Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn)

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Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn) Page 19

by K. L. Shandwick

  I watched her devour the muffin, and I took my fill of her while she did. I loved watching her eat with her perfect rosebud lips, flawless skin and beautiful big dark curls pulled up all messy on top of her head. A few strands of hair had come loose when I’d gripped it kissing her earlier. I didn’t tell her because she had a just ravished look about her that was as sexy as fuck, and I’d wanted everyone to know who had given it to her. She’s stunning.

  “Come here,” I demanded, and pulled gently on the soft wool sweater she was wearing. She turned and smiled slowly then slid hard up against my side as my arm curled naturally around her warm, tight little body. “I love you, my precious woman,” I said, as I lay my other hand over her belly, and stroked it tenderly. My heart beat calmed when she warmed to me and laid her head on my shoulder.

  She sighed deeply, “I know you do, and I love you too. We won’t let this come between us. I just have to learn how to manage it in my head, that’s all.”

  “As soon as Bernie’s court hearing is done we’re flying back to Iowa, and I’m going to spend a whole day doing you,” I said, grinning wickedly at her and trying to lighten the mood between us.

  “Doing me? And what if I decide I’m not doing you?” she answered back playfully with a dirty grin on her face. She looked thankful I’d moved our conversation on to something else.

  “Valerie, look at me. When have you ever not wanted to do me?” I asked sarcastically, and swept my hand up to my face. I’d tried to change the subject because this was a big day for all of, us. For Valerie filming with Keller and RedA with our first performance on video as a band.

  “If you two are finished threatening to ‘do’ each other, can you suck up all that lust, and save it for later? Your pheromones are making the car air heavy. Get out of here before I get a ticket for parking in a no stopping zone,” Lee said, and smirked knowingly as he held the door open for us. We’d been so wrapped up in each other we hadn’t realized he’d stopped the car.

  Valerie blushed and dropped her head to hide her embarrassment. That simple act made me as hard as fuck. She was so innocent in some ways, and so worldly in others. She made my feelings run wild with desire like no one else ever had.

  Crooking my finger under her chin I lifted it, and when her bashful expression came into view, I adored her for her modesty. I loved the purity in her manner. When her gorgeous almond shaped eyes met mine, there was a twinkle of humor there. A slow smile lifted the corners of her mouth, and I cradled her face between the palms of my hands without breaking our connection.

  “You are so fucking cute, come on. Time to put your boss pants on and make me a star,” I said pulling her with me out of the car, and onto the street behind me.

  Chapter 21 ~ Flynn

  In the know

  Keller was sitting by the window, a large coffee in a disposable cup raised to his mouth when we entered the old warehouse he’d sourced for the shoot. Pulling the cup away he quickly set it down on the white painted window ledge and rushed over to hug Valerie like she was an old friend.

  “Good morning. You found it okay, I’m glad. Shall we get started the light is perfect in here right now,” he said beaming like he’d struck gold and gestured, into the large space with his hand to indicate his find. Valerie scoped the room, eyes narrowed, as if she were sizing it up, and forming images in her mind.

  “Wow, I love it, Keller. It’s perfect. I can’t wait to see this creation on videotape,” she gushed as she set her oversized bag down, and twirled around taking in the derelict red brick and the gray concrete floor. The contrasting huge, exposed, rustic wooden beams gave the space more depth, but personally, I couldn’t see what was so fascinating about it.

  Following Valerie’s eyes, I tried to see the dirty, damp storage place through the mind of a photographer. “Okay, can I make a suggestion? The band here, the light from here will cast a sideward shadow of them behind that wall over there…” she pointed this way and that before she placed her hands on her hips and grinned. She looked delightedly at Keller when she’d finished her enthusiastic contribution.

  Turning my head to Keller, I saw him smile widely back at her and nod, “Exactly. Okay guys, can we have the drum kit set up here please? Flynn, you’ll be here, Craig—” Keller set to work marking small X’s on the floor where he wanted us to be positioned. I glanced over at Val, and she looked in her element, eyes more vibrant and alive than I’d seen them in days. Her wide smile lit up her beautiful features and captured an image for me that reminded me what a wonderful young woman she’d become.

  “Simone? Where’s Simone?” Valerie asked.

  “I’m here,” Simone said as she came into view after making her way around a couple of room dividing screens. She’d made a makeshift dressing room in the corner, hired a make-up artist, and a hair stylist. Simone had worked hard to create the exact look her and Valerie had settled on for the band. They’d poured over tons of clothing catalogs during the previous weeks and met with a few designers. Seeing how Lexi and Craig looked once she’d dressed them, they’d done a fantastic job.

  A couple of designers had been commissioned to create Italian leather bomber jackets for Lexi and me while Craig was given his own logo and a striped t-shirt in black and white with one random deep red one near the middle. Jonah had a black form fitting t-shirt with some designer shit on the front, and some leather bands on his wrists to protect them while he did his thing.

  Expensive distressed jeans in different shades of blue and black were distributed to us, and I’d insisted on Chucks for my feet because the amount of energy I always exerted on stage demanded that I had non-slip rubber soles, especially with all the electric cables and wires everywhere.

  Lexi was given six-inch heels, and I had to admit her legs went for miles in them. A distraction of sorts, but she looked much classier in her new attire than anything I’d ever seen her dressed in before, so I figured Simone and Valerie knew what they were doing.

  Lee entered with three of Val’s industrial looking steel camera cases and other equipment and placed them on an old thick wooden bench on the other side of the room. Everyone then got busy setting the scene Keller had in his mind.

  Twenty minutes later we’d all tuned our gear and were in our places, ready to make the short music video that Valerie and Keller believed would take the world by storm. Keller was one helluva director, but worse as a task master. He was such a perfectionist, and I must have sung the same words into ten different cameras several times, looking this way and that, as Keller and Valerie recorded the poses. The way he contorted my body to gain perfect angles and the best headshots was pretty strenuous.

  Leaning against the rough red brick wall, I performed the same song again as they took shots and film from different angles, then again in front of the band, lying on the floor, and perched sideways on the window ledge with my leg bend up at the knee, and my foot placed flat on the thin ledge. I’d had to sing with a pained expression on my face. I didn’t have to try with that particular pose; my ass was almost sliced in half as I balanced with one cheek barely on it.

  Four hours later, Keller called it a day. The lighting wasn’t good, and we were all tired from smiling. My voice was becoming hoarse, and my fingertips hurt like hell. I could have kissed him when he said we were done. Valerie took my breath away when she snuck up behind me while I was changing out of our video approved clothing behind the room dividers.

  She’d slid her delicate hands around my waist, and straight inside my boxer briefs. Taking my dick in one hand, she cupped my balls in the palm of her other one and whispered sexily, “Have you got any idea how horny I am after that little performance?” then placed a kiss at the center of my spine. An electric shiver of desire ran from my scalp to my toes at her blatant seduction.

  Turning my head back, I saw what she meant as soon as my eyes connected with hers. Half open, her heavy eyelids struggled over her lust-filled eyes as the fire in them silently said she’d devour me whole if I gave
her the nod. I’d spun toward her and instantly regretted the move when her hands fell away from my dick as I saddled up closer to her. My dick was so hard it was tenting my soft cotton underwear. I rubbed myself against her belly, and she wriggled in appreciation, in my arms.

  “So does this mean…”I started to say, but Valerie’s hands cradled my face her mouth quietened mine. It was a possessively rough kiss, full of passion as her tongue danced around mine in a tease she was winning.

  Breathless she broke the kiss and smirked. “Flynn Docherty, I’ve decided, I want to do you right now.”

  “Here?” I asked, in a low gruff tone as my eyes popped wide while my dick thickened even more. I grinned devilishly, full of admiration for how bold she’d gotten with me about sex in such a short time. I was even more turned on by the fact that she’d made her move where others may catch her, and it wasn’t lost on me that she was putting everything we’d found out aside.

  “If you like,” she’d whispered seductively, and her warm breath brushed my ear. My heart picked up its pace as what we were about to do really hit me. She rubbed her little belly against the swollen bulge, and I moved like lightning. Bending, I scooped her up in my arms while she wrapped her legs around my waist. Her fingers tangled in the back of my hair, and she gave it a rough tug backward to look at my face, “Where are we going, you’re not dressed yet, Flynn?” she’d smirked as she wiggled her heat over my aching length.

  She was goading me, and I was fully on board, “Home, I’m not staying here while you tease the fuck out of me,” I’d smugly smirked, and stepped out from behind the screens in full view of everyone. “Sorry guys, looks like I have an urgent appointment with the boss. We’ll see you at 9:00 am tomorrow. Have a great night, I know we will,” I’d said as Valerie buried her face in my neck, mortified that I’d just called her bluff. I strode out of the building in my boxers, hard-on and all and stopped at the back door of the SUV that Lee had hurriedly unlocked from a distance with the key fob.

  “Actually, Lee, could you give us twenty? Something’s come up, and Valerie and I need to take care of it urgently,” I’d smirked as I laid her gently down in the back seat. I pushed her along the length of it. She was laughing and looking at me so wickedly—the fact that she hadn’t protested told me I’d make a rock chick out of her yet.

  “You’re really going to fuck me in the back of an SUV, then ask Lee to take us home?” she’d asked her voice registering disbelief.

  “You think a quick fuck is going to remedy all the feelings that have been torturing us both for the past thirty-six hours? Oh, no, babe, I’m gonna need a lot longer to tame that beast,” I’d said playfully.

  Snickering she glanced down at my boxers I was hunched over in the back of the car, but my feet were still on the road outside, “Tame that beast? Really, Flynn? You’d use a line like that on someone like me?” she said, laughing hysterically now.

  Little did she know with every comeback and sweet, happy sound she made, I grew harder. My intention was to, at the very least, taste her before we left that car lot. Reaching for her pants I’d been pleased to encounter there were no zippers or buttons, they were those stretchy waist ones that women wore when their belly was growing. At fifteen weeks I was aware of how much her shape was changing. She could still wear jeans, but for some reason she’d put those on that morning.

  Without a word I curled my fingers at both sides of her hips and started to tug them down, she squealed with shock and excitement before she shook her head, and tried to hang on them to stop me from taking them off.

  “No, Flynn. Not here,” she scoffed, still laughing, and tried to protect her modesty.

  “No? You think when I walked you out of that fucking building wearing only my skivvies it was some kind of joke?” I queried.

  “Skivvies,” She laughed louder and giggled her way through, “You’re not in the army, Flynn, that’s what men in the military call their underwear.”

  I smirked, “Don’t try to change the subject lift your ass for me, I don’t want to hurt you,” I said, nodding my head at her hips. “In case it’s escaped your notice it’s fucking freezing out here, and I’m deadly serious. We’re not moving until we do this,” I said, and gripped the waistband tighter. Valerie must have seen the want in my eyes because she fell silent, and stared me down while lifting her hips in submission.

  Once I’d peeled her pants and panties off I spread her wide to look at her. Liquid desire poured through my veins as I tucked my hands under her ass, and tilted her pussy up toward my face. I inhaled deeply, and Valerie’s breath hitched in her throat as our eyes briefly met. I watched her trail the pads of her fingertips along her bottom lip, and I swear if she hadn’t been pregnant I’d have dragged her sweet ass out of the car and fucked her hard on the hood.

  Smiling slowly my eyes fell back to her smooth, beautiful pussy, and I stretched my arms under her allowing my head to fall between her legs. I heard her take a sharp breath followed by a soft moan as pleasure coursed through her. Her flesh crimped in a rash of goose bumps as her sweet nectar dripped onto my tongue.

  “God you smell so fucking exquisite…and taste so damn delicious,” I muttered as I speared my tongue into her slick, sweet entrance as far as I could reach. Her ass bucked as her pleasure increased.

  Valerie’s legs trembled as her excitement grew, and when her ass started rocking back and forth, I placed my thumb on her clit. Rubbing it roughly in fast circles, I replaced my hand with my mouth and sucked her clit. Hard. I slid one finger then two and continued my ministrations until a scream tore from her throat and her legs clamped against my head like a vice.

  Tiny frantic hands pushed at my head as she came. She could barely handle what I was doing. I stopped and chuckled, “It’s your fault for starting this, babe, you know how I feel about that.” I said and sucked hard on her clit again.

  One of Valerie’s hands left my head and squeezed her breast through her sweater, “Oh, Flynn…so good…so good,” she moaned in a rhythm that matched the way her body jerked as the aftershocks rocked through her.

  I lifted my head and smiled when our eyes met before I placed her ass gently back down on the seat and leaned across to kiss her head. The soft, breathy moan and the way she tenderly kissed me made my heart swell in my chest.

  Pulling away, I fed her legs into her pants and helped get her halfway decent again. “Got your phone?”

  “My phone? Why?” she asked, and I smirked when I saw the tangled mess her hair was. The sexy topknot thing she arrived with was completely askew. She’d never looked prettier.

  “Call Lee. I’m pretty sure we scared him off. Ask him to bring my clothes and hurry the fuck up because I need the car heated before I get hyperthermia.”

  I hurriedly climbed in the car beside her as the passion in my blood subsided. There was a nip in the afternoon air, and I was freezing. Once inside, I shivered. At least my dick had gone soft and finally went into hiding.

  Valerie pulled her sweater off over her head to reveal a long sleeved t-shirt, and pulled it over my head. The baby soft wool smelled of her warm scent, but the smell of her sweet sexy essence was still on my face and hands. She giggled as she pulled the sweater down to reveal my face, and stretched it to feed my arms through. The combined smell of her perfume, her essence and her warm body close to me felt like paradise.

  “Damn, honey, you look good wearing my clothes,” she snickered, like it was something a man would say to a woman.

  Leaning back she pulled the sweater into place and laughed softly, kissing me on the nose, “Better?” she asked in a whisper. I scooped her into my side and hugged her tightly while she nuzzled into my neck.

  Lee arrived without my clothes and knocked on the window. The reality of what we’d done hit Valerie like a freight train. Her mouth went slack with shock as she remembered how we got there. She blushed and hid her face as I pressed the button for the electric window to slide down. “A bit late for that, Ms. Darsin,” I chuck
led as Lee’s cheesy grin, but embarrassed face met mine.

  “Lovely sweater, boss, is that Boggetta Veneta by any chance?” he asked deadpan.

  I’d stared at him like he’d grown a unicorn horn, and wondered what the fuck he was talking about. Valerie bust out laughing, “Yes it is, Lee. I’d never have taken you for a fashion guru,” she said, clearly surprised, and impressed he’d guessed the designer.

  Lee smirked and glanced at my bare legs, “Nearly as much hair on those legs as on that sweater boss, you may need a wax if you’re going down the designer route. Bare bodies and six packs are in vogue right now,” he’d said, in a flat tone and sniffed.

  Valerie rolled around in her seat clearly delighted with Lee’s sudden burst of confidence in our presence. “Lee, you’re clearly taken with my attire, but remember what you see between my girl and me is confidential, and all in the line of work. Valerie and me…this was a business meeting here. A very private meeting. So private that Valerie here suggested I wear this as camouflage. Isn’t that right, babe?”

  “Indeed,” she said trying to stifle a chuckle.

  “Boss, she may be able to pull the wool over your eyes, but remember why you hired me, you don’t get to pull it over mine.” Lee gave me a smart-assed smirk pleased at his pun. He settled in the front seat and started the car. “Simone packed your clothes away already, boss. I take it we’re heading straight home as your meeting seems to have left you half naked, and you’re girl looking like she just got rocked by a hurricane.”

  Valerie’s hand flew to her hair, and she struggled to tame it.

  “Ha, ha, too fucking funny. If you don’t shut up, I’ll make you take off your clothes to keep me company on the way home.”

  “You’d never do that boss, you’ve seen my body, your boss hasn’t,” he joked.

  I growled and pretended to be offended, and he chuckled again, “Right, boss and boss’s boss home it is then.”

  Smiling widely I slid down the seat a little and hugged my girl closer. I knew we still had a lot to conquer in the following weeks, but I’d gone from bliss to feeling desolate the day before. I thanked God for my incredible lucky break and Valerie’s forgiving nature.


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