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The CEO's Secret

Page 3

by Callie Vegas

Ten minutes before my meeting Jordan comes into my office. “I’m taking your laptop to the meeting so I can type up the minutes while you speak. If you need anything looking up I can do that there and then. That should help to minimise the work you need to do straight after your meeting.”

  He doesn’t wait for me to answer him before he’s at my desk and bending over slightly to unplug the laptop. His sweet arse is pointing at me. Teasing me. Making the saliva in my mouth swirl around as I think about eating his arse. Think horrible thoughts. Think about Dee. Think about Dee. That works a bit and my cock starts to deflate.

  “What if I said no!” I want to test him a bit. He thinks he can walk into my life and turn it upside down. I’m going to fight him for a while.

  He turns to look at me and leans back so that his arse is just resting on top of my desk. “Baby, you can fight me all you like as long as we have no clothes on.” He smirks at me as I stand there with my mouth open. Once again I’m speechless.

  “You can’t…” I don’t know how to finish my sentence. “You can’t talk to me like that.”

  He walks closer to me. “I can talk to you however I like. I know you won’t fire me because you gave me a week and you won’t back down from my challenge. Someone needs to be straight with you Logan and I think I’m the man for the job.” He puts one finger on my chest. “Now close that mouth before I put something in it that will make you moan.” He turns and walks out of my office and I fall back onto the couch. What the fuck just happened?

  “Are you ready for the meeting? I don’t want you to be late.” He’s stood, leaning against the door jamb with my laptop, a pen and a pad. He smiles at me and I just want to collapse on the floor. Jordan is going to be my undoing. I can feel my carefully planned life unravelling before my very eyes.

  I walk past him and down the corridor, not looking behind me, but knowing he’s following me. I wonder if he’s checking out my arse.

  At the meeting room, I enter and Jordan follows. “Where are you sitting?” he asks, looking around.

  “There.” I point to the seat at the end near the white board.

  “Great,” he says as he puts the laptop down and takes out the packet of notes he prepared for me. He pulls out the chair and sits down in the seat next to where I’m going to sit. This is going to be torture.

  Luckily, there’s a knock at the door and Jessica opens it and pokes her head around. “Mr. Chase. Your guests are here.” She withdraws quickly and the five delegates walk in.

  Suddenly, Jordan is on his feet. “Welcome gentlemen. Take a seat and I’ll get you a coffee if you’d like.” He walks over to the coffee station and starts taking orders from the businessmen who’ve just entered.

  I hate to admit it but his schmoozing is so fucking hot. He has the delegates eating out of the palm of his hand. As I take control of the meeting, I see him typing any notes and action points, whilst they’re being discussed. He handwrites a couple of notes too, which surprises me. Once or twice I need to gather some more information and before I can write it down he has googled it and given me the information. He’s spoiling me. I’m very impressed.

  By the end of the meeting he’s won over my delegates and even though I hate to admit it, he’s won me over too. When they leave I go back to my office and leave him in the meeting room to tidy everything away and finish off what he’s doing. Within fifteen minutes the minutes of the meeting have been emailed to all of us with action points and a follow up meeting date. Who knew that having an assistant could actually reduce my stress and not add to it?

  He comes into my office to put my laptop back. “Thanks, Jordan. You were a star in there today. Sorry for giving you a hard time earlier.”

  Jordan laughs. “Wait, hang on. Are you taking back what you said about me? Did I manage to convince you already that I’m exactly what you need?”

  His words make me think of exactly what I need right now. My cock in his arse. My eyes slowly glance up his body until they rest on his ice blue eyes which are staring at me. I can see lust in them and I know he’s attracted to me, even though I drive him crazy with my demands. This is awkward.

  “Exactly what I need? I don’t think you know what I need at this moment in time.”

  “Oh yes, baby I do. You need me to go back to my desk and leave you to think about that for a while.”

  Once again he’s right. I need some space. “Exactly, I have some work to do before my next meeting and then I’m going to be working late tonight.”

  He smiles before leaving my office. I lean my head back in my chair and close my eyes. I need to stop fantasising over my assistant. This is why I’ve never employed a man. As long as there were women as my assistants, I would never fantasise about them. I could do my work without being distracted. Unfortunately, Jordan has only been here a few hours and I am all kinds of distracted.

  After my last meeting of the day, Jordan is waiting for me in my office. “How did it go?”

  “Yeah it went well. I’ve got to do the minutes now, I wish I’d brought you in to do them, it would have been much quicker.”

  “See I’m changing the way you think already.”

  “You sure are. What’s my diary like for Monday? I’m just trying to work out how much work I need to do over the weekend.”

  “I’ll show you how to check. Give me your phone and let me download the app for you, then I’ll come back in and show you how to find it.” I hand over my phone and he leaves.

  He distracts me a few minutes later and comes to stand at my desk. “Here is the app on your phone and when you press this then it will show you your meetings that are set up. It shows you the free time you have so that you can set up other meetings without checking through me first. I can see what you are putting in so that I can work around it too. There’s a to do list on it too, so if you’re in a meeting or working and you have stuff you need me to do, then put it in the to do list and it comes direct to me. This will streamline the workload.”

  I watch him while he tells me all of this. His eyes light up and I can tell he loves all of this technology and he loves organising people.

  “I’m off now. I’ll be back in on Monday, but if you need anything over the weekend I put my number in your phone. I’m available for you at any time, for whatever you need from me.” He looks directly into my eyes when he says that. Do you think he knows that I want him?

  “I won’t need you over the weekend. I don’t expect my staff to work weekends, that’s only for me to catch up on everything.”

  “Surely you must get some free time over the weekend. What are you thinking about doing?”

  “No, I usually just work.”

  “Well that’s boring. I’m going out tonight to The Tight Spot, I need to shake my booty after the week I’ve had.”

  Fuck, now I can’t get his arse out of my mind. He’s shaking it and enticing me to bite it. Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts, I say, “Enjoy. You deserve it. You’ve done really well today. Thank you.”

  “No problem. Just don’t be thinking of me and my booty too much.” He walks away from my desk and out of the door. I hear him shuffling around and gathering his things before he walks out of his office with a “See you later, Logan.”

  Oh. My. God. I’m in so much trouble. Maybe I need to find a hook up to get this sexual frustration out of my body. I haven’t fucked anyone in a long time, resorting to a five finger shuffle every now and again. Right now though it’s not enough. I need to find a willing arse and slide inside. The only problem is that I can’t think of anything except Jordan’s fine arse. I’m in trouble.

  Chapter Six


  I can’t believe I told Logan that he could argue with me anytime as long as we were naked. I meant it, but I know I saw some interest flare in his eyes. I think our Logan is definitely gay. I just have to let him know that I’m interested. That thought makes me smile. When I took his phone I took a couple of photographs and put my number in his contact li
st. One of the pictures is of me smiling at him. Another is of me blowing him a kiss. I was tempted to take a dick pic but thought I might be overstepping the mark just too much.

  I meet Zoe for drinks and some food before going to The Tight Spot. “So how was work today?”

  I laugh. “I had so much fun. My new arrogant boss is none other than the guy that was here the other night. You know the one who wasn’t happy with us crashing his party.”

  “No way, I don’t believe it. Did he chuck you out?”

  “He tried. But I didn’t let him. He’s a bully and just needs to be handled properly. Talking of that I think he’s gay and doesn’t want his business associates to know.”

  “Do I detect a note of interest there, Jordan?” Zoe looks at me, smiling.

  “No, he’s arrogant.”

  “So are most of the guys you go out with.”

  I laugh. “So true. Look he’s gorgeous, I won’t deny that. I’ve had some wet dreams over him since the other night. He’s a challenge that’s all.”

  “You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself.” She laughs.

  “Yeah, Zoe, I think I am. I want to argue with him. I want to fight with him. I want him to lose control.”

  “Oh no you’re in trouble.”

  “I know. Right, let’s stop talking about Logan and let’s get pissed.”

  Four hours later we’re dancing like mad things in the middle of the dancefloor when my phone goes off with a message. Glancing at it I see something from Logan. “Hey, Zoe let’s get a drink. I’m parched.”

  We make our way to the bar and while we wait for our drinks I take my phone out. There’s a message from Logan.

  Logan: Did you take photos on my phone?

  Jordan: You know I did. Just in case you forget who I am.

  Logan: No chance of that. You’re annoying.

  Jordan: Well that’s not nice! At least I have a life.

  Logan: So do I.

  Jordan: Really? Where are you right now? In the office?

  Logan: I’m just leaving to go home. I had a lot of work to do. You know that.

  Jordan: There’s always tomorrow. Why don’t you do something really random and pop over to The Tight Spot for a drink. I’ll buy you one.

  Logan: I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

  Jordan: Sometimes you need to do things that aren’t a good idea. Live your life a little, Logan.

  He doesn’t reply straight away. Zoe hands me my drink.

  “Who’s putting that smile on your face?”

  “Logan. He found the photo’s I left for him.”

  “Oh shit, Jordan. Is he going to fire your arse?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I invited him for a drink. He needs to chill out a bit.”

  Zoe laughs. “Do you think he’ll take you up on your offer?”

  “I hope so, I really want to take advantage of a drunk Logan. I’m going to get a confession out of him one way or another.”

  “Well you might get your chance because he’s here and he’s on his way over.”

  I turn to look for him and when our eyes meet, I wave. He smiles and its earth shattering.

  “Hey,” he says when he arrives. “Looks like you both started without me.” He nods his head at Zoe, obviously remembering her from the other night.

  “We sure did, you have a lot of catching up to do.” Leaning over the bar I ask for another round of beers and a few slippery nipple shots. Handing one each to Zoe and Logan, I hold mine up in the middle of the three of us. They follow suit. “To slippery nipples and a great night.” I stare at Logan as I throw my head back and drink my shot down in one.

  They both do the same. Logan shakes his head after he’s drunk it. “Ooh that tastes good.”

  My cock hardens in my jeans as I wish he’d say that about me.

  Logan is trying to play catch up in the drinks and he’s a funny drunk. I didn’t realise he had such a great personality. He makes me laugh and I like this side of him so much more, although his arrogant side brings out something feral in me.

  About two hours later Zoe skips out on us, leaving just the two of us in a booth near the dance floor. “Are you glad you came out now, Logan? Are you relaxed?” I reach out and put my hand on his thigh. Just like the other night, it turns me on.

  “I don’t think I’ve been this drunk in a long time. If I ever go out then it’s to a ball or a business dinner and I have to be on my best behaviour all the time. It’s quite therapeutic to just relax and let go.”

  “So, what else do you do when you’re relaxed, Logan?” I wiggle my eyebrows.

  He laughs and puts his hand on top of mine. “I don’t know, Jordan. It usually takes a lot for me to feel this relaxed. But I might start with this.” He lifts our hands and moves it so that my hand is over his already growing cock.

  My eyes dart to his. Shock visible in them. “I knew you liked cock.”

  He looks scared, like he just admitted something he’s hidden for so long.

  Without thinking about the consequences of my actions, I reach out with my other hand and touch his face. He leans into it and that gives me the green light I need to taste his lips.

  The first touch of my lips on his is electrifying and it sends shocks through my body to my cock. God I need this man as much as I need to breathe. He hesitates for a slight second and then his hands are on either side of my face as he battles to get his tongue wrapped around mine. I squeeze his dick while he devours me.

  When he pulls away, he looks like a rabbit caught in headlights and I can see he wants to run. Luckily, I had the foresight to have him boxed in the booth and there’s no way out unless he climbs over me. Oh I’d love him to climb over my naked body. Shaking my head I need to get back to the matter in hand.

  “Don’t think you’re going to run from me, Logan. I know you want me and I want you. You’re coming back to mine and I won’t take no for an answer.” I grab his hand and pull him out of the booth behind me. He doesn’t say a word, just follows along.

  In the cab he instructs the driver to go to his place. “It’s my place or no place.” I love when he starts bossing me around.

  I shut him up by taking his lips once more. My hand is running up his leg, teasing him as I get to the top of his thighs. My finger skirts around the outline of his cock, never touching it. He tries to move so that I touch him, but I’m quicker. When the cab pulls over, we pull apart.

  He takes out his wallet and pays the driver before getting out of the cab and helping me out. He doesn’t let go of my hand and he takes me into his building. In the lift he pushes me against the back wall, grabbing my face with his hands. He kisses me with no hesitation and it’s like the last kiss he will ever have. He needs it that bad. His cock is rubbing against mine and the friction is driving me insane. I need him so much, I don’t know if I can wait long.

  When the lift doors open into his apartment I realise he lives in the penthouse. Thank god I didn’t take him back to my little grotty apartment. “Wow, Logan. This is gorgeous.” I walk over to the floor to ceiling height windows which look over the view of the city. “How can you leave this place in the mornings to go to the office? I’d want to stay here all day and watch what goes on below me.”

  “I don’t notice it anymore.” He comes up behind me and slightly pushes me so that my hands are leaning against the window. Rubbing himself into my arse, he says, “I love watching what’s going on below me, especially if it’s you.”

  I gasp. He reaches out and grabs my dick through my jeans. “I think these are in the way, Jordan. Let’s take them off.” He undoes my belt and zip and then pushes them down my thighs to my ankles. I step out of them and push them away from us. I hear him do the same and I can’t wait to get a glimpse of his thighs now that they’re not covered. Turning towards him, I’m shocked when he pushes me up against the glass, kissing me, devouring me.

  Everything gets a bit frantic, both of us grabbing the others dick, the moans from our th
roats and the need from both of us to be more dominant. Pulling away I need a minute to breathe. Reaching out I rip his shirt open and pull it off him. When it is half way down his back I pull it tight and trap his arms, pulling him so that I can kiss him slowly.

  When he struggles to free his arms I pull away and take his shirt off. He then pulls my t-shirt over my head and discards it somewhere in the room.

  We’re both stood in the middle of his lounge with just our underwear on. Suddenly, I see his face change. He’s clearly just come back to reality and realised what he’s doing. Shit. I need to sort this shit out or I’m going to be going home horny as fuck and frustrated because I really want to know what it feels like to have him inside my arse.

  If I leave the ball in his court I know he’s going to freak out. I’m not ready to leave yet, I want him to admit he wants me as much as I want him. If he doesn’t then I’m out.

  Go large or go home!

  Chapter Seven


  Fuck, fuck, fuck. What am I doing? Have I become that cliché, CEO fucks his secretary? No, that’s not who I am. I want Jordan so badly. He pushes me, he tests my patience. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. I want to crawl inside him and stay there forever. I’ve never wanted that before and it freaks me out. Stepping back I stutter, trying to find the words. “Jordan, I… I…”

  Suddenly his two hands are on my shoulders and he’s turning me around so that my back is against the glass. My cock jumps and gets even harder, if that’s at all possible. “You’re not backing out now, Logan. Not while I have you naked in front of me. This is what I wanted since the first time I set eyes on you. I’ve had many wet dreams about it since then.”

  His words shock me. I’m surprised, he seemed to hate me when I first met him.

  “Jordan, it’s not right. You work for me. I’m not that cliché boss.”

  “Logan, I’m only there because I rail-roaded you. You’re not cliché, far from it. I want this and I know you do, so shut the fuck up and lean back.”


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