. “Believe it or not, you’re not only the most cherished person in Baal, but also the most envied.”

  Erica rolled her eyes. “Cocky much?”

  He chuckled. “I have reason to be. Now, what was your earlier question?”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  He simply stared at her, waiting for an answer.

  Erica sighed. “Did I displease Troz somehow?”

  “Would it bother you if you had?”

  “I…I don’t know. Depends on what it concerned I guess.”

  “No, he wasn’t displeased with you. Just the opposite. You climaxed in his arms, and he would’ve preferred to have been inside you rather than attend a meeting. Come, we have things to complete.” He took her hand and led her from the room.

  WHILE LYX RECLINED in a chair in their bedroom, he scrutinized the pink-haired, two-inch fairy flitting about and giving Erica a makeover.

  Erica knew she needed some work, starting by shedding several pounds. The candid way Lyx went about ‘jazzing’ her up chafed and verified that even demons held higher standards like human men. As always, she didn’t measure up. Through her aggravation and hurt she tolerated the fussy-winged creature because she’d decided to pick her battles. With her biggest one still to come, she conserved her energy.

  First up was a trim to the frayed ends of her hair, but Lyx had cautioned Pinkie—what she’d dubbed the fairy—not to touch the length. Her demon owners preferred the heavy mass long, which pleased her because she hadn’t won an argument yet, and had he intended to sheer the length, she’d have vehemently protested. Her hair was her best feature.

  She caught sight of yellow horns and a swishing green tail when the critter went to work applying ‘facial enhancements’—cosmetics in Erica’s world. Never big on makeup because it felt heavy to her, she couldn’t feel these as they were applied.

  “Finished.” Pinkie flew backward and faced Lyx, obviously waiting for his opinion.

  His talons stroked the arms of the chair, making a buzzing sound, as he scrutinized Erica a long while, his orange eyes blanketing his green pupils. He flicked a finger at the fairy, and she flew out of the room like the demon had set hellhounds on her trail.

  Shifting beneath Lyx’s scrutiny, Erica rubbed her arms and realized all the hair was gone. She peeked at her body. It was the same all over her skin except the patch of hair he’d left at the juncture of her thighs.

  “How’d you remove all my hair?”

  “The water.” Like a satisfied cat, he pushed out of the chair and strode to the bar in the corner of the room. “Anywhere I rubbed the cloth afterward eliminated the hair. It’s permanent. And why I only pat-dry your pussy. I want the carpet there to remain.”

  Lyx poured a finger of lime-green liquid into a goblet and downed it. She presumed the substance was liquor. “Care for a drink?”

  It might help her get through what would happen soon, but…. “No. I don’t drink spirits.”

  “I approve. You’ll be clearheaded when I take your virginity.”

  She blanched at the reminder. Emotionally naked was much worse than her very exposed physical state. And something about his perusal made her suspicious about his intention behind the statement. He wanted to make her uncomfortable, a reminder that the clock ticked, and he planned to take what should’ve been hers to give. Her pain would probably get him off, too.

  He’s a demon. Of course he’ll enjoy taking that which I prized too much to give to others. Demons feast on the discomfort of others.

  She should’ve taken that drink, but her pride wouldn’t allow her to retract her decision.

  “My comment bothers you?” He swirled the liquor in the glass, causing it to spark. Strange alcohol, but this was the
demon realm.

  “It drives home how pointless it was to save myself for someone special.” Take that truth and shove it up your ass! She didn’t even care if he made her suffer for it.

  “You saved yourself for us.” She flinched at the sound of Troz’s voice coming from behind her.

  Lyx toasted him with his glass and downed the contents.

  How long had Troz been listening? Before she could peek over her shoulder, he aligned his chest to her back and showed her what looked like a diamond-encrusted choker that had Troz-Lyx spelled out in what she guessed were rubies. At least two inches thick, it twinkled in the light. Yesterday, she’d have been agog over its beauty. “Diamonds and red diamonds. The finest quality for you.” He clasped it on her neck, and the way it hugged her flesh felt odd and abrasive. “You wanted something to wear—”

  “Besides us.” Lyx drained a third glass.

  “—this is all the attire you’re allowed to wear in our presence.” Troz’s arms came around her waist, and he pulled her snug against him.

  She grit her teeth against the arousal that slammed into her with his embrace. Brushing off her reaction to them seemed to be impossible.

  What is wrong with me?

  She locked her gaze on Lyx as Troz pressed his lips against her ear. “I like the way you sound and look when you come, angel. De-lec-table,” he enunciated the word with a gruff accented tenor. “I demand more of the same.”

  Chills scattered up her spine. His voice was better than a caress against her skin. And it had her channel clenching in need.

  Eyes dilating inward, Lyx gauged them as Troz ran his teeth along the shell of her ear. “Are you nervous, Sanja?”


  Lyx set his glass aside and walked straight to them. When he reached them, Erica found herself sandwiched between a tide of demonic flesh and Lyx’s mouth on hers before her gasp left her parted lips. His tongue tangled with hers, claiming her, branding her, and demanding her submission. Gone was the man who’d shown painstaking patience earlier.

  Troz’s fingers found a breast, cupping the weight and stroking the nipple oh so gentle-like. His other hand discovered the flesh between her thighs. She moaned into Lyx’s mouth as Troz stroked her slit.


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