What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9)
Page 52
Jamie had a point. Dating had been non-existent. “But still,” Krista protested halfheartedly.
Her friend glared at her. “If you want to leave, I’ll give you my keys. I’m not going to force you to stay.”
“I might.” A deep masculine voice sounded from behind them.
A shiver swept down Krista’s spine. Her heart rate sped up and it felt like slow motion as she spun around to see who had spoken to her. Oh. My. God! She laid eyes on one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever seen. He put George Clooney to shame.
“Would you gorgeous ladies care to join me?” He motioned toward an empty couch.
“We’d love to.” Jamie smiled and looped her arm through Krista’s.
Krista attempted to speak, but no words were forming as she was led over. She expected Jamie to sit next to the sexy man and keep him for herself, but instead, her friend left a gap for Krista to sit in the middle.
“I’m Neil.” He took a sip from his drink. The light gold liquid flowed to his lips and Krista found herself jealous of the glass.
“I’m Jamie, and this is my friend Krista Michaels.”
Why the heck did Jamie just given him my last name?
Neil rested his glass on the armrest. He was at ease and in his comfort zone as he straightened his light blue tie. “It’s nice to meet you both. First time here?”
“Yes. Though it’s a relatively new place. Have you been here much?” Jamie crossed her legs.
“A few times. I’m friends with the owner.” His gaze stayed on Krista.
She stared back, mesmerized by him. He had dark hair with slight streaks of grey at the temple. Not too much, just was the right amount. Perfect. Like him. Now if only she could speak, she might get somewhere.
“What do you do for a living?” He spun the glass around with his fingers.
“We’re both teachers,” Jamie answered.
His eyes widened. “This must be your favorite time of the year. Summer vacation.”
“It is.” Jamie poked Krista in the side.
Krista nodded since for whatever reason, her mouth still wasn’t working.
“Are you always so quiet?” Neil smirked. A tiny dimple formed on his chin. She loved a man with dimples.
“Usually she won’t shut up.” Jamie giggled. “What’s up, Krista?”
“I love your name by the way.” His blue eyes locked on her.
Speak. Mouth move. “Thank you.” She finally managed a word.
He took a long drink then set the cup down on the table. He sat back, pulling one leg up and resting his ankle on the opposite knee. “I’m going to be frank. When I see something I like, I go after it. And I like what I see, Krista. Are you single?”
His bluntness caused a wave of pleasure to ripple though her. “I am.”
“I’m attracted to you very much, but I don’t want to waste my time if you don’t feel the same.” He paused, staring at her with a longing in his eyes. Finally, he moistened his lips. “That isn’t entirely true. If you weren’t interested in me, I’d try harder. I don’t like not getting what I want, and I want you.”
Her heart raced to a speed she was worried might put her in a panic attack. Never had a man simply told her the extent he wanted her. Was she expected to answer him? And if so, what should she say: Yes you can have me right here however you want?
“Say something,” Jamie whispered as she nudged Krista with her shoulder.
She mumbled, “What do I say?”
Neil chuckled. “I’m going to get another drink. I’ll be right back.”
As soon as he was gone, Jamie grabbed Krista’s arm and spun her around. “What the hell is your problem? Please tell me you find him attractive.”
Tall, dark, handsome, and he wore a designer suit. That was a no-brainer. “I do. So much I can’t form sentences. The way he talks and how honest he is. Oh my goodness, I’m so turned on.”
Jamie laughed. “Maybe he’s a Dom.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I don’t want to be tied up and spanked.” At least she didn’t think she did. Right about now she was pretty sure Neil could do whatever he wanted to her and she’d oblige.
Jamie snickered. “I guess you’re the lucky one tonight. Should I leave you two alone and go find my own man?”
“No!” She clutched on to her friends hand. “Please.”
Krista glanced toward the bar. Neil’s back was to her. She licked her lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. Surely he was a pro. He was most likely a renowned bachelor and had kissed many, many women. No, no, she didn’t want to think about that.
“So what do you think?” Jamie sipped through her pink straw. “Think you’ll get to know him?”
“I’d be stupid not to.” Krista was infatuated by his back side. The way he wore his slacks…it was as though he had them custom made to his ass. Heck, he was probably loaded and had a tailor on speed dial.
Neil turned and headed back their way. Krista couldn’t take her eyes off him. As he took a seat, she hadn’t realized that Jamie had wiggled out of her grip.
“I’ll be right back.” Jamie hopped off the couch and was gone before Krista had a chance to protest.
I’m going to wring her neck. Hadn’t she just asked her not to leave her?
“What grade do you teach?” He rubbed his chin and held his hand there a moment.
He nodded. “Easy?”
“Uh, depends on the kid, really. It’s a big transition year for that age.”
He swirled liquid in the glass. “Would you be interested in dinner with me? Tomorrow maybe?”
That was soon. “Um.”
“Please don’t feel pressured, but I’d like to take you out somewhere private where we could get to know one another better.”
Somewhere private? Was he expecting sex? She didn’t know if she could just get away tomorrow. She wasn’t the only one she had to think about. “I’m honestly not sure.”
“I understand.” He reached into his pocket and removed a card. He set his glass on the armrest and scribbled on the back of the card before handing it to her. “My private cell number is on there. Normally I like to do the calling—call me old fashioned—but I can see things might be different with you. Call or text and let me know. Either way, my evening will be free, and I hope I can spend it with you.”
Krista took the card just as Jamie returned.
“What did I miss?” her friend asked slyly.
Neil winked then directed his sexy gaze toward Jamie. “I was just asking your friend out for tomorrow night, but she isn’t sure.”
Krista gave her friend a pleading look, hoping she’d catch her drift.
“I’ll make sure she can.” Jamie smiled.
Krista sighed. It was a good thing Jamie was her best friend or else she’d have smacked her. She still might.
“As much as I don’t want to, I won’t take up any more of your time.” Neil stood and straightened his jacket.
He reached his hand out toward Krista. She took it, expecting him to shake it. Instead, he yanked her up and pulled her close, leaving only a few mere inches between them. She gasped from the closeness and as he leaned forward, she worried she would faint. He pressed his lips to her cheek and her eyes closed on instinct as she inhaled his aftershave that reminded her of sandalwood.
“Please call me,” he said softly into her ear before turning and walking away.
Krista was left speechless as she watched him cross the room and head toward the back. She glanced at Jamie who sat there with a smug look on her face.
“See, told you this was a good idea.” Jamie gloated.
Neil entered his home and went straight to his office later that evening. He needed to know more about Krista. While he didn’t have much to go on, he knew her name and she was a teacher. Surely she couldn’t be that hard to find.
She most likely wouldn’t call or text, but there was no way he was letting her go. He couldn’t quite
pinpoint what it was, but from the moment he’d laid eyes on her, he’d wanted her. He was bound and determined to do whatever it took to make sure that happened.
A few months before, he’d joined The Gentleman’s Club. At first he wasn’t too sure about it. The place was an exclusive May-December type club. Women were young, men were older. Once a woman hit a certain age, she wasn’t welcome anymore, but the club did its best not to make that known to avoid lawsuits. The bouncer typically did a good job not hurting anyone’s feelings. When it came to men, they had to be at least forty, five years younger than he was.
The point of The Gentleman’s Club was for older men and younger women to find love, or at least hook up. He wouldn’t necessarily say he only liked younger woman, he was just very fortunate that younger women seemed to enjoy him.
And if it hadn’t been for the club, he might not have encountered Krista.
He searched her out on the Internet. He told himself he would not do a background check. He simply wanted to find her address and phone number. It took willpower not to learn everything he could, but he knew that would only lead to trouble. He’d slip up during a conversation and freak her out, losing her. He didn’t want that.
It didn’t take long. He copied her information on a piece of paper, folded it up, and put it in his wallet. After closing the laptop, he decided to call it an evening. He’d watch a little TV until he fell asleep.
As he entered the living room, his cell phone vibrated. He removed it from his pocket to see he’d received a new text from a number he didn’t recognize.
I’d love to have dinner with you tomorrow night if the offer still stands – Krista
Neil grinned. He was definitely surprised to have heard from her already.
Great. I’ll pick you up at six at your place. Have a wonderful evening.
Chapter Two
Krista hadn’t heard from Neil all day and six o’clock was approaching fast. She gazed out the sidelight window by her front door. She’d never sent him her address and was curious why he hadn’t asked. How would he know where she lived? What were the chances she was the only Krista Michaels in town? Then again, a man with his money had access to anything he wanted.
Taking a deep breath, she leaned against the wall and prayed he wasn’t standing her up, especially when she was dressed to impress.
She wore a black strapless dress that was very low cut in the back. It was open and dipped down to right above her tailbone. She’d gone out this afternoon and bought a pair of plain black stilettos. Her red locks were curled tightly so they bounced on her shoulders. It had been a long time since she’d been on a date. She really hoped this wasn’t some cruel joke.
The sound of an engine pulled her from her thoughts and she peeked through the window to see a limo at the end of her driveway. She covered her mouth to suppress the gasp. The driver left the vehicle to open the back door. Neil stepped out in a navy pinstripe suit. He nodded at the man and headed toward her door.
Oh shit; this was happening. She was going out with this hot man she knew nothing about. Lord help me. Please don’t be a mass serial killer. That would be just her luck.
She grabbed her clutch purse and swung the door open just as he was about to knock.
His gaze swept over her body, taking in every inch of her. “Gorgeous.”
Krista grinned, because the way he stared at her, she believed him. “Thank you.”
She closed the door behind her. As they walked to the limo, he placed a hand on her lower back. The skin-to-skin contact scorched her. She chewed on her bottom lip to stifle the moan she wanted to make.
The driver held the door open and they climbed inside the car, sliding on the leather upholstery. Once they were on the road, she stole a glance at him.
He sat with ease in the seat, his arms stretched out to his sides. “I can’t tell you how happy I am you’ve agreed to this date. I promise to show you a good time.”
“I’m sure it will be lovely.” Unless she ended up in pieces, in a plastic bag, in the middle of the ocean. Okay…chances were that wasn’t going to happen. She wasn’t getting the psycho-killer vibes from him. Then again, from history, it seemed that it was usually the attractive men who were the ones to be weary of.
Krista was surprised when the limo got off the interstate at an airport exit. There weren’t any good restaurants in that area. She was even more shocked when they arrived at the small airport.
“What’s going on?” Panic began to set in s she gripped the edge of her seat.
He cocked an eyebrow and grinned. “I’m taking you to dinner.”
The limo stopped in front of a gate. “Where?”
“To my favorite place.”
She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “I can’t leave town. I’m sorry. Truly I am. You’ve gone to a lot of trouble, but I must tell you, I have a—”
He placed a finger over her lips. “We aren’t leaving town. We’re having dinner in the sky. I have my own jet.”
“Wait a minute. We’re having dinner on your jet up in the air?” That was technically leaving town though, right?
Neil nodded with an amused grin.
Krista stared at him. She’d never had dinner on a plane—unless you counted a pack of peanuts.
A moment later, the gate opened and the limo drove through. Once the vehicle stopped, Neil opened the door and climbed out. After straightening his suit jacket, he extended his hand. She took it and stepped out on the pavement. She stared at the plane. Oh God, she was in over her head—big time.
“If you’re not comfortable with this, I understand. We can go elsewhere.” He appeared sincere, but he’d obviously put much effort into this date. She couldn’t wait to tell Jamie.
She shook her head. “It’s fine.”
It was only last night—not even twenty-four hours—that she’d met this man, and now he was leading her toward security before they would board his private jet. Had she somehow fallen into a fairy tale?
They were safely in the air. Krista was buckled in the seat next to Neil. Her knuckles were almost white from how tight she gripped the armrests. The seatbelt light was off. Right about now, she needed a glass of wine to help ease her nervousness.
Neil hadn’t intended to scare her, only impress her. “You’re free to roam around. I’ll be right back.”
He unbuckled, stood, and went toward the beverage area. He had one stewardess on board and she was most likely putting the finishing touches on dinner. He found the wine and poured two glasses. He then made his way back to Krista, noting she was still buckled.
“This might help.” Neil handed her the glass.
Krista took it and gulped it down.
“Want another?”
She wiped her mouth. “No. I probably shouldn’t.”
“I don’t mind. Really.” He handed his glass to her. “Have this one. I’ll go get another.”
A few minutes later, he returned to find Krista finally unbuckled. “Feeling better?” He took a sip from his glass, holding the bottle loosely in his other hand.
She nodded; her face appeared more relaxed. She was beautiful. Her curls looked like she’d spent hours on them and all he really wanted to do was run his fingers through it. “Yes, that second glass really helped.”
“You could’ve told me you were afraid of flying when we got here. I would have made other arrangements.” Though, he had kind of thrown this whole night on her.
“I’m not afraid of flying.”
He took a seat next to her. “Is it me?”
Krista’s gaze darted away. How silly of him. She wasn’t like the typical woman he took out. She was down to earth and completely out of her element.
“I apologize.”
Krista looked back at him. “Don’t be. It’s just…just…”
He rubbed her knee, needing to touch her. “I understand.”
“You do?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Yes. I kinda go aft
er what I want at full force, as I mentioned, and I’ve done that to you and scared you, which wasn’t my attention. I wanted to take you out on a date and show you a really good time and hope that, perhaps when it was over, you’d like to see me again.”
“You have whisked me away. I feel like I’m in a dream or something. I’ve never had a date like this before and I do appreciate the effort.”
“But.” He could feel it. She didn’t want this.
“This isn’t my life and I can’t just drop everything and do this on a regular basis.”
Neil took her small hand between his, hoping to soothe her. “We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. If you’d like to end this date now, just tell me.”
He could feel her body relax and he was thankful.
She sighed as a small grin formed on her red lips. “No, no. You’ve gone to all this trouble. I’d like to continue it. I am enjoying it, really.”
Raising her hand to his mouth, he pressed a light kiss to it. “I’m glad. Dinner should be arriving any minute.”
Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Krista stared into the mirror in the tiny bathroom.
She had to go back out there. She’d already been in here much longer than a normal person would be. Oh God, what if he thought she was pooping? How embarrassing!
With one last glance in the mirror and a tug at her dress, she opened the door and left. As she exited the short hallway, she gasped. A table was set up with a beautiful white tablecloth on and several candles burning in the center. The food had arrived, and Neil smiled in her direction as he waited on her.
Damn it, someone pinch her and wake her up. How had she gotten here? Twenty-four hours ago she never would’ve imagined she’d be here tonight. But here she was. It was best to enjoy this evening, chances were as he got to know her better, he’d change his mind about her.
“I can’t take my eyes off of you,” Neil said from behind her chair as she sat down. Gently, he pushed her closer to the table before seating himself.
Her cheeks burned. She glanced at the food that was presented. It looked really tasty and her stomach growled.