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The Lying Mirror

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by alvinna edwards nwoko

  Okay! Pusher lied.

  Pusher was a hansom boy of eighteen, who looked twenty-five years old, tall, muscular, tanned, blue eyes, blond hair, cast away troubled kid who loved fast money selling drugs at school and faster girls selling themselves for him.

  The day of the prom Pusher shows up at Linda’s house in the limo Linda’s mom had rented for them, in an old brown faded matted suit with a tuxedo tee shirt underneath, dusty nicked up black broken down shoes with the heels worn on one side and hair sweaty and uncombed.

  Linda wondered if Pusher even took a bath for the prom, it appeared as if he hadn’t slept or showered for several days. Seeing him through her bedroom window gave Linda cause to be alarm, but now was too late.

  It was also too late for Linda’s mom to protest, and reluctantly permitted the couple to leave after the traditional photo shoot. Pusher didn’t smell thank God, but he certainly look like he should have.

  Pusher took the liberty to call some of his drug buddies and invited them along for the ride. It wasn’t every day they got to profile in such a fine ride, and it was paid for by someone else’s money. Why not enjoy everything, and he meant everything the night had to offer.

  Pusher quest was already in the limo when it arrived at Linda’s house. After the photo shoot Pusher walked back to the limo and waited with his buddies for Linda to come out.

  Linda’s mom kissed her and commented, in my day sweet heart, boys wore nice suites to the prom and combed their hair, and they brought their date corsages and waited to escort them out to the car. Well I guess times have change dear. Is this what they call rave?

  I won’t be too late mom, Linda called back to her mom as she quickly ran to the limo.

  The limo driver stood outside the rear passenger door waiting to open the door for Linda’s entry.

  Good evening Ms. Laakenworth, the limo driver politely announced.

  When Linda bent down to enter the limo she was shocked and afraid of the two additional passengers. Pusher did not discuss with her he was inviting any other persons to accompany them in the limo. Once again it was too late to protest.

  Pusher totally ignore Linda while he and his friends used her limo to make drug drops and profile in the limo around his street corner friends, yelling out the window and asking the limo driver to stop every two blocks.

  Linda and her date didn’t arrive to the prom until well after twelve o clock and found everyone was beginning to leave.

  It took all of Linda’s strength not to cry over the ridiculous situation she had placed herself. This embarrassment would never had happen if all the students at school wasn’t jealous of her, and the guys were smart enough to ask her to the prom.

  The limo driver opened the limo door for his passengers to exit but only Linda emerged into an almost vacant lot at the banquet hall.

  Linda saw some girls waiting outside for their dates to come out and she decided to stand with them and chat a bit before leaving.

  Hey guys, let’s have some fun with this chick. Last night that slut I was with wouldn’t fight or anything, she just laid there scared to move, boring I tell ya. I want some fun, action, you know some force behind the scratch. What ya say boys you game.

  Yeah man sound like fun, one of his buddies laughed.

  From the limo with his head out the window, Pusher yelled over at Linda while she was saying her good byes to some of her so called friends, “Hey bitch you ready to go or what”

  The girls Linda was saying good bye to looked towards the limo and saw it was Pusher who had yelled out to Linda, then quickly returned their look to Linda with an I don’t believe it stare, eyes wide, hand over mouth and a giggle being contained.

  Linda had never felt so humiliated in her entire life. The way her friends looked at her and the giggles she heard as she turned to leave assured her she would be the talk of the campus when they returned to school.

  How degrading, Linda thought to herself as she turned to run back to the limo before Pusher had another chance to yell something else crude out from limo’s window.

  Linda ran if to do nothing else but get out of sight of the other students who were watching.

  Why would Pusher treat someone like me this way? He said he would behave, he promised, and he didn’t even get out of the limo to escort me to the door of the banquet hall.

  Tears of disgust fell from Linda’s eye as she asked herself again that very question she had asked herself before leaving the house, before turning from the banquet hall door saying her good byes and before returning to the limo. Why? Now she was running for dear life just to escape her humiliation.

  The two guys Pusher had in the limo with him, Tank, a very large boy of twenty years of age standing about six feet four, two hundred fifty pounds give or take and a man who looked as if he had been in a knife fight with a toothbrush. Linda couldn’t spot one part of his exposed skin that had not been scared by some kind of a cut or tattoo.

  Also there was this skinny homeless kid called Raper of about fifteen years of age, which as Linda could tell had a total of seven teeth in his entire mouth and had not taken a bath in quite a odd odor emanated from his body and he insisted on scratching his private part in front of her.

  All three were sitting in the limo laughing and joking about Linda’s fate, which by the way did not sound that pleasing to the limo driver Buck, a black elderly man of about sixty-five, a body builder and an ex-marine special force sergeant. A man who knew the likes of these three uncouth mongrels because he had grown up in the inner city projects and had made his living as a young man in the profession of guarding others.

  If he had to Buck was prepared to defend this stupid girl with his life and get her home safely to possibly her stupid parents and out of the line of fire of these stupid thugs.

  Old Buck knew these three were up to no good. He had heard them talking about how delicious that classy slut would taste under their force. It scared him to death that this stupid child would put herself into the hands of these three offensive dogs.

  Linda returned to the limo where the three drug heads had already lit a joint and smoked up the back section of the limo.

  Old Buck waved to Linda and advised her to sit up front with him, and Linda very easily obliged, thanking Buck as she took her seat next to him.

  What Old Buck really wanted to do was to give this fool child a twenty for a cab and tell her to take her stupid behind home.

  Dreadfully as Buck drove back to Linda’s house he couldn’t help but ask Linda how could such a beautiful girl like herself ended up with the likes of those three?

  She started to cry uncontrollably, explaining to Buck that she thought she was pretty enough to assure her a date for the prom, but no one asked her and she was desperate.

  Old Buck tried to explain to her, it’s the inner self one should take care of not so much the outer self. But Linda just sat there looking out the window

  Crying softly, wishing this old black fool would shut up and get her home quickly.

  Linda’s mother standing at the front door watched the limo drive up the driveway and the driver got out of the limo to open the front passenger door for Linda to exit.

  Buck caringly advised Linda to take more care because she might not be lucky enough to have him as a driver next time.

  Linda’s mother rushed out to the limo demanding the limo driver explain why her daughter was sitting up front with a grown black man instead of in the rear where she belonged with her date.

  You should know better sir, Ms. Laakenworth argued without allowing Buck the opportunity to explain the circumstances why her daughter was in the front seat with him.

  Next time know your place, Ms. Laakenworth yell back to Buck as she walked quickly back to the house trying to catch up to Linda.

  A final humiliation caused Linda to run inside the house without saying thank you or good night to Old Buck.

  Safely inside her house, Linda rushed straight to her mirror in her bedroom and as
ked a one worded question while crying, why?

  And as usual the mirror gave her the answer she wanted to hear, beauty.

  After graduating from high school with honors, Linda received a scholarship to Kiplin University in Bio Chemistry based on academic achievements only.

  Linda’s mom doted over her and told her about all the wonderful beautiful people she was going to meet and all the fine social clubs to join. What Linda did notice is that her mother was too busy buying things for her dorm room that she never said congratulations. As if she had no doubts I would automatically receive a scholarship. How about a hug mom, Linda thought to herself watching her mom pulled one item off the shelves of the department store after the other.

  Jack’s scholarship to Kiplin University in political science was also based on academic achievements. And because of his disabilities, an off campus apartment which has never been heard of for freshman’s, fully equipped for paraplegics was awarded to him because of recommendation from all of the staff and the principle from his high school. Without Jack knowing, all of the charities he worked with sent Kiplin University recommendations showing them how much time, money and influence he had with their organization.

  When Jack registered for his classes at Kiplin he found out he had already accrued thirty extra credits towards his education based of his volunteer work with the homeless, community affairs, tutoring, Big brothers, Sons of Am Vets and Staff Coordinator for Camp Handi, a ranch for disabled and mentally challenged children.

  Jack found he was well on his way through college with a full year of credits towards his college education, and to top off his blessing he was received by the students and faculty the same way in college as he was in high school.

  Within the first two years of college Jack had raised more than one hundred thousand dollars for his favorite charities. On a full scholarship the maintenance of Jack’s electric wheelchair was cover as were his room and board, books and lab fees.

  Linda had to start from scratch with no advance credits. She joined all of the social clubs and sororities designed for high society beautiful women, but Linda’s snobbish behavior followed her to college and one by one the clubs she so loved, asked her to leave their organization.

  Here we go again Jack thought as he noticed Linda sitting under a tree by herself and he was just a little reluctant to go over and talk with her.

  Hi there, Jack announced as he wheeled up to her. Would you like a ride?

  No thank you Linda answered harshly.

  Why? Jack asked.

  Because I don’t like black people and I think being handicap is ugly.

  Do you think I’m ugly? Jack asked.

  I truly don’t care nor understand why you came over to me anyway. I never talked to you in high school. What make you think I would talk to you now?

  I don’t know answered Jack, maybe we grew older, a little wiser. You know times has changed, been changed, and yet you sit here by yourself daily. Suit yourself then if you want to be alone.

  Jack shifted his gear as if he was in a supped up Corvette, found his desired speed and rolled away from her shaking his head in disappointment.

  Thinking to himself, Jack asked for help in getting through to Linda, she can’t go through college alone, it just not natural God. But I am talking about Linda, remember, your child. Just kidding, just kidding. I’ll try again tomorrow.

  Linda hated the way Jack spoke to her. What made a cripple think he could speak to her like that, like she needed his pity? I don’t need pity from a black man. I’m going to be a doctor one day and then I’ll be in the circle of the elite, the best, the powerful and Jack will still be Jack in his chair. I wish he would just stop trying to attach himself to me. He starting to get on my nerves.

  Jack made additional money tutoring on and off campus, aced all of his exams and was well ahead of his game. If he wanted he could graduate a full year early but decided to stay and help his friends so he and his friends could graduate together.

  Linda on the other hand was struggling in every class. She refused to seek help because she was an honor student in high school and can excel all by herself, she never needed it before, why would she need it now, and struggle she did right out of the medical program.

  Linda had to lower her major to social science in order to graduate from college. It was easier and she wouldn’t look like a dummy struggling to graduate.

  Her pride got the best of her because the mirror constantly told her it was because of her beauty that no one understood her and that’s why the Professors were all against her, and why they were giving her all those extra assignments.

  Hatred for Jack slowly became an obsession for Linda. Her mirror convince her to make sure Jack would have a hard time being popular. The only reason Jack was popular Linda thought was because of the rides he gives away. The mirror told Linda the only way to take away his popularity was to find a way to have his chair taken away from him.

  It took some doing but Linda learned of his home address off campus and walked over to where Jack lived late one night. Armed with a crowbar in hand from her car, Linda was able to pry her way into Jack’s apartment through the living room window with alarming difficulty. But once finally inside she took to destroying his beautiful electric Jack-mobile. Each time she raised the crowbar and brought it down on the Jack-Mobile a small piece of Linda was destroyed with the chair.

  By the time Linda was finished destroying his GPS, his chromed wheels, his beautiful candy apple red and orange racing stripes, the stereo radio disc player, the battery plate, the new bench he had painted with the name Bench Rider on it, and his very important gear shift navigation controls. Not only was Linda sweating profusely but she left behind in Jack apartment a part of her that could never be replaced, repaired or replenished, her dignity.

  When Jack awoke from a peaceful sleep the next morning he noticed what he had expected, his chair had been destroyed. His Jack-mobile was parked in the living room charging overnight. He used his manual wheel chair while in the house and would park it next to his bed at night.

  Jack heard the noise from the destruction being made to his Jack-Mobile but never made a sound, never was there fear in his heart, he knew God had his back and this was a pure act of envy.

  Jack knew you can never fight envy. It destroys the soul along with whatever you’re trying to destroy of the other person. Let them have their day if it makes them feel better.

  Without another thought, He called for his replacement chair and made a second call to have his Jack-mobile picked up for restoration.

  Confounded to see Jack happy as ever in an old drab basic black motorized wheelchair as if nothing had ever happen. Linda saw students still asking Jack for a ride paying their dollar and inquiring where was the Jack-Mobile, Jacks only and simple reply was “being repaired”.

  Next time he will have a difficult time smiling through his popularity.

  Linda noticed Jack taking tablets twice a day for muscle spasms and decided to switch his medicine with an over the counter vitamin, which caused Jack to leave school early one day for a week of complete bed rest. But the following week

  Jack was at his old self again.

  This could not be, Linda complained to herself. Jack was still advancing to the finish line. Students still flocked around him, Professors still praised him, and I, Linda said, still hate him.

  After classes Linda went straight to her apartment and consulted her mirror. Her reflection told the truth, she knew the mirror wouldn’t lie; Jack’s popularity had to be destroyed, but how? Linda asked the mirror. Jack is surrounded by students and Professors constantly. I could never get that close to him. Come close the mirror told Linda, and I’ll tell you how. Linda knew she could trust the mirror, and in the mirror she only trusted.



  Linda waited cloaked in the darkness on the campus lawn for Jack to finish his last tutoring class.

  The sports department took advantage of J
ack’s skills and employed him to tutor any jock on any of the sports teams having problems with their classes. Even though Jack would not take the majority of the money offer by the sports department, Dean Edwards was more than impress to see the improvement each player made and maintained with the help of Jack tutoring skills. Because of Jack’s success Dean Edwards convinced Jack to allow the sports department to donate the balance of the money due him to a charity of his choice in his name. Jack was more than agreeable and selected the Inner-City School Improvement Reserve, which supply needed schools with new computers and equipment when needed.

  Cassy from the debate club paid Jack five dollars in advance to ride her to her dorm building after tutoring. She was too tired to walk the distance across campus and was thankful Jack was around and agreed without hesitation to give her a lift.

  After seeing Jack leave the sports department, Linda took to hiding in the night shadows made by the tall buildings and trees. Linda had to run to keep up with Jack’s newly repaired and faster Jack-mobile.

  Breathing heavily, sweating, head spinning from the chase, Linda bent low to catch her breath. Wiping the sweat from her face with her blouse and the back of her hand, coughing and whizzing, still in a bent position Linda fought to removed her backpack from her back, struggling with her backpack in the darkness she manage to reached in and retrieved a vile of liquid she had stolen from the chemistry lab, untwisted the cap, then waited and waited preparing herself mentally for what she had to do.

  Perspiration was racing down her face stinging her eyes, moistening her underarms and staining her blouse. Linda was disgusted by her appearance and the odor that started to emanate from her body. How could such a primitive odor like that come from a sophisticated person like myself. I really do stink Linda thought to herself, while wiping the sweat from her brow.

  Before Linda could regain her breathing Jack was already on his way back towards where Linda was waiting and hiding in the cover of darkness.

  The falling sweat was stinging her eyes, and every time Linda wiped her face she had to blink from the stinging salt that kept finding its way to her eyes. Linda felt dizzy, faint, and was having a hard time catching her breath.


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