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Demon Spelled

Page 17

by Gracen Miller

  He walked to the bathroom door and halted with his hand on the doorknob. “Why would I buy you treats when you can acquire your own?”

  Sanja depended upon them for everything and had no access to anyone outside of their home. None of their servants would assist her, but would expect her to come to them with any requests or needs. After four days in their care, she’d only asked for one thing—to be returned home. That wasn’t an option, so he’d taken liberties to indulge her how he chose. One evening he brought her chocolate and the next night, he’d presented her with a set of two-carat diamond earrings. The jewelry had bothered her, and he’d had to force her to put them on.

  “They’re too pricey,” she’d said, to which he’d scoffed and informed her if he wished to buy her a goddamn beach he would.

  Tonight, he elected something that wouldn’t trouble her. Food. He shook his head, still uncertain why the jewelry had been a problem. All the demonettes in his experience loved receiving expensive gifts. Not his sex-slave.

  “You’re spoiling her.” His spouse’s red eyebrows arched, but the lopsided grin indicated Lyx was amused.

  “Spoiling myself.” Troz shrugged, even though his insides were coiled tight and eager to see their woman. All day he’d anticipated being with her to the point he’d had trouble focusing on work. “I plan to eat the treat off her.”

  He’d heated the chocolate between his palms the other night and ate it off her, too. She’d climaxed beneath his tongue more than once. Troz was eager to see how she reacted to the cool treat on her body.

  “Delightful idea.” Lyx rose to his feet as Troz pushed open the door to the bathing chamber.

  Their water sprite reclined in the healing pink water, the liquid not quite touching her tight nipples. With her eyes closed, her head rested on the back of the tub.

  At the sight of her, elation rolled through Troz. He’d never experienced such excitement over being in the presence of another. Sinking into her body was exquisite, but he needed to know more about the woman beneath the surface.

  “Angel.” At the sound of his voice, her eyelashes slid upward. Her eyes were tipped at the right slant that she came across as drowsy and fucking sexy at the same time. He sat on the edge of the tub beside her and swirled his fingers in the water.

  “Troz.” A smile tilted her lips. Was she pleased to see him? A trill of hope twisted through his gut, and his heartbeat sprinted with the possibility. But she’d only been with them four days—five if he counted the evening of her purchase—not nearly enough time for her to acclimate to them completely. “How was work today?”

  “Boring.” More convoluted than normal, and he’d been distracted with the memory of her climaxing.

  “Now who’s lying?” The glimmer in her eyes told him she teased.

  A playful Sanja could soften him in ways that would terrify him. Troz’s chest ached with his desire to pamper her. How had she grown so important to him in only a matter of days? “I cannot lie. Why would you want to know about my day?”

  As Lyx sat on the tub at her feet, her eyes clouded for a heartbeat. Troz despised knowing he’d been the one to ruin her playfulness.

  She looked away and patted her palms on the top of the water. “You want me to accept my place here…with you two. I’m trying, Troz. I thought that was something I should ask. If you’d prefer I not inquire of your day, then I won’t.”

  “Do you really wish to know?” Lyx inquired, as he snagged her left ankle and removed it from the water to anchor her foot just above his knee. He plied his fingers to the soles of her feet.

  She licked her lips, and her eyes closed as an erotic moan exited her closed mouth. “That’s heavenly, Lyx.”

  A dozen crass thoughts trampled through Troz’s mind, but he bit them all back, as Lyx continued the massage. His spouse chuckled and shot him a hot glance.

  “Yes.” She licked her lips again and peered at Troz. “Yes, I want to know how your day was.”

  At any other moment, he would’ve been comforted by her interest because it would mean she acknowledged her new life, maybe even conceded to his dominance, but he was a realist and knew that not to be the case here. Sanja hadn’t fully submitted to either of them, that he knew with certainty. He suspected she inquired about his days because she wanted to appease him. It still sufficed as a victory in Troz’s book if for no other reason than she made small talk like she would in a relationship of her choosing. Baby steps. That’s all it took to strip away her resistance, and he was nothing if not patient. “My day was uneventful. I counted the hours until I could return to you and Lyx.”

  She bit the corner of her bottom lip and stared at him as if she couldn’t gauge his seriousness.

  “You’ve given up on your mother’s rescue?” She glanced at Lyx when he asked the question. Whatever went on in her head, Lyx presented a tense smile. “As I suspected. You’re only half trying to accept your lot.”

  Eyes focused on the foot that Lyx massaged, she attempted to free her foot, but he held tight. She settled for taking a deep breath. “I….”

  “I understand.” She glanced at Troz. Any attempt was better than none. At least she wasn’t fighting them. Neither had she rejected them at any point when they instigated sex. She’d gone into the acts willingly and enjoyed herself. “You’re accepting your captivity better than I did.”

  In time she’ll accept her new life with us.

  “I wish I fought you harder.” He could see the honesty in her gaze. The trembling of her bottom lip told him more. She despised herself for acquiescing without a fight.

  Time to change the topic. “I’ve performed some Intel on the football boys who abused you.”

  Sanja yanked her foot out of Lyx’s hold and sat up. Water sloshed over the rim. “Which football boys?”

  The panic creasing the corners of her eyes indicated she knew exactly which ones he referred to.

  “The ones who took bets on your virginity,” Lyx clarified, his tone dry, but Troz could imagine his serious expression. Neither of them was amused by the juvenile behavior of the football players. She wouldn’t give them the necessary facts, so he’d sent a demon to gain information for him.

  “I’m in possession of a few names.” Before his vengeance was complete, he’d acquire the remaining names from the others. John Palmers. Michael Wheaton. Peter Staton. And Joey Delgado. They were the starting four on his list. Each would receive comeuppance in various ways. With promises of unending torture, they’d sing the names of the others involved in the bet.

  Her breasts jiggled when her breath hitched. “Please don’t hurt them. That was ages ago. It doesn’t matter. I don’t need or require punishment for this. I—”

  I require punishment.

  Troz placed his thumb against her lip, silencing her. What he planned to mete out wasn’t punishment, but rather…. “Justice is already set into motion.”

  She talked over his thumb. “You can stop it.”

  He removed his digit from her lips. “I won’t.” Tears welled in her eyes, and that infuriated him. “You would cry for the men that humiliated you?”

  “They were just teenagers, Troz!” That she escalated her voice now in the face of his anger, stunned him. Even Lyx knew when to back down. “Teenagers do stupid stuff all the time.”

  “That doesn’t vindicate their behavior.” None of them had become upstanding citizens in society either. One was currently incarcerated for murder. Another beat his wife, the third laundered money from his employer, and the fourth a deadbeat father who refused to support his four children, all by different mothers.

  “At least if one of them had collected on that bet, I would’ve given myself to him willingly.”

  Left unsaid was that she hadn’t willingly given herself to them.

  He ground his teeth together and felt his talons elongate. “Tread carefully, Sanja.”

  “Chose your words wisely, my sex-pet.” His spouse’s voice had darkened.

  She shot a sh
aky glance at Lyx. A moment later, she elevated her chin and met Troz’s stare head-on. “With them I wouldn’t have been raped.”

  Troz almost struck her, but at the last moment remembered her fragility and managed to refrain his instinct. Instead, he hauled her out of the tub by her armpits and put his face in hers. “You’d have been dry if I’d raped you, instead of wet.”

  She blanched.

  “And we wouldn’t have given two fucks about your pleasure, just shoved our dicks in you and used you. We’d have gotten off on your pain and dominating you. Imagine how different your first time would’ve been if we hadn’t given a fuck about your comfort.”

  Sanja swallowed and licked her lips.

  He’d give her credit for maintaining eye contact. Seasoned warriors had quelled under his glare. After a long moment, she opened her mouth to reply, but Fairy cleared her throat behind them. “My lords…your parents have requested your presence.”

  Worst fucking time for an interruption. Their family was known for their bad timing and lack of calling ahead.

  Troz hadn’t heard Fairy’s arrival, and normally when she opened a portal he could detect the trill of the demonic doorway. A dangerous situation to be vulnerable to his emotions.

  He looked at Lyx. “Effective immediately I’m canceling their entrance into our home without our verbal consent.”

  Lyx nodded and stood, crossing his arms over his chest. “Which parents?”

  “Both, my lord.”

  “Fuck.” Lyx stormed across the room. “I’ll get rid of them.”

  “Lyx….” His spouse’s footsteps halted, but Troz continued to stare at Sanja. “I’m sure they’re curious over our new acquisition.”

  She winced, making it evident she despised the reminder they owned her.

  There’s not a damn thing she can do about our ownership but suck up her emotions and get on with her life. Deal with it, he wanted to tell her.

  He elevated his eyebrows. Water cascaded off her body and puddled on the floor. He shoved a towel in her hands. “Let’s introduce our sex-slave to them. Maybe she’ll enlighten them to how often we’ve raped her.”

  Lyx’s eyebrows drew together, and creases grooved along his forehead. “Very well. I’ll greet them. You bring Sanja when you’re done here.”

  Troz inclined his head, but when he faced Sanja she remained in a circle of water without having made any effort to dry off. “Hurry. Or I’ll introduce you to them bare-ass naked.”

  That kick started her into action. Once most of the moisture was eradicated, he snatched the cloth from her hands and tossed it on the floor. He all but dragged her into the bedroom.

  As he tossed an aqua colored hakurm outfit at her, she said, “I’m—”

  “Do not say you’re sorry. We both know you wouldn’t mean it.”

  “I don’t know what you want from me, Troz.” For the first time her voice demonstrated her fear with a slight quiver. “You want the truth, but then you’re pissed off when I give it to you.”

  “Get. Dressed.”

  Much too slowly she pulled the loose skirt on, but the filmy material gave him glimpses of her legs. “How would you have felt if your captor forced sex on you?”

  “I would’ve killed him slower than I did.”

  Eyes widening at that admission, she hugged the blouse between her breasts and gulped. “But I’m supposed to be okay with it? Just accept it because you and Lyx tell me to? Because you say your rape isn’t technically rape because I’m a human.”

  “By our law, yes.”

  “Fuck your law. It’s biased. I got news for you, Troz. Rape is the same regardless of race, gender, or demon-slash-human. I never consented to be your sex-puppet.”

  He stepped forward and got in her personal space. Gooseflesh sizzled along her exposed skin in pinpricks. “You. Gave. Your. Consent.”

  “Coerced consent doesn’t count.” He yanked the shirt out of her hands and she flinched. Her voice shook and had dropped when she spoke next. “Because I’m human you expect me not to feel the same as you. It’s like I’m supposed to be happy that you give me pleasure when you take me without my permission.”

  He had to give her credit. She had guts continuing to argue with him. “Most demons wouldn’t concern themselves with your comfort.” He pulled the shirt over her head, and she complied by thrusting her arms into the sleeveless holes. “You should be thankful we enjoy your climaxes.”

  Her head jerked back, and tight lines expanded from the corners of her eyes. Her nostrils flared, and he knew whatever she said next would seriously infuriate him.

  “Oh…pardon me.”

  He elevated his eyebrows at her sarcasm.

  “That makes you a nice rapist. That makes your crimes against me all better.”

  Stunned by her sass, Troz smacked her cheek hard enough to sting. She gasped, and her hand flew to her face. Eyes wide, Sanja gawked at him.

  Being a demon, his first show of violence shouldn’t have surprised her.

  “How soon you forget your place. The pleasure we give is a privilege, a luxury we provide because it pleases us. That can alter at any given moment.”

  Placing real estate between them, he gave her space, holding her gaze as he paced a small path in front of her. Long moments lapsed between them with her breathing erratic and her gawk flabbergasted…

  how naïve she was. He’d been easy with her, showed her reverence. She had no idea what he was capable of, how easily he could sever a life, or enjoy destroying a fellow demon’s status for sport.

  She finally lowered her gaze, exhibiting the respect she should’ve demonstrated before.

  His gaze slithered over her. The bright-aqua, peasant-styled skirt flowed around her ankles, but the material’s transparency hinted at the curves beneath. Only her pussy was hidden from his view. The top was sleeveless and possessed a neckline that dipped low, with mounds of fabric to hide her breasts. The turgid peaks of her nipples were visible only because of their rigidness.

  “Come meet our parents.” This would most likely turn into an unpleasant experience for them all. Their parents wanted him and Lyx to take a wife, not a slave, so their offspring would inherit their legacy. Troz didn’t understand what difference a legacy mattered when all were immortal. But, if he appeared united with her when they arrived, that might convince their family to suppress their abusive tongues. Might. He wasn’t holding his breath.

  He offered her his hand and waited to see if she’d accept his show of support. When he thought she’d decline, she stepped forward and slid her palm into his. He drew her closer, palmed the underside of her jaw, and tilted her head back to peer at her. Her green gaze met his warily. One small demonstration of violence had her cautious, and he regretted the return of her fear. He turned her face to the side to inspect her cheek. No redness. At least his family wouldn’t know of their recent argument.

  “A united front would be best. Understand?”

  She nodded.

  “Don’t appear too meek, angel, or they’ll consume you.”

  Sanja nodded again. Troz sighed and led her to meet their family.

  ERICA’S HEAD REELED. Her captors were demons so she knew they both could be vicious, but she’d pushed them more than once and hadn’t seen brutality from them. Aside from their first meeting, neither demon had revealed violent tendencies. They hadn’t even taken her virginity cruelly. Aggressive with their wants, yes, but never unkind.

  She hadn’t thought either man tame by any means, but Troz’s behavior left her head spinning with its unexpectedness. Left her uncertain of her position in their lives.

  Inside she wept for the teenagers who’d placed bets on her innocence. They’d just been boys and didn’t deserve vengeance, especially not demonic style. It wasn’t like any of them had succeeded. Instead the demons that raped her planned to mete out justice for wanting her virginity. The irony didn’t go unnoticed.

  Troz led her through the house to a large room with a bunch of
sofas and chairs. Nothing inviting about the area, but rather the entire space possessed an unwelcoming feel with its stuffy, uncomfortable-looking furniture. The hard, icy flooring against her feet had her hitting as many of the rugs as possible. The room was spacious. Her entire house could’ve fit inside this room alone with extra square footage remaining.

  When she spied the group sequestered together, she squared her shoulders. Lyx stood in the center of them with his arms crossed over his massive chest and his eyes glued on Erica. Zero amusement touched his features, but instead his tight expression gave him a harsher appearance and made him seem less approachable.

  No idea what to expect from their family, she felt like she would soon face a firing squad. The red-haired she-demon she recognized. She was the woman Troz had halted from striking her the day he brought her home.

  They stopped a few feet away from the gathering. The icy burn of the floor scorched her feet. This is worse than the burn of hot pavement during the dog days of summer.

  “Why….” Troz’s dispassionate features had her question drying up. Until he arched an eyebrow, that’s when she found the courage to submit her question. “Why is the floor so icy?” Erica quickly shifted from foot to foot, hoping the movement would stave off frostbite.

  He glanced at her feet. A moment later crinkles expanded from the corners of his eyes, and the tightness from his lips evaporated. “It’s gaminel marble.”

  She squealed in surprise when he swept her into his arms.

  The chatter of his guests silenced.


  The creature buzzed out of a portal.

  Troz didn’t wait for her to speak, just barked his orders. “Sanja requires shoes.”

  Pinkie departed in a blur of wings.

  “Gaminel is mined from the center of Baal, where it’s the iciest. My apologies, I forgot your humanity.”

  His compassion confused her when he’d made it plain her comfort mattered little to him unless it pleased him. “You can stand barefoot on this surface?”

  A slight tug to the right corner of his mouth. “Yes, angel.”

  The uneasy quiet unnerved her. She wanted to send a quick peek in the direction of their family, but her courage fled. A moment later Pinkie returned with aqua slippers and slid them on her feet.


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