Book Read Free

In Times of Trouble

Page 11

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  The wrinkles in his mother’s face looked as if they had sunk deeper. She was clearly upset and Lisa held her breath when Eric finally walked back into the living room jubilantly and asked, “How did things go?”

  To Lisa’s surprise, Mrs. Freeman’s Hyde personality exited and Dr. Jekyll returned. “Oh, Precious. Thank you for bringing Lisa with you. She’s so delightful.”

  Eric snuck Lisa an “I-told-you-everything-would-be-fine” wink.

  Lisa stared at him, hoping he could read her expression. If only you knew. . .


  As Luck Would Have It

  Whenever Eric’s back was turned, Mrs. Freeman continued to sneak sharp glances toward Lisa throughout the day. Lisa went to great lengths to avoid being left alone with her. When Eric went to the restroom she followed him and stood outside the door under the pretense of having to go as well. She even managed to talk him out of his plan to take them to see the fireworks by saying she had a headache. It wasn’t a total lie. Instead of the Bible, Mrs. Freeman began to talk nonstop about Precious and Bishop Henry, and it really did cause Lisa’s head to hurt. It was as if she worshipped the ground they walked on.

  Before leaving, Eric mentioned to his mother that he and Lisa would probably come back to Sandusky Labor Day weekend. Little did he know that he’d be making that trip alone! If Lisa had her way she wouldn’t see Mrs. Henry Freeman again until the wedding. With any luck, her fragile behind would croak by then. “Lord forgive me for feeling that way,” Lisa quietly uttered, knowing her thoughts were wrong.

  “Thanks for coming up here with me, sweetheart. Mother really enjoyed our company,” Eric said as they were heading back.

  “You mean she really enjoyed your company. I certainly didn’t get any warm fuzzies from her.”

  Eric looked astonished. “What are you talking about?”

  Though Lisa hadn’t planned to fill him in on the conversation that had taken place while he was at the store, she did anyhow, preemptively—in case his mother decided to put a twisted spin on things. “I don’t think she wants us to get married, or at least she doesn’t want you to marry me,” she exhaled, telling him of all the words that had been exchanged between her and his mother.

  “Honey, I’m so sorry. I definitely apologize for Mother’s behavior. It may seem like she doesn’t like you, but trust me. . .I’ve known her all my life. After forty-three years I know when she doesn’t care much for someone. Mother likes you. I’m sure her behavior was fueled by fear. She’s very old and lonely and probably afraid that I won’t come see her as often once we marry. Still, that’s no excuse for the things she said to you. I’m especially appalled that she brought up that scripture in Matthew. She ought to know that I wouldn’t do anything that’s contrary to God’s Word. The Lord has brought us together and Mother is going to have to accept that. I’m going to have a talk with her.”

  “Please don’t. I’m sure that’ll only make her feel worse. Let’s give her some time to get used to me.”

  Eric seemed pleased with the suggestion. “I guess you’re right. If she says something like that again, let me know and I’ll ask God to give me the right words to put Mother in her place. How dare she try and hold you accountable for your past? She knows the Bible as well as I do and in Luke 6: 37, Jesus specifically says ‘Judge not, and ye shall not be judged. . .’ I pray Mother repents for her behavior today.”

  Lisa smiled victoriously, appreciating the fact that, despite his mother’s efforts, Eric wasn’t a mama’s boy after all. She admired his willingness to stand up to his mother, but she didn’t fully buy Eric’s explanation of her bipolar behavior. Lisa kept her sentiments quiet, though, and leaned back on the headrest and dozed off until her cell phone rang.

  “Hi, Mama.” Lisa faintly heard Chanelle through what sounded like an atomic bomb in the background.

  “What’s all that noise?”

  “Sorry. . .we’re at the Inner Harbor watching the fireworks. I ca. . .” Her voice faded out.

  “Baby, speak up, I can barely hear you.”

  “I said I called because I ran into Miss Emma. She wanted me to call you so she could say hi.”

  Figuring the message could have simply been relayed to Chanelle instead of having her call, Lisa said, “It’s too noisy to hold a conversation; just tell her—”

  “Lisa?” sang the familiar, yet unmissed, voice of her former neighbor.

  “Hi, Emma, how are you?”

  “Girl, I about flipped my top when I saw Chanelle. She’s gotten so grown up. She looks just like you. RJ told me that he recently moved to Ohio.”

  “Um hmm. . .”

  “Do I detect a rekindled romance blooming? It must be nice to have him up there with you guys. With the both of y’all in a new city, you can get a fresh start and not have to be reminded of. . .well, you know.”

  “Emma, I appreciate your wanting to speak and all, but there’s too much noise in the background for us to really talk. Will you put Chanelle back on the phone, please?”

  “Yeah and I’ll be sure to get your number from her so we can catch up later.”

  “Oh, that’s not necessary.” Lisa tried her best to sound polite, but from the deflated sound of Emma’s voice responding “Okay,” she hadn’t been successful. When Chanelle got back on the line, Lisa gave her daughter clear instructions. “Under no circumstances do you give that woman my telephone number. I do not want to be bothered with her.”

  “I understand. . .”

  “Where’s your dad and Callie?”

  “Daddy’s right here, but Aunt Callie went with Uncle David to get something to drink. She has her cell phone with her; you can call her if you want.”

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll see her tomorrow when y’all get back. Tell your father I said to drive safely. I love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “Is Chanelle enjoying her visit in Baltimore?” Eric asked when Lisa had hung up.

  “Sounds like she’s doing all right. Of all the people she could have run into, as luck would have it, she ran into one of our former neighbors, Mrs. Kravitz.”

  “Honey, can you refrain from using the word luck? It’s not biblical, you know? Things happen because of Divine providence. . .luck has nothing to do with it.”

  “Calm your nerves, Eric. It was just a figure of speech,” she said intolerantly.

  “I know, but as Christians we can’t be careless with the words we choose.”

  “Never mind I even said anything. I had no idea it would spark a theological debate! I got a good healthy dose of the Word at your mama’s, so I’m good for today,” she said nastily. They were thirty miles from Columbus and Lisa vowed not to say another thing to him the rest of the way.

  Eric started to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Do you realize this is our first quarrel? I take full responsibility, too. I realize that you were bothered by my mother; I should have been more sensitive to your feelings instead of making a federal case out of one little word. I feel the devil trying to come between us, so will you accept my apology, sweetheart?”

  Lisa’s heart melted. This moment reminded her of why she had fallen in love with Eric. His apology was an example of Proverbs 15:1, which states that a soft answer turns away wrath. With him responding so gently to her sarcasm, she couldn’t stay upset with him. “Of course, I forgive you.” She smiled at him adoringly. “And I’m sorry as well.”

  “Okay, now finish telling me about Mrs. Kravitz. Boy, that name really sounds familiar to me for some reason.”

  “It’s the name of the nosey neighbor character from that old television show, Bewitched. Her real name is Emma, but RJ and I nicknamed her Mrs. Kravitz for obvious reasons. One time, when our daughter was about six or so, Chanelle answered the phone and said, ‘Mommy, it’s for you.’ I asked her who it was and I almost had a heart attack when she said, ‘Mrs. Kravitz.’” Lisa began laughing. “Oh my goodness. . .it was so embarrassing be
cause I know Emma heard her. I got on the phone and played it off like I didn’t have a clue who it was. RJ was in the background dying laughing.”

  “Shame on both you and RJ for making fun of that woman. As a man of the cloth, RJ definitely should’ve been aware that Ephesians 5:4 speaks against jesting,” he said sternly. “Considering everything you told me about him, this doesn’t surprise me.”

  At first, Lisa thought Eric was really scolding her and she was about to get indignant with him again, but his soft gaze caused her to believe otherwise and she chuckled. “Right or wrong, Emma lived up to that name. Even now, she couldn’t resist bringing up old stuff.”

  “Well, let’s pray that she learns to mind her own business. If I know anything, it’s that God can handle even the smallest details of our lives. Whatever concerns us concerns Him. I tell you. . .I continuously praise Him about how well Chanelle is doing now.”

  “I know that’s right. It’s hard to believe that Chanelle is the same child who gave me grief a couple of months ago. I’m so proud of her now.”

  “And you should be. She is well on the right path. I’m proud of you for sticking to your word. Most parents would’ve caved in and bought her a car, even though they’d already stated they wouldn’t. She’s learning responsibility.”

  “Well, don’t go congratulating me too soon because I’m not sure I would have been able to handle my baby being stranded on campus without a vehicle. I most likely would’ve allowed her to suffer during the summer and then caved in this fall. Thanks to Olivia and Isaac, I don’t have to give in. Did I tell you that they gave her ten thousand dollars for graduation?”

  “No! Are you serious? I guess if anyone can afford to give away that much money they certainly can.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. In total, Chanelle raked in a little over twelve thousand. She has more than enough to buy her own car. Justin has taken her out car shopping a couple of times, but she put all the money in the bank and she’s going to wait until it’s closer to the start of school before she buys anything. She doesn’t need it now anyhow. If I don’t take her to work, RJ’s picking her up. On the weekends she’s usually out with Gericka or Justin.”

  “Justin has been a good influence on her, hasn’t he?”

  “Oh yes! It wasn’t until she stopped seeing that other boy that her behavior began to change. Sometimes Justin even goes down to the center while she’s working and volunteers. He claims that he wants to do community service, but Liv and I both know it’s because he wants to be around Chanelle.”

  “I’m so glad things are working out. I can tell a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.”

  Lisa couldn’t agree more. “Amen to that!” Now that things with Chanelle had settled down significantly, Lisa was looking forward to concentrating solely on planning her wedding. Though his mama seemed a little off, it didn’t change how she felt about Eric. He was the perfect man of God for her and she could not imagine living the rest of her life without him.


  Quite the Charmer

  It was the second Saturday in July. RJ’s chest burned with fire from a combination of hurt, anger and even the jealously he’d been tortured with ever since learning of Lisa’s engagement. He recalled the day he had first caught wind of the news nearly two months ago. He had been helping Lisa’s mother move into her own apartment and got a glimpse of the ring when the sunlight hit it just right, causing a spectrum of color to catch his eye. Immediately, RJ felt sick, like an invisible hand had twisted every organ in his body. Wishing. . .hoping. . .even praying that the sparkling diamond wasn’t what he thought it was, but his worst fears were confirmed when Hattie informed him of Lisa’s engagement.

  That night RJ cried on his ex-mother-in-law’s shoulder like a wounded child needing comfort. “God, did I hear you wrong?” he had wailed! He had been so sure that God had promised to bring him and Lisa back together. RJ had always thought Lisa would come back to Baltimore, but when Pastor Burlington called him about the director position at the center, RJ knew it was the confirmation he needed and set forth with one mission: to reclaim his family. Tonight, his conviction grew feeble. At seven o’clock, the love of his life was celebrating her engagement to another man.

  RJ was hoping Callie would share some insight about her sister’s engagement while they were driving to and from Baltimore, but she rode silently, seemingly preoccupied with matters on her own mind. It was Lisa’s mother who told him about the surprise engagement party. She had said that she really didn’t want to go because she hadn’t yet been sold on Lisa’s fiancé, but wanted to support her daughter. RJ knew that another reason Hattie had been steering clear of Lisa was because of the news she had not yet shared with her or Chanelle; only he and Callie knew Hattie’s secret.

  RJ felt like a three-legged monkey for taking Hattie’s concerns about Lisa’s fiancé and running with them, feeling bold enough to confront Lisa at Chanelle’s graduation party. Later, he realized that he’d bought into his ex-mother-in-law’s suspicions about Eric for his own selfish reasons. He didn’t know enough about Eric not to like him, but he didn’t want to like him. RJ would be uncomfortable with anyone Lisa chose to marry because he was supposed to be her husband.

  Tears dashed from his eyes as he clutched a picture of him and Lisa in his hand. The picture was at least ten years old, taken one night after their pastoral anniversary celebration. Lisa hadn’t changed a bit. She was fine then and she was even finer now. The only difference between then and now is that RJ hadn’t witnessed her beautiful smile, such as the one she wore in that picture, for quite some time. Sometimes he wished he could have kept up the façade just to make Lisa happy. Now someone else was putting a smile on her face!

  “I can’t take it, Lord!” he cried. Though RJ loved his job at the center, once Lisa married this man, he planned to move back to Maryland. There was no way he could sit and watch her start a new life with anyone other than himself! It seemed like all his prayers to restore his family had been in vain.

  • • •

  “I wonder how long this banquet is going to last?” Eric asked as they headed downtown to the Hyatt Regency. Dressed like two teenagers going to prom, Eric was in a tuxedo and Lisa wore an elegant coral spaghetti strap gown.

  “I don’t know. . .”

  “I hope it doesn’t last all night. I’m not really in the mood to sit with a group of uptight attorneys who’ll bore me to death with a bunch of legal jargon I don’t understand. Isaac isn’t like that, but I can’t attest for the rest of the people that work for him. I don’t know why in the world we were invited to attend or why you even wanted to. Neither of us knows anything about law.”

  “Honey, relax. I’m sure it’ll be more fun than you imagine.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Eric grunted.

  Lisa giggled silently, wanting so badly to tell Eric that the boring banquet was actually an engagement party in their honor, but she didn’t want to ruin the surprise for him.

  When they walked into the ballroom at the downtown hotel, both were astonished by the number of guests and how beautifully decorated the place was. Though Lisa had technically known about the “surprise” party, she was still speechless by the lengths that Olivia and Isaac had gone. This gala far outdid any event where balloons and streamers filled the place. This ballroom was adorned with crystal, silk linen tablecloths and a live jazz band. Eric’s face lit up like fireworks and Lisa was overcome with emotions that even the foreknowledge of this party hadn’t prepared her for.

  “This is the reason why I’ve been acting so crazy lately,” Olivia admitted after embracing the couple. “I was so scared that somehow you would find out and the surprise would be ruined.”

  “Liv didn’t think everyone would be able to keep this a secret.” Isaac winked and smiled.

  Olivia gently nudged him in the side. “Oh hush. Anyhow, Lisa, I hope you like what we’ve done.”

  “Are you kidding? I love it!”
  “Thank you so much,” Eric chimed in.

  Well wishes began to pour in from guests, who also seemed impressed by the caliber of the event. Besides her mother and sister, Lisa’s assistant, Megan, was one of the first to come up and speak.

  “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Lisa is a great person. Consider yourself one lucky man,” she kidded.

  “Lucky?” Eric cautioned.

  “I’m sure what Megan is really saying is that every day of our marriage you better count your blessings, mister, and thank God for giving you such as wonderful wife,” Lisa playfully interjected to avoid the possibility of Eric embarrassing her by rebuking Megan for her vernacular.

  “I definitely will do that.” He smiled.

  “I can’t believe so many people from the office are here,” she said to Megan.

  “It doesn’t surprise me. When two of the company’s most influential board members send personal invitations to nearly every employee, people are going to respond.”

  Lisa and Eric both laughed. “I guess I didn’t look at it that way,” said Lisa.

  “Even Mr. Criton is here and you know he usually never attends employee social events.”

  That was true. Neil Criton was Brentson’s Chief Executive Officer and was probably the board’s third most influential member, inferior only to the Scotts. He was a nice man, but kept work relationships at the office. He never really seemed interested in getting to know anyone on a more personal basis. Lisa was surprised and honored that he had attended.

  The engagement party was phenomenal! The evening was filled with loads of food, fun and fellowship. Lisa wasn’t extremely bothered by the lack of enthusiasm shown by her mother and sister. She had expected as much since neither of them has really done any cartwheels about her engagement. Callie had been acting weird ever since her arrival to Columbus, but her mother’s behavior was a little more unusual and didn’t really begin until a few days after Chanelle’s graduation party. Initially, Lisa assumed it was because her mother was in on the planning of tonight’s celebration, but seeing how the odd behavior continued, she wondered if something else was going on. She’d made a mental note to confront her mother at a later time. What really seemed peculiar to Lisa was how quiet and withdrawn Chanelle had been the entire night. Lisa walked over to where Justin and Chanelle were sitting. Along the way, she thanked several guests for coming. When she finally reached her daughter, she asked, “Honey, is everything okay?”


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