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Convoluted Journey (The Mercury Black Authority Book 1)

Page 39

by Finian Blake

  It was a quaint colonial town, with all of the amenities.

  “Terri, why don’t you take the ladies to the beauty parlor for the full treatment? It’s on me.” Noah offered.

  “Only if the men go to the barber shop, you could both use some help.” Noah could not argue that point but the important thing was to get everybody groomed in a more western fashion especially the hair. Noah wanted to finish off the last little items of the package. Terri spotted a barber shop just down the road from a beauty shop. After two hours the ladies met Noah and Gregory at a coffee shop looking fresh and relaxed with western style manicures, pedicures and their hair done western style. Barbados was one of the more developed Caribbean Nations with a good variety of shops. Noah incited the ladies into a buying frenzy deciding to spend the full day together. Terri, Anna and Alice were a perfect fit. They were soon deep in conversation with Terri about their new home. Noah and Gregory started to talk about travels. The group found a quiet restaurant and lunched on Gulf Lobster in an open air restaurant enjoying Barbados’s favorite product, Rum. The ladies insisted that the men buy some island style clothing too. The men made a few selections with the ladies purchasing a couple of beach outfits. Terri found a loose skirt that came to mid-thigh and a loose island style top that came down just below her ribs. Terri quickly found out the short comings of her new outfit. She pointed out the clock tower of the Parliament Building. As she raised her arm her blouse rose up flashing her breasts to the group. Terri observed that Noah was not looking at what she was trying to show him.

  “I am trying to show you something!” Terri was secretly thrilled to know that she was his principle attraction.

  “I can see that and I whole heartedly approve.” Noah laughed. Terri was the queen of the day, and there was no request he did not make happen. This was the first casual day that Noah spent with friends in over a year.

  They stopped down at the boat harbor, and Noah found a fisherman selling his catch. There were twenty plus lobsters and a large assortment of other fish, so he bought the whole catch with the provision that the fisherman deliver it to the resort. He went to a produce stall and purchased a large selection of local fruits and vegetables. The vendor agreed to deliver them to the resort also. Noah wanted to do something with everybody. A party with the crew seemed like a perfect idea, and the restaurant at the resort seemed to be a logical choice. They returned to the resort and looked up Robert the resort owner finding him in the kitchen.

  “Are we the only ones using the restaurant?

  “Yes! Most of the staff is on Holliday. Your group has the whole resort while we are doing the remodel.”

  “I have some food being delivered. Could you cook it up for us? You and your family would be welcome to join us and of course your staff would be welcome too.” Robert approved of Noah’s choices graciously accepting Noah’s offer. Noah and Terri helped the staff prepare for the evening. He wanted to see how Robert prepared the food turning it into a short cooking lesson. Robert claimed to be an expert on the subject of rum and offered to supply the drinks.

  Noah was thoroughly enjoying doing the small daily things. Thirty days of constant vigilance had taken a toll. He was due to make the final delivery tomorrow and he needed to talk to Greg about that one. Noah caught up to Terri.

  “I need to get and opinion. It will take less than ten minutes. I am thinking of delaying our delivery for another day. Would you give me a half an hour of work to stay another day?”

  “Yes do it,” Terri said not taking a second to think it over. She would have agreed to cancel the whole delivery entirely.

  “Thank you,” Noah found Greg and Anna sitting in the bar. “Greg I need an opinion from you. With our delivery date being tomorrow I was thinking of holding back a day, so that we have a chance of catching them by surprise. I want them to think that we may have chickened out.” Gregory took a minute to think.

  “Tactically I believe that would be an excellent idea.” Greg turned to Anna. “What do you think?”

  “I think that you should do that and come in about two hours earlier than planned to throw their timing off.” Anna was his sounding board. “Did you say that it would be five minutes to get out of their air space?” Anna raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, Honduras and Nicaragua are feuding over soccer,” Noah said. “We jump across the coast. We are in Nicaraguan air space for less than twenty minutes and then we are over Honduras five minutes after the drop. After 25 minutes, we are back out over the Caribbean heading to Kingston for three pallets of rum and we will be back here in time for cocktails.”

  “Gregory, are you thinking of going with them!” Anna tended to catch on fast. She sounded pissed off.

  “Yes, I think that I have something to contribute. Noah is inexperienced in air drops and you know that is one of my talents.” Gregory made it sound overly innocent.

  “I know that you would not turn down a chance for a little action,” Anna pouted. “Go play and have your last dance.” She looked at Noah giving him a stern warning. “I expect him back undamaged.”

  “He will return as you see him now. Tomorrow we will play. Get together with Terri and make your plans.” Terri was standing within ear shot of the conversation.

  “That gentlemen, is all the business that you may discuss.” Terri moved to Anna’s elbow. “We need to plan something very special for tomorrow. I believe that it will be ladies choice. Am I right?”

  Noah and Gregory were quick to answer. “You are absolutely correct. Let us drink to success.” The ladies shook their heads. Terri playfully shook her finger at Noah.

  “That would be considered as talking business let’s drink to tomorrow.”

  Susan and her party entered the bar. Everybody in her party was decidedly red with Lynn’s legs looking a painful bright red. The entire party made a beeline for the bar. The owner passed through the bar and knew what to do. He returned with a large bottle of aloe lotion insisting that everyone use it liberally while he mixed the first round. The chef sent out a selection of hot and cold appetizers to go with the drinks with the partiers finding the selection of marinated and grilled sea food most welcome. Ralph and Suki wandered in from their travels looking for something to drink. They all settled into a discussion of the day’s events. While the ladies modeled their purchases Noah snuck up behind Terri and just as she was showing off her outfit he lifted her hands over her head flashing her boobs to the group starting a determined chase around the bar. A few people fell off their bar stools laughing. A mixture of Barbados Rum and fruit juices seemed to be the drink of the day. There was also a large bowl of fruit pieces soaked in Rum placed along the bar getting everybody in the group quite drunk before dinner.

  Some of Robert’s friends provided a three-piece band for the evening and the restaurant was perfectly oriented for the sunset. With the staff and their families showing up in a party mood all of the food was served buffet style. Robert grilled the lobster and other fish over a wood fire with overindulgence becoming the rule. Noah took advantage of the general good mood. He hit the owner up for three additional nights for everybody with an evening similar to this each night. Robert readily agreed. He knew the fisherman and would arrange to buy his catch for those nights. Noah paid him an advance of $10,000 tossing in a $2,000 gratuity.

  The party was still going strong when Noah and Terri stumbled up stairs. They went out on the balcony. Terri rested her arms on the balcony watching the party below with Noah standing behind her.

  “I’m not sure that I like this top,” still unhappy with Noah for flashing her breasts to everyone so many times. Noah ran his hands up her waist and cupped both of her breasts fondling them gently.

  “The top is perfect. I love the skirt too.” He moved his hands under her skirt sliding her panties down. While she was leaning on the railing he made love to her watching the partiers down below. Terri swore that Greg and Anna were watching them. Noah looked around the party and could not see them, but did see
Suki and Ralph walking into the shadows on the beach. They rolled into the hammock falling asleep with Noah’s hands under Terri’s blouse. As he fell asleep he wondered if he could ever do anything like this run again. It wasn’t right, but he would keep the money just the same. Noah just needed to finish this contract. The world would pretty much be the same if he did or did not fill the contract but he did not want to finish with a failure.

  “Noah was up at six slipping into his swim trunks. He grabbed a towel and went down to the beach for a quiet swim. He sat down in the shore break and let the waves wash over him feeling their smooth energy run through him. The waves were cool but not uncomfortable. The beach was still in the shadow of the island. The waves were just catching the morning sun. Their luminous feathery plumes disappeared as they passed out of the sunlight.

  “Is this section reserved?” Susan was still twenty feet behind him.

  “Pull up some sand.” He did not turn around. “I was just enjoying the morning.” He caught Susan’s red legs out of the corner of his eyes noticing that she wore a thin cover over her swim suit. Susan was not model skinny even still she had an extremely attractive well-formed figure. Right now her legs were very red.

  “How bad is the sun burn?”

  “It looks worse than it is. The aloe helped quite a bit.” She let the silence build. Finally, Susan said, “I would ask how you and Terri are doing, but after your performance on the balcony there is no need.” Noah blushed red as Susan continued, “Lynn noticed your performance Suki took Ralph out on the beach and Lynn took me in the other direction. You were a true inspiration to everyone. I thought that you were trickier than that.” Susan pushed, “You were doing well until Terri got that expression on her face. You know what I mean.”

  Noah remembered with satisfaction, “Yes, I do know what you mean. I love that expression, and I try to put it on her face every time that I get the chance.” He felt his body relax just thinking about it.

  “Noah I wanted some time to talk to you.” He detected the serious tone in her voice. “I was an analyst for MI-5 for several years. I reviewed many operations. We needed to stop certain agents before they destroyed themselves. I must tell you that you are right on the edge. If you do not stop soon, you will destroy yourself or those around you. Some can stop while others race to disaster.” Susan paused to let her words sink in. “Now, would be a good time to quit. If you wipe out, you will devastate Terri and I do not want to see that happen.” Susan’s legs were against his back putting both of her hands on Noah’s head she gently leaned forward.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “That is what I was just thinking about. This whole thing has rocketed out of control. It started out to be a simple pickup and delivery. One thing led to another, and here we are. You have seen all of the situations that brought us here, and after tomorrow I am finished with this. I want to fade into the wood work starting a normal life with Terri.”

  “In that case you have my approval.” Susan bent forward kissing him gently on top of the head. She sat down in the water next to Noah, hearing Terri coming up behind them.

  “Should I give you two some privacy? Or may I join in?”

  “Please do join us. You were the topic of conversation.” Noah indicated the patch of sandy bottom next to him. “Susan was just telling me. How we inspired her and Lynn last night.” Terri started to blush bright red swatting him on the shoulder.

  Susan was quick to add. “It was your pleasured look that gave you away so do not blame Noah.” Terri blushed even brighter.

  Noah jumped in, “After we finished Susan and Lynn went down the beach as did Suki and Ralph.”

  “I was just asking Susan for her blessing when you appeared. She was concerned that my current habits could harm you.” Noah locked gazes with Susan. “Susan does have a solid point. I do admit that some changes are necessary. Putting you in danger is not something that I want to do.” Susan nodded and switched her gaze to Terri.

  “Well did you give him your blessing?” Terri asked with a concerned sound. Susan was her family now that her brother was gone and it meant a lot to Terri.

  “Yes, I did. Any fool can see that he would walk on hot coals for you and you are just as crazy for him. I love you both.” Susan hesitated for a minute, “I forgot to tell you that Lynn heard from the Solicitors. You have your property so I guess that we will be neighbors but don’t go scaring my guests by screwing on the balcony.” Terri rolled across Noah to give Susan a kiss.

  “You don’t know how much this means to me.” Terri was starting to tear up.

  “Yes! I do Terri. That is why Noah and I had this discussion. He knows how important it is too.”

  Lynn splashed up to the three of them. “If the three of you go any further they are going to ask you to take it to the room especially after last night.”

  “I heard you tore up the sand.” Terri fired back and it was Lynn’s turn to blush.

  “Yes, I have sand in every crevice of my body including my teeth. Speaking of which, I need something to rinse the sand out. I still can feel the grit.” Terri and Lynn started to move up to the patio. Susan and Noah walked behind.

  “If you hurt her Lynn and I will bury you in dog shit.” Susan said it quietly.

  “Understood,” was Noah’s one-word answer knowing that it was not a figure of speech.

  The women settled in at a large table while Noah went in back to see if the restaurant was open. The owner Robert was in the kitchen.

  “Good morning, my staff is running a wee bit late. We all had too much of our excellent rum, so did you. I am glad that you are here alone. Many people go for sex outside, it is the romance of the island. I would have said something last night, but we are not officially open, so I let it go but I must ask you not to do it again.” He was calm, but firm. Having to ask was always a sticky moment for Robert, since he understood the romantic island effect, but he could not let things get out of control.

  “Thank you for telling me in private. We will of course respect your wishes and talk to the others.” Noah clearly understood his position. “Is there any way to get some coffee or tea? We were hoping that something might be possible.”

  “No problem I will get a start and my staff will be here in a few minutes.” Noah went back in to the dining room. The crew made it down for breakfast all of the tables were already set, so Noah decided on an announcement. “Robert will cook but it is self-service. Everybody that wants coffee or juice go in the kitchen.” Fran walked in the kitchen and started to help Robert without asking. Everybody pitched in briefly and breakfast was quickly ready. Robert had serious talent in the kitchen cooking all the breakfast meats over the wood fire grill and they all ate buffet style again with Robert and his wife Gloria joining them. The staff showed up in time to clear the tables. Robert came out to the dining room to check up on the groups plans. Noah noticed him coming. That was an excellent breakfast thank you for accommodating us.”

  “When you own a business you have to wear many hats.” Robert set his coffee on the table. “We can do another feed tonight, as long as it does not get to explicit.

  “Next time we will sell tickets,” Terri said as she pushed hard on Noah’s shoulder.

  Robert setup a private tour of Harrisons Caves. His receptionist’s husband was a manager there. It was an interesting tour because the caves were surprisingly large and there were underground pools and waterfalls. Those with sunburns were very appreciative. There were miles of caves and they spent the whole day walking there. It was only two when they returned to the hotel. Noah and some of the others opted for the beach. The others went off to do their own explorations. Susan’s driver Frank waded out in the water to talk to Noah.

  “It looks like you are going to be busy in back of the Ark. I would like to come along. You will need a hand back there if you are going to do an air drop. I would like to get close to some action it has been a long time.”

  “Susan will kill me, but alrig
ht I definitely could use some help.” Noah was trying to figure out how to manage the bay on his own.

  “I will tell her when I get back. She can kill you then.”

  Susan’s voice drifted over their shoulders, “What if I kill you both right now?” Neither one of them thought to look over their shoulder.

  “It has been a long time since I have been close to any kind of action. I need to make this run, and Noah needs the help.” Susan shook her finger at Frank.

  “You are a big boy and don’t need my permission.” Susan knew where her influence stopped.

  “Well then I am going too. I am tired of sitting at home waiting for the results. If it is so safe count me in too.” Terri was sneaking up on Noah to dunk him, and as Terri finished talking she jumped on his back.

  “If you are not coming home I won’t be coming home either. If it is safe for Frank and Greg, then it is safe for me too. I told you I am on board for the full ride. Are we going to ride together or part ways?” She did have a way of putting things.

  “I guess we are going on a trip tomorrow. Don’t drink too much tonight.” I need everybody sharp in the morning.

  “You are really going to take her along?” Susan’s kick in the shins folded Noah’s last support tipping him over in to the water. He surfaced with a drenched Terri hanging on to his neck.

  “How can you take her along?”

  “We are in it to the finish line. If Terri’s up for it, we are going all the way.” He looked at her. “What do you say? Are we good to the finish line?” Terri wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him deeply as they fell in the water again. As they fell they sucked in a large amount of water. Noah and Terri grasped at anything to balance themselves, and they found Susan’s ankles. When they tried to right themselves they pulled Susan off her feet. The three of them stood up again coughing and sputtering.

  Frank was standing back, quietly watching the whole tangle.


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