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Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three)

Page 6

by Skye,Marie

  I felt my mom’s hand close over my arm, trying to calm me, and I heard my dad’s voice. “I assure you nothing will leave this room, Grayson. I give you the word of everyone here.” I nodded, blowing out the breath I hadn’t known I was holding. I took another breath before saying a silent ‘forgive me’ to Emmalin, wherever she was.

  Almost two hours later, it was like the room was filled with a death sentence. Everyone around the table stared at me, and I couldn’t even look at my mom, she was crying so hard. She finally turned to my dad.

  “How much of this did you know?”

  I interjected. “He didn’t know much. He knew Abby was kidnapped, but we had everyone believe it was a robbery. He didn’t know about the rest, I swear.” She continued to wipe her eyes as my dad looked at me with a mixture of pity and sadness.

  “Where’s Emmalin now? Meredith said you two broke up. Why?” My mom looked from me to Meredith. Meredith stared at the table, not saying anything.

  I sighed. Might as well continue to make this day better for everyone. “I think she left because she thought I would be better off with someone else.”

  Meredith suddenly laughed and everyone turned to her. She stood up as her laugh got louder. “I’m having a hard time with this big brother, so forgive me if I’m taking this the wrong way.” I eyed her closely as she rounded the table to pour herself a glass of iced tea. “This whole thing sounds pretty hilarious don’t you think?”

  “Meredith,” my father warned.

  “No, Dad, it’s fine. Really. I don’t understand a word he said—maybe that’s why it’s hilarious. He brings this amazing woman home that we all fell in love with right? You all fell in love with her, did you not? Turns out, she’s had this amazing life where she had the shit beaten out of her by the people that were supposed to care for her and love her, and turns out they didn’t. So far am I getting the story right Grayson?” Before I could answer, she went on. “And then, as if life wasn’t shit enough, she gets kidnapped right?” Meredith starts to laugh again, but tears started to well in her eyes. “But not only was she kidnapped. He gave her a choice.” I froze as she walked over to me and grabbed my shirt. “He gave her a fucking choice. Am I still getting your story straight, Grayson?” I nodded as best I could with her hands bunched in my shirt. Tears were streaming down her face. “And what did he tell her? He said he would rape her in front of my daughter and make my daughter watch, kill my daughter in front of her, or simply rape her. Didn’t he say that to her?”

  I nodded, my own eyes filled with tears as she gripped me harder. I didn’t even try to fight her off of me. She needed this. “Tell me what she said Grayson! Tell me what she fucking said!”

  I placed my hands over her, and looked her in the eyes. “She told him to do anything he wanted to her.”

  Meredith shut her eyes as she cried harder. All of a sudden she slapped me as hard as she could across the face. My dad finally pulled her off of me. “She gave herself to save my daughter, Grayson! She allowed him to ruin her soul to save my daughter! I went to her and defended you, when it should’ve been her this whole time! I should’ve been on my knees thanking her. You’ve been going around for months with anyone you could get your hands on, and for what Grayson, because you’re pissed she left? You don’t deserve her.”

  “Meredith! You need to calm down. Let’s go.” My father took her out the room, practically carrying her.

  My mom sat there with her mouth covered and eyes wide, startled to have just witnessed an outburst like that. “I’ll go check on her,” she whispered.

  I sat there, hands clenched. My eyes finally met Chace’s. He sighed. “I noticed you kept the part about Carmen out of it.” He ran his hand through his hair. “She’s right, you know? Emmalin was scared, and now you know why she really left. Do you want her back?”

  “I’ve been suffocating since she left,” I muttered gruffly.

  “You sure as hell have a funny way of showing it.”

  We both looked up as Meredith stood by the door, arms crossed. “I’m so mad at you Ethan. I really am. I’m furious with you, because you thought with your dick. It’ll serve you right if she tells you to fuck off.” She sighed, and her voice softened. “But, I know she loves you, and if you want her, you are really going to have to fight.”

  I stood up, walking toward Meredith until I stood in front of her, and wrapped her in a hug. “I plan on it.”

  The rest of the evening was a little less strained. My parents became more understanding, and weren’t as pissed as Meredith was. My mom wasn’t happy with the fact that my father had lied to her regarding Abby. I assured her it wasn’t his fault, but still, the damage had been done, and there was no turning back from it. All of that was now behind us.

  I stood at the doorway, watching Meredith tuck the kids in and give Abby an extra hug.

  "I don't think I have ever been this mad at you."

  I watched Meredith as she pushed a strand of hair off of Abby’s face before turning off the light and shutting the door to the guestroom. I sighed. "I know."

  "Don't 'I know' me. What's your game plan Grayson?"

  I paused. I didn't exactly have a plan. She stared at me and threw her arms up. "Tell me you have a game plan? Grayson Ethan Mandrake, don't you dare tell me you don't have any idea what you're going to do?"

  I ran my hand through my hair, all of a sudden needing a drink. As I made my way to the bar, Meredith was beginning to be too intense for me. She just stared with her arms crossed.

  "When was the last time you two spoke?"

  I tensed, because I knew the last time I spoke to her. Fuck. "It was at a wedding, a little over three months ago."

  "Okay. Okay, we can work with that. That's good right? Weddings are good. Good memories, full of love."

  Meredith's smile faded when she saw my face, and her eyes narrowed. "What happened? Did she bring a date?"

  I shut my eyes. "No...but I did, and I made sure to taunt her with it every chance I got." Meredith's eyes bulged out of her head. "And I may have sealed the deal in with finality at the tail end of the night."

  "What did you do?"

  I threw back the bourbon and sighed. "I told her I wished I never met her."

  "Yeah he royally fucked that up."

  We both turned to Chace standing at the doorway. He casually came up to the bar. "Deserves at least another slap, don't you think Mer? Lord knows I’ve been wanting to punch the shit out of him since she told me that revelation."

  "Look, I get it all right? I fucked up. I know. There's nothing either one of you can tell me that I don't already know. I feel horrible, okay? I acted out of pure rage, and you're right, I don't deserve her, but if there's a chance, then I’m going to take it." I took another deep breath. "She's my life."

  Neither one of them said anything. Chace walked around the corner, hands clenched like he really was about to punch the shit out of me. He sized me up, nostrils flared, eyes narrowed. We stood eye to eye. We were the same height, with only about a fraction of an inch in my favor. He leaned in closer.

  “Remember what I said?”

  Of course I remembered what he said. He had practically threatened me, and I was prepared to end his very soul.

  “Yes,” I gritted out.

  His jaw clenched. “Then prove it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I get it, but thank you for your concern.”

  He took a step back. “I was sent in here to get you. Your parents are in the parlor room.”

  I exhaled before running a hand through my hair, and quickly debated having another drink before going in to talk to them. Walking toward the parlor room felt like walking down the green mile, like I was a kid going to receive his punishment.

  My mother was sitting in her favorite chair with a book open that I doubted she was even reading, and my dad had his tablet open. As soon as I walked in, both of their eyes met mine.

  I sat in the chair opposite them. “Can you spare me the lecture? I already
got one from Meredith.”

  My dad closed his tablet and set it on the nearby table. “Well the first thing you’re going to do is drop that tone when you speak to us. That may work in your boardroom, but I assure you, we are not your employees. We are your parents. And drop that glare while you’re at it.”

  “And sit up straight,” added my mother, never wanting to be left out when my dad was being stern.

  I heard Chace let out a muffled laugh behind me. My mother turned toward him. “Chace, shut the door on your way out.”

  His laugh quickly faded as he straightened and briefly scowled before heading to the door. The next sound was the soft click of the door upon being shut. I was starting to feel like I had when I was in high school and I got caught running an illegal gambling ring after school. Joke’s on them—it only took them three years to figure it out. By then, I’d already made over eleven thousand dollars. Not fucking bad for a high schooler. Not bad at all.

  “Is there anything else you need to tell us Ethan?”

  I shifted slightly in my chair. There was no way in hell I was bringing up Carmen. That mess was done and dead, and they did not need any more surprises in their life. I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry I lied to you both, but I had to protect Emmalin. I’ve always been a man of my word, so I’m serious when I say that everything I’ve said does not leave this house. It would devastate her if she knew I betrayed her. I have to protect her.”

  “I meant what I said Grayson—not just tonight, but also at the hospital. What did I tell you then? I told you that she may not have the Mandrake name, but we protect our own, through and through, did I not? You have my word.” My father was stern as he spoke with finality.

  I nodded, feeling a small lump in my throat. They loved her just as much as I did. My father got up and left the room, leaving me alone with my mom.

  “I’m sorry about the baby.”

  I looked up at my mom in surprise.

  “As much as I would’ve loved another grandchild running around here, my heart aches more for the fact that you two lost a precious life.”

  I watched as my mom wiped a tear from her eye.

  I nodded. “She never wanted to talk about it. The therapist tried to get her to talk about it a few times, but she always avoided it.” I sighed, running my hand through my hair. “I sometimes imagine what it would’ve been. I know people always say they just want the baby to be healthy, and of course I want that too, but I can’t help but wonder if it would’ve been a girl, with Emmalin’s sassy, defiant personality, and wonder if she would drive me insane just like her mother, but have me wrapped around her finger just the same.” I started to laugh. “I imagine her with big green eyes, completely stubborn, just a mini clone of Emmalin, and I would end up hiring a security team just to ease my mind.”

  My mom let out a boisterous laugh. “You know, Grayson, it could’ve also been a boy and been completely ornery just like you were. You have no idea how much trouble you were. You made up your own rules and went with it. You tried selling Meredith.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I remember that. For seven whole dollars. Thought I was making a profit.”

  “Grayson.” I looked up at my mother, struck by her gentle voice. “We support you in whatever decision you make, you know that, but we also know that you’re hurting without Emmalin. Now stop being an ass and go get your woman.”

  She stood up and kissed me on top of the head before punching me in the arm.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’d been in Quincy for a week. Of course I realized it made me look like a creepy stalker, watching Emmalin’s every move while staying out of sight, but I couldn’t exactly let her know I was in her town. I needed to get a feel for things first before I approached her. Sure, I was already keeping track of her, but I needed to be front and center.

  I knew all about the dickhead that seemed to follow her around like an abandoned puppy dog. I watched the way he looked at her, but I also wanted to see the way she looked at him. Was there anything there? I needed to know what I was heading into. I reluctantly kept my distance, but the moment I saw her, it took everything in me not to say ‘fuck it’ to my plans.

  It didn’t take long to figure out that everything she did in front of everyone was a lie. I had figured it out within seconds. The smile she put on in front of everyone never reached her eyes. She took her lunch a few miles away to a nearby park, and always nibbled at it before throwing most of it away. My hand ticked because I wanted to redden her ass for her lack of consideration toward her health.

  She had also taken up running and was noticeably thinner than she’d been the last time I’d seen her. Losing weight was the last thing she needed.

  It wasn’t until my fourth night there that I truly felt her pain. It was dark out, and I was alone at the park, trying to get my thoughts together—at least, I thought I was alone. Then out of nowhere, Emmalin ran right by me. She didn’t see me since I was farther back against a tree, encased in the shadows. She suddenly stopped and dropped down to her knees, and I stilled. Her shoulders were shaking, and I realized she was crying.

  I slowly stood up as I watched her. My heart tore in two seeing her in such agony.


  I froze. It came out as a whisper, but it was still there. Did she see me? Did she know I was there? I didn’t move. I watched as she slowly got up and took a deep breath. As she wiped her eyes, a buzzing noise caught her attention and she reached into her pocket to retrieve her phone.


  I stood back as I listened to the one-sided conversation, even though I wanted to go up to her and yell at her for being out alone.

  “Oh, hey, Mitch.”

  Mitch. That fucker.

  “Oh, I feel really silly for asking you. Um…I was wondering if whenever you had time, and you can totally say no, if you could help hang my curtains?”

  That sure as fuck better not be code for fucking.

  “Great! Give me about fifteen minutes. I was out running, then I’ll meet you at my place? Okay, thanks. See you soon.”

  She hung up the phone and exhaled before wrapping her arms around herself and looking out into the dark lake. The moon casted enough light where I could just make out the features of her face. She rubbed at her eyes as she turned and began walking the way she had just come from.

  She was hurting, and I hated seeing her like that. I watched her walk down the sidewalk with her head down. It was almost as if she didn’t care anymore. She never would’ve gone out running at night by herself in the past. She knew better, but she’d given up. If there was anything I knew without a doubt, it was that I wasn’t leaving this town without her.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “I can’t believe you’ve never heard of it.”

  I shrugged as I handed Mitch a bottle of water. I had decided to take him up on his offer to help around my apartment. My curtains weren’t going to hang themselves and, after me trying to hang them up, I realized I was doing a horrible job.

  “I’m new in town, remember?”

  He finished loading his tool box into his truck, brushed his hands on his jeans, and swung his hair out of his face. Normally, that probably would’ve had a girl swooning, but it didn’t really do it for me.

  “Well, we’ll just have to rectify that, won’t we? We should go.” He reached for his bottle of water, taking a long swig and not taking his dark brown eyes off me. He was the complete opposite of Grayson.

  I cleared my throat. “Yeah, sounds like fun. I bet we could get a group together and have some fun.” I gave him a smile.

  He raised one of his eyebrows before smirking. “Right. A group.” He crossed his arms as he eyed me carefully.

  It was starting to get dark out, and my attention was caught by a dog barking nearby. “I really appreciate you helping me with this. I’m embarrassed I called.”

  “Well I’m glad you called. I’m also available for
other things, too, like tomorrow night for an evening at the fair that I’m hoping you’ll agree to.” He gave me a wide smile.

  I rolled my eyes. If I was ever going to move on, or at least try to move on, this would be the perfect time. “Fine. The fair, tomorrow. I’ll meet you at the pier.”

  He smiled. “Sounds good.”

  Right when I was about to turn to walk away, he grabbed my upper bicep, leaned in, and kissed me lightly on the lips before smiling, getting into his truck, and driving away. I stood there watching the truck disappear. The whole thing felt weird. Did I want him to kiss me? Did I kiss him back? And why was I standing there, questioning it like a teenager? Before I turned to go back into my apartment, I took another look out into the darkness, then retreated inside.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Yep. I fucking saw that.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I stood in front of the mirror in what was probably my third dress change. It was nothing fancy—after all, it was just a group of us going to a fair, but, boy was I nervous. I took another deep breath. I didn’t want to go. I felt like I was forcing myself to go. It felt weird meeting up with someone that wasn’t Grayson, like I was cheating on him, but he had clearly moved on. He was in London, which was where he should have been. I felt a lump in my throat as I shifted my thoughts to something else.

  I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out the door to the pier. It was a nice day, so I didn’t mind the walk. Besides, I wanted to get my thoughts together. I smiled as kids ran past me with kites. I wondered if I would ever have that life. Nope. There was one person I wanted to have a family with, one person I had almost had a family with, but that had been taken away.


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