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Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn)

Page 6

by K. L. Shandwick

  Exerting a little pressure Flynn’s thick hard cock nuzzled between my legs as he continued to kiss my neck. He had barely kept his weight from crushing me with his forearms.

  “The effect you have on me is crazy, my beautiful Valerie. I can’t believe you’re mine,” he murmured as he continued to wreak havoc on all of my senses. My skin was alight with pleasure on the outside while on the inside my blood was fueled by my over sensitized hormones. It flowed like liquid wildfire through every nerve cell and pooled at my core.

  “I have to take you, babe. I can’t wait any longer. Lying here in this bed with you last night and not touching you was torture,” he said raggedly as his cock nudged at the soaked, swollen flesh between my legs. He groaned painfully as he pressed and stretched right where I wanted him. An electric thrill ran through my body, and I felt my legs part a little wider in reaction to his expert seduction.

  Smoothly his dick glided inch by inch until he sunk himself deep inside of me, filling me tightly as my swollen core pulsed when my body accommodated his wide, hard girth.

  “Fuck,” he hissed, as his tall frame stilled while he adjusted to the firm way my body gripped his. A few moments later, he began to rock gently in small movements. He lavished my neck and shoulder blades with tiny sensual kisses. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Your smell, your taste, your voice, how you feel lying under me…so…fucking perfect,” he whispered huskily. My heart skipped a beat as I surrendered to his seductive tone.

  Within a couple of minutes, he started to take me harder, and he rolled us onto our sides. Lifting my leg he hooked it over his arm at the knee from behind, and spread my legs wider. “Damn. It feels incredible being inside you like this,” he declared in a serious tone.

  Fingertips sunk deeper into my thigh when his own passion had begun to build, and I’d found myself pushing back wanting more from him than he seemed willing to give at that point. “You want more? Harder? Deeper?” he questioned, and rolled onto his back taking me with him. He scooted up the bed while still inside me and sat us in a more upright position. I gasped and moaned at the change, and how much deeper he felt inside me.

  Spreading my legs over his, I was facing away from him and on his lap. My feet were flat on the bed on either side of him, and I could feel him all the way in my belly. “God, what I want to do to you, babe. I could devour you in a heartbeat.”

  “Do it,” I demanded.

  Flynn leaned forward and bit the skin on my shoulder then slid down a little and began to pound into me from underneath. His fast, steady rhythm hit my sweet spot with every thrust, and within a couple of minutes, I lost control, “Oh, God, Flynn,” I screamed shakily. I was so lightheaded from the strength of my orgasm it took my breath away, and I almost passed out.

  “Damn, you’re squeezing me so tightly, babe,” he said, shifting position, and pushing me onto my side again. He slipped out, stood up at the edge of the bed, and flipped me onto my back before dragging me to the edge. He lifted both my legs and my ass part way off the bed, and began to thrust deeply inside me until I came again and again.

  Flynn leaned forward and growled into my neck, “Holy fuck, babe, I’m gonna come,” he muttered as I felt his hot seed flood my core and I came again. He grunted and pulled out sharply, “Shit. Shit. Shit. I’ve never been bareback like that before, but it felt too good to stop. Sorry babe.”

  I realized what he meant. We hadn’t used protection, and I wasn’t on birth control. My heart rate raced, and I swallowed nervously. Crap! When I’d glanced at his tense, tight jaw, and the worried look on his face I knew I had to say something.

  Crawling back on the bed beside me I said, “Okay, I agree that wasn’t one of the most sensible decisions I’ve ever made in my life, but I was there too, remember. I let it happen no matter how unintentionally. Yeah, pregnancy can happen but what are the chances of it happening this once? The odds are in our favor right? We’ll just have to be more careful next time. I’ll make an appointment to see a doctor for birth control.”

  Considering my comment he seemed to relax and leaned over to kiss me, “You are so good for me, you know that? When did you get so wise?” I stared into his gorgeous eyes and saw a quiet truth in them as he stared back.

  “I think you’re good for me too, Flynn. I’m not wise I just learned to roll with the punches after everything that’s happened, is all. It’s just going to take a bit of time to get used to this new lifestyle I’m leading. It’s a big change for me, you know?”

  Flynn nodded his understanding and sat us both up on the bed. He caught his arm under my legs and stood up off the bed holding me to his chest. “You reek of sex, and we’ve got rehearsals to get to,” he grinned smugly as we headed to the bathroom. His hand moved to the sticky mess that had accumulated over my butt. “Damn, we had fun, huh?” we had, and I prayed it wasn’t a make-up session to gloss over what had happened.

  Half an hour later we were both dressing. I glanced over and saw him staring intently into the mirror. At first, I thought he was looking at himself, but then I realized his eyes were fixed on me. I was wearing some lace boy shorts, and was fastening my bra, and he was sneakily watching me.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  Flynn turned to face me, stopped and sat down on an armchair by the window facing me.

  “Not a thing that I can see. Just enjoying the view, I’m a lucky man,” he said waving his hand nonchalantly in the air.

  “Flynn you are a sex fiend,” I said and pretended to be annoyed he was objectifying me.

  “Where you’re concerned, I definitely am. You’re so fucking hot. You know that?”

  “Get dressed or we’ll be late,” I warned, secretly pleased with his compliment.

  “After you, ladies first and all that shit,” he grinned and crossed his leg resting his ankle on his knee. I couldn’t miss the great view of his impressive, resting cock.

  “Don’t you ever wear boxers these days?”

  “Nope, I have little restraint as it is with you. I don’t want anything else to slow me down when I get you alone.”

  I shook my head and pulled a deep red cashmere sweater over my head, stretched it over my chest and worked it down to my waist by the hem. Flynn sighed heavily when I picked up my jeans and fed my legs into them, hoisted them up and fastened the fly.

  Slapping hands on his legs he rose to his feet, “Guess the show is over for me, my turn,” he said, shoving me gently into the chair as he rubbed his hand over his abs playfully. I went along with his ‘show’ and even clapped when he fed his legs into his jeans.

  “For a rock star you can be a dork sometimes, you know that?”

  “Shh, you’ll ruin my reputation. If my manager hears about this, she’ll go apeshit. Promise me this will stay strictly between us,” he replied playfully and pretended to be worried.

  “Well that depends on how good you are to her,” I said.

  “I may have to fuck her to keep her quiet, you okay with that?”

  “Well, I know you’d do whatever you need to in order to keep this under wraps,” he said, giving me a sexy wink.

  Grabbing my purse, tablet and notebook I opened the door, “Come on, rock star let’s see what kind of sound the new collaboration of band members of yours makes.”

  Chapter 6 ~ Flynn

  New beginnings

  One of the tech guys from our old crew helped Lee and Craig rig up our equipment in the gym for our practice sessions. Dan and Lee had become buddies since the beginning of the first tour with Major ScAlz. It was good to know we had someone who knew what we needed and where to get something if we didn’t have it.

  Walking hand in hand to the rehearsal with Valerie was the best feeling I’d had in a long time. I already knew that Jonah and Lexi had arrived because we’d sent a car to pick them up, and I’d heard Craig and Simone leave the house as we were leaving our room. When we entered the gym Valerie was fucking cute when she stiffened her back and strode purposefully toward them.
  “What’s up, guys? Are you ready to rock?” I’d asked then realized how clichéd I’d sounded. Valerie smirked as I poured water from the water dispenser next to the door into a small white plastic cup.

  A series of excited voices yelled back, “You, bet…Yep, can’t wait.”

  Smiling warmly at their enthusiasm, I vaguely remembered how I’d felt for the first few months of my initiation as a new band member. All I wanted was that we’d all get along, and thought at the very least I should lay some ground rules so that we all knew where we stood.

  “Okay, everyone, five minutes then we’re going to get started,” Valerie’s voice interrupted my thoughts and beat me to it. She was definitely taking charge of things, but I wanted to say my piece as well. I may have said she could manage me, but her knowledge of what I’d been through at the hands of the guys was limited to what I’d told her. Bernie and Tyler’s nasty behavior had quite an effect on me, so I figured if there was a stern voice at the beginning from me no one would dare overstep their mark.

  I wandered over to the mic and tapped it. Even though the space wasn’t that big I held it for effect, “Hey everyone, welcome, I’d just like to say how happy I feel with the choices for the band, and to congratulate you on your successful auditions. As an honest, straight-talking guy I’d just like to clear up some things right from the start for everyone. That way there’s no doubts about where we’re coming from, and to help make this new band a smooth transition for Craig and I moving on from Major ScAlz.”

  Checking out their faces our two newcomers sat passively and listened attentively to my introduction. “Being in a band that has a high level of attention brings its own stressors. Everyone deals with those in different ways. The next year is going to bring about a big adjustment for all of us as we learn to live with each other. When we’re on the road, we are family, when we aren’t working, we’re still family. When we comment on each other, remember we’re commenting on family.”

  Jonah shrugged his jacket from his shoulders and took it off. Placing it carefully on the chair behind him he sat down again. “Going up against each other divides the band, and makes us weak. You’ve been chosen, not just for your talent, although that is a big part of the process, but for your temperament, and how I feel we’ll gel as a team. Life on the road is tough, life in the public eye is a pain in the ass, and life without family is fucking lonely. Get me?”

  Everyone nodded and Lexi smiled at me. When I didn’t return it, she slowly let hers slide away again. “So I’m only going to say this once then I’m done. We’re going out there as a band of equals, but to be clear this is my band. It’s my name that’s carrying us forward for now. I’m not putting myself out there for something that seems haphazard or sloppily presented. Once we are established and you’ve earned your keep you’ll be equals in your say. Now that may have sounded pig-headed and arrogant, but after the shit I’ve just been through with those other guys I’m never going back to that place again. I’ll walk first.”

  Jonah stood and raised his hand, “Yes?”

  “Thanks, Flynn. I like the fact that you’ve placed your cards on the table like this. It shows you’re honesty. Believe me when I say I’m one hundred percent behind you on that. It takes guts to do what you did, and I respect you for it. It shows a high level of integrity.”

  “Alright, let’s get started. We’re not doing any of the old stuff apart from one song, “Thinking In Black and White”. That music is associated with Major ScAlz. I want to push us in a new direction. I’ve written six good songs during the past few months that I haven’t shared with my old band members. How about we concentrate on those for now? When we get to know each other, we can figure out who writes, and what partnerships work best for producing material for our next album.”

  Glancing over I saw Valerie tapping away at her tablet. She glanced up in my direction, and when our eyes met, she gave me a slow smile as if to say, “You got this.”

  “I’d also like to formally introduce you to our manager, Valerie Darsin. Valerie is an amazing new talent herself. As you know, my girlfriend and I are going to be working closely as Valerie is also our band manager. Javier Martinez is our new band spokesperson and PR guru, and Simone Lyme is our image designer alongside Valerie. We are so fortunate to have Valerie’s skills as photographer, and she may even make our first video. Money is tight with my funds being frozen and in the hands of my legal team at present.”

  Valerie walked over beside me and smiled knowingly, “Thank you, Flynn. Speaking of funds, we know none of you can survive on fresh air. Until you’re making an income as a band, this is what I have arranged. You will be here all day for rehearsals so breakfast and lunch will be provided, and you will be given a monthly salary for now of twenty-five hundred dollars.” When Lexi raised her eyebrow, I knew Valerie was being generous.

  “Car transportation will be provided for your schedules, and a comfortable house has been rented for as long as it’s needed. Therefore, I’d expect the monetary reward offered will cover any home bills. All clothing for the band will be at the discretion of Simone and me, and you’ll be expected to look like you are ready for a photo shoot at all times, after all, the paparazzi don’t keep 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday hours.”

  Looking around, Valerie made eye contact with each person individually, when she came to Lexi, she held her gaze a little longer than seemed comfortable then glanced back at her tablet.

  “I know what you’re thinking. I’m barely a woman, but let me tell you, I’m a sound businesswoman. I’m not afraid to make judgments and on-the-spot decisions, harsh decisions, and I won’t tolerate anyone who challenges my position. I’m fair and reasonable, and my respect for you is earned, it’s not your right. If you have any problems, please come and share with me because I want to ensure you all have the right level of support during your period of adjustment in the public eye.”

  Jonah shifted, sat upright in his chair and asked, “When do you think we’ll have our first public appearance, and what will you, as our manager, be doing to ensure interest is maintained in Flynn during the time beforehand?”

  “Very good questions, Jonah. I need to remind you that unless Flynn thinks you are ready to be out there, it won’t be happening. Paying audiences expect a polished performance. It takes talent, dedication, good material, and time to perfect all of that. It’ll happen for sure. I have plans in progress right now, and as soon as you are ready, a facility is being secured for you to cut an album. I have a shit-hot producer and an excellent sound engineer on standby. If Flynn thinks you are good enough, I can guarantee you a record deal.”

  My head was spinning, and my eyes darted to Valerie in disbelief. The sly smirk she gave me told me she wasn’t lying, “Babe, you know how much studio time and recording fees are???”

  “Indeed, I do, Flynn. Just get your guys ready, and I’ll make sure this happens, and no I’m not saying another word about it so don’t ask in private. There’s just a couple of more things I need to say before I let you get started with your musical genius or is that geniuses…genii? —Whatever. No discussions are to take place regarding the new band outside of here. No Tweets or Facebook posts, Instagram or however else you interact on social media. You will all be given official accounts, and all tweets are to be approved by Javier. This is to protect both you and the band’s reputations. Lastly, I need a name for the band so when you are done for the day can you have that discussion, and bring me four choices, they’ll need to be checked for copyright.”

  Without another word, Valerie turned and took herself to the back of the gym. She sat down elegantly on one of my bench presses. I’m so fucking gone for that girl. Lee stood, walked over to her and leaned in, talking quietly to her. Her face lit up with a huge toothy smile, and my heart squeezed with love for my ballsy girl. Who would have thought she had all of that in her?

  I was in awe that she’d been able to secure a production team, but I wasn’t sure who she had wou
ld have been up to the job. I was interested to know who it was, and I’d wanted to have that conversation at the first opportunity.

  Once we finished rolling out the grounds of our working relationship, Craig and I sang the first new song I’d written. “Never Gonna Live Without Your Love”. It was a fast rock number and quite challenging, but I’d wanted to start with it because it was probably the most difficult. I thought it would take some time for Jonah to figure out a percussion arrangement for it.

  Lexi heard it twice and slid off the bench she was sitting on. Slowly she nodded her head, and I could see she was absorbing the intricacies of the melody and the music. She picked up her bass guitar and pulled the strap over her head. A couple of minutes later, she’d formed a bass line and her arrangement sounded cool.

  Jonah wasn’t long in jumping on the drums and pounded out a very different arrangement from the one I’d formed in my head for the song, but I had to admit his sounded much better. Within half an hour the song had changed beyond all recognition, and I was grinning from ear to ear. They were so fucking good they were sick-making. The confidence I felt after hearing them was high. We were going to fly if our first song was any indication of their ability.

  Craig played the simple riff intro, and my fast paced composition accompanied him seconds behind taking the sound to another level. I sang the song three times, and once again Jonah nodded and sat tentatively picking some beats until his arms were flying everywhere bringing yet another unique sound to the score.

  Twenty minutes later, Valerie’s cell rang, and she left the gym, and I became so lost in my music for the first time in a long time I never noticed that she hadn’t come back. We stopped at 1:30 pm for lunch and instead of wasting time going over to the house, Valerie had Niamh bring sandwich platters, hot buffalo chicken wings, some small stuffed peppers, chips, pizza slices and a platter of fruit over.


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