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Vengeance (Oak Grove Suspense Book 1)

Page 27

by Reese A. Stephens

“Roger, base.”

  “It’s Rachel McAdams. Over.”

  My face burns red. Of course it is. My mind is spinning with possibilities. What is Trevor up to that he brought his mother here? Is she in on this as well? Marsh looks at me and touches my shoulder. Squeezing it and trying his best to focus me on the task at hand.

  “Copy that, base.”

  “Ryan, let’s deal with what’s going on right now. We’ll address why McAdams is here when she’s stopped, okay?”

  I simply nod. “Come on, let’s go. I need to find my son.”

  We continue to make our way towards the outbuilding. Up close, it doesn’t look like much, just an average windowless fourteen by twenty wooden storage shed. It sits about five-hundred feet from the tree line, like everything else on the compound. On the map though, it’s near one of the possible entrances to the underground bunker, but looking at it now, there’s no sign of anything that could be a possible door.

  “The light is on,” I whisper to Marsh. We’re still in the cover of the trees, but we have a clear view of the building.

  He pulls out his heat seeking googles. “It looks like there are three people in there.”

  “That’s where they’re probably keeping Dylan, at least until Rachel leaves.”

  “Pres to Eagle. I have a visual on Doc,” Linc reports.

  I growl lowly. “Eagle to Pres, do you have a visual on Mama Doc? Over.”

  “Affirmative. Mama Doc appears alive and well. No sign of Cub. Over.”

  Marsh points to the left and we slowly make our way so we can see the front door of the outbuilding. Lester Harvey is sitting on a chair outside the open door.

  “Can you see Dylan?” I ask Marsh.

  He shakes his head, and hands me some binoculars. “There’s another guy inside. Similar build to Harvey, he could be one of the guys who got away during Dylan’s accident.”

  I continue looking around, but before I can see anything else, the door to the building slams shut and Lester takes off running through the yard.

  “Eagle to all. Report!” We hear shots fired in the distance.

  Paul comes back, sounding out of breath. “Chopper has been shot. I repeat, Chopper has been shot. On the move. Over.”

  Marsh curses. “Fall back. I repeat. Fall back.”

  We take off back to the base. I don’t know what happened, but we are hightailing it on the ATV’s. As soon as we are inside the hangar, there is a lot of commotion happening as Jon gets patched up. He’s fine, with barely a scrape on his arm. Once Jon’s good to go, we all gather around Marsh to discuss a revised plan to get in there and get my family back.

  “All right, we know the property is minimally secured. When you two,” Marsh says, pointing to Paul and Jon, “tripped the sensor near the gate, only Harvey responded. That doesn’t mean they won’t or haven’t called some in, but we’ll be able to spot them if they do. I think our best plan will be to move in before dawn. That way, if he has called for reinforcements, we’ll at least know what we’re facing. I’ve already spoken to several of the local police stations. All of them have volunteered their services and can be here in a few hours.”

  “Incoming!” Riley yells.

  We all jump up and move over to the computers. Two SUVs pull into the compound and head behind the outbuilding. Eight dark figures get out of the vehicles and head into the place where they are keeping my son. Curses fly from everyone.

  “McAdams is leaving.” Riley picks up his walkie-talkie. “Base to Turner and Hooch, come in. Over.”

  “We copy, but I really don’t like that name. Over,” Jessica says.

  “You’re Turner, beautiful.” Now is not the time for his flirting. I’m about to blow my top, when he continues on task. “Target on the move. I repeat, target on the move. ETA two minutes. Over.”

  “Roger that, base. Over.”

  My cellphone rings and I step away to answer it. “Hello?”

  “Ryan?” Shayla’s voice rushes over me. It fills me with both relief and dread.

  “Shayla! Oh, baby. It’s so good to hear your voice. Can they hear me?”

  “No.” She sounds close to tears. I want to tell her my whole plan, to reassure her we’re coming, but I won’t.

  “I’m close, baby. You just hang in there.”

  She clears her throat. “I need to tell you something.”

  I swear she’s crying. Her voice is shaky. I look over at Marsh. He points to the computer, mouthing they are recording the conversation. I give him a thumbs up, then go back to Shayla.

  “Of course. What is it? Is Dylan okay?”

  “For now.” The cryptic tone in her voice gives me chills. “Uh, listen. I was just calling to tell you that I’ve decided to marry Trevor, so you don’t need to worry about me anymore.”

  Not worry about her anymore? That’s absurd! Wait a minute, did she say marry? She can’t marry him. She won’t marry him!

  “What? You don’t mean that.” I feel as if my heart has been ripped out of my chest and trampled.

  “I do. I think you and I have grown too far apart over the years. Trevor and I have a lot in common, we’re more compatible.”

  She pauses several times, taking deep breaths. A light bulb clicks in my head. She’s being forced to do this. I can’t help the laugh that escapes me.

  “He’s making you do this. Okay, baby. Tell me whatever it is he wants you to say. We’re coming to get you soon.”

  She inhales loudly, it’s like a sigh of relief. Her voice trembles. “I called to tell you that Trevor and I are getting married tonight. You don’t need to find me. I’m where I want to be … I love him. I’m sorry, Ryan, but I … I don’t love you anymore.”

  That was a lot harder to hear than I thought it would be.

  “Married tonight?”

  “Yes, we’re getting married tonight and … starting our life together.”

  Starting their life together. Starting their life together. Suddenly, my heart stops for a moment as realization sets in. He’s plaining to consummate their marriage? Over my dead, rotting corpse he will.


  I’m so angry. If it wouldn’t risk hers or Dylan’s life, I’d be on the ATV riding full speed to kill that sorry excuse for a man. I state the obvious for confirmation.

  “He’s going to rape you? Shayla, you are not to let that monster touch you. Do you understand me? He will not rape you.”

  “I’m not raping her. She has agreed to marry me and all that comes along with being a wife,” Trevor shouts into the phone and then the line goes dead.

  I turn to my men. “We need to move out ASAP.”

  Marsh holds his hands up. “I understand your need to act quickly, but it won’t do us any good to run in there with guns blazing and no plan. We will rescue them, but we need to be together on this.”

  “We aren’t waiting. He’ll rape her!”

  “We have a little time. Jessica and Matthew just brought McAdams to the local police station for questioning in Trevor’s disappearance. The only thing she will say is that she had dinner with her son and his fiancée. She knows nothing about a kidnapping or that Trevor’s involved. She won’t tell us the fiancée’s name. Of course, we know who it is.”

  “I’m going.” I grab my coat and head for the door. Marsh grabs my arm.

  “And do what?”

  “I’m a cop. I’ll question her.”

  “You’re a cop without a badge. She knows who you are.” I don’t need Marsh’s reminder. I didn’t forget.

  “It doesn’t matter. I want to question her. If she knows when they’re getting married, then we can plan our attack.”

  “Fine, but I’m going with you.”


  I storm out and jump into the closest SUV. We make it to the station in fifteen minutes and we’re led back to the holding room moments later. I don’t take time for niceties. I’m done playing games. I get right in her face.

  “Tell me when your son p
lans to marry my girlfriend.”

  She looks at me with her head cocked to the side as if she’s trying to figure me out. “It seems to me you might be a bit delusional.”

  “I’m not delusional. Trevor kidnapped and beat Shayla, he’s going to force her to marry him and then he’ll rape her.”

  She laughs. I stiffen, ready to fight. Marsh lays a hand on my shoulder in warning. “As far as I could tell, Trevor’s fiancée is over the moon for him and there of her own free will. Why would he invite me to dinner if he were hiding her?”

  “Delusional, remember?”

  “Well, the point is, you have no reason to be holding me, Mr. Jacobs. So, if you’ll excuse me. I do need to be heading home. I have a very early morning.” She stands and straightens her shirt.

  “I know you have something to do with Mathis’ release. You won’t get away with your part in this,” I warn.

  She smiles sardonically. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve not seen or talked to my nephew since his indictment.”

  She shoulders her purse and pushes forward to the door. Jessica allows her to pass after a nod from Marsh. Unable to contain my anger any longer, I punch the wall. Marsh grabs hold of me, pulling me back before I do any serious damage to the station or myself.

  “Calm down. We need to get back to base. Who knows what damage this is going to cause for us. She’ll probably be on the phone warning him.”

  “We should have just questioned her as if she were anyone else,” Matthew says.

  I look at him and glare. “That was what you were supposed to do. This is really on you.” I push my finger in his chest and storm out of the station.

  “Ryan!” Marsh yells.

  I turn to see him running towards me. I’ve made it about five hundred feet down the road from the station; he grabs my arm and jerks me to a stop.

  “This has to stop. You run off every time something doesn’t go your way. This isn’t helping the case. We have a plan. We have people. We will get them. We’re leaving at four a.m. Pull yourself together or I’ll chain you to the wheels of the plane and you’ll stay behind.”

  “I’m not running away. I’m blowing off steam so I don’t murder someone. I’ll be fine on the mission. I won’t let anything cloud my judgement where they are concerned.”

  “I hope not. Let’s get back. Riley called. They had a visual on Dylan again.”

  I smack his chest. “Why didn’t you say that in the first place? Was he okay?”

  “He appeared to be, they walked him back into the house.”

  “Good. Let’s hurry. I swear I’m fine.”

  “You better be. I mean it, Ryan; I’ll chain you up if you give me any more problems.”

  “Yeah, yeah!”

  Chapter Twenty


  Trevor shuts and locks Dylan’s door, then turns and smiles at me. He runs a finger down my cheek and I have to fight back the urge to be sick.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  I try to smile at his compliment, but the worry and fear running through me is overwhelming. I feel like I’m shaking all over, as if I’ll come out of my skin at any minute.

  “Everything checked, boss.” I jump, startled at the sound of Travis’ voice; I turn to see him looking at Trevor.

  “Good. Make sure one of you stays in here at all times. Jason will be back shortly. If something comes up, get him. Tonight is the honeymoon for me and my missus.” I shiver in disgust. He mistakes my action for excitement and tugs me into his side as he kisses my forehead. “Patience, my dear.”

  He talks to Travis for a few more minutes, but I don’t hear anything he says. The smell of sweat and his strong cologne clog my mind and make me feel nauseated. Trevor guides me across the hall to his bedroom, sweeping me up into his arms and carrying me across the threshold. He looks positively ecstatic. I want to bash the stupid smile off his face, but fear has me frozen. He sets me on my feet.

  “I’m so happy, Shayla. You just don’t understand what your cooperation has done for me. You’ve made me the happiest man alive.”

  He pulls me to him, kissing me. I can’t respond. I want to, only so he doesn’t hurt Dylan, but my body is too afraid, nervous, scared, and a whole slew of other emotions I can’t describe. He stops and looks at me.

  “Kiss me.” His lips meet mine again, but I still can’t respond. He growls, gripping my arms, digging his nails in. I cry out in pain. “Do what you are told. I’d hate to have to punish Dylan for your insolence.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just nervous, and scared.”

  His expression changes from anger to understanding, almost caring. “Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you. It’s not like you’re a virgin.”

  “It doesn’t matter if I’m not a virgin, Trevor. This is all against my will. That’s not okay.”

  The anger comes back full force. “You’re my wife. I’ll make love to you like any good husband would.”

  “But I don’t want to make love to you.” I know I should shut my mouth, but I don’t. “None of this is what I want. This is what you’re forcing me to do. Don’t you see how wrong that is?” I’m being sincere. I want him to see this is wrong. I cup his face in my hand. “If you want me to do this willingly, you have to give me time.”

  His eyes soften slightly, fear setting in. “I don’t have time, Shayla. Someone tried to break into our gate today. They’re getting closer. I don’t have time,” he repeats again with desperation.

  He runs his hand through his hair, tugging it harshly. My heart soars with joy at the thought of Ryan getting closer to me. Oh, please, God. Let him find us in time.

  “Is that where Mathis is?”

  “Yes, he’s dealing with it right now. Luckily, we’d already called in reinforcements. We were able to get at least one of them, but I don’t know anything else.” My heart sinks.

  “Killed them?” I can feel my eyes burning.

  “No, wounded. Let’s not worry about that now. I know you are just trying to distract me. I need you, Shayla. It’s a deep-seated feeling that won’t stop, it won’t go away. I need you as my wife, my partner, and I honestly don’t care how I get you. The need is too strong. I don’t want to take you by force. I want you to do this with me willingly, but honestly, it’s beyond the point of reason now. I will have you and I’ll have you tonight, right now.”

  A loud commotion outside the door startles us both.

  “Mom!” I hear Dylan scream.

  I’m out the door before Trevor has a chance to stop me. “Dylan!”

  Mathis has him by one arm and Lester the other. They’re dragging him towards the back door. Dylan looks terrified as he thrashes against them, desperately trying to get away. Mathis on the other hand looks like he is enjoying himself immensely.

  “Where are you taking him?” I grab at their hands, trying to free Dylan. Mathis smiles evilly at me and swats my arm away effortlessly.

  “You’re not going to win. Just give it up already.” Mathis laughs. He looks behind me, then shoves me back hard. “Take care of your woman or I’ll do it for you.” His face morphs into a scowl of hatred.

  “You will not touch her, Jason. You swore you wouldn’t harm family. She’s my wife and that makes her family.” Trevor wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against his chest.

  Mathis rolls his eyes. “You’re so dramatic. I’ll leave her be for now, but if you can’t control her, then I’ll be forced to do it myself.” He waggles his eyebrows.

  “Touch her and die,” Trevor seethes. His grip on my waist tightens.

  “Calm down. I have to take care of him first.” He jerks Dylan, making his head roll and causing him to cry out in pain.

  “Don’t hurt him!” I reach out for Dylan, but Trevor pulls me back. “Please, don’t hurt him.”

  “Don’t worry about him, Shayla. I’ll make sure he’s well taken care of … at least until Ryan shows up.” Mathis cackles wickedly as he leaves with my screaming son. />
  “Dylan!” I yell as the backdoor slams shut. I turn quickly, grabbing Trevor’s shirt in my hands. “Please, Trevor. You have to help him.”

  He snorts. “I think you overestimate the power I have. Jason is in control here. He's placating me at the moment, so don't think you're out of danger. Neither of us is.”

  He almost looks afraid. The sight sends ripples of fear through me so badly that I physically shiver. He rubs his hands up and down my arms. Even Trevor recognizes how dangerous Jason is. Ryan, where are you?

  “We'll be okay. Don't worry.”

  “How can I not worry? He has my son. He's planning on hurting him, and he wants to hurt Ryan. He's taking pleasure from harming the ones I love.”

  Anger flares on Trevor's face. “I told you never to speak his name again. You are a married woman; you need to leave your childhood crush behind.”

  I jerk out of his grip. “Ryan’s not a childhood crush. He's the love of my life and the father of my child. He didn't have to force me to love him. I wanted to. I was happy to have his child!” I step away from him and reach for one of the plates on the counter and hurl it at him. “I hate you!”

  I grab another dish and throw it at him again. He dodges both, but his temper is on the rise and he's reaching for his belt. I grab another dish, but before I can throw it, he takes it from me and shoves me hard against the counter, pinning me there.

  “You will not talk that way to me. You'll do what I say or you will face the consequences.”

  “So you'll beat me like your father beat your mother. I bet her family killed him. It serves him right,” I grunt as I push back against him, trying to get free.

  He bangs my head against the countertop. “Shut up! You don't know anything about my family.”

  “I know you're a bunch of psychopaths!” He slams my head again and everything goes black.

  I come to with a groan. I don't know how much time has passed, but I'm so tired. It has to be well after midnight. The room is dark, but I'm pretty sure I'm in Trevor's bedroom. I'm not tied up and my clothes are still on, so that's a good sign.

  “You're awake.”

  Trevor's monotone voice comes from the corner of the room. He walks into a beam of moonlight. He looks horrible. His hair is standing on end, his clothes are rumpled, and he has a fresh black eye to match the one Ryan blackened.


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