Kiljorn Commander (Katieran Prime)

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Kiljorn Commander (Katieran Prime) Page 5

by KD Jones

  “Put him on.” TylOR faced the large viewing screen in front of him as his leader’s face appeared. “Prime Leader.”

  “How are our people doing?” KadEN asked, getting right to business.

  “We have just finished boarding all of our people between the Colonial transport and ours. I was about to verify everyone is settled in and proceed on our way on to Kiljor.”

  “Very good. I am sending out an extra transport to escort you back.” KadEN looked tense.

  “Is there a problem, sir?” TylOR grew up with KadEN. He knew something was off.

  “There have been some…direst. I am keeping security tight until you get here. Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious, even onboard,” KadEN warned him.

  Well that didn’t sound too good. KadEN was leaving everything very vague. What was he to make of that? Was there a threat on Kiljor that he should know about? If there was, he would find the threat and squash it.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You will arrive in less than thirty-six hours?” KadEN asked.

  “Yes. We are just now moving out of the Colonial solar system,” TylOR answered.

  “Very good. I will see you in thirty-six hours, Commander.” KadEN ended communications.

  TylOR looked at his second in command. He was a good male if not a little formal. “Second Commander TenON, has there been any problems onboard the transport while I was on the Colonial Planet?”

  “No, sir. No disturbances that I know of?”

  “Any problems settling the Kiljor citizens onboard?”

  “None. Everyone is settled in their sleeping quarters.”

  “Very well. Let me know if there any issues that arise. I will go and make a personal appearance to some of them.”

  TylOR walked out of the command center. He wanted to head back to Elizabeth’s, but he had a job to do first. He had to make sure his people were taken care of. He needed to get this done by six so he could shower and change to prepare for his evening with the female of his dreams. He couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Seven

  A couple of hours after arriving onboard the transport, Lizzie was so frustrated. She had changed three times already. At first she tried on a sexy black cocktail dress but thought she looked like she was trying too hard. Next she put on a simple pair of jeans and tank top. That was way too casual to be eating dinner with the Commander of the transport.

  She went back through her things and found a dress Lola had given to her for her birthday: a knee length, flowing, light blue halter dress that brought out the blue in her eyes. She put it on and noticed it was a bit loose. Had she really lost that much weight? The knock on her door made her jump. She didn’t have time to change now. She went to open the door.

  “Good evening, Elizabeth.” TylOR leaned his large frame against her door opening.

  Lizzie sucked in a breath at him. He had showered and changed. He wore a dark green uniform that fit his large frame perfectly. The man was sex on a stick. His masculine scent reached out wrapping around her. She wanted to rub her naked flesh against his so she would have his scent on her. She shivered with anticipation. Did they really have to go to dinner?

  “Good evening, Commander.” Lizzie looked up and up. He made her feel so feminine and small.

  “You look lovely.” She'd taken his breath away when she opened the door. The dress she wore showed off her delicate pale skin and made her eyes sparkle like jewels.

  She blushed. “Thank you. You look handsome.”

  He smiled down at her with confidence. He knew she found him attractive when her skin pinkened. But he didn’t want to say anything that might embarrass her. “Ready to eat?”

  “Yes.” Not really. Lizzie walked out shutting her door.

  “What have you been doing since you got onboard?” TylOR asked, trying to find a topic they could discuss. All he wanted to do was take her back to her sleeping quarters or take her to his and tear her clothes off. That brief moment at the village was too short and not nearly enough. He doubted he would ever get enough of Elizabeth.

  “I’ve been updating the course material for the culture classes with my digital tablet.” She followed TylOR into the Meal Room and felt everyone’s eyes on them immediately. The women looked at her with envy and a bit of anger. The men watched her with desire but looked resigned when they saw how TylOR touched her back possessively. She blushed. Guess it was pretty obvious there was something going on between the two of them. Maybe she needed to admit it to herself.

  “Are you okay?” TylOR looked down at her flushed face.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He directed her to a more secluded table where fewer people had direct sight of them. “I can get our food if you like?”

  “I can go. I don’t want to be a bother.”

  He tsked, “You are no bother. What do you like to eat?”

  “Just a soup and salad with Katieran juice is fine,” she told him.

  “That is all?” TylOR looked her over. She needed protein to build up her strength.

  “Yeah. I can go get it.” She started to stand but he put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her gently back into her seat.

  “Stay. I will get your food for you.” He walked off toward the food counters.

  She watched him disappear out of sight. The man was built like a Greek God. She knew he was hairless on his head and most of his body. But how far did that go? Was he hairless everywhere? And why was she obsessing about it?

  “Hello, Earth female,” a woman’s brisk voice said right next to Lizzie. She hadn't heard or seen the woman and her two companions approach. The woman who spoke to her was one of the most beautiful women Lizzie had ever seen. She was tall, like most of the Kiljorns and Katierans who were like model with their height and build. She was slim but still had feminine curves. Her eyes were a dark brown with the gold irises and her perfect freckle-free face was framed by long brunette hair.

  She had high-sculpted cheekbones. If she were on Earth she would be snatched up for modeling. Her two friends were similar in looks except their hair colors differed. She kind of reminded Lizzie of Captain Jaxon, now Prima Captain Jaxon. The woman that TylOR had been interested in before he met Lizzie. She had heard the rumors and it bothered her for a while until she realized Jaxon was completely devoted to her mate, Prime Commander KydEL.

  “Hi. I’m Dr. Elizabeth Connell. But ya’ll can call me Lizzie.” She reached out a hand forgetting that even the women of Katiera or Kiljor do not shake hands. The other woman looked down at her hand as if she was holding a bowl of worms at her. Lizzie quickly dropped her hand.

  “Why are you with TylOR?” the tall woman demanded.

  The fact the woman used TylOR’s name and had not called him Commander had not escaped her. “We are sharing the Evening Meal.”

  The woman glared down at her. “You are not worthy of him, female. You need to keep your hands off and stay away.”

  Lizzie was a little shocked at the vehemence in the other woman’s voice. She didn’t want Lizzie to be with TylOR. Well, too damn bad! She wasn’t about to let some skinny ass bitch tell her what to do.

  Lizzie smiled up at her, “You’re too late on that one, honey.”

  The other woman looked at her furiously. “He’s mine!”

  “That’s not what he was sayin', darlin', when he had his tongue in my pussy.” Lizzie smirked.

  “You vile creature! I’ll make you sorry. I’ll…” The woman was interrupted when TylOR showed up with the food.

  “Is there a problem?” TylOR asked, looking at Elizabeth and the other three females. He had not heard what the Kiljorn female said to Elizabeth but from the expression on her face, it was not pleasant.

  “Nope,” Lizzie said, reaching for her food. The tray was heavy. What the hell did he get her?

  The tall Kiljorn woman smiled up at TylOR. “Commander, it is good to see you again.”

  TylOR placed his tray down and looked at the female. She looked famil
iar. “Pardon, what is your name?”

  The Kiljorn woman turned red with embarrassment. “It is I, MarjAY. We spent some time together about year and a half ago on Kiljor’s Beach community.”

  Lizzie felt a bit relieved to hear that last time TylOR was around this other woman was before he ever met her. She smiled inwardly at the blank expression on TylOR’s face.

  It took a moment for TylOR to remember. He had gone there for a few days to relax. He met a female also visiting that he shared sex with many times during his stay. However, she was not his true bond mate, nor did he have any desire to mate her, so after the days off were over he returned to Kiljorn Prime City and never contacted the female again.

  “It is good to see you as well, MarjAY.” TylOR sat down and noticed Elizabeth’s frown.

  “I wanted to come over and offer to have you share the Evening Meal with me,” MarjAY said with confidence.

  “No thank you. I am already sharing the meal with Elizabeth.” TylOR dismissed her and began to eat his food.

  She was shocked the male was ignoring her. How could he not remember their time together? MarjAY turned angry eyes on the Earth female. It was all her fault TylOR barely looked at her. Earth scum.

  Lizzie took her cue from TylOR. She proceeded to ignore the angry woman standing over her and began to eat her salad. She closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure. The special dressing they make was delicious. She heard a huff and then three pairs of feet stomping away.

  She continued to eat her salad trying to avoid what was inevitable. She didn’t want to talk about what just happened. Lizzie was fine with ignoring the elephant in the room. TylOR wasn’t though.

  “What did she say to you?” TylOR put his spoon down and looked over at Elizabeth.

  Lizzie shrugged her shoulders. “She told me to keep my hands off you. That you are hers.”

  TylOR looked furious. “She said what?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She kept her eyes on her plate. Though she handled the situation and didn’t let MarjAY know how much it bothered her, truth was it did bother her that he was with the other woman. Even though it was before he met her. She shouldn’t feel this way. They weren’t together. It didn’t escape her attention that MarjAY was his exact type of woman, just like Jaxon. Lizzie was the complete opposite. She was a short, overweight, freckled face nothing.

  “It does matter what she said because it is not true. Elizabeth…look at me.” He reached out a hand to hold hers steady. It made her look up at him. He felt his heart clench at seeing the uncertainty in her beautiful blue eyes.

  “So you didn’t sleep with her?” she asked with irritation. She was starting to get really angry. He asked her to come out and eat with him. Now he wanted to sit there and pretend his ex-girlfriend didn’t just try to bully and intimidate her? She wasn’t going to have it.

  He paused before answering, “Unfortunately, I did. About a year and a half ago I was ordered to take a rest from my duties by Prime Leader KadEN. I was under a lot of stress trying to assist with the peace talks with the Katierans. I went to the Beach community. I found myself as one of a handful of eligible males surrounded by willing females.”

  He saw her frown again.

  “You have to understand, there are so few females on our planet that when one shows interest, a male would have a hard time refusing her.”

  “So it was one time? One night?” she asked still feeling weird about it.

  He hesitated before saying the truth. “A week. Five days.”

  It hurt. She tried her best not to show it, but it hurt to know he spent time with another woman.

  “So five days, then you went your separate ways?”

  “Yes. I have not seen MarjAY since then, nor have I sought her out.”

  “What about Captain Jaxon, Prima Jaxon?”

  “What about her?” TylOR was confused.

  “Are you still in love with her?” Lizzie had heard the rumors about TylOR and Jaxon. Jaxon chose to mate the Katieran Prime Commander, Lizzie still wondered how that affected TylOR. Was he still hurt over losing the other woman? Was Lizzie a fill in?

  “Love? I have great admiration for Prima Jaxon but…I do not have love for her. She is mated to Prime Commander KydEL.”

  “But you wanted to mate her, didn’t you?” Lizzie was still having a hard time believing him.

  “I admit that I pursued her. She is an attractive female and a fine warrior. However, I knew she was not my true bond mate. I did not have love for her and she did not have love for me. We shared a kiss. That is all.” He didn’t understand why Elizabeth was bringing up Jaxon. Her scent changed as well. It had a bitter hurt aroma. It was like she was…jealous. That was it! He stood suddenly.

  Lizzie looked up at him in surprise. “TylOR?” She was whisked up into his arms and he began to carry her out of the meal room. She noticed everyone’s eyes were on them, especially MarjAY.

  “What are you doing?” Lizzie tried to wiggle free but it was no use. He had a firm grip on her.

  “I think it is time to show you how I really feel about you,” TylOR said with a rumbly voice.

  Time for denying their feelings was up.

  Chapter Eight

  Fear and excitement coursed through her entire body. Still she was hesitant. “What about our food?” She wasn’t hungry at the moment. At least not for food. But she wasn’t sure she was ready for what he had in mind. Just thinking about what they had done at the village had her panties wet. She needed him again badly.

  TylOR growled as the scent of Elizabeth’s arousal hit his system. Goddess help him, he did not want to scare her off with his desire for her. It was all-consuming and had him feeling completely out of control. He was not sure he liked that. But he definitely liked Elizabeth. She was sweet and generous. She was smart and more beautiful than words could say. How could she not know what she did to him?

  Lizzie buried her face against his shoulder to avoid seeing the looks. She was angry for being manhandled, embarrassed that it was done in front of everyone, and more turned on than she had ever been in her entire life. She looked up when he stopped in front of a door. One that she was unfamiliar with.

  “Where are we? This isn’t my sleeping quarters.”

  “No, but it is mine.” He opened the door and entered, still holding her tight in his arms. He secured the door behind him before carrying her directly to his bed and dumping her carefully on it.

  “Let’s talk about this.” Lizzie bounced, then scrambled up on her knees. She was nervous and having second thoughts of doing anything more serious.

  Talk? TylOR was beyond talk. He unfastened his uniform shirt and shrugged out of it. Next he tried to take off his pants. Unfortunately, his pants legs got snagged up with his boots. He kicked them off along with his pants.

  Holy shit! Lizzie stared at a naked and very aroused TylOR. He was perfection. All golden and buff. He had an eight pack. No hair on his body at all. He was smooth and bare and she wanted to lick him from head to toe. She licked her lips, which earned a growling response from him.

  “Take your clothes off.” He clasped his large heavy cock in his hand and began to pump himself.

  She bit her lip in nervousness. “The lights are on. Can you turn them off?” She didn’t want him to see her completely naked. Very few men had. She always kept the lights off or dimmed.

  She rubbed her stomach where there were stretch marks. She had them all over her body from the weight loss. It was a common problem for larger people, when they finally lost weight to get healthy and look good, they still feel self-conscious over the remaining reminders they had been overweight to begin with. She had thought about asking Doctor Kat whether there was a Katieran way to smooth out and diminish the white marks on her. Maybe the little nanobots they used to help people heal would work. But she felt guilty over asking for something so superficial as that.

  “Take your clothes off or I will tear them off you.” He could see her hesitation but did not
understand it. She wanted him. Her arousal was evidence of it. So why was she acting so strangely?

  “I…would feel more comfortable if the lights were off.”

  “Why?” He came to stand closer to her. Her head was level with his waist, which gave him wicked ideas of what he would like to do with her soft mouth.

  “I am uncomfortable with having men see me without my clothes.” She looked down at her hands, which were tightly clasped together.

  “Have you not been with males before?”

  “Yes, but I always kept the lights low or off. I didn’t want my body to kill the mood.”

  He was relieved she knew what to expect but didn’t like the fact other males had touched her. He ignored that part and concentrated on the last thing she said. “Why would your body kill the mood?”

  “You know, because I’m fat.”

  “You. Are. Not. Fat!” He was furious. How could she think that? Even if it were true, he would still desire her. She had been fuller when he first met her and he liked that about her. He missed that because now, those softer curves were missing.

  “I’ve lost a few pounds but I have a lot more to go.” She rubbed her very small stomach bump.

  He had heard enough. TylOR knelt on the bed next to her and took her face into his hands. “I want to see you, all of you.” He nibbled her lips distracting her as he lowered his hands to the hem of her dress. He raised it up slowly over her body. She didn’t lift her arms right away, so he lifted them for her and moved the dress up and over her head. He tossed it to the floor.

  All she was left wearing was her red matching bra and panties. She wasn’t completely naked but she felt so exposed. She shivered and tried to cover herself with her arms.

  “No, do not cover yourself!” He quickly undid the hook to her bra and pulled it off her. “By the Goddess you are beautiful.” He cupped her large breasts in his hands. She was so soft.

  “I have stretch marks from being overweight,” she whispered as he nibbled down her neck.


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