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Convoluted Journey (The Mercury Black Authority Book 1)

Page 28

by Finian Blake

Terri had her advanced degree in mechanical engineering, Lynn held her degree in economics and mathematics moreover Susan held degrees in political science and history. These women were a brain trust. Every one of them had worked for MI in some capacity. Susan was an analyst. Suki left because MI had classified three of her inventions. Lynn was a certified accountant and wanted to use her skills to their full advantage. Susan’s family owned the property as a farm. Lynn had done very well with some investments. Terri and Suki had designs they wanted to build. These women were not dumb bimbos hooking because it was the best way to make big money. They just enjoyed sex. Frank went along as a matter of loyalty. He loved the women as a father would.

  Noah awoke the next morning with a profound respect for his new business partners. Suki had already left without waking him. Noah started his calls with Francesca.

  “Francesca, were you able to get some rest?”

  “No Noah, I was thinking all night. Let’s go through with your plan. I can link up with my husband later.”

  Noah acted on her commitment, “I will have Lynn pursue the arrangements. You will need to stay back here with Susan to test the equipment instead of going with the Ark. You must be totally familiar with everything that we are going to use.”

  “What are you planning on doing in Iran? Are you going to look up Angie’s husband?”

  “No, I think he will look me up. He does not have a choice, but I do have a plan for him all I need is one more piece before I begin.”

  “Is this really a cat house?” Fran had a confused look on her face.

  “No, it is not.” Noah explained. “The Inn is a high-end hideaway for rich men and women where exclusive guests can bring their husbands, lovers, wives, mistresses or arranged entertainment. When up and running the cottages will rent for five hundred to a thousand Pounds a day. There is no lobby or front desk since all of the arrangements are made in advance.

  “Lynn or Susan may try to seduce you. If they do just explain that you don’t go that way.” Fran made a face but did not offer any comment.

  Noah looked Susan up in Founder’s cottage. Susan and Lynn were in their robes having a leisurely breakfast. “I am surprised that you are not at work.”

  “It’s Sunday Noah. Unlike you we take a day off now and then. We find that it keeps us sane.”

  “Sunday you say,” Noah had crossed so many time zones and stopped in so many countries that days of the week did not apply so he literally did not know what day it was.

  Susan continued with authority, “I will permit you one piece of business and then we will enjoy our day off. Lynn, please do it quickly.”

  “Angie contacted a friend in Tehran and she used her key to get at the pictures you need. They will be delivered to you at the airport when you land. She did not say how or who would deliver them however she was certain that they would be delivered to the Ark when you arrive in Tehran.” Lynn stopped there.

  Susan continued without delay, “That was your one piece of business. Everything else can wait for tomorrow. We are going to have a staff picnic in the courtyard. You may attend or leave, but we are going to take the day off. Lynn, would you fix our guest a plate.”

  “You are absolutely right. I am going nuts with this junk. Let’s enjoy the day. I will let the crew know.” Susan put her hand on Noah’s arm.

  “I sent an invitation to all of them. All you have to do is eat your breakfast. We are not going to do any business remember? Just relax, my father never relaxed and all he got out of it was a bad heart and an early grave.” Susan was in a reflective mood. “All of this was his land. The land across the road belonged to another farmer. They were at odds with each other all of their lives. I was going to buy the other hundred acres when the old boy died, but somehow it does not matter anymore.”

  “We love each other.” Lynn was standing over Susan’s shoulder and was gently massaging Susan’s neck.

  “My father is rich and has tons of money, so when he found out that I was a lesbian he gave me a load of money to change my name telling me to stay away. Susan and I have each other now and that’s what we want.” Noah could see the tension in her hands. Susan took hold of one of Lynn’s hands kissing it dragging Lynn to the bath.

  “Join us Noah. We haven’t had our morning shower.” He hesitated.

  “No thanks, I have already had my shower.” Noah was not sure what the game was, so he declined and Lynn blew Noah a kiss as she disappeared from sight. Susan enjoyed pushing her limits. Susan was glad to see that he was thinking with something other than his glands. The possibility of money was what originally attracted her, but Susan found a man that she could respect and with his investment their dream was insured.

  Noah was standing in front of the quiet cottage contemplating the low clouds over the picnic area when he felt a small hand circle his elbow. Lynn tugged gently on one arm and Susan took his hand on the other arm.

  “How would you like a tour of our dream?”

  “Lynn, I need to check on the picnic fare. Do be a dear and give Noah a stroll around.” Susan knew that Lynn was still not confident of her posture with Noah after he entered into their relationship.

  “I would really enjoy that.” Lynn loved to show off her end of the dream.

  Noah wanted to recognize her stature, “Lynn, Susan must have a strong confidence in you to make you the financial officer. She’s put her dream in your hands.”

  Lynn perked up at Noah’s observation, “She does have confidence in me,” there was a great deal of pride in her voice when she said it. Lynn was confident in her abilities as a financial manager and could deal with the legal complexities of setting up a corporation, but she was not confident in her relationship. Susan did trust her however Lynn was just missing the confidence. Susan would not put that kind of power in her hands without having complete faith in their relationship. Lynn slipped her arm in his, as they walked off. Now it was Susan’s turn to feel a small twinge of jealousy as they walked off. She knew that Lynn would not switch to Noah, but Susan was upset that Noah put a spark of confidence in Lynn that she had not been able to inspire. Susan watched them walk off arm in arm something had shifted and Susan needed to know what it was.

  Lynn steered Noah toward the garden pointing out that it was designed as a buffer across the back of the property. “The vegetable garden was my idea. The council wants to keep farmland from being developed. By keeping a large garden, it was a little easier to convince them of our plan and all of our food is extremely fresh. The green house is for both flowers and vegetables, plus we talked the council into counting the greenhouse as agricultural land. Of course this is the flower garden we sell produce and flowers at the weekend market in Manchester and turn a small profit doing it. The hedge tunnel network gives a full run of the property and adds an extra layer of security. The blind ends of the tunnels are used as equipment storage for each area. Despite the look nothing is open to the weather.”

  Noah pointed to the property on the other side of the road. “I notice the farm across the road is for sale. Is Susan going to buy it? It looks like a perfect addition.”

  “She does want to buy it, but that would take our development funds. We need to keep focused on the Inn. It would be a perfect addition. The road ends at a river on the property’s boundary. If we owned both sides of the road, this road would become private of course, but we would have to buy it from the council in order to do that. Terri and Suki have already drawn up plans for development. With your investment we will be able to complete our dream.”

  “What about your family?” Lynn’s body took a noticeable shift, and her voice took on a bitter tone.

  “My father is rabidly homophobic and disowned me when I went with Susan. Susan, Terri and Suki are my family now. I thought you would toss me away when you found out that I was a lesbian.”

  “What about now? Do you still think that I would do that?” Lynn stopped cold facing Noah square on. She studied him for several moments without saying a word
in order to discern what her true feelings were.

  “No, I do not think so. I have not thought that for some time although I would be more comfortable if I knew how you can accept me.”

  “You probably figured out that I am a straight. I try to look at you as a person. I agree with most of what you do and for the parts that I do not agree with I will adjust. You are a good person and I like you.” Noah shrugged. “I have known so many thoroughly bad people who do horrible things you qualify as a saint.” Lynn turned linking his arm a little tighter as they walked. Noah continued, “Let’s make the Popeye truce.”

  “What is that,” She gave him a quizzical look.

  “Popeye is a cartoon character.” Noah explained. Lynn nodded acknowledging Noah’s comment. “One of his favorite expressions is: ‘I am what I am and that’s all that I am’.”

  “Done,” Lynn agreed giving him a light jab in the ribs with her elbow griping his arm tightly.

  “Let’s find Susan.”

  They walked toward the picnic area. Seeing Susan walking their way, Lynn disengaged from Noah running to Susan.

  “I love you,” She gave Susan a kiss. “You were right he is different.” Susan was relieved to see Lynn was a little more satisfied with her choice.

  “Lynn needed to be sure that you knew that we were a couple.” Susan put her hand up to Noah’s head and lightly cuffed him on the ear. “I had a feeling about you when we first met. It looks like I guessed right.” She put her other hand on his head, and held both his ears. She bumped their foreheads together and kissed him lightly on the forehead. “Come and see what the staff has put together. I think you will be impressed.”

  They strolled over to the tables. The Ark’s crew and the staff were mixing in well. There was an impressive selection of cold foods and desserts. Suki was teasing the engineer and Terri was engaging the pilot and copilot. Frank the driver was having a plate of food down at the end of the table. Noah fixed a plate deciding to join Frank.

  “Frank, I see that there is a river down at the end of the property. Are there any fish in it?” He received a strange look from Frank.

  “I never tried. Fishing isn’t one of my hobbies.”

  “I thought that some of your SAS friends might want to come out for a week or so. They can check out the stream and maybe do some shooting too.”

  Frank caught on, “I have a few friends interested in shooting. I believe that they might like a holiday and that three or four of them might like to come out.”

  “I would be happy to cover their expenses or at least pay for their ammunition.” Noah did not want to insult Frank, but he needed to make a soft offer.

  “No, I think they would be happy just to visit.” Frank thought for a minute. “I do think that they would enjoy a good night out.” Noah opened the money belt and handed Frank a bundle of bills without counting them. “This should cover a good night out.” Frank started to protest.

  “You can always give me change back or have a second night out.” Frank saw Terri coming up to Noah. “I am sure you will have a good time with your friends.” Terri was obviously happy.

  “Lynn gave me a budget to reinforce the hedge rows and we are finally going to hit security heavy. Suki is going to build her infrared detection system, along with a microphone system and I am going to make the adjustments that Frank has recommended. Your influx of cash really was a boost.”

  “I made an investment. Susan makes the decisions I only have ten percent.”

  “Exactly the same as me,” bumping him with her shoulder

  Noah added, “I understand that you are up from five percent, and fully paid.”

  “Thank you, I understand you gave up ten percent for Suki and me.”

  “No, I invested in ten percent. I held back on the other ten so the shares would be available. The rest was Susan’s decision, so I am just along for the ride.”

  “Well thank you for your investment.”

  “I made my recommendations, and that is as far as it went. Your shares and the ten thousand in the purse that Lynn gave to you were all between Susan and Lynn. The most that I did was to make a comment.”

  “So you are going with the Popeye truce?” Noah knew that this was a test. Terri and Lynn recently had compared notes. Noah sat down at the table with the crew, but it did not matter for he was completely fixed on Terri.



  Noah had made a promise to take the day off and decided to ask for Susan’s permission to finish preparing the Ark. He found her in deep conversation with the relief Frank.

  “Susan, I would like your permission to finish preparing the Ark. It should only take an hour.”

  “You’re a big boy. Why do you need my permission?”

  “Because I made a promise to you, and I do not just arbitrarily break my word.”

  “Very well, I will give you a ride out there. Thank you for asking.”

  “Everything is in place and we will be out of here tomorrow at zero four hundred tomorrow. I would like Fran to stay here. We need to have her available for the F/X people. We only have one shot at this, so please keep Lynn on the case. I have one pallet to load on the Ark and we will be back by seven. Susan, I need to load that pallet that you ordered for me. You said it would be here at four this afternoon.”

  “How do you know that it will be there,” Susan wanted to know.

  “You made the arrangements,” Noah laughed. “It would not dare to be late.” Open the boot.” Noah pulled a map case out of the boot placing it on the floor between his feet. “I don’t want to forget this.” He dropped the case between his feet.

  “What is in there?” Noah’s eyes flashed as he opened the case. “There are ten thousand one hundred dollar bills. One hundred stacks of ten thousand dollars.” Susan’s jaw dropped.

  “That has been in my boot for three days. What would have happened if someone rear ended me?”

  “It would have been cleaned up fast,” Noah laughed. “Let us go to the Ark my dear.”

  They arrived at the Ark at half of four. Noah walked up to the flight deck. The log book and the fuel sheet were all in order. Next, he looked at the service sheet.

  “The struts did need service.” Noah stashed the map case in between the drill bits on the last pallet, powering up the bay and dropping the ramp in preparation for the last pallet. They went forward to the crew area. “Susan, you threw out a few tests today.” She nodded her head. “Before we get too deep into this, do you want a partner? The money is already in your account. We can switch this to a loan from a friend with no harm done.”

  “No, I said a partner and I meant it. You have to remember that this is my dream. Both Lynn and I are going crazy with this, because we have everything we own tied up in it.”

  “Susan, the Inn is your show and I believe that you must make the calls. I have no problems being a silent partner. If you don’t want a partner say so now and we will work it out.”

  “You are on for the long haul,” Susan caressed his cheek. I was just waiting for you to start trying to make all the decisions. It always happens.”

  “I only deal with people I trust. Which reminds me. It would put my mind at ease if you would let Frank call up some of his SAS pals? Have them stick around until we have a resolution on this business with Angie’s husband. Who knows you may want to keep some of them as security for your high priced guests. You can afford it now.”

  “Aright I will talk to Frank tonight. How many do you think I will need?”

  “I suggest you let Frank make that call. He is most familiar with the Inn.”

  The pallet showed up at four to the minute. Noah loaded it sealing the Ark and killing the power. Susan would not permit any detours on the way back to the Inn and they were back at the cottages by six with Susan personally dropping him off at his cottage. Terri brought dinner for two to the Quiet cottage.

  “Suki wanted to show her appreciation for saving her life last night. Do you want her
to join us?” Terri was trying to find out where she stood with Noah.

  “No. Suki is interesting, but I would rather spend the night with just you.” They agreed on a few candles turning out the lights to set the mood. Terri was dressed in an emerald green silk robe which tended to make her skin appear more European than South Seas. Noah could not figure out her racial back ground and he did not want to kill the mystery by asking. The combination of the dark green robe and her hair in the candlelight made her face seem to float as if not connected to anything. They shared a bottle of wine going to bed early. When she took off her robe Noah was reminded why he could not fail tomorrow. Some of the welts would leave scars. He gently kissed the wounds and they curled up in each other’s arms. Noah could feel the tears running down his shoulder from her eyes noting that Terri was not as healed as she pretended.

  Noah slipped out of bed at three thirty. He showered quietly, and went out in the courtyard. Noah thought about bringing a bag, but decided against it. They were due back late tonight. When Noah left, Terri rolled into his vacant indentation in the covers not wanting to break the trance. Terri could feel the wet spot that her tears made and she was very worried about what would happen if things went wrong. Frank was waiting for them in the van. The engineer was the last one out again, but there was no traffic, so the drive went quickly. They did their checks and were in the air by four thirty.

  The flight to Tehran was uneventful almost boring. They called for clearance and received the same spot that they used the last time. Angie’s husband met the Ark handing Noah an envelope with the same information that they received before. There seemed to be a decided frost between the two men with each man wanting to exact retribution for personal issues. Noah was wondering how the pictures were going to be delivered to the Ark noticing the same guard was standing guard at the wing tip. Opening a fresh pack of Lucky Strikes, he offered the guard the whole pack. The offer was accepted with a smile and they walked over to the fence to light up. Noah liked the man feeling a tinge of regret that he would not get to know him better.


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