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Something So Right

Page 22

by Natasha Madison

  “It’s eight a.m.” I shake my head at her.

  “Mimosa time,” Meghan states.

  I shake my head and look at Cooper. “You sure about this? Because look at the family I’m with.” I point my head at Meghan and Tom.

  “Wouldn’t want anything else.” He leans down, kissing me.

  Yup, this is really what he wants. It’s for the better and worse, right?

  Standing in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, I try to calm myself down. After drinking more than I care to admit at eight a.m., we celebrated having pancakes. It was everything I could ever ask for.

  But now ten hours later, I’m getting ready to attend the annual team’s Christmas party. When Cooper brought it up, I can’t lie and say that I was excited, because I wasn’t.

  Knowing that Monica and her father will be there makes my stomach roll. Monica stays clear of me when I’m around, but of course, her mean girl posse still takes the extra dab to state it’s the wives’ room.

  I can do this. I look at myself. Meghan had stayed over to help me with my makeup and hair. She has made my eyes smoky so the green is enhanced.

  I’m a no fuss kind of girl, so my hair is the most simple it could be attached on the side in a messy bun, with loose curls around my face.

  It’s the dress I’m worried about. The chest is in a V-neck, stopping just before it reveals too much. It’s black lace. Another thing I knew Cooper would love. It’s tight-fitting till the knees, and then it’s completely see-through lace till the floor. The sexiness is that the dress has a slit right down the middle, so when I walk you see my legs. The new Christian Louboutin strappy sandals finish the look.

  I’m only wearing a silver necklace with three silver bracelets. The only thing I’m looking at really is the diamond ring on my finger.

  “Here goes nothing,” I say, turning to see that the V in the back is all tied up and secured.

  Turning, I walk out of the room and start to go downstairs, looking for Cooper. It’s no surprise I find him in the family room watching TV with the kids.

  Before he sees me, I take in my man. He’s dressed in a black suit that has to be tailored to him because the jacket fits his shoulders like a glove. His white button-down shirt is tied at the wrist with his cufflinks. A skinny black tie completes the look.

  But it’s not what he’s wearing that makes my heart putter, it’s the fact that he’s sitting there holding Allison on his lap while she eats chips all around him, not even caring that she might mess him up.

  “Okay, let’s get this party started,” I say into the room.

  When his eyes find me, a smile forms on his lips.

  “Mommy, you look like a princess,” Allison says, touching the bottom of my dress.

  “I kind of feel like a princess.” I lean down to kiss her nose. “Okay, we have to head out. Matthew, you know the rules. I have my cell. If you need anything, you call me.”

  Cooper makes his way to me, tugging my hand to come closer to him. “I don’t think we should go.”

  “What, why not? I got dressed up and everything.”

  “I know. That’s why. Babe, that fucking dress is going to be the death of me.”

  I laugh at him, leaning in and whispering, “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you that I’m not wearing anything underneath it.” I turn to walk out of the door while I listen to him growl or hiss, I’m not sure which one. “Matthew, come and lock the door, please.”

  I have a black cape that is wrapped around my shoulders in case it’s cold, but I’m so nervous I’m sweating.

  When we get into his car, he looks over at me. “You really aren’t wearing anything under that?” The car’s not even started.

  “Cooper, we are going to be late.” I look at the clock on the dashboard.

  “We are not fucking leaving till you go inside and put something under that.” His body is turned in his seat, watching me. I mimic his stance, but because of the slit in the middle, he uses this to put his hand right up my dress. He’s met with the silk thong that I put on.

  “Idiot,” I groan while pulling his hand out, reaching for my seatbelt.

  I’m assuming he is all ready since he starts his truck and pulls out. There is no talking. I think we are both nervous. His hand is on my thigh, my fingers wrapped around his.

  “Why are you so quiet?” he asks.

  “I’m nervous,” I tell him. “I mean, everyone is going to know about the engagement. Are you sure you are okay with this?” I ask him, looking down at our hands.

  “Never been more sure of anything in my life,” he states with conviction.

  “Don’t leave me alone tonight, please. I mean, I know you have to socialize and stuff, but I don’t want to be left alone. Just in case.” I’m almost whispering.

  “Babe, if at any time tonight you are not feeling it, all you have to do is say the word. We leave. End of story. No questions no nothing.” He pulls my hand to his mouth.

  “Okay, Stone, let’s do this.”

  “Okay, Mrs. Stone, let’s rock,” he says while pulling up to the valet. I’m not sure what I was expecting but a red carpet and cameras is not it.

  “What the fuck is this?” I’m starting to get really freaking nervous. My heart is starting to beat a million times faster. My stomach is getting ready to barf up all those fucking mimosas. Why the fuck did I drink?

  “Some of the sports networks always come out to take pictures, especially during this. Just breathe,” he says and then steps out of the car.

  I mimic him. “Yeah, just breathe, babe, my fucking ass.” I snap my lips together, startled when the door opens and Cooper reaches his hand for me.

  Grabbing hold of his hand, I fold out of the car, my black clutch held tightly in my left hand.

  We make it two steps onto the red carpet when we are faced with about twenty-five journalists trying to snap pictures and ask questions. I don’t know where to look, but then Cooper drags me next to him, wrapping his arm around my waist, his hand settling on the small of my back very close to my ass.

  “Smile, babe,” he says, then leans down and kisses my nose, making me smile. I look up at him, drinking him in.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I say, almost sarcastically.

  There must be about five hundred pictures of us by the time we are almost inside.

  “They always interview you before you go in. Nothing big. I usually just do it for the kids.” He has me confused.

  “What kids?” I ask.

  “The cancer center for children. Tonight is all about them. It’s an auction night/Christmas thing to get more exposure for them.”

  I suck in a breath. Oh. My. God. I don’t have time to think more about it because a microphone is shoved into Cooper’s face.

  “So, Cooper, are you excited about the way your team is playing so far this year?”

  “Yeah, I think we got off to a rocky start. Or at least I did.” He laughs. “But now that everything has cleared itself up, I think the team is playing its best hockey yet.”

  “Any plans for the holiday? I know you guys have four whole days off. You must be happy to spend time with the family.”

  “Yes, actually we have lots to celebrate this year. I finally got her to say yes, so we also have a wedding to plan.”


  “You’re engaged? I’m very happy for you, Cooper. And you, future Mrs. Stone, you look amazing.” The reporter, who is about ninety years old, smiles at me.

  “Thank you so very much. We are totally blessed to have found each other.” I don’t know what else to say, so I look down at my feet.

  “Thanks, Eric. Happy Holidays.” Cooper smiles and pulls me away where we meet up with a couple of his teammates and wives/girlfriends.

  After everyone has said hello to everyone, we make our way inside where it looks like a really white Christmas. White Christmas trees are lined up everywhere. The tables are all white with silver chairs and miniature Christmas trees in th
e center of the tables.

  “It’s so beautiful,” I say while I reach out my left hand to grab a champagne glass that the waiters are passing out. I don’t even hear the gasp. All I hear is the shatter of glass from across the room.

  I don’t have a chance to think twice about it because Teresa, one of the wives, sees my ring and shrieks. “Holy Lord, is this what I think it is?” She grabs my hand, and I have just enough time to hand the glass to Cooper before it falls on me.

  I laugh at her. “Well, if what you think is that he asked me to marry him and I said yes, I’m thinking you are right.” I laugh out loud while taking a sip of my champagne.

  At this time some other people have surrounded us, all giving us their congratulations. All very happy for us, all supportive of him. He might not be close to his family, but he’s got them.

  We walk around the room, looking at all the auctions going on. The one with a ski cabin for five days catches my eye. It’s huge enough to fit about twenty people. The going price is fifteen thousand. Yup, too rich for my blood, as much as I would love to donate.

  I’m shocked when I see Cooper writing down his bid of fifty thousand. “Are you insane? We could rent that for a lot less.”

  “Yes, but it’s for a good cause. Plus, we could invite Meghan and Tom, so it’ll be great.” He shrugs.

  “It’s fifty thousand dollars!” I whisper.

  “Not sure you’re aware of this, but I can afford it.” He kisses my lips, taking the rest of the lip-gloss off them.

  “I don’t even want to think about how much you’re worth. I’m going to the ladies’ room. And I say the ladies’ room because we are all dressed fancy.” I kiss him once more then walk away.

  I’m washing my hands when the door opens, making me come face to face with Monica. She’s there in a white one-shoulder dress fitting her like a second skin. A silver belt makes her waist look even thinner than normally. Her hair is loose and full of curls.

  “Oh, look what we have here,” she hisses. Fuck me, this shit is really going to happen.

  I snap my lip-gloss back into my clutch and turn around. I’ve tried to be fucking nice and respectful to a certain extent. I’m fucking done.

  “Monica, you are looking lovely tonight.”

  “Oh, please save the saint act for when someone is close enough to hear. I know all about you.” She walks over to me. I shake my head, not sure what the fuck she is talking about. “You think you will actually keep his attention? I mean, come on, let’s be honest here. He can have anyone he wants. And he’s a beast in bed. I remember one time when we couldn’t even wait till we got inside. He had to have me in the car.”

  And my patience snaps. I’m not going to let her words bother me or my jealous beast to rip out and throat punch this bitch.

  “Okay, Monica, I’m done. And by that, I mean I’m fucking done with this high school shit. You dated Cooper, you fucked Cooper. I get it, but what I also get is that you probably fucked about fifty other guys. So it’s no surprise that you’ve been fucked right at least one time. You see this?” I raise my hand for her to really fucking see. “He bought this for me. Not you. Which also means he wants me. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I looked into his eyes and said yes. I will tell you that after that he fucked me all night long. Not just one time in a car, but all fucking night long. Where I have to say, I matched him each and every time.” I look back in the mirror and pretend to play with my hair.

  “Now if you’re done with this bullshit you have going on, trying to get me to doubt what we have, I have my fiancé to get back to.” I turn and shrug my shoulders while smiling at her. “Oh, and we have a wedding to plan. I hope you don’t mind, but I don’t think your invitation will be in the mail.”

  “You think you will actually get to the altar?” She laughs.

  “Pay attention. He’s the one pulling me to the altar, but I’m the one running with him. So, if you’re done with this hissy fit, you can get back to your friends and cry in your champagne. Because I’ve got my man to get back to. Oh, and you may have fucked in the car, but one time he didn’t even make it to the car, he ripped off my panties and fucked me against the side. I hope you have a very happy holiday!”

  With that, I turn and walk out, not even giving her another thought. When I make it back to Cooper, I have to say I’m a little bothered.

  “You were gone a while,” he says while I sit next to him.

  “Well, that will happen when my fiancé’s ex-girlfriend corners me to let me know how much she liked you fucking her in your car.” I sip some water, putting up my hand before he says something else. “And while that thought is now in my head, I really fucking hope that it’s not the same car I drive in or else you better go and cancel that auction price because you are buying a new fucking car.”

  “It’s not the same car,” he says, and I see the tick in his neck.

  “Good. Now, I think it’s time to go.” I put my glass down. “You see, I also told her that you may have fucked her in the car, but I drove you crazy enough for you to fuck me by the car. And seeing as I don’t want to be known as a liar, we have to fuck against the car when we get home,” I tell him while I get up, reaching my hand out for him.

  “I love you. You know that, right?” he asks, looking up at me. “And what we have is a million times better than what I had with her. She was something to pass the time. You are the reason I breathe.”

  He stands up next to me while I open my clutch and take out something black, putting it in his pocket. He doesn’t ask me about it till we say goodbye to everyone and am walking to the front door. “What’s in my pocket?”

  “Oh, those are my panties. I may have said that you ripped them off me, but thinking about that I really, really like that pair.” I shrug my shoulders. “Besides, I really love this dress, and I don’t want anything happening to it, so I skipped a step.” I look up at him, daring him to defy me.

  “Get your ass in that car before I fuck you right here in the open.” He pushes me into the car that the valet had returned with. “Next time we get a limo.”

  I smile at him before getting in. “That sounds like a great plan. But now I suggest you take me home because with all this sex talk I’m a little turned on.”

  With that, he throws his head back and laughs. “Going to be the death of me, and I’m going to love every minute of it,” he says while pulling away from the curb, driving us home where he proceeds to fuck me by the car, twice. One with my dress on, the other with just the shoes on. Check fucking mate!

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I can’t believe the whole season is down to one game. This is it. Stanley Cup final. Game fucking seven.

  Thank God, we are the home team. The arena is packed to the gills. I wish I could say it was easy getting here, but it hasn’t.

  We’ve had our ups and downs. Our star goalie getting sidelined in January, he came back right before play-offs began.

  The only thing going my way was my home life. Parker, Matthew, and Allison. Parker was always running around, and she never complained, not once. Well, maybe once, but it was just in passing. Matthew was making a name for himself, lots of scouts coming by each time he had a big game, and he never disappointed, pushing himself harder and harder to make himself better.

  Now my girl Allison, she has gone through dance, gymnastics, cheer, figure skating, soccer, even fucking hockey, but nothing has caught her interest. Well, actually the wedding has kept her interest.

  She wanted to be there for everything. So we let her. She actually has a really good eye. She hasn’t told me about Parker’s dress, but she did say that she is wearing a princess dress, and she got a pink crown.

  It’s almost the start of the second period. Things are flying through my mind as I peel the tape off the blade of my stick. Skating out there with my boys tonight feels like a million bucks. But not as good as seeing my family there in their seats cheering me on. All of them wea
ring their Stone jersey, even Meghan and Tom.

  I shake my head from the thoughts and focus on my boys. “One period down, boys, two more to go.” All of them look down, everyone else lost in their own thoughts. “We’ve got forty minutes left. Lots of ice time, lots of scoring chances. Let’s get on that ice and play hard,” I say, standing up and grabbing my helmet. “Let’s go, boys,” I say as I lead my team to the ice for the beginning of the second period. The score is still 0-0. No one has been lucky enough to touch the back of the net. Yet. I hope to change that. I have to change that.

  As I make my way onto the ice to warm up, I make my eyes travel to Parker. She’s holding Allison in her arms as they chant my name. My girls. She didn’t want to sit in the wives’ box tonight. She wanted to be front and center to support ‘her man.’

  It’s a tough twenty minutes. Everyone is skating hard, everyone is using their body as much as they need to, but both goalies are in the zone. Both of them pull out amazing saves to keep their teams in the game.

  By the end of the second period, the score remains the same. The fans are getting louder and louder as the time goes on and more drinks are consumed.

  We are getting ready to go out for our last twenty minutes. This is where dreams are made.

  “Okay, boys, we’ve got twenty minutes left. Some of you have already been here. Some of you are here for the first time. All three have been amazing, but none of them has meant as much as being with you guys. When I went through that crazy two-week slump, none of you brought it up.” A couple of my teammates laugh. “Okay, some of you brought it up, but we endured it. We endured Anderson getting hurt and barely made those play-offs. We’ve been the underdogs this whole fucking series. Now I’m fucking tired. I want to have this fucking game over with so I can go home a fucking winner. I’ve won three of these things before, but I’ve never wanted to win one as bad as I do today, because of all of you. Now let’s get our fucking game on and win ourselves a fucking Stanley Cup.” With that, I walk out with the boys all hyped, chanting go go go go go.


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