Kiljorn Commander (Katieran Prime)

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Kiljorn Commander (Katieran Prime) Page 4

by KD Jones

  “Are you still hungry?” TylOR asked, sitting down next to her. He didn’t wait for her to answer but handed her a second bowl of soup.

  She glared over at the male who was making her a little crazy with his bossy attitude about her weight and eating. “I have already eaten.” She tried to hand the bowl back to him but he wouldn't take it. She was so frustrated. She should dump it on the ground, but felt guilty that villagers put all their resources into making this and she was never one to waste anything. She began to spoon the delicious soup in her mouth.

  “Where is your friend, Prima Lola?” TylOR felt like a young male again trying to learn what to say to a female for the first time. It was awkward then and it certainly wasn't any easier now.

  “She has a date with LarIS.”

  “A date?” TylOR heard a little about this but he thought it was done at night.

  Lizzie nodded, her long reddish blond curls bounced in the ponytail she wore. “They are probably you know…” She blushed and looked away from his penetrating gaze.

  TylOR was transfixed at her pinkened skin. He knew exactly what she was hinting at and found it charming that she would be shy about it. He longed to touch her sparkling hair. Unable to resist he reached out and captured a strand. “What is this color? I have never seen it before?” He already knew, but was trying to engage over something non-threatening with her.

  “It’s called strawberry blond.”

  “Why? It does not look like Earth’s strawberries.”

  She giggled. “The name doesn’t really mean that much when you think about it. Who really has a strawberry colored hair? Anyway, I have a mixture of red and blond in my hair. Depending on the light I am in, my hair may look more blond or redder. If I cut it short, it will darken and look redder. But I don’t like to cut it because I don’t look good with short hair.”

  “I think you look good no matter the length, Elizabeth. It is so soft.” He pulled the length of her ponytail through his hands. He would much rather have her hair down, spread across his pillow while he moved over her naked flesh. He would hold her hands over her head so he could direct her pleasure. He liked that idea quite a bit.

  “Thank you.” She shivered. It felt so good to have someone touch her, even if it was just her hair. It was even better having that someone be TylOR. His touch made her whole body swirl with anticipation. She turned slightly and stared up into his beautiful dark eyes—hypnotic eyes.

  “Why do you insist on calling me Elizabeth instead of Lizzie like everyone else?”

  “I do not want to be like everyone else when it comes to you. You are special to me. I want to be special to you.”

  Wow. No one had ever said that to her before. She glanced at his very kissable lips and licked her own with desire. She whispered low, “You are special to me.”

  TylOR closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled the sweet scent of her arousal. Oh yes, the Goddess knew how much he wanted her. He took a firm but gentle grip of the back of her head and pulled her to him.

  The moment their lips met an explosion of emotions raced through Lizzie. Fear, need, resistance, desire. She couldn’t seem to get enough of him. When he pulled her into his lap, she went willingly. She straddled his lap with a thigh on each side of him. They continued to kiss as their hands explored one another.

  He was so big with wide firm shoulders. She wanted to feel what was beneath his uniform. Without giving a second thought she began to unhook the hooks to his uniform top. She almost growled when the last hook wouldn’t give. TylOR chuckled while still claiming her lips and helped her with the last hook.

  Finally! She pulled open the shirt sides and pushed it over his shoulders. It was caught at his elbows because his arms and hands were busy undoing the buttons to her blouse. She shivered when she felt the warm air caress her now exposed chest. Thank God she wore her pretty black lace bra and panty set. She gulped air as soon as he let go of her lips.

  “By the Goddess you are lovely,” his voice deep and husky as he gazed upon her revealed flesh. Her skin was pale and smooth. He ached to lick every inch of her. Then there was her delicious scent, which was driving him beyond crazy. His large hand came up and squeezed her covered breast. He nibbled her chin and made his way down her neck.

  “Oh…oh yes.” Lizzie never knew her neck was such an erogenous zone. She pressed her breasts further into his hands.

  “How do I take this thing off?” he growled against her skin when he sucked her nipple into his mouth over the lace and everything.

  “Front…clasp.” It felt so good. He had such a strong suction. She couldn’t wait to see what else he could do with his talented mouth.

  TylOR smiled in triumphant as he finally released the contraption keeping him from her tender flesh. He pulled her shirt and the bra off her completely, then tossing them behind him. “I have never seen anything more beautiful.” He bent forward and latched on to her now bare nipple.

  “TylOR,” Lizzie moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding his head to her chest. She could feel his arousal pressing against her. They needed to get naked and quick. He must have been thinking the same thing because his other hand reached down between them and unsnapped her jeans. He wedged his fingers inside and covered her mound. She lifted up giving him more room.

  “Mine,” TylOR growled against her stiff nipple, releasing it with a pop. She was so wet and ready for him. The evidence of her arousal was making him lose all control. He had to have her soon. He massaged her lower lips coating his fingers with her juices. He lifted his wet fingers to his mouth and tasted her for the first time. It was the most delicious thing he had ever had. “Mmmm…so good.” He needed more of her.

  “Please, TylOR,” she begged for him to bring his fingers back to her by lifting her hips seeking him out. She leaned up and kissed him.

  TylOR pulled back long enough to remove her shoes and pulled her pants completely off. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was a Goddess with her pale skin and her shiny red-blond hair. He looked into her desire filled blue eyes and felt himself harden even more. She reached for him but he shook his head. He needed more of her taste.

  Lizzie watched with hooded eyes as TylOR spread her thighs. She blushed. She had very few men go down on her. They were not nearly as skilled with their kisses as TylOR. She should probably stop him but she couldn’t get the words out. The man had her revved up like no one else ever had.

  He nibbled her knee and inside her thigh moving slowly up toward her dripping apex. He wanted to savor every touch. His warm breath blew across her exposed flesh causing goose bumps to appear all over her body. Her scent was so strong and thick it felt like it wrapped around his cock stroking him. He licked her seam taking her juices into his mouth. No female felt so good or tasted so wonderful. He growled with need.

  TylOR lapped at her with a need so great. He teased her labia, rewarded with her moans of pleasure. He then drove his tongue deep inside her causing her to gasp and arch her back. He penetrated her with his tongue over and over, the way he planned to penetrate her with his cock.

  “Yes…more like that…more.” Lizzie was lost in pleasure as she felt him fucking her with his tongue. She felt the pressure building within her demanding a release. She moved her hips in a motion to get closer to him. It had been years since she was with a man sexually. Her body was in overload. When he sucked her delicate bud deep inside his mouth, she couldn't hold off any longer.

  “TylOR!” she flew apart screaming his name. Tremors echoed throughout her entire body.

  He rose up over her watching the pleasure shine in her beautiful eyes. He fumbled with his pants in a desperate need to get inside of her. He wanted her more than he wanted his next breath, so much his hands were shaking.

  “I would hold off on that, brother. We are getting ready to leave the village,” a voice called out from behind them.

  Kitana! TylOR covered Elizabeth’s body with his own protecting her from being exposed. He glared at
his brother and growled, “Your timing sucks.”


  Lizzie couldn’t look AshOR in the eyes. She was so embarrassed to have been caught like that. He obviously got an eyeful, which made her have a constant blush. How could she have let that happened? She glanced over at TylOR and found him watching her with his intense eyes. Her pussy quivered with need. Shit!

  TylOR scented Lizzie’s arousal within the small confines of the shuttle. He knew the other males onboard could scent her as well. To be that close to her, scent her need, and not be able to do anything about it was driving him beyond crazy. He heard AshOR emit a low chuckle, which made him see red. His brother had the worst timing imaginable.

  He looked at Elizabeth with aroused need unmet. His shaft was thick and hard, still pressing uncomfortably against his uniform pants. He shifted in his seat to alleviate some of the pressure, but nothing would ease him except burying himself deep within her sweet channel. He looked over to where his brother sat in the pilot’s seat. AshOR turned his head in his direction and chuckled. Damn AshOR! This was going to be a long trip.

  Chapter Six

  The next morning Lizzie hugged her friend at the shuttle that would take her to the Kiljorn transport. She still wasn’t sure it was a good idea to travel with TylOR, but he and AshOR argued over who she would travel with for fifteen minutes before she yelled at both of them to be quiet. Okay, she yelled at them to shut the hell up. They were giving her a headache. She said she would travel on the Kiljorn transport just to keep the peace. But even now she was anxious about her decision.

  It had been a busy morning so far. She and Lola helped the Kiljorn citizens load up on the many shuttles that went to both the Kiljorn and the Colonial transports. They would travel for a day and a half to Kiljor. A day and a half of being onboard with a man that made her think…no he made her stop thinking with the touch of his lips and his wonderful fingers. She wasn’t sure how she was going to survive without jumping his bones.

  “You don’t have to go. You could stay here with me,” Lola signed.

  Lizzie smiled at her friend. “I know. I appreciate that, but I have to make my own way, find where I belong. I need to feel useful.”

  Lola nodded her understanding and enveloped her in a tight hug. She released her and signed, “I will miss you.”

  Lizzie wiped a tear from her cheek. “I will miss you too. But we can talk on the video communications and I’ll come back and visit in between missions.”

  “I wish…” Lola didn’t finish. She knew it was pointless. Once Lizzie made up her mind to do something, no one could change it. But she did wish that somehow Lizzie would have found her bond mate on the Colonial Planet. Then they could see each other every day. She sighed as she looked behind Lizzie at the large man waiting for her. Perhaps Lizzie would still find her bond mate, maybe on Kiljor. “Call me soon.”

  “I will. I love you, my friend,” Lizzie signed and gave Lola a kiss on the cheek.

  Lola couldn’t hold back her tears. “I love you too, my…sister.” That’s what she thought of Lizzie, as her sister, her family.

  Lizzie held in more tears and turned to head for the shuttle. She looked back and smiled as she watched LarIS pulling Lola into his arms. Her friend did good finding that one. He better treat her good or she was going to come back and kick his ass. A very male laugh followed by a husky voice responded in her head.

  'I would expect no less from you. If I fail to take care of my Lola, I expect you to…kick my ass,' LarIS used his telepathy to speak to Lizzie.

  'You just remember you have me to answer to,' she whispered back in her mind.

  'Take care, Lizzie, you are our family. Remember that.' LarIS smiled and waved at her.

  TylOR frowned as she passed. She chose to ignore him. She went inside the shuttle and sat down.

  TylOR stopped next to her. “Was Leader LarIS speaking to you mind to mind?” She didn’t say anything. “What did he say to you?”

  “None of your business.” Lizzie tried to get the damn buckle to secure but her hands were shaking.

  Large warm hands covered hers and helped her with the locking of the belt. She looked up into his face, which was mere inches from hers. “Thanks.”

  TylOR’s fingers lingered longer than necessary. Her soft silky skin felt so good. He didn’t want to let her go, ever. Unfortunately, they were not alone. His pilot was ready for takeoff. He stood and went to the co-pilot’s seat. “Lieutenant, take off when ready.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Lizzie finally let out the breath she had been holding. She damn near kissed him again. What the hell is wrong with her? Why was he doing this now? He had months to seek her out but instead chose other women. She was swearing off TylOR. He was too dangerous for her heart. He looked back at her and winked. Her heart fluttered. Damn him!


  Fifteen minutes later the shuttle docked on the Kiljorn transport. TylOR helped her off the shuttle despite her protests. “You are needed elsewhere I am sure.”

  “I will show you to your sleeping quarters,” he insisted, putting his hand on her waist making her come with him as he walked down the corridors. He wanted nothing more than to take her to his own sleeping quarters but he didn’t think she would agree to that just yet. She was being very difficult.

  “Fine.” She pouted and folded her arms around herself. She glanced back and noticed several of the lieutenants who had been unloading their traveling cases were stopped and watching them avidly. What was their problem?

  Being onboard the transport wasn’t as difficult as it used to be. Not like the first time. Coming to Katiera for the first time had been quite a shock. None of her travels to foreign and exotic locals on Earth had prepared her for it. It was all so thrilling.

  When Doctor Katrina Morris, now Prima Medic Kat, had approached her and several other educators onboard about creating culture classes to help teach the Earth refugees about Katieran culture, she jumped at the chance to learn and share. That was why she became a professor to begin with. Plus, she loved having the summers free to travel and study different cultures.

  The classes had been a big hit. They expanded it by developing reading material such as the Guidebook and video material to reach more people. She also continued to travel on the transports between Earth and Katiera. As she learned more about the Katieran culture, she would update the material.

  After the Morin attack, she had taken some time off from the teaching assignments. If she was honest with herself, she suffered some kind of PTSD. She found it difficult to get back on a transport again. It took a while, and lots of therapy to work through her fears. She still had nightmares.

  Then one day she decided she wasn’t going to let the Morins stop her from doing something that mattered to her. She changed her approach and used the transport teaching assignments as a form of therapy. She still felt anxiety before each and every teaching mission. It affected her sleeping and her eating habits. But it became a little easier each time. Though she wasn’t one hundred percent cured. It was still something she was working on. No one except Lola knew she occasionally went to the therapist to help when things got bad. However, it was only bad right before she went on a teaching assignment on the transports.

  She waited as TylOR slid open the door to her quarters and waited for her to enter first. She was about to thank him and close the door but when she turned she found TylOR had filled the doorframe. The look he gave her made her pulse race.

  “I want to stay here with you and finish where we left off. Unfortunately, I have to make sure my people are settled in and get debriefed from my second in command.” TylOR reached out to gently caress her cheek. “Share the Evening Meal with me.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” She tried to move back out of his reach but he surprised her by suddenly jerking her into his arms. “TylOR!”

  His lips came down on hers in a claiming kiss. She had no defense against the emotions that erupted within her. H
is hands were on her backside pulling her up his body. She wrapped her shorter legs around his waist and felt his arousal pressing against her covered center. God she wanted him like no other man. No one made her go from zero to sixty like this. She felt the wall against her back. When had they moved?

  “Say you will,” he murmured against her quivering lips.


  “Dine with me this evening.” He was ruthless, nibbling her chin, going down her neck. “Say, yes.” He pressed his lower half against her. He would use everything in his arsenal to get her to agree.

  “Yes,” she moaned, pressing herself against him more. She didn’t know what she had said yes to but if it kept his lips on her, she would say yes over and over. She leaned up to kiss him again but his comm link went off.

  TylOR growled with frustration. He kept hold of Elizabeth with one hand while he tapped his comm link to answer, “Commander TylOR here,” his voice was brisk and gruff. “I will be there in ten minutes.” He disconnected the communications and stared down with regret. He could see the cloud of desire fading from Elizabeth’s eyes. He knew he had to leave but he refused to let her go right away.

  “I will be by to pick you up for Evening Meal at seven,” he told her. He kissed her lightly and lowered her to the floor, then moved toward the door.

  “Wait.” Lizzie was getting some of her senses back but it was too late. He winked at her and then he was out the door. She was grateful for the wall holding her up. “What the hell just happened?” she spoke to the empty room.


  Ten minutes later TylOR stormed into the command center. He was furious for being interrupted and he was in desperate need of release. Elizabeth was driving him crazy.

  “Second Commander, what is so important that you had to interrupt me?”

  Second Commander TenON jumped at the tone the normally calm Commander TylOR was using. He gulped. It was never good to anger a seven-foot Kiljorn. “Sorry, sir. Prime Leader KadEN has requested communications with you immediately.”


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