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Chasing Paradise (Chasing Series #3)

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by Pamela Ann

  My messages had been quite impossible for me to go through over the last few hours. Working away from the office was difficult enough, add on the stress of Sienna’s safety and now her mood swings, all of it combined was seriously pushing me mental. My inbox beeped again, indicating a fresh message.

  Camilla. We need to talk. Call me when you’re back in town.

  What the bloody hell did she want now? The last time we parted, I was crystal clear about whom I had chosen to be with and it was definitely not her.

  My glance flickered to the woman who sat across from me, pouting as she read, engrossed in her novel with her brows furrowing. “Do you need anything, poppet?” I asked kindly, knowing I wasn’t her favorite person at the moment.

  Sienna looked up, giving me a death stare before her eyes went back to her book. “Yes, fucking fire that bitch you’ve fucked before. God help me if you lay a finger on her during this damn flight to Spain.”

  She was sexually frustrated, I got that, but I didn’t trust myself yet. I simply couldn’t manage right now. As for her jibe, unfortunately, Ivanna was one of the stewardesses in flight with us. Although, I had already been thinking of having her reassigned somewhere else, I wasn’t going to fire her merely because Sienna was unhappy.

  I was about to say something in regards to that subject when Sienna carefully stood up, sighing as she walked past and headed towards the bedroom.

  My eyes checked the time on my laptop screen, timing how long it would take me to come after her. Five? Ten? Okay, fifteen minutes would be the safest bet. She needed to breathe for a little bit. When the time came, I closed the lid of my laptop and slowly stood up, pushing my black, cashmere sleeves up passed my elbows as I walked towards the end of the cabin. Not bothering to knock, I gently pushed the handle, opening the door and carefully closing it behind me.

  I was dumbstruck to find her on her back, only with her bra with the support belt wrapped around her rib area and nothing else. The shocking part was my woman was touching herself while watching porn on her tablet device.

  Inching closer, I sat next to her, caressing her soft calves. “Do you need any help?”

  “Nope! Been doing quite well on my own,” she immediately responded, not looking at me.

  Feeling like an insensitive jerk for not catering to her needs, I slowly slid my hand on her thighs, stroking them mildly. Not bothering to pry her legs wider, my face immediately looked at the lovely prize before I stuck my tongue out, slowly tasting her. Fuck, I thought as her flavor coated my tongue, lighting me on fire as my body craved more of her. Moving my tongue in slow, agonizing circles before slowly sucking her juices that had secreted from my ministrations. She gave me her approval by opening her legs wider, moaning with want. “You feel so good, babe. Don’t stop.”

  I wouldn’t. If I could make her come a few times, perhaps she could go on a few more days without any physical intercourse. I was a sinner and I knew that. If I had to face her sweet pussy a few times a day, resisting it would never come to mind. When it came to Sienna’s hot, tight channel, I become an adolescent boy who couldn’t control his urges. It was rather pathetic, really, yet that was the truth.

  A guttural groan retched out of me when a fresh gush of hot liquid soaked my determined tongue, testing my resistance. Sienna was reaching for me, shifting her hips in swift motions to make her experience much more pleasurable, soothing her aching mound; her pussy in desperate need of a good, hard, pounding cock inside her core.

  “I’m coming!” Sienna screeched, informing me right before I roughly stuck my middle finger inside of her, hooking it into her upper vaginal wall, relentlessly stroking her sweet spot. “Blake!” she panted out, shaking and chanting my name like it was an omen, a prayer and her deliverance all at once.

  She was still in the heavy throws of her orgasm when I had to pull my finger out, reluctantly giving her inner thigh a lingering kiss before excusing myself to the restroom.

  In the safe confines of the loo, I unzipped my trousers and pulled out my almost-dark purple cock, angry veins detailed the length due to its savage need to be in Sienna’s nectarous cunny. Leaning against the aircraft door, I hissed out when I gripped my cock and stroked it with purpose. My mind floated away to that time we’d had sex in that office during Chad’s exhibition. The one where I’d taken her hard due to my intense jealousy of the men that had been fawning after her; panting over her hot, delectable body.

  For some reason, memories of her on an office table were some of my favorite ones to recall when I was servicing myself. I muttered something when my mind took me back to Marbella where Sienna had sat luxuriously atop my desk, legs apart, teasing and touching herself to entice me to fuck the living shit out of her, and demolish her, I did. Focusing on how she usually moaned and writhed with my cock hammering her to oblivion, a deep satisfying grunt came out of me in haste the moment I began to come, taking the edge off. It helped, but I knew the relief would only last me until dinner. When bedtime came, it would be another provoking ordeal to tackle.

  Christ. When will I ever stop wanting her like this? As much as I loved being madly in love with her, this constant deep ache in my groin that Sienna alone could satiate was genuinely troubling. It was hard not to think about it when I was with her, but it was a problem I wanted to figure out all on my own. Putting a tight reign on my sexual thirst for her would be a battle of the wills, though I’d rather see myself try than never even make an attempt.

  Sienna Richards not only had beauty that made her unique, but she also had a vagina laced with ambrosia; a delicacy for any mortal man as well as their downfall.



  I strode towards the living room where Chad and Blake were talking about designs while Toby was on his laptop, going back and forth between the discussion and work. Blake was merely sitting back, typing on his phone whilst talking to Chad about his ideas.

  “May I interrupt the man of the realm for a second?” I directed to the guys, who basically ignored me already because they were so consumed with whatever crap they were doing.

  Blake held out his hand, not glancing at me as he read something on his phone. “Come, sit by me.” Taking his hand, I ended up being on his lap, getting his full attention when he placed the phone aside. “What can I do for you, my sweet?”

  “I just went through my emails and I got one from the lawyer in LA saying that the court date is set for next week, this coming Wednesday,” I informed him, eyes sharp as he took in what I was telling him, knowing he hadn’t been all for it when I’d mentioned this before. More importantly, the fact that Kyle Matthews was in LA probably was what worried him most. “I need to go and close that awful chapter of my life.”

  “Then we’ll go together. I want to be there for you, is that all right?” he asked kindly, sounding like he was giving me an option of saying yes or no while he softly rubbed the side of my hips.

  It was great to see that he was trying to make it sound like I had the power to say no to him, although in reality, Blake was a control freak who’d gotten so consumed in his jealousy over Kyle that he had been blinded by it. Then again, I was a bit controlling, too, when it came to his past and his conquests. “I’d love for you to be there for me. Thanks, babe. You’re the best!”

  “I second that sister. ‘Bout time you help put that sick monster in a prison cell,” Chad exclaimed, evident disgust at the mention of my relatives was written all over his face.

  “Sick bastard,” Toby supplied, not looking up from his computer.

  The thought of seeing any of their faces brought a sudden chill to my body. My nightmares were different now, but the remnants of what the Brown’s had left me were forever going to be a part of me. Like a scar, it was there to continue to be a part of me, markings of my journey through the years, leaving a sign for one to always remember what kind of Hell they’d been through before they were freed.

  Out in a new world, to survive, to heal, and to learn how to breathe
again without pain. To wear those scars proudly and never be ashamed of who and what I was.

  I was definitely still learning, though.


  We had arrived yesterday and the forecast for my vagina continued to say it was going to be heavy rain, weeping from acute Knightly Cock withdrawals. It was sad, however how the hell did he expect me to survive when we’d always gotten it on before and now he expected me to instantly become normal when he was this close to me?

  Chad stood across the granite countertop and slammed a thick book with post-its and magazine cut-outs sticking out of it. “What’s with The-Grinch-Who-Stole-Christmas look, baby love? You and Blakeypoo have a fight?”

  I shook my head before I took a sip of my freshly brewed coffee. “No, not that.” Chad’s eyebrows rose in question, seeking more answers. “The thing is, he doesn’t want to be intimate with me. Even kissing is sparse.” Shaking my head, I continued on, “What’s this?” My hands took hold of the bombarded white notebook.

  “Well, if you really need to know, I’ve been planning my wedding.” Chad sheepishly grinned at me, blushing. “I’m going to be married! Can you believe it?”

  Silly man. “Of course, I can. Luke is a very lucky man to have a gorgeous guy that has the most forgiving heart.”

  “You’re such a kiss ass, baby love! Thank you, though. I heart you.” Chad blew kisses, giddy.

  Getting on a serious note, I had to ask a complicated question. “How’s Toby?” I inquired lightly, fishing.

  Chad rolled his eyes, not pleased at all. “Spanish mole drat is still around.”

  Say WTF??? “You’re joking, right? Even after Blake told him that he used to have sex with her during Christmas? I don’t get it.”

  Chad shrugged, frowning and deep in thought. “They’re not getting back anymore, huh?”

  He did not just say that out loud. I groaned not wanting to consider the horrid idea. “Don’t say that. If there was a couple in this world who belonged to each other, that would be those two! It would be tragic if they didn’t find a way to fix things.”

  “I do hope so. That’s all we can do for now.”


  “Making up for being bossy with a side of romance tonight, aren’t we?” I tried to hide back a smile, but the brimming happiness was too much to withhold. Blake was making an effort and I appreciated it greatly. Yeah, he may be insufferable most of the time, yet when this man loved, he gave me his all with no stipulations and no conditions.

  “The past weeks after your accident, I admit I’ve been overbearing, poppet. I apologize, but I do it all for you. You must know that.” He gently plucked me off my feet and carried me inside the Arabian tent before then carefully placing me on a ruby red, silk pillow, facing the sunset. Blake sat next to me, gazing out at the picturesque scene before us, watching as the last rays of the sun dropped low where they were enveloped by the Mediterranean Sea in complete, serene silence.

  I was too engrossed in the sunset when I heard him speak quite close to my ear. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I don’t sleep well anymore. Every day I worry, and I doubt this will go away until I know they can’t hurt you anymore.” Blake spoke in such a manner that it tore at my heart.

  He was getting obsessed with my safety, I understood that because I did it, too, but he couldn’t let it win over us. We were together, however he was mostly stressed out. He didn’t voice it, yet his presence alone permeated with it. “I do, too, but we can’t live like this. We have to try and live like we used to, babe. We’ll figure out a way to deal with it. First, though, you have to promise me that when you’re with me, you only think of me, us, and no one else.” I shifted my body to face him, cupping his cheeks with my dainty hands. I saw the pain and worry in his beautiful eyes. “I’ve missed you.” Truly, deeply and maddeningly, everyday; I longed for him.

  “I know I haven’t kissed you much, let alone get close to you like I used to do before, but you must understand the fight I have with myself. It’s rather disturbing to still want you so badly even if I know you’re injured and in pain. My thoughts have been plagued—” His eyes were questioning when I placed a finger over his lips, stopping him from speaking.

  “Blake fucking Knightly. Would you do me the honor to kindly shut the fuck up and kiss me already? I’ve been bloody ready for you, you daft man.” I yanked his shirt open, before my greedy hands sought the chiseled torso that I loved so much.

  Blake tried to put a stop to my madness. “Don’t rush! I don’t want to hurt you!”

  “I swear to God, Knightly. If you’re not inside me in the next minute, I’ll be the one hurting you!” Four weeks. Four long, arduous, agonizing weeks of lusting after him while he took charge of everything. Well, too bad, it was my turn and I wanted him charging inside me, all of him.

  So help me God I was going to go ballistic if he turned me down this time.



  “Please, don’t,” Sienna pleaded, reading me so well. “I need you.”

  After weeks of curbing my hunger for her, the first stroke of my tongue inside her mouth, tasting her again, was an aphrodisiac that surged into my system, suffusing me with profound need to satiate the gnawing pangs of lust that this woman could only fulfill. “Sienna,” I groaned out, fighting against my body to slow down because it wanted to devour her right this instant.

  Sienna moaned, pulling me closer as her hand gripped my neck while her other hand squeezed my scrotum, shocking me with acute pleasure. “Let me taste your big cock, tesoro mio.” My darling.

  Bloody. Wretched. Fuck. I was doomed and I knew it. “Per favore. Not right now, cara.”

  Sienna was beside herself with desire. “Voglio fare sesso con te!” Let me fuck you.

  Where in the world did she learn to speak such filth? It was a bloody symphony to my raging cock. I vowed not to touch her for a month and yet, when she spoke to me that way, I instantly became bewitched and the enchanting witch knew it.

  My hand was possessed as it sought passage inside her long dress, climbing and inching higher into her moist, succulent crevice. My finger brushed against the soft lips, parting them. I immediately groaned when a gush of liquid dripped down my finger, slowly trickling down my arm like a bloody faucet. “Dear Almighty, how you kill me, my love,” I said in awe, while she simply mewled.

  “Lie back and let me do all the work. That’s the only way I’m going to let this happen.” I eyed her with scrutiny. Even though I was a breath away from exploding in my trousers, she would always come first.

  My beautiful wench smiled, licking her bottom lip. “Thank you. I knew the man I fell in love with was in there somewhere.” She teased, untying her dress, watching as it dropped around her hips, exposing her flawlessly perfect globes.

  I eyed her breasts with mouth-watering desire. “Oh, don’t you dare doubt it, cara. The beast in me could never be tamed, but it bows down to you. My Queen,” I said as I watched her do as I asked, slowly lying on her back before she blatantly spread her legs, exhibiting her delicate area; my haven. My hardened cock blazed, not withstanding the tempestuous fight any longer. “I’m all done fighting,” I announced, eyes not straying from her juicy folds as I took care of my pants, sliding them down, freeing my shaft from its confined state.

  Her eyes were greedy as she looked at me, avariciously stroking it before I got on my knees and reached for a nearby pillow, sliding it underneath her bottom, cushioning it. Grabbing my length, I used the head to slide across her slit, making her frenzied. “Is this what you’ve been craving? What you’ve been demanding for weeks?”

  Sienna was past livid, rabid and delirious at the feel of my head expanding her tight opening. “Yes. Yes! Hell to the YES!”

  I groaned when my head pierced her channel, but I immediately drew it out, prolonging our sweet agony. Christ, the feel of how her muscles reacted just now, enveloping my throbbing head, was extraordinary. I didn’t want to lose control, so I had to coach my
self to breathe evenly and not rush into it before I tried it again. This time I took sharp, steady breaths and almost screamed at the top my lungs Hallelujah when the entire swollen head of my cock lavished on her slick passage.

  Gathering ground, I didn’t stop until I had most of my length inside her. A month of no sex was seriously evident in the tightness of her walls. I could feel my throbbing cock expanding her, obliging my shaft to go further until she had no room left for me. “Sienna, I love how your pussy clamps on my cock. It’s a bloody greedy vacuum.” It had also just reminded me why I was obsessed with her pussy.

  Sienna was in pure bliss. “I missed this. Don’t you dare deny me this again. I would murder your cock the next time you try,” the raving beauty threatened, making my cock exalt at her power.


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