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Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn)

Page 25

by K. L. Shandwick

  Staring pointedly at him I only had one question, “Why did you tell her not to call you?”

  “Why should she? You’re my manager and why does she need to call me now? Milly is Martin’s kid. That makes me her uncle by default since I’m with you. If Milly needs something she has to go through you.”

  Flynn had given me the right answer as far as I was concerned. My jealousy was totally misplaced, and I was thankful that Flynn had let it slide. I’d promised myself there and then not to jump to the wrong conclusion about him, even if I didn’t automatically like his methodology for the way he dealt with his problems.

  Chapter 28 ~ Flynn

  Deal or no deal

  After we got home, I went straight to Skype and called Clayton.

  “So what’s the deal?”

  “Bernie’s lawyers have advised him to plead guilty.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means you don’t have to give evidence in court.”

  Relief washed over me instantly. I couldn’t have cared less about giving evidence, but Valerie would have had to take the stand had he’d pleaded not guilty.

  “You need to come to Chicago this week. I’ve set up a meeting to hash out a deal. I’ll send you the details of what we are asking for ahead of time. I’ve been running two actions against him, one criminal and one civil. I’m hoping to clean the bastard out. Monetary compensation as well as jail time, and a civil case to cover the monies lost from the tour venues suing us for breach of contract.”

  “What day is it?”

  “You’ll have to be at my office on Tuesday at 10:30 am. They’ll counter what we ask for to shave as much time off the sentence as they can, but the judge has to agree to the deal as well. The court hearing is scheduled for Friday, and his team have been really late in getting him to accept that he’s going to jail. Bernie has no hope of being found not guilty of the charges, and he knows it but he’s been difficult right up to the last minute. Bernie Dunn is going down, Flynn, it’s just for how long that has to be hashed out. This time next week, you’ll have your life back.”

  My heart skipped a beat when I’d heard him say that. It meant RedA would finally be able to perform in public, and release our new material. I was excited other people were going to hear the stuff we’d sang over and over for months. Valerie and I stared at each other for a moment in silent acknowledgment that everything we’d strived for during the previous few months was about to come to fruition.

  I concluded the call with Clayton, and Valerie and I clung to each other, delighted and excited to tell everyone the news when they returned later that day.


  Melanie and her daughter left early on Sunday morning, and Valerie had organized transportation to take them back to the airport. She hadn’t been gone half an hour when one by one the band members returned after their weekend away. Val told them the news and a buzz of excitement ran through the studio. We knew we hadn’t a moment to spare. The album was almost complete, and Valerie had arranged a meeting before rehearsals to finalize the image for the cover.

  I had an image in mind and a name for the album, but it had to be with the whole band’s approval. I’d been talking to Kayden about it, and he’d made a fabulous suggestion. When I’d mentioned what we were doing, he jumped to his feet and became animated.

  “Wait, I have an idea,” he said, and shot out the door. I watched him as he ran over to the house and returned two minutes later with a photo frame.

  At first, I thought he was going to give me a picture of his dead brothers for the album, but it wasn’t. Handing me the frame, he said, “You ever seen this before? Maybe you might want to do something with it,” handing me the dark gun-metal gray frame. The image inside was incredible. The high definition black and white photograph was of Valerie. She sat cross-legged on the wooden floor of her bedroom strumming her acoustic guitar. It took my breath away, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her.

  I knew she hadn’t meant it when she took that photo, but she looked every inch the rock chick with her torn jeans, bare feet, and a tiny white tank top with tons of beaded necklaces around her neck. Her casual position and long wild dark hair made her look stunningly vulnerable. It was the perfect picture for our album cover.

  Eye catching and enthralling, the photograph had captured her beauty perfectly. The way she’d used the light and shade was mesmerizing, and her artistry in her simple pose looked amazing. It was the kind of picture that had set her aside from her peers in her business.

  The name I originally had for the album dropped from my mind like a stone, and a new one sprang to my mind, completely inspired by the beautiful woman’s image I held in my hands. “Canyon & The Untouchable Muse,” I said aloud. Kayden furrowed his brow. “Canyon in memory of Martin and Adam, and how I felt about Valerie back then. She’s been my inspiration since day one of my song-writing career. Kayden teared up, and we shared a man-hug because he was so choked he wasn’t able to speak.

  Looking back at the picture, I’d noticed Valerie hadn’t changed much from that image, so it had probably been taken around or just before her eighteenth birthday. I couldn’t wait to show it to everyone else.


  Javier arrived at the studio in time for the meeting, and as usual, I’d witnessed a rapid exchange of all of the items on their agendas that got ticked off their lists before we got down to the album cover. The way they communicated was like they fired verbal bullets at each other.

  With the help of Valerie, Javier had drawn up a list of the venues that had been let down by the demise of Major ScAlz. As soon we got the go ahead he would contact them to see if RedA could take over some of the dates in the USA. The European part of the tour had to wait. Valerie would have been forbidden to fly by the time those dates came around.

  When I mentioned the album cover, Valerie was stunned and modestly rejected the image when I pulled out her picture, and placed it on the table, “Where did you get this? I can’t be on the cover of a rock album,” she’s snorted and glanced at the others, embarrassed that I’d made a show of her.

  “Babe, you’ve been my inspiration since day one. Of course, you should be there. Besides we’ll sell gazillions with a hot babe in torn clothing and bare feet, on the cover,” I smirked, mischievously.

  Javier thought it was awesome from a marketing perspective, and all the guys in the band were equally thrilled to have it as a cover. The only objection was from Lexi. It was understandable, she’d never been on an album cover before, but she wouldn’t have been in the band either if it hadn’t been for Valerie making everything possible for us.

  My only concern had been whether she still had the original digital image, but Valerie had assured me it was still available for us to use. She sent the file to Javier, and he gave it to a discrete graphic designer to have the album cover made, and told us a proof would be with us in forty-eight hours or less.

  By the time all the meetings were done, it was 3:45 pm. We settled down in the studio to perfect the last two songs in preparation for the onslaught of the media if I knew Valerie. Ryan had done a fantastic mix on the tracks, James’s production was spot on, and the expressions on the faces of Lexi and Jonah, in particular, made it all worthwhile.

  When I picked up my guitar and pulled the strap over my head, I glanced around at the ultra-modern studio my sexy little woman had designed and built, and my heart almost burst with pride at how tenacious she’d been in her support of us. Her backing had been crucial, and I knew that without her, and her brothers’ legacies, I’d have been forgotten by the music industry to a large extent.

  However, Valerie had sent weekly updates to people behind the scenes promising them that I was working harder than ever, but due to Bernie’s pending court case, I wasn’t really able to comment on anything, or perform. That was followed by the reassurance that as soon as the issue was resolved I’d be straight back to doing what I did best.

  Once the meeting was over, we a
ll went back to work. Playing inside a studio booth always gave me goose bumps. It was an entirely different feeling to playing live. There was just that little something extra that I connected with because the music being made was in isolation. I’d always found my senses were heightened by the sound of silence other than what was playing and noticed the way each instrument sounded and blended with each other.

  Whether it was a packed stadium or a small practice room I’d always been thrilled, but playing in a sound booth affected me down to my core in a different way altogether. No matter where I played, I had always been able to find something different in the music, even when I strummed the same tune on my guitar.

  Music had the ability to tug at emotions like nothing else ever had. I’d used it often to express how I felt. It had been my savior in dark times, and thankfully I’d developed a talent that gave me the opportunity to live my life making music. I loved sharing that with others.

  My supple fingers slid up and down the taut wire strings on the fret as I picked out D, G major, and A chords that formed the fast-paced intro riff of the catchy new tune we were practicing. My heart was full when I looked around at my band mates who were completely in sync in pulling together the newest Valerie inspired song I’d penned for her. Nothing felt better than hearing it brought to life with all their instruments together.

  Jonah was on fire with the percussion, and Kayden sat watching him intently on the other side of the glass. It wasn’t long before he was mimicking the same beat as he was, yet he could hear nothing as Ryan was listening through his headphones, his head down in concentration. Kayden was far more talented than he realized.

  Craig had been growing in confidence every day since we’d left the band, and I realized how suppressed he’d been by Tyler Chisholm, the bass guitarist from Major ScAlz.

  “We’re ready for this. I’ve never felt so alive playing with you guys,” Lexi exclaimed in a rare moment of genuine excitement.

  She was right. We were killing it, and sounded as good as any other headlining band out there.

  Everyone was happy, but I had wanted to make sure that we were flawless because I knew we’d be compared to Major ScAlz, just by default.

  “Don’t sweat on that, Flynn. I think we’re better. Every one of us is rocking our music arrangements. It feels effortless playing with you guys, we’re connected, and our flow from one song to another is as smooth as a baby’s ass,” Craig said.

  Jonah started a beat that was so familiar that we couldn’t help but join in with him in an impromptu rendition of “We Will Rock You,” by Queen. Ten minutes later we were all fooling around playing a medley of different oldies but greats by rock bands, such as Deep Purple, Metallica, The Who and ZZ Top.

  I saw Kayden’s head turn and caught Valerie struggling in the door with two box folders and a camera case, and stopped playing. Casting my guitar aside I rushed out of the booth to give her a hand. “What are you doing carrying all this? Couldn’t you ask Lee to help you, or give Kayden a ring to help you across here with it?”

  “Jesus, Flynn, I’m having a baby, not suffering from Brittle Bone disease. Nothing’s going to happen to me carrying a few cardboard boxes and a camera case.”

  She refused my help swiping the boxes out of reach of my hands, and disappeared from view into the back room, before returning empty handed. “Any idea what time you’re finishing up here? I want to know whether I should eat now or wait for you. It’s almost 6:00 pm, but I’m starting to pick at stuff in the fridge, and I’d rather eat if you’re going to be much longer.

  Eating was far more important than the band. Valerie never ate much when she was under stress and ate too much when she was bored. Casting my eyes back to the booth, I waved to the guys and signaled with my hand in a slicing motion across my neck. I’d had enough for the day.

  Lexi was first out of the booth, and she made a beeline for Kayden. His eyes darted to mine, and Valerie’s, and he smirked wickedly. I scowled at her because the last thing I wanted was complications for the band, and if Kayden tapped that, well relations could have gotten pretty messy all round.

  “Are you meeting Amber later?” I’d asked, trying to avert another cluster-fuck from forming.

  “Yep, she should be here in about…” he checked his diver’s wristwatch and glanced up at me again, “Fifteen minutes or so. We’re going to catch a movie in town. Do you guys want to come?”

  Valerie slid her arm through mine and clung tightly to it, “Thanks for the offer, but I need to eat. My back is starting to ache,” she disclosed as she turned and pulled me toward the door, “Besides, what I have in mind I can’t have in the cinema,” she added, dryly.

  Kayden looked up shocked at her comment and shook his head, “I don’t want to think like that about you, Valerie, that’s way too much information.”

  “And that dear brother is the only answer I’d expect from a guy that’s brain function is below his belt. I actually meant a long soak in the bath, but as you’re so set on smut, maybe I’ll let Flynn get in the tub with me.”

  “Thanks, Kayden. I’d have been left lying on the sofa while she stayed in there until the water was cold. You’ve just earned yourself a jamming session with the band tomorrow,” I grinned.

  Valerie tugged me to the door with one hand, and pulled me against her with the other, “Now, Flynn. I’m starving.”

  I raked my eyes over her cleavage and settled my hands on the sides of her belly. She always looked so naturally beautiful, “Me too,” I commented suggestively, to get Kayden’s goat, “Right behind you, babe,” I grinned at Kayden, and widened my eyes so my innuendo would register with him.

  “Get out of here, Flynn, before I kick your ass. That’s my baby sister there,” he growled.

  “Oh, I know, Kayden and I’m going to take real good care of her,” I teased and made him throw a plastic water cup at the door. Water splashed down the inside while I looked in from the outside and winked before turning my attention to Valerie, “You’re horrible sometimes,” she smirked wryly.

  “Nah, I’m just getting his juices flowing, nothing like a bit of temper to warm the blood up. Amber will benefit from that later. I did them a favor.”

  Val’s jaw fell slack, shocked by my comment, and she laughed softly, “Always thinking about sex, huh?”

  “Only with you, though, babe,” I replied honestly giving her a knowing smirk, and squeezed her butt. Scooping her tightly against me, I tucked my girl’s shoulder into my underarm, holding her possessively close, and led her home.

  Chapter 29 ~ Flynn

  Day of reckoning

  Tuesday was a weird but wonderful day. After two days of music bliss in the studio, everything we’d been striving for suddenly came to fruition in one hard hit. As we prepared to leave in the early morning for Chicago, Valerie found an email Javier had sent the night before that said the first batch of CD’s of our album were waiting at the house for us to agree on the proof before the print run. She got so excited, and her beaming sexy smile made me want to kiss her until I was drunk. Or maybe that was just my reaction.

  My thoughts turned to performing the new material I’d written in public, and it made me hard. The best thing about writing songs was a lot of intimate information could be hidden in the tracks, and most of the band’s material pertained to Valerie and me. I was able to say in a song what was in my heart. I’d never have been able to say anything close to that in normal words to her, without sounding like a whiny lovesick chick. I could tell the rest of the world how she affected me, and, in turn, the males listening could sing it to the women they loved and blame it on me for writing it. So it was win-win for everybody.


  It was still dark outside when Lee brought the car around and parked it, sprinting from the car to the front porch to get the luggage he’d set by the door. It was raining hard, and I was glad we weren’t traveling back to Chicago for a few days so that Valerie could rest. She was almost halfway through her pregnancy an
d my girl just wouldn’t slow down.

  I promised myself she’d rest if a settlement could be reached, and Bernie made it to court that Friday. After that, I thought she‘d at least have a few days of downtime before she was scheduled for another doctor’s appointment. I knew Clayton was a tough negotiator so I was confident he’d go the extra mile to try and resolve my financial status, and that in turn, would allow Valerie to begin her promotion of RedA.

  Clay’s assistant was waiting in the foyer of the plush, all glass front law office when we arrived. Lee discreetly pulled in behind a cab that blocked us from sight. Valerie and I got out and hurried inside before I could be recognized. Ravi Singh, Clay’s right-hand man, was meticulous in his research, and he’d briefed us in the elevator on the way to Clay’s office on the thirty-fifth floor.

  Entering the conference room, the strong smell of coffee filled my nostrils as Clay directed Valerie and me to the side of the highly polished yew wood table facing the bank of windows. The view from his office was awesome, and I found it calming even though my heart had been pounding on the way up there.

  Ravi pushed a small bundle of papers in front of me and instructed me to look them over, telling me he’d answer any questions I had before Bernie’s lawyers arrived. When my eyes scanned the paperwork I was impressed, Clayton and his team had my back. They had thought of everything that had to be resolved, and some stuff that hadn’t even occurred to me.

  I was more than happy with what was there and closed the cover on the bundle of papers, satisfied that all angles had been covered. Valerie however, had a few questions, one of which was hastily added to the settlement, my copyright release document so that neither Tyler, Tommy nor Bernie could benefit from further royalties of anything that was released after I’d left the band.


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