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Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn)

Page 4

by K. L. Shandwick

“Javier, it’s a pleasure to meet you. As you already know, we’ve had some serious issues over the past twenty-four hours. You may have gathered I am spearheading Flynn’s career from here on forward, and I like you, your references are first rate, but Flynn is a rock star, and your image concerns me.”

  “Am I not dressed smart enough? You are very young. I do not judge you for that. It is not the cover that defines talent it is the person inside, no?”

  He had me. I couldn’t argue with him after that, but I wasn’t about to have someone represent Flynn look like that. “Would you be willing to change into something a little less…international bankerish?”

  “If my attire is not to your liking, and that is the only hurdle to representing Mr. Docherty, then as my employer, I would be glad to wear whatever you suggest. Within reason of course,” he advised assertively.

  I eyed him from head to toe and estimated that he was about the same height and build as Flynn, “Can I borrow a few things from your closet for Javier, Flynn?”

  Raising an inquiring eyebrow, Flynn smirked knowingly at me, “Sure, knock yourself out, babe.”

  “Please come with me, Javier, we have no time to lose. If you are going to represent brand Flynn you have to look more in keeping with that.”

  Taking him upstairs to a spare bedroom, we dug through Flynn’s closet to find what would pep Javier’s style up. When we found eight pairs of Jacob Cohen jeans, all new, dotted among Flynn’s things I shook my head in wonder. I chose a brown leather belt with a simple silver buckle, and some new black Paul Smith Brogue shoes. I could never have imagined Flynn in those either. A blue shirt with a button down collar, red tie, and a tailored black suit vest completed the look.

  I passed them along to Javier and asked him to meet me downstairs. While he was dressing Flynn and I went down and co-wrote a press statement for Javier to read. He chuckled when we were out of earshot.

  “Poor guy must be desperate for work if he’s letting you dress him,” he chuckled.

  I glanced seriously at Flynn, “It would send the wrong impression and make us look like we’re panicking by picking someone unsuitable. I’ve no doubt he can do the job, but he’s going to have a lot of homework ahead of him. You saw him, Flynn. Does he look like he knows anything about rock music? I’d pitch him as a classical music buff in that getup.”

  Flynn twisted his lips as if to say I had a point as Lee came into the room. My eyes cut and addressed Lee.

  “You and Simone will have to spend some time with this PR guy if we hire him. Make sure he’s been brought up to speed on the music scene. I have no doubts you both have your finger on the pulse of the main competition awards Flynn has been nominated for, who his main competitors in the field are, and so on.”

  “Jeez, Valerie, how do you think of all this stuff? You’re a natural,” Flynn mused.

  I grinned, because he’d acknowledged my idea and heard the recognition he had in my ability, in his tone.

  “I’m telling you, Flynn, I’ve got this. I’m going to make Bernie look lazy in comparison. Watch this space because I’m just getting started.”

  Javier came downstairs, and the transformation in his appearance was remarkable. Gone was the smooth city gent, and in his place was a smokin’ hot, trendy-looking specimen of a man that would have all the female reporters fawning over him.

  Simone and Niamh were hovering in the doorway after hearing us all talking again, and their eyes were glued to Javier as soon as he reappeared. Simone gathered from the conversation that followed what I’d done and noting Flynn’s clothes on Javier, she stood in contemplation before walking quickly to retrieve her large Coach bag from the floor at the side of the sofa.

  “Just one more thing,” she said, pulling her hairbrush out of her purse.

  Walking up to the new hotter version of Javier she mussed his hair to perfection. “There, that’s better,” she said, stepping back to admire her handiwork.

  Flynn shook his head, “Hey, he’s representing me, not taking my place,” he mumbled in response to all the female attention. Casting his eye over the effectiveness of his appearance, Flynn chuckled and pointed to Javier’s feet, “Glad you found a home for those shoes, Valerie. They were a gift from the designer, but I had no idea what to do with them.”

  I flashed my winning smile and laughed softly. “Okay, Javier, you’re hired. Let’s go over your first press statement.”

  Twenty minutes later, Javier walked out in front of Flynn’s estate gates and smiled for the cameras, bulbs flashing all around him. Since Flynn’s decision to quit, Major Scalz, it seemed as if the paparazzi had taken up residence there. We nervously watched him on the CCTV on the monitor, in the kitchen.

  “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you are all well today. My name is Javier Martinez. I am the new spokesperson for Flynn Docherty and Craig Southers. Our understanding is that Bernie Dunn is in custody at this time on various charges, so I am not going to speculate on Mr. Dunn’s position, as the inquiry and any subsequent charges involving my clients are ongoing.”

  A buzz erupted around the gates as reporters began calling out questions. Javier immediately put up his hand in a no-nonsense gesture and halted their onslaught.

  “I am not here to answer questions. The purpose of this statement is to inform you that although my clients, Flynn Docherty and Craig Southers have severed their connection with the band, Major ScAlz, they have not been idle. Today has been business as usual for both of them. They would like to share some candid images of themselves working here at home this morning—if you sign the attendance sheet the images will be sent to your emails. For any freelancers, please refer to the new email address in the press packet that will be available online after this statement.”

  Someone called out the question that fitted perfectly with the information Javier was about to give.

  “What happens to the guys now?”

  “It is the intention of Flynn and Craig to move forward in the music industry and to continue to serve their fans. Their objective is to be bigger and better than before. More details about this will be forthcoming in the following weeks. New management has already been found, and an announcement will follow in due course. That’s all for today, thank you, ladies and gentlemen.”

  With that, Javier stepped back confidently, turned and entered the gateway again before he nodded to the guard. We saw the gates close as he turned to face us and began to make his way back toward the house.

  “He’ll do,” Flynn stated after observing Javier do his thing on TV and CCTV. Sliding his hand around my waist, he grinned and shook his head, “Damn, babe. I don’t know how you did that, but it appeared so together.”

  “It was together. I’m determined to give this my very best shot. All you have to do is believe in me. I believe in you, Flynn, but I need you to trust me.”

  “I do. I just worry about everyone else. I may be able to trust you, but I know the people you are going to come up against and I’d trust them as far as I could throw them.”

  I’d noticed the worried expression on Flynn’s face. He’d been afraid that some may try to take advantage of me. As far as I was concerned, I’d face them as and when necessary.

  “So, What’s next?” Flynn asked.

  “Next, you and Craig have to decide whether you are going to be a band or you’re going solo with a backing band.”

  “Band,” they both said.

  “Good. You’ve talked about it already?”

  “No, but it’s better for Craig if he’s in a band. We’re going to need a new bass player and drummer at the very least.”

  “Is that it, four members?” I asked.

  “What about keyboard? Do we want a keyboard player?” Craig chipped in.

  “Hmm, maybe,” Flynn mused.

  “So we need to set up auditions. I’ll call the agency Javier is with and get a couple of temporary secretaries to organize this. We’ll give two weeks to set up auditions. We want ads in the best musi
c forums and I’ll need a list of the best music agencies. Can you and Craig provide me with a list of sound engineers and music producers?”

  “Whoa, we have a long way to go before we get that far. We have no idea how much funding we’re going to need and with the money being questionable right now—” Flynn said.

  “I just want to be prepared, honey. Just give me the list and keep me happy, okay?”

  Flynn winked at me, “Always. I could take you upstairs and make you happy right now if you want.”

  I blushed and glanced at Javier, who sat on a stool at the breakfast bar, and tried to pretend he hadn’t heard Flynn’s comment, but there was no way he could have missed it, “Flynn, stop,” I said, stepping back from him.

  He laughed again and pulled me back into him by my loose shirt sides, circling his strong arms around me, before hugging me tightly to his chest. Placing a kiss on my neck, he muttered gruffly, “Damn, you are so cute when you’re embarrassed. I could tease you all day and watch you react like that. That innocent look you have makes me so fucking hard, babe.”

  I pushed him back, “Flynn, please take this seriously. My managing you will only work if you don’t overstep while I am trying to make a difference and help you keep your career.”

  Flynn saluted me, “Aye, Aye, Capt’n,” he said, then went over and sat beside Craig.

  “Well, you heard the boss. She wants lists,” he said.

  Chapter 4 ~ Valerie

  Tying loose ends

  Six hours later, I’d formulated what I thought was a decent plan and had liaised with key people I’d contacted through social media. Skype chat had enabled me to talk face to face, without Flynn being aware. I’d organized a meeting at my parent’s place with the guys who had produced Flynn’s first project with Major ScAlz.

  Forty-eight hours later, I found myself on a charter flight back to Iowa for the day after telling Flynn I was feeling homesick. Truth was I was in the process of hiring the two men I’d spoken to, and with their expertise, I’d gone to meet them personally to ask for their help and commissioned an architect to build a state of the art studio on my parent’s property.

  When my parents offered some land, it was the ideal place where we could escape the eyes of the press. Practically it worked well because I knew I’d be able to spend time in my photography studio when Flynn was working with the band in the recording studio.

  What to tell Flynn about how it was funded hadn’t been decided, but when the time came I’d thought, I’d tell him the money had come from people my dad had known for years. I’d had also aimed to tell him the benefactor wanted to remain anonymous for now. Eight weeks from the time when they broke ground until the studio would be completed so I knew it would be ready before any legal issues were solved between Major ScAlz and Bernie.

  My dad had sat in on the meetings with me because I wanted an objective opinion of what was being discussed, and felt my bias about Flynn may cloud my judgment. He loved the simple studio design and felt that the experts I’d spoken to were totally on board to help me get Flynn back on his feet. Once we’d finalized the plans, I flew back to Chicago that night, and Flynn had surprised me by being in the private charter company’s waiting area.

  As I entered the arrivals lounge I didn’t need to look for him, he was the guy with three hungry women around him, all staring at him like his jeans were made out of edible denim. I stood back and watched him flirt with the girls, and it made me smile. No matter how they batted their eyelashes at him, the time they had with him was so brief it hadn’t worried me because I was confident he was in work mode and they’d never get the time to know him in the way I had.

  Flynn glanced up slowly as if he’d felt my presence, smiled in my direction before he finished signing the piece of paper he was holding. I watched him excuse himself and how the smiling faces around him became expressionless when he’d gestured toward me. Lee cleared a pathway and Flynn hurriedly made his way over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt by the way he was supporting me as if he’d clasped his fingers at the base of my spine.

  I watched as Flynn’s tongue swiftly skimmed his lips before he flashed his sexy smile, “Hi, beautiful, I missed you so much,” he whispered in a seductive tone. He dropped forehead to rest on mine. It hadn’t mattered that the women he’d left behind still stared after him. He behaved like we were the only people in the room as he kissed me in his unhurried way. I pulled away and broke the kiss, and I guess he must have seen the want in my eyes by the soft chuckle he gave me. I felt slightly dizzy and a lot in love as he turned with me and led me to the car.

  Entering the SUV, I noted the smell of leather and Flynn’s aftershave, and I snuggled into his side.

  “Band auditions are set for Tuesday,” I muttered as Lee closed the door behind him.

  He took the sides of my head between his hands, “Hmm, that gives us two days of nothing to do, I’ll have to figure out how to keep you entertained,” he said playfully as he waggled his eyebrows.

  “God, you really do only think about sex,” I smiled warmly and stared in wonder at how I’d ever been able to leave him in the first place.

  “It’s your fault for looking like this, babe,” he said, gruffly and kissed me hard again. Anyone watching would’ve had the idea he’d missed me.


  Once Flynn had taken me home we spent the following two days in bed, I’d begun to think Flynn was insatiable. We barely managed to make it downstairs to eat before he’d dragged me back up to the bedroom again.

  Our blissful state was interrupted by the scheduling of auditions for his new band. We held them in a conference room at a large exhibition center to gauge how the candidates sounded in a large space. We’d short listed five drummers, and three bass players from thirty-one and twenty-seven, respectively, after viewing demo video clips of them. Flynn and Craig decided not to go for a keyboard player. Flynn could play when necessary.

  The bassist Flynn had chosen was a female called Lexi Sparks. A real rock chick if ever I’d seen one. Blonde cropped hair and a figure to rival any supermodel, she was dressed in black leather pants, black patent stiletto ankle boots and a tiny white tank top. I saw Flynn check her boots out then the rest of her, and I’ll admit I felt alarmed when he chose her because she was everything I wasn’t.

  Lexi oozed a sexy confidence, and I just knew she was one of those girls that could use their sexuality to get what she wanted in life. Watching as she flirted with Flynn, I felt myself shrink a little because the instant banter they had put me on edge.

  I was still reeling from that choice when the first of the drummers took his turn to perform. To be honest I had no idea what he played because my mind had still been stuck on a replay loop of the scene between Flynn and Lexi, ten minutes before.

  Sophisticated percussion arrangements by the second candidate set him head and shoulders above the rest and brought me back from my reverie. Jonah Isaacs was an amazing talent. His natural rhythm made him enthralling as he rocked the tunes that Flynn was used to hearing with a totally different arrangement to the ones that Tommy Alsaci had produced for the band. Apart from the lyrics the songs were barely recognizable, but in a good way. I watched with interest as Flynn’s posture went from his bored slouched position to being straight-backed when Jonah piqued his interest.

  Flynn’s fingers started tapping on the table, and Craig was grinning at Flynn. Flynn gave a slight nod that could have been missed by Craig. The energy and drive of the young hot looking Jonah was awe-inspiring.

  He was a stunning looking guy and similar to my brother Martin in his dark coloring, but he had hazel eyes. I knew the girls would adore him, and he’d bring a younger set of fans to the group. After watching him, I kind of felt sorry for the guy following him into his audition because without a word being spoken between us, we’d known that Jonah was right for the job.

  Flynn waved Lee over, turned at the waist in his chair and murmured something in his ear. Scraping his
chair back he stood, reached out to me and, when I took his hand, pulled me out of my chair to stand next to him. He turned to face the audition group, leaned his butt against the table, and drew me into his side.

  “We’re all going to dinner. We’d better get the awkward stuff out of the way. I want to start rehearsing a few new numbers I’ve written with them as soon as possible. So, full rehearsals tomorrow at the gym.”

  I drew in a deep breath to protest, but he placed his finger across my lips to silence me.

  “Shh, I know what you’re going say, but I’ve only written these since I’ve been with you. One only took twenty-five minutes, and I haven’t applied for copyright yet. They haven’t been heard by anyone. So I have totally fresh material and a new band to work it. I don’t care if I never get to sing any of the old stuff again apart from, “Thinking In Black And White,” that’s the only song that matters to me.”

  Flynn hooked his finger on the loops of my jeans and pulled my body flush against him. He dipped to kiss my neck and whispered privately, “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

  Shoving myself away I grinned as he tilted his head and gave me a sexy smile, “Flynn’s invited us all for pizza,” I said to the group as I craftily trailed my hand across his cock when I moved away. His eyes lusted after me as I walked away, but still held our eye connection.


  Dinner was at a place Flynn knew he’d be afforded some privacy. Leonardo’s was a small red brick building with green, white and red themed décor. It was homely and quiet, and the couple who ran it obviously knew Flynn personally.

  “Ah Senori Flynn, welcome, it has been a while, no?” The small balding man asked as he looked super-excited about his new customers. “How many we have?” he enquired with a heavy Italian accent.

  “Seven, please. You’ll eat with us, Lee,” Flynn ordered.

  The restaurant was deserted, but the waiter took us right to the back where there was a large single booth with a round table. Once everyone filed into their seats, I realized that Lexi was next to Flynn on his other side, and my heart sank because she instantly engaged in conversation with him about music. I somehow felt ostracized because I didn’t understand band talk or the technical terms they threw around.


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