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Vengeance (Oak Grove Suspense Book 1)

Page 31

by Reese A. Stephens

  “What’s in it for you if you don’t? You’re going to jail.” They all laugh. I kick the guy in the face, knocking him unconscious.

  “Ryan, let us handle this for a little while. Why don’t you take a break?”

  Tom takes my arm and leads me away from the group of men we’ve caught and tied up.


  The sweet sound of Shayla’s voice floats in the air to me, and I look around confused. I can’t find her anywhere but I swear that was her voice. That’s when I see her.


  I start to run, but no matter how fast I go, I seem to be staying in the same place. I see her in the distance and run faster, but I can’t reach her.


  “Ryan?” I jerk awake, sitting up with a start. I rub a hand over my face and look up to see Shayla watching me. “Baby! You’re awake.”

  She reaches out her hand to me. “Yeah, I’m awake. I didn’t mean to wake you, but my hand was numb. You had a death grip on it.”

  I blush. “Sorry. I didn’t want to let go. I guess I fell asleep.”

  “It’s okay. I’d like to get up though. I need the bathroom.”

  I nod, helping her stand and get the IV situated in the bathroom before leaving to give her some privacy.

  “Do you know where my clothes are?” She looks around as she exits the bathroom. “Are we at my hospital?”

  “Uh, I’m not sure you have any clean clothes, but yeah, we’re at your hospital. Neither of you were in critical shape, so we came back here. I thought you’d want to be closer to home.”

  “That was nice of you. Would you care to get me some clothes from my locker then? I’ll write the combo down for you. There should be some gym clothes and underwear on the top shelf.”

  “Of course. Whatever you need.”

  “Thanks. I just want a shower and to see Dylan. Is he doing okay?”

  I help her sit back in the bed. “He’s okay. He’s pretty banged up; has a couple of fractured ribs and a sprained ankle, but the doctor said he’ll be fine.”

  “That’s a relief. I’d like to see him.”

  “We will, but let me get your doctor first. I think they had some questions for you. They asked me about a rape kit, but I told them it wasn’t necessary. They are pretty insistent on doing it though.”

  She pales. “Did they examine me?”

  “Not like that. I stayed with you the whole time. They just checked your vitals, took some x-rays, and a CT.”

  She stretches. “Okay. I’m still so tired. I haven’t slept well in so long.”

  “You’re safe, Shay. You can sleep.” I kiss her hand.

  She shakes her head. “No, I can’t sleep until we’re all home. I need my own bed.”

  “I’ll get your doctor; maybe she can discharge you soon.” I kiss her forehead and make my leave.

  “Dr. Thorn is awake.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let Doctor Gwinn know.” The nurse walks away.

  I check on Dylan and find him still asleep. Gail and Tom are still in the room with him, she is knitting and he’s reading a hunting magazine. They look as if it’s any other day, but I know they’re just as worried as I am.

  “I’m going to get a few things for Shayla. She’s awake,” I tell them. “The doctor will be in there soon.”

  “I’ll go over with her. Thank you for watching out for her.” Gale puts away her knitting and kisses my cheek before heading to Shayla’s room.

  I leave Tom in the room with my son and head to Shayla’s locker. I find everything just where she said it would be, but what catches my eye is a piece of paper lying in the bottom. I pick it up to see what it is and if it’s something important.

  “Thanks for your help. I can’t wait to see you again.”

  There’s no signature on the note, but there’s a little doodle of a fox in the corner. I crumple the note in my hand and angrily punch the locker closest to me.

  “You will die, Mathis. Even if it’s the last thing I do in this life, you will die.” I shove the note in my pocket and head back to Shayla.

  The doctor is still there when I arrive. I let all the anger I'm harboring drain away so I can focus on Shay. “Do you need me to wait outside?”

  “No.” Shayla holds her hand out to me. “I missed you.”

  I smile. I missed her too. “How’s she doing, doc?”

  “Oh, she’s fine. I was just telling her that I’ll discharge her after she finishes this last bag of fluids. I’d like Dylan to stay another night though.”

  “I don’t want to leave him here.” Shayla looks up at me.

  “I’m sure your parents will stay, baby. But you need to go home and rest.”

  “I need to stay with him.”

  “Why don’t we see how he’s doing the next few hours and then decide. It’ll take you a little while to finish this up anyway.” The doctor compromises.

  “We can take stuff home and I can look after him. I can bring whatever equipment we need back.”

  Dr. Gwinn nods. “That might be doable. But, Shayla, you really need to rest. I also want you to follow up with Dr. Martinson. You really need to talk about what happened and deal with this trauma. I’m recommending that you don’t return to work until you’ve been cleared by her.” She hands Shayla a prescription. “I’ll check in later. Please rest.”

  I squeeze her arm. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”

  “Eventually. I’m more worried about how Dylan will react than how I will. Trevor did awful things, but he wasn’t well. I don’t think he would have done any of the things he did if he was getting help. He was a sick man.”

  I snort. “Why do you always see the best in people? The guy was a psycho. He stalked you for twelve years. He was sick, but there was no helping him.”

  “I don’t want to talk about him. I just want to get back to my life. I don’t want two weeks to ruin everything. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You aren’t going to lose me, Shay. I’m in this for the long haul. I swear to you.” She smiles softly. “I mean it.”

  “I know. I want that too. I just worry that I won’t be able to be what you need.”

  I look at her confused. “What are you talking about? You’re exactly what I need. Shayla, I’m head over heels for you. I couldn’t imagine a better person for me than you. It’s always been you.”

  “But what if I can’t be what you need physically? Not a lot happened with Trevor, but I still have … this fear. I can’t explain it.”

  I move so that I’m sitting across from her. “Baby, look at me.” She does and I continue. “None of that matters. I just want you to be happy. I want you in my life no matter how it has to be. If you just want to be best friends who raise their son together, I’ll take it. If you want to be my neighbor, mother of my teenage son, I’ll take it. If you want to be my wife and have more babies, I’ll take it. I just want you.”

  She starts to cry so I gently pull her to me and kiss her head. “I love you so much, Ryan.”

  “I love you too, Shayla. We’ll work this out.” She nods into my chest.

  After a few minutes, she pulls back. “I want to shower and change. Will you help me get my arm covered?”

  “Of course.”

  We wrap her arm in a plastic wrap that the nurse left us to keep her IV port from getting wet and then I help her into the shower, making sure she’s settled before I pull the curtain closed.

  “You need anything else?”

  “No, but can you stand there until I get this gown off? In case I get dizzy.”

  “Sure. Is your head still hurting?”

  “No, not really, I just feel woozy.” She hands me the gown. “After I’m done, I want to go see Dylan.”

  “We can do that. Do you want me to sit in here with you?”

  She sighs. “Is it silly that I do? I’m afraid to be alone.”

  I feel a deep-seated sadness for her. She should never have to feel that way, but I’d be lying if
I said the thought of leaving her didn’t cause me pain as well.

  “No, of course not. Honestly, I don’t want to leave you either. Going to your locker made me feel a little anxious.”

  “We probably all need therapy.”

  “Probably. I’ll go if that’s what you want.”

  “I don’t want to, but I think it’s necessary. I’m sure there will be nightmares.”

  “I worry about that too, but we’ll work through it.”

  We talk the entire time she’s in the shower, then I hand her the towel and her clothes as she asks for them. She stays behind the curtain, but I don’t blame her. I want her as comfortable as she can possibly be. As soon as we are back in her room, she is ready to leave.

  “Can we go see Dylan now?”

  “How about I brush your hair for you, then we can go over there.”

  She reaches up to her hair. “Oh, yeah. I forgot about my hair. You really want to brush it?”

  “I’ve noticed you wince when you reach up. Let me help you.” She nods and hands me the brush.

  “Do you remember when we were kids and you tried to put my hair in a ponytail for me?”

  I chuckle. “Yeah. It was pretty awful, but I did it.”

  “You used a regular rubber band and it got stuck in my hair. My mom had to cut it out, but she was laughing so hard she accidentally clipped some of my hair. I had to get layers to fix it. My dad was so sad that my long hair was gone.”

  “That’s why you cut your hair? I don’t think I ever knew that. I can do a mean ponytail now, if you want one.”

  “How about a messy bun?”

  “My favorite.” She giggles. I absolutely love that sound. I’m so thankful to have her back with me so I can hear it often. “Done.”

  She looks into the mirror and nods. “Not bad. Let’s go see our baby.”

  “Last I heard he was still asleep.”

  I help her get her IV situated and we head to Dylan’s room. He is still asleep, but she presses a kiss to his forehead and sits beside him.

  “The doctor was just in,” Gale tells us. “She thinks he’ll be able to go home this evening as long as he’s awake and eats before then.”

  Shay nods. “Yeah, they’ll want to be sure he’s alert and functioning properly. I think I’ll take a few bags of fluids and a pole home. Just to be sure. He wasn’t there long, but he’s pretty dehydrated and probably starving.” Shayla flips through his chart quickly.

  “Are you hungry?” Tom asks her after she sits staring at Dylan for a long time.

  She shakes her head as if to clear her thoughts. “Yeah, I could eat, but I don’t really want to eat here.”

  Tom is on his feet, ready to get her everything she needs. “I’ll get you anything you want.”

  “Honestly, I’d really like a big fat cheeseburger with everything. I probably shouldn’t eat something like that right now, but I haven’t eaten much in a while. I’m just hungry.”

  We all chuckle. “You’ve got it. I’ll go to that new burger restaurant you like.” Her eyes grow wide in excitement. He kisses her head. “Anything else?”

  “No bread and a salad.”

  “How is that bad for you? I thought you wanted a big burger with the works?” I tell her with a laugh. She’s too healthy sometimes.

  “Okay, fine. I want it on bread and a side of fries with a milkshake.”

  Tom bops her lightly on the chin. “That-a-girl.”

  We talk to Gale while we wait on Tom to come back. Shayla fills her in on as much as she’s comfortable with sharing. She doesn’t say anything about her sexual abuse and she skims over her physical abuse, but it’s understandable. Her mom has worried for so long, and knowing the person Shayla is and how much she cares for her parents, it doesn’t surprise me that she’s trying to downplay her experience.

  Tom comes back with everyone’s food orders after about twenty minutes. Gale jumps up and clears off the rolling patient table for him to set the food on when Dylan stirs. We all look over expectantly and unanimously sigh in relief as my son opens his eyes.

  “Smells good,” Dylan mumbles.

  “Dylan!” Shayla rushes to him and kisses him.

  “Mom, I’m fine. Stop.” He starts to laugh as Shayla peppers kisses all over his face.

  “Sorry. I’m just so happy you’re awake. Do you feel okay?” She flutters all around him. He grabs her wrist.

  “Hey, I’m okay. I promise.” She starts to cry. “Mom, please don’t cry.”

  “I’m so sorry, Dylan. I didn’t protect you.”

  “You did all you could. We’re safe now, right?” He looks to me.

  “Yeah, buddy. You are both safe.” I grab his hand, my own tears springing to my eyes. I rub Shayla’s back. “Baby.” She turns and buries her face in my shirt. “Shay,” I murmur. She is totally losing it.

  Dylan sits up gingerly and wraps his arms around the both of us. “Mom, please. I’m okay. I’ll heal. Please don’t cry.”

  She pulls back and grabs a tissue from the bedside table. “I’m sorry. I’m just so thankful we’re okay. I mean, it could’ve been so much worse.”

  “It could’ve been, but it wasn’t.”

  I kiss her cheek and she doesn’t flinch. It’s a good sign, because earlier when I kissed her forehead she inhaled so sharply it startled me.

  “Can we eat now?” Dylan asks, eyeing the food Tom and Gale are pulling out of the bag.

  “Of course we can, baby. Pop got your favorite, triple burger with the works.” Gale hands him his food and he digs in.

  As I watch my family eat, I can’t help but feel overwhelming love and thankfulness that they are finally safe. Things could have gone so differently. I could have lost one or both of them. I can’t even begin to fathom how I would have dealt with that. I’m truly grateful that God has brought them home to me.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “How does that make you feel?”

  I try to hide the smirk on my face. Ryan absolutely hates therapy and hates that question most of all.

  “It makes me feel like I’m not going to come back if you ask me that question one more time.” I squeeze his hand and he turns to look at me. “I can see you trying to stifle your smile, Shay. It’s not funny.” He is such a grump today.

  We’ve been home for going on three weeks. We’ve all been in therapy two times a week since. Dylan has, surprisingly, adjusted the best out of the three of us. He said he was knocked out so much that he really doesn’t remember what happened. Though, he has been a little clingy to me and worries constantly if we are apart and has had a few nightmares about Trevor beating him. He also freaked out when Ryan was the one to check on him during his nightmare. We’ve made mistakes and are learning how to cope with this horrible event in our lives. Things may never be as they were before, but things are getting better.

  “Shayla?” I shake my head, having been lost in my own little world, something that seems to happen a lot for me nowadays.

  “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “I asked how you felt about Ryan’s revelation.” I stare at Doctor Martinson, blinking like a lost toddler. “You didn’t hear what he said?”

  “Sorry. I kind of zoned out.”

  She smiles. “It’s okay. Ryan, do you want to repeat what you said?”

  Ryan shifts in his seat so he’s facing me and takes my hand. “I said that I’m tired of trying to fight what I feel for you. I know you need time. I’m willing to give that to you, but I hate going home alone at night. I hate being in my house period if you guys aren’t there, I want us to be a proper family. I want to get married. I don’t want to wait.”

  I blink rapidly, trying to keep my tears at bay. “You want to marry me?”

  “Yes, like on Saturday. You know, if you’re not busy.”

  I jump up and start to pace. “Shayla, tell me what you’re thinking,” Doctor Martinson requests.

  I turn and look at her, running my hands thro
ugh my hair. “He wants to marry me. I can’t even kiss him, but he expects me to marry him … and … and, be his wife. I can’t. I … I…”

  Ryan grabs my hand and slowly, as if I’m a frightened kitten, pulls me into his arms. “We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. I just can’t stand the thought of being without you as my wife for another moment. I’ve loved you my whole life, Shayla.”

  “I love you too, Ryan, but I can’t be someone’s wife.”

  “Shayla, we’ve talked about what Trevor did, it didn’t make you his wife. That paperwork was never filed. It was never legally, or spiritually, binding.”

  “I know, but every time I think of getting married, I see him beating my son. Plus, he left all that property to me. It feels like it was real.”

  “Yes, he left that to you in his will. He willed it to you, Shayla Thorn. Not to Mrs. Trevor Daniels. You can sell that property and be rid of him completely.”

  I stop my pacing. “You think it’s that simple? I just sell the land and it’ll all be over?”

  “I didn’t say it would be over, but it could help you move on. Give you some closure. Is there a reason why you can’t sell it?”

  I sit down with a plop. I have no idea why the thought of selling that property sets me off. I feel anxious and scared. I know I could never go back there.

  “Babe.” Ryan sits down beside me and offers me his hand; I take it without pause. “I’m here for you one-hundred percent. If you want to wait to get married, I’ll do it. I just don’t want him to be the one holding you back. I’m not him, baby. I’d never force you to do anything you were uncomfortable with. We can get twin beds, like those old TV sitcoms.”

  I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. Ryan smiles at me, the same boyish smile that drew me in all those years ago. I don’t know what makes me act, I don’t think it’s a conscious decision, but I lean forward and kiss him. It’s a short sweet kiss, but a kiss nonetheless. Something I’ve not been able to do since he rescued me. We stare at each other in complete and total shock. He lifts his hand to my face, and even though the need to flinch is strong, I don’t, because I know Ryan would never hurt me. I lean my head towards his palm and close my eyes, covering his hand with mine.


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