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Vengeance (Oak Grove Suspense Book 1)

Page 15

by Reese A. Stephens

  “Night, stud.” I drift to sleep with a smile on my face. Glad that, at least for now, my family is safe.

  Chapter Ten


  I wake up to the sound of tiny clicking noises. I groan as I roll over to see Ryan sitting up on the other side of my bed with reading glasses perched on his cross looking face as he types away on his laptop. He stops to pick up a cup of coffee, he hands it to me without looking at me. His expression never changes, it makes me chuckle.

  “What’er you doing?” I ask.

  He looks at me, giving me a half smile. “Working on the case. Chief isn’t all that computer savvy, he didn’t lock me out of the system. I can still pull up all the case files. The guy we arrested hasn’t said anything to anyone since I left other than to ask for me.”

  “You think they’ll call you in?”

  “No, they told him I was suspended.”

  I sit up, pausing to take a sip of my coffee, then say, “Uh … that seems really unprofessional.”

  He nods. “Completely. They could have used my absence to make him think I was getting my info from someone else, or that they’d caught one of the other kidnappers. They’ve really screwed the whole thing up. I told the chief they didn’t know what they were doing. They’re going to ruin the whole investigation. I know, for a fact, that more is going on than just trying to take Dylan. There’s someone out to get me. This won’t stop.”

  “You really think it's this Fox guy, Jason Mathis?”

  He turns to me with a worried look. “Yeah, I do. Mathis is vindictive to the extreme.”

  “You think he’s behind Dylan’s kidnapping?”

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t put it past him to take my kid to get to me. I don’t know how he would know Dylan’s mine, but it wouldn’t be hard to find out.”

  “I never told anyone you were his father. I mean, there's no legal record to tie him to you.”

  “No, but he calls me dad. Even if people don’t think he’s my biological son, they know we have that relationship. You’ve only been here a few months, but this is a small town; I wouldn’t doubt if everyone knows he’s mine.”

  “That’s true. Plus, I don’t think Mama has corrected anyone at gossip central either.”

  Ryan laughs. “Yeah, the crochet club is full of gossips.”

  “And the reading club, knitting club; oh let’s not forget about the fishermen.”

  We both crack up. Our parents are just as much town gossips as anyone else in this small town. He’s right; everyone who lives here knows Dylan is his. There’s no doubt.

  “I’ll catch this guy, baby. I swear.” He leans over and kisses me softly.

  “I know you will. And … I think Dylan should see a therapist. I know he wasn’t really taken, but he might have nightmares or issues about the almost abduction.”

  “Whatever you think is best, babe. I’m not saying that as a copout for parenting. I really mean it. I trust your judgement on all things medical.”

  He looks so sincere and slightly vulnerable. I lean forward and kiss him. “Thank you. I trust your judgement with him too. Just because I’m a doctor doesn’t mean I know everything. Sometimes, I think my training overshadows what’s best. Though, I try really hard not to let that happen.”

  “You are really good with him. He’s a lot more respectful than most of the kids on his team are to their moms. You should be proud.” I can’t help but blush. I’ve always doubted my parenting abilities. But Mama always says, that means I’m a good mother. Maybe she’s right.

  “Where is he anyway?”

  “Last I checked, he and Faith were watching a movie in the den.” I nod in response as I get out of bed to check on my sweet boy.

  I find Dylan and Faith sitting in the den, his arm around her, her head on his shoulder, his right hand in her left. They are incredibly sweet looking. Before he notices me, I grab my camera and take a few quick snap shots. The flash causes Dylan to look up and smile. Faith tries to pull away, but he doesn’t let her go. I smile. He’s so much like his father.

  “Do you guys need anything?” I ask.

  “No, Dr. Thorn. I’m okay,” Faith answers.


  He shakes his head. “No, I took an ibuprofen earlier.”

  “You got it yourself?” I ask. Not that I question his ability, but I’m very paranoid about medications, even over the counter ones. I’ve seen too many teenagers accidentally overdose.

  He shook his head. “No, Dad gave them to me when he checked on us. I took two. I feel fine.”

  “Well, if your head starts hurting before it’s time for the next dose, you can use the pain oils.”

  He smiles. “I know, Mom.” He holds up the bottle of oil. I smile. He’s such a good kid. Tears spring in my eyes and I quickly turn away.

  Ryan finds me crying in the kitchen. He wraps his arms around me. “Hey, what’s this? Why the tears?”

  I sniffle a few times, taking the paper towel he offers me. I don’t move from his embrace and after drying my eyes a little I say, “He could’ve been killed. They could have taken him and I never would have seen him again. I can’t handle the thought. I’m trying to be strong, but he’s my baby. He’s been the most consistent person in my life since my parents died. I don’t think I’d survive losing him.”

  He squeezes me tighter to him. “I’ll keep him safe, Shay. I’ll keep you both safe. I love you too much to lose you now.”

  “I know you’ll try, but you can’t be everywhere. You can’t control what people choose to do. You’ll make yourself crazy trying. But I would really like it if one of us was with him at all times. I have to be back at work tomorrow. Can you stay with him?” I ask, finally finished with my tears.

  “I will, but I really think you should stay home too,” he tells me sincerely. I can tell he just wants what’s best, but I have to work or I’ll lose my job.

  “I want to, but I can’t. I just started. I can’t keep taking personal days.”

  “Then take a leave of absence. Doctors do that.”

  I sigh. He means well, I know, but that’s not how it works. “I haven’t been here long enough to build that kind of tenure. I have to work. There’s no option. I’ll be fine. You can pick me up if that makes you feel better.”

  “Fine,” he says tersely. “I will pick you up and I’ll have someone watching you.”

  I groan. “Ryan …”

  “Don’t ‘Ryan’ me. You are the most important person in my world. You need to be protected. You said you wouldn't fight me.”

  “I'm not, but I’ll be fine. They were after Dylan, not me.”

  He shakes his head then runs his fingers through his long hair. “If they’re after him, they’ll be coming for you next. I messed up the plan, they’ll regroup. I’m sure we’ll be fine for a few more days, but eventually, they’ll come again. I know this kind of thing like the back of my hand. It’s what I’m trained for.” I’m not sure what my face conveys to him, but he changes tactics. “Listen, I know this is weird and you don’t want people watching your every move, but the truth is that there is more than likely someone out there right now following you. I’m not trying to scare you, baby. It’s just the truth. I have my guys set up at my house right now, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t being watched.”

  “Your guys?”

  “Yeah, I went and picked them up while you were sleeping,” he explains.

  I’m a little shocked. “Who watched Dylan?”

  “Faith’s mom stayed until I got back. Plus, I had one of my officers parked out front.” I have nothing to say so I just nod. “Come on, I want you to meet the guys. Then tonight, we’re going to my mom’s with the Thorns to celebrate Dylan being okay. I told Mom we weren’t going to church with her Sunday.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t want to.” He laughs as he pulls me behind him and out of the side door to walk across the yard to his house. There are two huge SUV’s sitting in his driveway and a patrol car in
my driveway.

  “What about Dylan?” I ask, forgetting about his church refusal.

  He stops and smiles. “They’re fine. We won’t take long.” He confuses me, one minute we need tons of protection, the next Dylan and Faith are okay inside the house alone.

  As Ryan opens the side door, I can hear voices. We walk through the laundry room and kitchen to come out in the den. There’s a hubbub of activity going on; three men sit around several monitors. I then notice that on the screen are different images of my house outside and … inside. I look at him with wide eyes.

  “You’re watching inside my house?” I ask, my voice almost a yell.

  He holds up his hands in surrender as the guys all look at him with different levels of mirth. “Shayla, it’s not sinister. It’s for safety. There are no cameras inside yours or Dylan’s bedrooms, just the main areas and doors. They’re for your protection … for our son’s protection.”

  I’m angry, but I’m not exactly sure how to process this information. He did this without my permission. He didn’t even mention it. He had over an hour to tell me. I decide I won’t show my anger in front of his friends. So, I turn to them and smile.

  “Hi, I’m Shayla. Thank you for coming to help.”

  Ryan seems to sigh in relief, but I hope he doesn't think this is over. “Shay, this is Harrison Marsh. We were partners while I was in the FBI and we served together in the desert.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you. This guy has talked about you for years,” Marsh says as he shakes my hand.

  I feel the heat rise up my neck like a school girl. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ryan one-hundred percent, but Harrison is ruggedly handsome. He looks like a lumberjack, including his beard. He’s all around stylish, just freakishly tall. I look over to Ryan to see his ears pink with embarrassment.

  “Yeah, yeah. Anyway, this is Jonathan Miller, Paul Samson, and Riley Peters. We also served together.”

  “Hi,” I say with a little wave.

  All three of them are what I imagine the typical military man looks like. They could be the poster boys for the Marines. All of them are tall, built, tattoos peeking out from under the sleeves of their t-shirts, and hair buzzed so short you can’t really tell what color their hair is supposed to be.

  “So, Jon is going to be guarding you,” Ryan says hesitantly. I turn to him quickly. He holds up his hand to stop me from talking. “You asked me to stay with Dylan, I am, but he’s going to shadow you. This is serious, Shayla, you need someone with you.”

  My facade is crumbling fast. “I don’t need to be babysat. I know this is serious, but I’m not the one they are after, it’s Dylan. Besides he can’t come in the hospital with me, so it’s a waste of time.”

  “He’ll take you, wait in the parking lot and bring you home.”


  I understand Ryan’s concern, but there’s no way some big military dude is going to go over well at the hospital. I said I wouldn't fight him, but I can't see this working. Anger surges through Ryan.

  “It’s not up for discussion, Shayla. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect my family.”

  I stare at him for a long moment and then turn on my heels and storm out of his house. I hear a murmuring of voices, but I can’t understand what any of them are saying. I honestly don’t care. I let the door slam on my way out and I go straight into my house and to my bedroom, slamming that door closed as well. I grab some clothes and head to the shower to get myself ready for work, even though I don’t need to go in today. I need to work so I can calm down. I know I’m being irrational, but I hate when someone else decides what’s best for me or my son. I had enough of that in my life.

  After exiting the shower, I realize I’ve grabbed a pair of cotton undies with rainbows and clouds on them and a bright purple bra, which I normally reserve for laundry day. Sighing, I step out of my bathroom but instantly freeze, seeing Ryan sitting on my bed looking crestfallen. He looks up at me for a moment before he fights a grin. I huff and put my hands on my hips, I’m not in the mood to deal with him. Nor am I in the mood to care that I'm in my ridiculous underwear. I’m not finished being angry.

  “You are adorable,” he says after he finishes laughing. He stands and walks over to me. I hold my hand up and take a step back. “Oh, come on, Shayla. I wasn’t laughing at you. You remind me of the teenage you. I like these.” He runs his finger over the waist band of my underwear.

  I can’t help but smile. “I’m still angry.”

  “I know.” He steps forward again and I don't stop him. He trails his hands around my hips and up my back until I'm pressed into his solid chest. “Please don’t be angry. I just want you safe.”

  I push against him and he reluctantly lets me go. I turn from him, wiping angry tears from my eyes. I walk into my closet, speaking loud enough for him to hear me.

  “It has nothing to do with that. It’s about you taking my choice away.”

  I grab a long sleeve black t-shirt and a pair of black scrub pants. I grab my tennis shoes and walk over to my dresser to grab socks. I sit down on the bed and look over at him as he sits down beside me.

  “From the time I was thirteen years old, everyone decided what I would do. My opinion never really mattered. Even in my short marriage, I didn't really have a choice. I mean, I said yes and choose to marry him, but after that, it was always what he wanted, even our divorce. I tried … I tried to not let it get to me, but it does. I can’t handle it. I feel out of control.”

  He squeezes my hand. “I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I didn’t think. My number one thought was to keep the two of you safe, no matter what. If it really is Jason Mathis that’s after Dylan or you, then I have to go overboard. I have to do everything I can possibly think of; it’s not about taking away your choice. You don’t know this guy like I do. I lived and worked with him for almost two years and I barely scratched the surface of his evilness. I need you safe.”

  I nod. “I understand. I’m safe at the hospital. There’s always officers on duty there. Just tell them what’s going on.”

  “I will. But you won’t be at the hospital all the time. I want Jonathan to drive you.”

  I huff. Standing up, I lean over and grab my cellphone. “I don’t want a chauffeur. I can drive myself.” I storm out of the room.

  Dylan and Faith are still sitting on the couch in the den. I sit down on the ottoman in front of them. “I need to go to work.”

  “You and Dad are fighting?” He looks heartbroken.

  I shake my head. “We’re fine. We just don’t agree. It happens. I’m sure you and Faith won’t always agree on everything. Don’t worry about it. Okay? I’ll be home in a few hours. I just need to make up some hours and do some paper work. If you need me, call; I’ll keep my cell on. If I have a surgery, I’ll give it to someone to answer.”

  “I’ll be fine. Faith will be here until eight and Dad said I can go over to his house after she leaves.”

  “Okay. Thank you, Faith, for taking care of him today.”

  She smiles at me. “No problem, Dr. Thorn. I didn’t mind at all.” She’s sweet. They seem good together and, though I hate to admit it, they do remind me a lot of Ryan and me.

  “I’ll see you guys later.” I kiss my son’s head and then head out to my car. Jonathan is leaning against the open garage frame. I roll my eyes and whip open my door, jump in, and back out of the driveway, ignoring Ryan as he tries to flag me down. I just catch Jonathan jumping into his car as I reach the stop sign down from my house. I'm not trying to be difficult, but I'm not having a chauffeur.

  Once I’m in my office, I feel like I can breathe; I feel in control again. I start doing paperwork. I’m behind from everything that’s been happening in the past week, it’ll take me hours to get caught up. I’m totally engrossed in my dictation when a loud knock on my door startles me. I’m half expecting it to be Ryan, but it’s not. It’s Trevor.

  “Dr. Thorn,” he greets me.

  “Dr. Daniel
s, what can I do for you?”

  He smiles and moves aside to reveal a student. I inwardly groan. “I didn't know you’d be in today, but since you are, I’d like for you to take Amelia here under your wing for the day.”

  “I’d love to, but I’m only getting caught up on my dictation and paper work today.”

  He smiles again. “Actually, I need you on the floor. Dr. Gwinn had an out of state family emergency, so we’ll need to double up on our shifts for a while. I emailed you your new schedule.”

  I’m instantly annoyed. “Oh, okay. Well, let me finish up the one I’m working on and I’ll be out.”

  He nods, leaving Amelia standing in my doorway. “Is he always so clipped?” she asks as I motion for her to have a seat.

  I laugh. “For the most part, yes. I’m actually at a stopping point with my dictation, but I don’t want him to think I’m jumping to do his bidding.”

  Amelia smiles. “I think we’ll get along great.”

  I grin, thinking the same thing. We’ve not said more than a few words, but I can tell she’ll click with me. My phone vibrates on my desk. Looking down, I sigh as I see its Ryan.

  “If you need to get that I can wait in the doctor’s lounge.”

  I shake my head. “Nah, it’s just a text.”

  Ryan: Sorry. Can I please pick you up?

  Me: Yes

  Ryan: Love you

  Me: Love you. I’ll be done at eight.

  “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

  It doesn’t take me long to show her everything. She’s a very bright girl, and seems to really know her way around the hospital already. We end our tour back at the OR nurses station. Julie hands me a few files on the patients I’m taking over for Dr. Gwinn, but I’ll have to look them over later as it looks like I’ll be assisting Trevor with a surgery in just a few minutes, much to my chagrin. I quickly read over the surgery patient’s chart and point out a few of the notes to Amelia. I’m wrapping up my conversation with her as Trevor enters the O.R.

  “Time to scrub up, ladies,” he says, smiling. It’s odd to see him so happy. He’s normally creepy when he smiles, but today he’s genuinely nice. If he was like this every day, I might be able to consider him a friend. He’s already at the sink scrubbing up by the time Amelia and I get in there. She has already learned how to do this, but I make sure she doesn't miss a step.


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