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His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1)

Page 4

by Sascha Illyvich

  Her tongue slipped past his lips and she took control of the kiss now. Ilona started licking his chin, fiery kisses following the wetness of her pretty pink tongue.

  Full breasts brushed against his chest, her ripe softness begging for his touch. Lifting a hand to cup one of her globes, he felt the full weight in his palm, and began massaging her with a tenderness that became rougher with each nip on his lower lip.

  A guttural moan escaped her lips, vibrating against his mouth when he rubbed a nipple into a taut peak with his thumb and forefinger.

  Tugging the nipple harder, he felt her weight shift again. Her sex was directly over his. But he couldn’t fuck her. Not like this.

  His mind screamed at the insanity and lust fueling his every movement. Desire for this woman welled in him, made his body burn. His heart was about to melt. Any control was almost gone. Her mouth was so juicy, so wet. He sniffed and caught scent of the sweetness of her arousal.

  His body had grown rigid and his nerves tingled with anticipation. It wasn’t going to be like his last night in Hungary where each girl taunted and teased him until he had to leave and relieve himself because Lukina was too young even by wolf standards at the time and he wouldn't have made love to one or the other. He had to have both simultaneously.

  Of course that hadn’t happened and he'd regretted all the pain he'd caused, plus the memories he missed out on. Ten hour plane rides, he'd learned quickly, provided plenty of time for introspection.

  He had to stop now.

  She lowered her thick lashes against his cheek.

  Soft, like butterfly kisses, her lashes brushing against him sent shivers through his body. “We have to stop,” he swore he said, but he didn’t recognize his own voice.

  Finally, there was no more kissing. No more sensual assault on his senses. What had happened?

  Ilona was still sitting atop his thighs, her gaze fixated on him.

  She tilted her head to one side, giving him a wayward smile. “What’s wrong?” Her voice was much softer, sweeter than moments before. Almost filled with worry.

  He couldn’t reply. His mouth had gone bone dry from the fact that her flushed face and pert nipples peaked beneath the fabric. Every nerve in his body was screaming at him and his stupidity while his mind warred with his heart.


  He shook his head to regain some sense of self-control. Gently pushing her aside, he stood and started dusting himself off.

  “I’m not a cheap thrill, you know.” Her voice shook. Gone from her voice was the tenderness she’d had only a moment before.

  “I know.”

  “Then why did you stop? What’s wrong, Józsi?”

  “This.” He gestured at them both. “We haven’t seen each other in ten years and it’s just not how I expected to come back to Hungary. I’m…”

  “Afraid. I know. And too busy.” Raw emotion poured off each word. Józsi knew that emotion well, knew she’d be angry.

  He couldn't blame her. He'd left her in tears ten years ago. He hadn't bothered to call or write, never told her about his few visits back to check on her and Lukina. Of course he felt the ache but it had more to do with her feelings, rather than his.

  She stood and faced away from him. “So, how long are you back for?”

  Her flat voice annoyed him. “Until I’ve done what I promised Lukina I would do. And then I’m gone.”

  “This mess is yours too, you know.”

  He turned and glared at her, shaking a fist across his body. “No. It’s not. It’s pack business. And I am no longer part of this pack.”

  “This business of the prophecy concerns you as our future Alpha, Józsi. Don’t you feel it calling you? Kiba’s been infected by the Flower Maiden’s disease and is losing his mind. Don’t you even care a little?”

  “No. I’m sorry.” He looked down at the dirt, knowing the scowled at him. That look of disappointment was forever burned into his memory from ten years ago, but seeing it again now brought back all the emotions he’d built up from when he left. Still, he would not lose control to his emotions.

  “Then why are you back, Józsi? Why are you wasting your precious time for us?”

  He adjusted his pants to hide his still bulging erection. “I made a promise, and I keep my promises.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  A sound almost like a gasp stuck in his throat with the realization. Her comment stung more than he thought it would, but he wouldn’t reply.

  The wind blew hard, sending her hair flying everywhere. Ilona reached behind her head and pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail.

  With her slim neck exposed, she looked even hotter. Damn it!

  “Which way is your villa?”

  She started walking away from the large church.

  Józsi hoped she wasn’t too pissed off, but somehow he knew better.

  After an hour of walking, Józsi was certain she had been leading him in circles as punishment for whatever sins she felt he’d committed.

  It took another half an hour before they came upon a villa. Smoke rose from some of the houses, fires being lit for warmth this time of year. Fresh meat roasted in one house, another house smelled of simmering goulash, the traditional Hungarian dish using spicy paprika and other pungent spices. A few candles flickered in the windows of some of the houses. A well sat in the center of the dirt road. A few carts and old cars were scattered about the dirt street. Józsi wondered how they ended up getting vehicles this far, but realized he didn’t want to know when he saw a figure walking toward them.

  “Les, what are you doing here?”

  “I should ask you the same thing. I see you’ve brought him back, Meredith?”

  Hearing her addressed as Meredith made him want to punch something. He refused to get used to the idea that she'd taken an American name and sold out her Hungarian heritage when her pride had been so strong for it. "Ilona was leading me back here for the night so we could rest and talk a little before I left."

  Les nodded, stroking his chin. The way he moved in the moonlight seemed eerie to some, but Józsi never paid the older wolf any mind. As far as he was concerned, Les was the conservative, dressed in blue jeans and a black long sleeve dress shirt. Even the creepy lime-green eye Les sported didn't bother Józsi as long as he didn't make direct eye contact.

  Kiba didn't have that oddity. Of course, outcast that he was, Les had other things on his plate to worry about, including his brother's slow descent into madness.

  Smooth olive skin betrayed Hungarian characteristics. Les looked more Asian with narrow eyes and a different accent but Józsi had to guess the Eastern Europeans and Asians were not all that different.

  In the end, he didn't care.

  The jury was still out as to how he and Kiba were brothers. Les’s skin was naturally tanned and his limbs were long, not nearly as muscular as Kiba’s. Kiba dressed more business-like, in dark khakis and a light blue shirt with dark boots. He kept his hair short. They looked nothing alike. Especially after seeing that Kiba’s hair had grown out and grayed tremendously and his facial features had shown age with more wrinkles than he had when Józsi was still a part of the pack.

  “I did.” Ilona looked down at the ground.

  “Great. Thank you. My brother is ill. Lukina returned hours ago with news of what happened. Are you all right, Meredith?”

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “Good. I am glad.” Les turned to Józsi. “Did Lukina fill you in on my brother’s madness?”

  The empty smile he gave would have torn at someone else's heart but Józsi never felt anything for either Alpha or his brother. “She did. I am here because of her.” He pointed a finger at Ilona.

  Ilona huffed.

  Józsi glared at her.

  She crossed her arms and turned her back to him.

  “I see. Let us discuss things in the morning, then. It’s been a long day for all of us here. My brother has caused enough problems for our pack that we’ve been runnin
g rampant all day. The Lunar Flower disease is growing in him I’m afraid. Other members of the pack are out searching for loved ones, searching for the ones who have been helping Kiba.”

  Interesting that others would willingly follow Kiba into insanity, he thought. Unless something else was going on, which again, became something Józsi had no interest in. In moments he'd return Ilona to Lukina and then crash for the night only to catch the first flight the hell out of Hungary.

  He looked at Ilona, now Meredith, as she scoffed. At least she had no chance of going insane. It would break his heart to find that the ones he'd loved and kept so close to his heart, even as he abandoned them, had been caught up in this mess with deities and grudges.

  The Lunar Flower disease was the name given to whatever the wolves contracted that forced them to slowly lose their sanity. Nobody knew how it happened or why. Some guessed that the Flower Maiden, messenger to the Fertility Goddess had bestowed the disease upon the wolves as punishment for being born. Józsi had no idea and refused mostly to believe the stories he’d heard growing up about gods and goddesses. Even the idea that a mere half god created wolves and sent them to live on Earth seemed like bullshit.

  Józsi scratched his head. “I heard the humans were mounting an attack against us.”

  Les flinched. “Holy smokes, I hope not. We’re outnumbered, if that’s the case.”

  Ilona started to walk off, but Józsi caught her by the wrist and pulled her to him.

  “Hey,” she cried out, eyes glazed over with fiery determination to establish her independence. “That hurt.”

  Callously, he let go of her wrist.

  She rubbed her arm where his nails had dug into her skin.

  He ignored the ire coming from her.

  “Meredith can show you where you can sleep for the night. Pray we don’t have any incidents.”

  Józsi nodded. If what Les said was true, they'd all be dead in an instant. When he’d left the pack ten years ago, they numbered in the dozens, but now, seeing the village around them, it appeared as though only a handful of wolves remained. Worry settled in the pit of his stomach. “Indeed.”

  Ilona bowed to Les. “Goodnight, Les.”

  “’Night, Meredith.”

  Les turned and walked away, almost disappearing into a fine mist. He was one of the few wolves that had apparently been blessed with the goddess’ kiss. His illusions were stronger than those of many of the other wolves in Hungary. Józsi couldn’t remember seeing another wolf in the States who had such strong gifts of illusion, either.

  Yawning, he realized the time difference and jet lag had probably slammed into him, considering how active he'd become once setting foot on the ground. Without looking at her, he motioned with a hand. “Come, Ilona.”

  “My name is now Meredith.” She turned her lip up at him.

  How he ached to free his cock and bury it between her full, pouting lips and yell her true name. “No. I will not call you by that name.”

  She cocked her head and blinked, giving him a shit eating grin. “You won't respect my sovereignty?"

  "I never had control over you or Lukina to begin with. I'm not a ruler. I was…” He couldn't bring himself to say it. He couldn't. The memory hurt too much.

  "There were no kings or queens in this triad, Józsi."

  "I know. That's what I just said."

  She stamped her foot. "Respect me as an adult and call me by the name of my choosing."

  He found her gesture cute but it changed nothing. "I've always respected you, regardless of age. But no. I will not call you by an absurd name designed to remove you from your heritage."

  She snorted. "You mean like how you removed yourself completely from this land and stopped speaking our mother tongue?"

  He refused a reply.

  She crossed her arms over her chest again, drawing his focus to her luscious breasts. "Then I will call you by your childhood nickname.”

  He groaned and glared at her. “I will beat you.”

  “And fuck me?” Her eyebrows rose.

  His body hardened hearing her use such vulgarities. Letting out an exasperated breath, he set a hand on her shoulder and met her gaze. "I cannot do that."

  “Your loss, Wolfie.” She giggled.

  Józsi huffed and let her take his hand.

  She led them down the dirt road until they’d passed a few familiar houses. All were small, tiny two-story buildings of wood construction. The white walls looked pale blue in the moonlight, and the brown trim only looked darker. They stopped in front of a familiar house. The large brown door had been left slightly ajar. A candle was lit in the window, indicating someone was home and up still.

  Ilona pushed her way past the door and brought Józsi with her.

  He glanced around and saw things just as he’d left them years ago. The house even smelled of the same cinnamon and cardamom spices used frequently in Hungarian cooking.

  A table sat by the window, pen and paper lay on the desk. Józsi noticed writing on the paper and knew a letter to him had been started. He recognized the handwriting as Ilona’s.

  She dragged him down the tiny hallway into one room at the end of the hallway past the mess of things in the living room.

  Chapter 3

  Lukina sat in bed reading, practically nude. A white tank top hung off one shoulder, partially exposing the top of a luscious breast. Her red curls fell over alabaster skin. Black thin-framed glasses sat perched on her nose.

  He swallowed at the sight. “You’re certainly not a modest woman.” Józsi smirked.

  “I’ll go fetch us some tea.” Ilona let go of Józsi’s hand and disappeared.

  Lukina pulled off her glasses and looked up, setting the book down. “I told you, I refuse to spit on my heritage. I am a wolf. We are sensual creatures, with raw power and that includes lust. I acknowledge that fact and embrace it, as my pack sister does.”

  A grin crossed his face. “I see that.”

  "You would do well to embrace it with us, remember who you are."

  Józsi cut her a sharp look.

  She stuck her tongue out, giving him a better view of plump breasts and pale skin.

  The gesture hardened him, made his stomach tighten from curls of desire forming low. His fingers itched to touch her, his head screamed at him to maintain some semblance of sanity. Sleeping with them, taking Lukina's virginity, presuming Ilona hadn't already, would only serve to involve him more, make it harder for him to leave.

  Ilona returned with a tray and three cups. She set the tray down beside the bed and offered a cup to her pack sister first, then one to Józsi, before taking the last one for herself.

  Józsi sniffed the cup, letting the warm spices fill his nose and comfort him, just as it had done years earlier.

  He took a sip of the warm liquid, tasting the many different spices. “This was my favorite.” He set the cup down on a table behind him.

  “Come.” Lukina motioned to the bed. “Both of you sit here with me. It’s been so long since we’ve been together like this.” She glanced at Ilona, then Józsi with a radiant smile. Hands extended, she held her palms up.

  Józsi's lips curved upward. He could stay only for a short while, and then he'd have to run back to the airport. Being here was dangerous to his head and heart. He couldn't afford to let them back in.

  Except Ilona began to smile.

  Józsi moved and sat at the edge of the bed, glancing at his teacup; Ilona sat next to her sister.

  Ilona stared at him, heat burning in her eyes. “Afraid of us?”

  Józsi wasn’t sure whether the heat in her eyes was anger or a lustful challenge so he took a sip of tea, then looked down and away. “No, I just prefer my solitude.”

  “He made me sleep clothed, Ilona.”

  “He did?” Mock horror registered on Ilona’s face.

  “She’s still a whiner.” Józsi didn’t bother to look up or hide the monotone pitch in his voice.

  Lukina leaned forward, letting h
er top fall and expose more of her healthy cleavage.

  He caught sight of her breasts from the corner of his eye. Unconsciously, Józsi licked his lips. His cock grew hard and that annoyed him. “You’ve already been told about that, Lukina.” He reached for his cup of tea and took a sip, keeping his eyes on Ilona.

  Ilona snuggled closer to Lukina. “When did you get a hang up over seeing two women together?”

  Heat crept slowly up his cheeks. He refused to be embarrassed or moved to react, no matter how hard he grew or how painful the erection. “I do not have any hang ups about seeing two women together.”

  “Then come closer,” Lukina reached for him, purred.

  “Yes.” Ilona’s husky voice dropped another note. “Closer.”

  Józsi stood and started for the door. If he walked out now, he’d be resigned to masturbation or tantalizing nightmares for the rest of the night and he’d lose sleep. “You two are sisters,” he turned to face them both. “It’d be incest.”

  Ilona laughed, her voice still deep and husky. “Silly Wolfie, we’re not blood sisters. Pack sisters don't have to deal with the incest issue.”

  “Besides,” Lukina interjected, “our love for each other runs much deeper.”

  He settled his hands around the teacup before looking at her. The expression on Lukina's face changed from fiery anger to lust as her eyelids lowered partially, nostrils flared and her mouth opened. Józsi wanted to refuse, but the ever mounting tension in his body wouldn't let him do anything other than speak. “But why me?”

  Ilona started crawling toward him, her breasts swaying beneath her top. When had she changed clothes?

  He swallowed and found his mouth dry, throat parched.

  “Because your heart needs to be healed.” Lukina spoke first. “You won’t be of any help to us if you’re so stolid.”

  “So this is for the pack?” He knew he was treading dangerous water if he pushed this line of questioning. But he'd made a vow to avoid pack politics. For all the trouble it was worth, the only reward would be a quick death from stress.

  “In a way, yes.”

  Looking into Lukina’s eyes, he couldn’t stop his body’s reaction. But at least with her, he could stand his ground. His gaze shifted to Ilona’s. Her beautiful sea blue eyes held promise of something much deeper. “Come on, Wolfie,” she giggled again, “play with us.”


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