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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9)

Page 18

by Kristine Cayne

  “Yellow to slow things down, red to stop.”

  “Very good. You’ll feel a series of continuous movements over your body. I’ll stop every now and then to change the torches and give you a little break.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Jamie seemed to understand how much she needed to know what was happening. She’d never have consented to try this with anyone else.

  His hands moved over her skin. Wherever he touched her, a lick of heat followed, then a swipe of his hand completed the dance. He repeated the short confident strokes on her bottom, her back, her legs, even her feet. Every nerve in her body was on high alert, hypersensitive. She tried to anticipate where he would go next, but she couldn’t identify a pattern.

  Every few minutes, he changed torches, barely missing a beat. She felt like a musical instrument and he the virtuoso. The heat and the stroking were oddly comforting. She felt herself drifting, on the verge of falling asleep, like when she had a massage or got her hair done.

  As though sensing her lack of alertness, Jamie smacked her bottom. “On your back, Mrs. Caldwell.” He helped her turn over on the narrow table and placed a neck roll under her head. “You’re going to want to watch this.”

  She tensed. “Why?” Even though she’d enjoyed the fire on her back, she wasn’t at all sure she’d enjoy having her breasts set on fire. When he frowned at her, she continued, stumbling to cover her mistake. “Are you going to do something different, Sir?”

  Like a little boy who had the full attention of his parents, he grinned. “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.”

  Light as a rose petal, he ran his palm between her breasts, over her stomach, down one leg, and up the other before cupping between her thighs. “Open.”

  “Are you going to put fire on my p—” Her throat constricted and she had to breathe in and out before she could spread her legs. She indicated her crotch with her hand. “Are you, Sir?”

  He chuckled and dipped his finger in her folds. The gentle glide had desire pooling in her belly, a pool where fire danced on the surface. “You still have trouble saying it.”

  Frustrated with him for teasing her and with herself for responding so wantonly to this fire pleasure, she curled her hands into the towel beneath her. “I said it earlier. It’s probably because you’re standing there staring at it that I can’t say it now.”

  He circled her clitoris, never touching it. “I love your pussy and the fire loves it too. But you’re not ready for such intense play tonight.”

  A noise rose from her throat, startling them both. Could she actually be disappointed?

  Jamie arched a dark brow, a smirk on his handsome face. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Caldwell. Even though the fire won’t, the heat will kiss your pussy later. But only if you ask nicely.”

  The desire to glare at him was so strong, she snapped her lids closed and took a deep breath. Wetting her lips in what she thought was a seductive move, she arched her neck. “Please, Sir. When you think I’m ready, please let the heat kiss my… p-pussy.” There’d she’d done it.

  He slipped his finger inside her. “Not good enough. Say it again.”

  Her eyes shot open. She locked her gaze on his. “Please let the heat kiss my pussy, Sir.”

  Bending, he sucked one of her pussy lips in his mouth and tugged. She hissed and arched her back at the delicious stretch. It left her feeling open and exposed. Vulnerable and extremely aroused. Why had he never done this before? Then she remembered: she’d never been completely bare before. He did it again and she moaned. Oh God. If he promised to do that again, she’d get waxed or even undergo laser hair removal. Her back bowed as desire ripped through her.

  A wide grin on his face, Jamie released her. His lips gleamed with her juices. She’d never seen anything sexier in her life.

  “We’ll get to that, but first, let’s have a little fun.” He picked up a piece of gauze from the table and dipped it in the alcohol, then he did the same with a fresh torch.

  Using the gauze, he swabbed a trail across her stomach. When he lit the alcohol with the torch, blue light streaked across the line he’d drawn. Her hips twisted and she gasped, shocked by the beauty of it. Jamie’s hand quickly swiped over the area. His eyes met hers, his expression blank. “Like it?”

  “Jamie.” Small spasms continued to shake her body. She swallowed and started again. “Mr. Caldwell, Sir. That was amazing.”

  “Not too hot?” he asked.

  When she shook her head, the blankness on his face changed to relief, revealing how worried he’d been that she’d reject his fire, his passion. It only made her love him more.

  He rubbed the gauze from just above her belly button, up the middle of her body, to the line made by her nipples. “Keep your head back,” he warned before touching the torch to the bottom of the path. Fire raced up her stomach to her chest. Her body undulated as the heat followed the flames—straight to her face. Despite knowing better, she squealed.

  Jamie’s hand followed, extinguishing the flames, and rested in the valley between her breasts. Her heart beat wildly under his touch. “Shh, relax,” he murmured. “Breathe.”

  She repeated the exercise he’d shown her. When her heart rate settled, he smiled. “Okay, now?”

  “Much. The flames near my face frightened me, Sir.”

  “I won’t let them get past here.” With his finger, he drew a line just north of her breasts. Was he really going to make a bonfire out of them? Moving his hand down her body, he swabbed the length of one thigh, set fire to it, and put out the flames with a brush of his hand.

  After doing her other thigh, he switched the gauze for one he picked up from a bowl on the table beside her. “I’m going to try something new.” He squeezed the gauze in his hand. “This is going to be fun for both of us. Remember to tell me how you’re feeling. Safeword if you need to.”

  She took in the flush on his cheeks, the sharpness of his features and the hunger blazing in his eyes. The last time she’d seen him like this was after he and the team had worked all day to rescue people trapped in a subway tunnel. Jamie was riding high on adrenaline and excitement.

  Thrilled to share this rush with him, she nodded for him to continue. He ran his alcohol-drenched palm over her stomach, lit the trail and blew out the flames. The multiple sensations had her moaning and writhing. His hand stroked between her breasts. Heat followed, then coolness. Over, under, around each breast, circling closer and closer to her nipples, but never touching.

  Each time he lit the wetness, blue flames ran over his hand and her body until his breath extinguished both fires. For that small moment in time, they were joined in the flames. Desire grew inside her, soaking her pussy. Her chest heaved as her breath came in short pants.

  When Jamie stopped, she raised her head to see why. He picked up a washcloth from a bowl and wiped her breasts and stomach with it. The coldness of the wet cloth had her shivering. “Did you enjoy that?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir. Why did you stop?”

  “To keep the fire from burning you, I have to keep moving it around. When I use my hand as a torch, the fire is always on me in the same spot.”

  “Oh! Are you hurt, Sir?” She tried to sit up, but he stopped her with a heavy hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m an expert at this. I know exactly how much I can take.” He held his hand out where she could see it. His skin wasn’t even pink.

  She dropped her head back and sighed. “What you were doing, Sir. It felt so good.”

  “You were close to coming.”

  Embarrassed that he’d seen through her, she bit her lip. “How did you know, Sir?”

  “I know you.” A big sexy grin on his face, he picked up several cotton balls and placed them in a zigzag pattern that moved up her torso. “This is flash cotton. The balls burn very quickly and feel hotter than what you’ve experienced so far. Don’t be scared. I won’t let you get hurt.”

  “Why do you want to use these, Sir?”

  “Remember those endorphins I
mentioned? The sudden heat from these will cause an endorphin release. If you relax, this will feel fantastic.”

  She lifted her brows, playing the coquette. “And then you’ll let me come, Sir?”

  “Yes.” He coughed and shifted his stance. “When I light the balls, breathe out. Let the heat flow through you.”

  When she inhaled and held her breath, Jamie lit the first ball in the zigzag pattern. At first, she felt nothing. Mild warmth started and quickly turned into an intense heat. Followed by nothing. He lit the next ball, then another. The sparks zipped all the way up her torso. Her mind spun, incapable of putting into words what she was experiencing. Like a wave, her body rolled as the flashes of heat shocked her, one after the other. Finally, there were no more. She lay drifting, dazed, and uncomprehending. There’d been no real pain, only heightened awareness. Her pleasure magnified as Jamie’s hands skimmed over her belly and breasts, his light touch grounding her.

  His breath on her cheek made her sigh. She wanted to turn her face and kiss him, but she was too comfortable. “How are you holding up?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

  “Fine.” Relaxed almost to the point of lethargy, the word “Sir” never left her lips although she’d thought it.

  He pressed his mouth to hers, his kiss tender and sweet. “You’re doing great, babe. Do you want to continue?”

  She smiled. “More.” He smiled back. Euphoria swept over her at the love in his eyes. In this moment, she loved him more than she’d ever thought possible. Her kinky fireman hero husband. God, if he only knew what she was thinking…

  When she giggled, his grin grew. “I think it’s time to let the heat kiss your sexy pussy.”

  Her mouth opened and the words “Oh, yes!” flitted through her mind. She didn’t say them, but Jamie apparently heard them anyway. He picked up a swab and lit a torch. Her lids drooped and she let them close, sinking further down against the neck roll.

  Jamie’s hand passed over her stomach, her sides, her breasts in a soothing pattern of caress, fire, and stroke, the motions fluid and even. Hypnotizing. Soon, that pattern was the only thing in her mind, the only thing she knew as she floated on a cloud of well-being. Never before had she felt so free, so serene.

  Caress, fire, stroke. Jamie moved down her body to her legs. He nudged her knees farther apart. “Mrs. Caldwell, are you ready to be kissed?”

  Incapable of forming words, she moaned her encouragement. Jamie’s hand cupped her pussy, warming it. Arousal pooled low in her belly and her inner muscles spasmed. Jamie chuckled as he spread her juices between her lips and penetrated her with two fingers. She bucked against his hand, needing to feel him deeper. His fingers gently stroked that special spot inside her only he seemed able to find, and his thumb circled her clitoris.

  Heat and cold ebbed and flowed in an intoxicating mélange. She cracked open a lid and peered down her body to see what he was doing. She gasped when he brought the torch close to her before pulling it away.

  Jamie’s head jerked up. “Trust me.” The growled words shot through her, sending her spiraling. She watched, mesmerized, as he once again brought the flames to within a foot of her sensitive folds. Keeping his thumb on her clitoris, he held the torch in place until the heat became almost unbearable, then retreated, before starting over, a little closer each time. After each pass, he blew on her pussy.

  As the heat rose, so did the pressure inside her until she thought she’d scream. She ground against Jamie’s hand, riding his fingers. He responded by pulling the torch away and inserting a third finger inside her.

  “Mrs. Caldwell, I’m going to bring the fire close to your sweet pussy again, very slowly. You’re going to hold off as long as you can. When I give you permission, you will let go.”

  Let go? What did that even mean? Whatever he wanted her to do, she wasn’t ready for this to end. Breathing deeply, she concentrated on all the sensations going on between her legs. It was amazing really. How could he be so coordinated? The three fingers pumping inside her probed and stretched, the thumb on her clitoris stroked and circled, and the heat—the heat danced and kissed, caressed and embraced her pussy like a lover. As the temperature climbed, the exquisite pressure in her belly mounted.

  Remembering the sheep, she tried counting: one sheep, two sheep, three ahhh!

  Each added degree pushed the volcano inside her closer to the point of eruption. She clenched her fists, struggling to restrain the climax that threatened to break loose. Nothing could distract her from the excruciating ecstasy. It surrounded her, filled her, consumed her.

  “Please, more,” she pleaded, barely conscious of doing so.

  The intensity of the heat went up a notch. Desperate for release, she clung to sanity by a thread, bunching the towel in her fists.

  “Now. Come for me, Mrs. Caldwell.” His sharp authoritative command sent her reeling. He lifted his thumb and blew on her burning pussy. The dam burst and she exploded. Like a constellation, she soared weightless through space and time. Her body spasmed, contracting through wave after wave of pleasure as her orgasm seemed to continue for an eternity.

  Jamie’s hands and the heat left her body and she groaned in protest until something soft and warm settled over her. Sighing, she drifted, her body light as air. Sometime later, she felt Jamie’s strong gentle hands massaging something into her skin. It smelled faintly of aloe. Opening her eyes, she watched him, the concentration on his features, the rippling muscles in his arms. She’d never felt more precious or cherished. As soon as he noticed her eyes on him, he brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “How are you?”

  Too drowsy and content to speak, she simply smiled.

  “Drink this,” he said, laying a straw on her bottom lip. She moaned as cool crisp apple juice slid easily down her throat. Her body seemed to soak it up and the fuzziness in her head started to dissipate.

  Jamie set the juice aside and undid the bun in her hair, combing his fingers through it as he massaged her scalp. It felt heavenly. “You were magnificent, Rickie. I’m so damn proud of you.” The love in his bright eyes mirrored the love swamping her heart.

  “You were right.” Stopping, she cleared the cobwebs from her throat and wet her lips. “This was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It was literally out of this world. Is it always like this?”

  “You experienced something called subspace. It’s a natural high caused by the release of endorphins and some other chemicals in the body.” He traced the arch of her eyebrows, the curve of her cheekbones, the edge of her jaw, and shook his head as though amazed. “I didn’t tell you about it because few subs reach it the first time and even fewer get into it so deeply.”

  “I didn’t do anything to make it happen.”

  “Oh but you did. Deep subspace is only possible when a sub gives herself over to the experience and cedes all control to her Dom.” He cupped her cheek in his hand and stared into her eyes for a moment. “You communicated with me, expressed your concerns and worries, and we worked them out. You proved that I can trust you.”

  Before she could comment further, he swung her up into his arms and carried her out to the lanai. Sitting on one of the loungers, he snuggled her on his lap, making sure the warm blanket covered everything below her neck. She rested her head on his shoulder and listened to the beating of his heart, enjoying the glide of his fingers over the blanket along her arms, her back, her legs. As her energy returned, she warmed up. The strange high, as Jamie had called it, was receding, but she didn’t feel sad or hungover.

  Instead, her heart was bursting with joy. She bent her neck to see Jamie’s face and was surprised by his far-too-serious expression. “What is it?”

  “Are you okay with what happened here?”

  She thought for a moment, then nodded. “Toward the end, I couldn’t have used the safewords even if I’d wanted to. But I didn’t want to. What happened was amazing. I can’t even imagine what more advanced techniques you might know and how they might feel.”

  “There’s so much I can teach you and so much more we can explore together.”

  A shiver of excitement swept over her body, making her nipples peak and her pussy clench. She slid her hand to the erection that bulged behind his zipper. “It seems to me that I got more out of this evening than you did.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Rickie. Tonight, you gave me everything—total surrender and absolute submission.” His lips kicked up at the corners in a sexy mischievous grin that made him look like sin incarnate. “I’m a very satisfied Dom.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jamie stopped the car in the driveway to his parents’ house and let out a long exhale. His mother had called early that morning before they’d left for the airport, asking if they could come straight here after landing. The family wanted to celebrate his and Rickie’s reunion. She hadn’t seen his family socially since before the separation, and his mother was determined to change that. Judging by the way Rickie was gnawing at her lip, she was more than a little nervous. He took her hand, circling his thumb on her palm. “Ready?”

  Smiling, she dropped a kiss on his mouth. “With you by my side, I can handle anything.”

  He groaned and pressed his lips to hers again, his tongue sliding into her mouth. She tasted sweet and sexy and, despite the fact that they’d made love that morning, he wanted her again. Would they ever get enough of each other? He hoped not. “Be careful what you say, babe. Around you, I’m always locked and loaded.”

  She laughed and pushed open her door. “Come on. I can’t wait to see Chloe.”

  He grabbed the bag of souvenirs from the back seat. Rickie had insisted on getting something special for each member of his family and Dani. Did she think she needed to get back into their good graces? As far as he was concerned, she’d done them both a favor by forcing the issue. If she hadn’t, their marriage would have continued along the same mediocre path, with both of them hiding from each other, both of them unhappy and dissatisfied. What they had now was so much better, strong enough to see them through any future rough patches.


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