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Vengeance (Oak Grove Suspense Book 1)

Page 25

by Reese A. Stephens

  “Show me what you have.”

  “We went up there and found it in no time. The house and land are completely open for about five hundred feet encircling the house. That will really be the only obstacle, getting to the house unseen. It appears that there are six people on the compound as of right now. There is also some sort of underground area that we can’t account for so we don’t know if there are people inside, but as far as the house, there are three heat signatures, and then three in the building off to the side of the house. I believe they are holding Dylan in the outbuilding, keeping him separate from Shayla. We were able to get a visual confirmation that Trevor Daniels and Jason Mathis are on the compound. They were outside arguing for a while.”

  “Do you have any one else on visual?”

  “No, we haven’t seen any other movement. We were able to tap into their security systems, but there are only visuals of the outside.”

  Riley pulls up several screens on his computer, showing me the outside of the property. I really wish I could see Shayla and Dylan. I need to know they are okay.

  “We were also able to go back and see when exactly he built the house and surrounding buildings. It looks like it began about twelve years ago. There’s no documentation online to say if the underground bunkers were there or not, but my belief is that they were. I can’t find anything to state that Daniels built them himself,” Howard explains.

  I sit heavily in the chair beside him. This means that Trevor has had this in the works since he met her.

  “He’s been building it for twelve years?” I ask Howard.

  Howard nods and searches his computer for a moment. “This small outbuilding was the first thing he built. It’s not on the property here.” He points to a photo. “But it is here.” He brings the two photographs up side by side. “It looks like we’re looking at maybe a two month gap. So he built the outbuilding not long after inheriting the land.”

  “Ryan?” I turn to Marsh, who is walking up to us. “Mr. Hastings says that about three years ago, a man calling himself Michael McAdams asked for permission to land a helicopter on his airstrip.”

  “You think Trevor built all this by flying it in and not using big contractors? Wouldn’t he need tractors and equipment?” I ask.

  “I think he probably did have equipment, but I think most of the build was done so slowly that no one would have even noticed. The property is so far off the main road that no one would have been around to see anything anyway.”

  “Have you found a road up to the property?” I turn to Riley and Howard.

  Riley nods and plucks away at the computer before turning it to me. “Here is the only road in and out of this property. They have a gate and surveillance at the beginning of the driveway, and at the gate before you enter the open area. I’d say our best bet is to avoid that road until we need the ambulance and other service personnel, but that won’t be until after we’ve remanded the suspects.”

  “I have several four-wheelers you can borrow. I won’t have enough for everyone, but I can probably have my sons bring some out. They come out here often,” Mr. Hastings offers.

  “That would work. Thank you.”

  There really isn’t a need for discretion, as we are about ten miles from where Trevor’s property actually is. We’ll have to leave them a mile or two away and go on foot, but it beats walking or running ten miles.

  “No problem. I’m happy to help.” Mr. Hastings says before leaving to call his sons.

  The rest of the crew begins talking rapidly as we start to form our plan of attack. My cellphone rings and without checking the ID I answer.


  “Ryan, how are you?” Mathis asks with a dark chuckle.

  Anger surges through me. “You’re a dead man, Mathis. Danny didn’t deserve to die.”

  He guffaws. “Who does, but it was a nice surprise for me. I knew the minute I saw that picture what I needed to do.”

  “What picture?”

  “The one in your room, of course.”

  My room? How and when was he in my room? “You were in my house?”

  He huffs. “Of course, but that’s beside the point. I have your boy.”

  “I know you do and you killed my nephew. Give Dylan and Shayla back alive right now and I might consider not killing you.”

  “You know I have nothing to do with Shayla.”

  “Give me Dylan then. I’ll be dealing with Trevor as well.”

  He laughs. “You know it doesn’t work that way. I was only calling as a courtesy to let you know he’s safe.”

  “He won’t be safe until I have him back. Let me speak to him.”

  “Fine,” he says, and I hear movement over the phone. “Talk to your father, Dylan. Tell him all about the nice accommodations we have you in.”


  “Dylan,” I say as relief washes over me. “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m okay. Dad, he killed Danny.”

  “I know. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  “It was awful, but listen, Dad. I saw Mom.”

  “Is she okay?” I ask.

  I know there are a million things I should be asking him right now, but I know we’ll be there soon and he’ll be safe with me.

  “Yeah. She has a bruise on her face, but she’s okay. Doctor Daniels, he’s the guy that took her.”

  “I know, buddy. I’ll get you both soon.” I hear Mathis in the background, laughing.

  “I’m scared.” Dylan sniffles.

  My heart breaks. “I’m so sorry, son.”

  Dylan cries out in protest and Mathis laughs. “Times up. See, Ryan, he’s fine.”

  “What do you want, Mathis?”

  “For you to suffer. I want you to watch me rip apart your son. That would make my world perfect.”

  He hangs up. I stand there stewing. I’m so angry I can’t think straight. All I can envision is me killing this man.

  “Ry?” My eyes flash up to Marsh.

  “He has to die, Marsh. I don’t care who does it, but he can’t be allowed to breathe another breath. He’s killed my family and is holding the two people most precious to me hostage, threatening to kill them in front of me. I don’t care what you have to do. Kill him!”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Trevor’s mom leaves as soon as she’s finished eating dinner. She doesn’t seem concerned with anything he has to say to her. She actually holds her hand up to him at one point so he’ll stop speaking and tells him he’s being ridiculous. She seems very cold. Before she walks out the front door, she turns to me.

  “Shayla, dinner was very good. You follow directions well.”

  I sputter; I don’t know what to say, but I don’t have to worry about it because Trevor interjects.

  “I made dinner. Shayla wasn’t feeling well this morning.”

  She looks me over for a few seconds, then moves her eyes back to her son. “Well, she might feel better if you’d keep your hands off her. I swear I did not raise you to be like him.”

  Trevor immediately bristles. “I’m nothing like my father.”

  She looks around and gestures. “Really, because this house, her clothes, all of it is just what he wanted. A woman to wait on him hand and foot and to slap around if she didn’t obey. This is exactly why I left your father.”

  “What? He died, Mom. He left us.”

  She only smiles at him. He doesn’t seem to understand that he died because of what he did to her. I won’t be the one to enlighten him.

  “Aunty Rach!” Mathis bellows from the back door.

  She doesn’t look surprised to see him. “Ah, you got out. I never followed up with Clint.” She hugs him and kisses his cheek. She’s much more affectionate with her nephew than her son.

  He snorts. “You have your boy do your bidding but then don’t check to be sure it was done?”

  “Obviously he did his job. You should really be more discrete.” She chastises him like he just ate the
last piece of pie, not killed two people, maybe even more.

  He laughs. “Now, that’s no fun. Why rush off?”

  “I have court. Make sure your cousin doesn’t slap her around anymore.”

  “Of course, Trevor never did know how to treat a lady.” He slugs Trevor in the arm hard. Trevor just glares, but says nothing.

  “Well, I’d tell you two to behave, but I know that won’t happen. Just try to keep yourselves out of jail.”

  She kisses them both on the cheek before exiting the house. I stand there staring at the floor, unsure of what I should do. I don’t want to anger either of them, especially now that Dylan is here. Mathis and Trevor talk quietly for a few minutes. I can’t hear them but do catch the words Ryan and close. I really hope that means Ryan will be here soon. Trevor moves away from Mathis and grabs my arm.


  He tugs me along, not giving me a chance to obey his order. He shoves me into my room and my heartbeat accelerates. What’s he going to do to me? He stands before me with his hands on his hips, staring at me.

  “In the closet, there’s a white garment bag. It’s a wedding dress. Clean up and put it on. We’re doing this wedding now.”

  “What? No! No! I don’t want to marry you!” I scream at him. He growls and lunges towards me. I see him coming so I’m able to dodge him. “I don’t want you, Trevor.”

  We’re running circles around the bed and other furniture, but he’s too fast for me and catches me as I try to dart out of the door. He pulls me tightly against his chest and angrily huffs into my ear.

  “You will do what I say or I will let Jason start cutting parts off your son. How do you think he’ll play football with no hands?”

  “Please, no. Leave him alone.”

  “Marry me.”

  “Fine. Fine! Whatever you want, just leave Dylan alone.”

  I sob. I hate him so much. He kisses my cheek and releases me.

  “Good. There's one more thing I need you to do.” He pulls a cellphone out of his pocket. “I want you to call Ryan and tell him.”

  I look at him confused. “Tell him what?”

  “That you don’t love him, you want me, and that we’re getting married.”

  That’s crazy. He’ll know that I’m lying and I think Trevor knows that. I think he just wants me to say the words, to plant a seed of doubt in Ryan’s mind. I don’t want to do this, but I will in order to save Dylan.

  “I’ll do it, if you give me something in return.”

  He quirks an eyebrow at me. “I don’t think you’re in the position to make demands, but go on.” He crosses his arms over his chest.

  “Let Dylan come in the house. Let me keep him. Please.” My eyes fill with tears. “Please.”

  “I’ll consider it, but Jason probably won’t go for that.”

  I wrap my arms around him. “Please.”

  I sob onto his chest. I don’t care what I have to do to save my son. I’ll do it. I’ll do anything, even live with Trevor as his wife for the rest of my life if it means that Dylan is safe. Slowly his arms wrap around me. He sighs, kissing the top of my head.

  “I’ll talk to Jason.”

  “I’d like him to be at the wedding,” I say quietly.

  He pushes me away just enough to see my face. “You’ll really marry me. No complaints?”

  “Yes. I’ll marry you. I’ll … make love to you. Just please let me keep my son.”

  I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss him. I pour as much into it as I can, giving him what he wants in hopes that he’ll give me what I want. He pulls back breathless and his eyes are heavy-lidded. Cupping my face, he smiles.

  “I’ll do what I can.” He kisses me again. “Call him.”

  He hands me the cell. I take it, backing up to sit on the bed. I fight the tears burning my eyes. Taking several deep breaths, I dial his number.



  “Shayla! Oh, baby. It’s so good to hear your voice. Can they hear me?”


  “I’m close, baby. You just hang in there.”

  “I need to tell you something,” I say, after Trevor glares.

  “Of course. What is it? Is Dylan okay?”

  “For now. Uh, listen. I was just calling to tell you that I’ve decided to marry Trevor, so you don’t need to worry about me anymore.”

  “What? You don’t mean that.” He’s obviously upset. I thought for sure he’d see through it.

  “I do. I think you and I have grown too far apart over the years. Trevor and I have a lot in common, we’re more compatible.”

  He laughs humorously. “He’s making you do this. Okay, baby. Tell me whatever it is he wants you to say. We’re coming to get you soon.”

  I blink back the tears. I know he won’t believe me, but to say the words is going to kill me. I don’t want the possible last words I say to him to be that I don’t love him, even if he knows it’s a lie, but there is no other way. I have to protect Dylan.

  “I called to tell you that Trevor and I are getting married tonight. You don’t need to find me. I’m where I want to be … I love him. I’m sorry, Ryan, but I … I don’t love you anymore.”

  He blows out a long breath. “Married tonight?”

  “Yes, we’re getting married tonight and … starting our life together.”

  I’m not sure how to imply that Trevor plans to consummate the marriage. I just hope that Ryan will understand.

  “What?” he says angrily. He’s obviously picked up on my very subtle implication. “He’s going to rape you?”

  Trevor jerks the phone out of my hand. I’m not sure if he’s heard him or not. He listens to whatever Ryan is saying, his posture becoming more tense and adversarial.

  “I’m not raping her. She has agreed to marry me and all that comes along with being a wife.” He hangs up.

  He pulls me into his arms. I can’t control my emotions. I’m bawling like a baby. “Shh. It’ll be okay, Shayla. Take a shower, get ready, and I’ll see that Dylan eats and gets to stay in the house.” He kisses my forehead. “I love you, Shayla.”

  “I love you too.” That’s the absolute biggest lie that’s ever come out of my mouth. Trevor smiles broadly.

  “I know you don’t mean that, but it’s nice to hear all the same.”

  I flop down on the bed as soon as the door clicks shut. What am I going to do? I don’t want to marry him. I don’t want to have his babies. If he really makes me do this, it’s a huge possibility. I’m not on birth control. My ex and I were trying to have a baby, but it hadn’t happened before he decided to leave me. Maybe I can’t have any more kids. I mean, we’d tried for over a year. But then again, we both worked a lot and we didn’t really time or plan anything. Oh, please, God. Please, let Ryan get here before tonight. Tears flow freely down my face. There’s nothing I can do to stop this. If I fight, they’ll hurt Dylan. I can’t let anything happen to him.

  “Come on, Shayla, you can do this!”

  Before I let too much time get away from me, I shower and prepare myself for the world’s most unloving and unwanted wedding. I’m just putting the finishing touches on my makeup when Trevor comes back into the room.

  “You know its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding,” I tell him.

  He just smiles at me. “I don’t believe in luck. You look beautiful.” He kisses my cheek.

  The dress isn’t terrible. It’s a white tea length dress with a sweetheart neckline and is covered with a lace overlay. The lace comes to the bottom of my neck, the sleeves are short. Not exactly a winter dress, not that it matters. There’s a long veil that I’ve attached to the top of my head. My hair is pinned back in a low bun, with curled tendrils hanging around my face. My make-up is a little bolder with a pink lip and blush, making my bruise look less prominent. I do look pretty, I just wish that it wasn’t for him.

  “Let me get your shoes.” He smiles as he rushes to the closet, pulling a pair of simple white pumps o
ff the top shelf of the closet.


  I put them on and follow him out of the room and into the living room. Nothing looks different. The only things in the room that have anything to do with a wedding are him and me. I almost expected more.

  “Where’s Dylan?” I ask.

  Trevor frowns. He turns to Mathis with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t think you’d want to be married with a dirty kid giving your bride away. I sent him to change and shower.”

  “Right. Good idea.” Trevor seems nervous.

  “Mom?” I turn to see Dylan, standing in the foyer looking lost and sad, but he does look better having showered and changed out of his ratty pajamas. I rush to him, throwing my arms around him. “Please don’t do this,” he whispers.

  I try to keep my tears back. “I have to. I can’t let them hurt you.”

  “But Dad …”

  “He’ll understand.”

  “Yes, your mother has already explained to Ryan that I’m who she chooses.” The pride in Trevor’s voice is sickening.

  Dylan looks at me questioningly and I nod my head. “Why? Why do you want someone who is holding you against your will? Dad said you seemed strange on the phone that one time, but I never thought it was because you wanted to be here.”

  Oh, Dylan. You’re too young to understand. I want so badly to tell him. To explain to him, that if I had the choice, I’d be running with him out of this place and away from these horrible men. But I’ve seen the horrible things Mathis can do, and I won’t allow that to happen to my son. If this is what it takes to keep him safe then I'll do it willingly.

  “Do you trust me?” I ask him.

  “Of course I do.” His reply is immediate, with no hesitation.

  “Then trust me when I say, I know what I’m doing. That your father understands.”

  He seems to have a slight understanding as he looks at Trevor, then back to me. He hugs me again and whispers, “You don’t want to.”

  We pull apart and I nod slightly. I don’t think Trevor heard him, but I don’t want to make any huge movements to tip him off either.

  “Can we get on with this?” Trevor huffs impatiently.


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