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Vengeance (Oak Grove Suspense Book 1)

Page 33

by Reese A. Stephens

  Shayla looks well. I can’t wait to make her mine. Have no doubt, Ryan. She will be mine. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day or even three months from now, but one day soon, she will be with me again. I’ll be the one holding her life in my hands. Will she live or die? That’s up to you.

  I throw the letter down and rip open the box. We stare in horror, frozen in our places, at the small innocent looking folded paper in the shape of a fox.


  Thank you so much for reading Vengeance. It has definitely been a great learning experience, one that I’ll cherish for a long time. You know how you don’t know if you can do something until you actually do it? Yes, I found out that with a little blood, sweat, and a few tears that I could write this novel.

  Vengeance, however, is just the beginning for the Oak Grove Suspense Series. There is so much more to come. I do hope that you fell in love with Ryan, Shayla, and Dylan as much as I have, and don’t worry; you’ll get to hear from them again soon. The next book in the series, Penance, is already in the works and should be out by spring 2017.

  As with most things, the second time around is so much smoother and I find that writing Penance is coming along quicker than anticipated. In Penance, we will continue to follow our favorite detective, Ryan Jacobs, and we’ll also get to meet a new character by the name of Judson Hardenbergh. We’ll learn a little about Judson’s backstory and what ties he has to Oak Grove, as well as to Ryan, when a murder takes place on his property. You might be wondering how Mathis, aka The Fox, fits in to all of this. Well, guess you’ll just have to read the book to find out, but I’m sure he’s up to no good.

  Thanks again for reading my book. I really appreciate it and am honored you took time for me.

  Until next time …



  Reese Stephens was born in the Appalachian Mountains, but was raised all over the East Coast. Since getting married Reese has settled back into her Appalachian roots, and currently lives on a small farm with her husband and three children. She has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Education, and is currently homeschooling her two school aged children. She considers herself a naturalist. She loves learning about and using natural remedies and essential oils to keep her family and herself healthy.

  Writing was something Reese never thought much of, until she and her family went through several traumatic events. A friend advised her to keep a journal, but she just couldn’t put into words how she felt, so she turned to the world of creative writing. It didn’t take long for her to discover her passion there.

  Reese is currently working on publishing the first book in her Oak Grove Suspense series, Vengeance which will be out this fall. The second in the series, Penance, is expected to be released spring 2017. In addition to writing crime suspense she also writes paranormal romance. Her first story in this genre is called The Reluctant Prince, expected release is late 2017. You can, however, read the first few chapters of it on Wattpad for FREE.

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  Now For a Sneak Peek at

  Book 2 in the Oak Grove Suspense Series


  An Oak Grove Suspense

  Sneak Peek

  “Ryan, you can’t let them take him. He didn’t do this,” Laney says as she runs toward Judson. She puts her hands on his chest.

  “Laney, please stop,” he begs her.

  Jessica looks over at me for help. I stride to my sister and wrap my arm around her shoulder. “We have to do our job. He’ll be fine, but if you cause problems, I’ll be forced to take you in with him.”

  “Me? I didn’t do anything. Would you seriously arrest your own sister?” I smirk at her and she slaps me. Well, that was a surprise, but before I can respond, she starts speaking again. “I’m being serious. You know he didn’t do this. Why do you need to cuff him?”

  “Laney, just let them do their job. You don’t have to save me,” Judson tells her softly.

  Laney throws her hands up in the air, obviously frustrated with the situation. “If I don’t, who will?”

  “Hey, just let me handle this,” I interject. “If he didn’t do this then there’s nothing to worry about.”

  She looks up at me with so much sadness in her blue eyes that it breaks my heart. I didn’t realize how much she cared about Judson. I pull her into a hug as tears start to run down her cheeks. I brush her fiery red hair back from her face and kiss her head. I can’t stand to see my baby sister cry, and it’s even worse because there’s nothing I can do to fix this, at least right now.

  Judson looks up to the sky with a frustrated groan. “I’m fine, Laney. Please, stop crying.”

  She looks at him. “You’re not fine. You didn’t do this.”

  “And they’ll figure that out. Let your brother and these fine officers do their job.”

  “But...” Laney starts, until Judson interrupts.

  “Stop, Alaina.” His voice is stern, but not angry. “I’m serious. This is none of your business. I’m none of your concern. Just leave. Please.”

  I can see by his expression that it hurts him to brush her off like this, but at the same time, I can see a deep-seated resolve in him. He doesn’t want her involved. He probably doesn’t think he deserves her. I understand that because I felt the same way about Shayla. And even after I got over my anger with the situation, it still took me months to contact her. I just hope, for his and Laney’s sake, that he really is innocent. And if Laney is the one then he better open his eyes before it destroys them both.

  I watch as Jessica leads him to the squad car and helps him inside. Laney turns back into my chest, sobbing. I pull her over to my car and help her sit in the passenger’s seat, taking her hands in mine.

  “Laney, what’s going on?”

  She looks up at me with indignation. “What do you mean, ‘What’s going on?’ You’re taking an innocent man to jail for a crime he didn’t commit.”

  “There’s more to it than that, and we’re taking him in for questioning and will hold him until we can rule him out as a suspect. Personally, I’m not convinced he did this, but I have to follow the law.”

  “But you know him. He
was one of your best friends. Why do you have to treat him like a criminal?” I wipe the tears from my sister’s face and hand her my handkerchief. She huffs out a dry laugh. “PawPaw used to carry these.”

  I smile at her. “I know; he gave me his before he passed.”

  I know that I could technically stop this right here and move on with my day, and even though I need to get to the station and investigate around these premises, I decide my sister is worth the extra time. She needs me right now.

  “Laney, you know I’m not treating him like a common criminal. I can’t pull favors just because I know someone. Even if it was you who was found with a dead body and near the suspected murder weapon, I’d still have to follow procedures. Please, don’t fight me on this.”

  “He’s just been through so much.”

  “I know, and you feel sorry for him.”

  She shakes her head. “No, it’s more than that. I’ve always...” she pauses and takes a deep breath. “I’ve always had a thing for him. I gave up when he got married and had the kids, but when he moved back here, my feelings for him only grew stronger. He needs me. He just won’t stop wallowing in his guilt long enough to see that.”

  “Okay, I get it, but you can’t be his hero right now. Just be his friend. I’ll call you, even though I really shouldn’t, when he’s released. You can stop by and get him. For now, though, please stay away from the station.”

  “All right, I’ll go home. Ryan, even if he tells you not to call me, please let me know. I don’t want him walking home.”

  “I’ll do my best. Can you drive yourself home?”

  “Yeah.” I help her to her car and watch as she drives away.

  “Pete, tell me whatcha got.”

  He motions with his head for me to follow him. I trail behind him to the back of the house and down a path, which looks to have been recently cleared. We walk about five-hundred yards and then veer off the path into the woods about 100 feet.

  “How did Judson say he came upon the body?”

  “He said he was out for his morning run and saw something odd; it was the body.”

  I shake my head. “Stay here.”

  I turn and walk back to the path, run down a bit, then turn and run back up, imagining that I’m Judson on his morning run. There are several people standing around or investigating the crime scene, who glance and look at me. I just don’t see how he’d notice the body from the path. I know it’s not impossible, but it is unlikely. I’ll need to get his side of the story. I jog back over to the group.

  “Is there anything that points to anyone other than Judson?”

  “There’s some debris under Mr. Clark’s nails. It’s very apparent that the victim fought his attacker. We’ll look at the particulates and test them against Judson. It should only take about twenty-four hours before we have something concrete. We’ll also test the weapon against the injuries and see if there is a match.”

  “Get back to me as fast as you can,” I tell the M.E. Then I turn to my men. “Take pictures of everything and bag anything that’s even remotely suspicious. I’m heading back to the station.”

  It takes me about twenty minutes to get back. I don’t waste any time heading inside and go straight to the interrogation rooms. I don’t bother talking to Jessica. I know Judson will tell me everything I need to know. He looks up when I open the door. I pull out the seat in front of him, but pause before I sit so I can get into my pocket for my keys and un-cuff him. I know we don’t need them.

  “Tell me everything from the beginning.”

  He rubs his wrists for a few seconds, then looks up at me. “I woke up this morning hung over from the night before. I felt awful, but I had work I needed to do so I went for a run to shake it off.” I nod in understanding. “I run the same way every morning. I start up the right path to the pond and then go down the left path. I was on my way back when I saw something glinting in the sun. I stopped and ran back a bit to see if I could see it again, and I could. I stood there for a few minutes trying to figure out what it was, but I just couldn’t tell, so I went into the woods and that’s when I saw the body.”

  “What was glinting? Did you know it was Ralph Clark?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Not at first. I felt for a pulse, but I knew there wouldn’t be one, he looked cold and stiff. I flipped him over and saw it was him. I guess it was his watch I saw, but I didn't really pay attention once I realized it was a person.”

  “Did you touch anything else on the body?”

  “No. I pulled my cellphone out, but I didn’t have service so I left the body and ran back to the house. I called as soon as I got there.”

  “What did you do after you placed the call?”

  He runs his hand through his hair. “I sat on the porch and waited for the cops to show. I told them where I found him, and then your officer talked to me until you got there.”

  I sit there for a few minutes, staring at him as he looks down to the floor. I know my next question will be incriminating, but it has to be asked. “Judson, can you tell me where you were last night?”

  “You know where I was, Ryan.”

  “I need you to tell me.”

  He exhales a breath and meets my eyes. “I was at Mooney’s. I had a few drinks, and then went home.”

  “That’s it?”

  He looks at me pleadingly. “You know what happened.”

  Of course I know. I was there. I broke up the fight between them but I need him to say it. “Judson, I do know and, from where I’m sitting, it gives you a motive.”

  “I didn’t kill him, Ryan. I swear to you. I’ve never thought about killing anyone. I moved up here to get away from people so I could live the rest of my miserable life alone. I can’t say that I liked Ralph because I didn’t. He caused me a lot of issues in my business and in my personal life, but I didn’t kill him.”

  “Did you go anywhere, see, or talk to anyone after my sister dropped you off at your house?”

  “No. I found some rum and drank myself into oblivion. I don’t remember what time I passed out, but I woke up strangely early this morning, maybe four-thirty.”

  “What woke you up?”

  “I don’t know; I just woke up suddenly. I couldn't get back to sleep so I eventually went out for a run.”

  “I’m going to have to keep you here, at least for a little while longer.”

  “I figured as much. Do you think you can talk Laney into leaving me alone?”

  I can’t help but laugh. I stand and clap him on the back. “You’re on your own with that one, but if it helps, I think she’s good for you.”

  “Nope, doesn’t help at all.”

  “You know that she won’t give up.”

  He sighs. “I know.”

  “Come on, I’ll take you to a cell and get you something to eat.”

  Even though it’s procedure, I don’t re-cuff him. He’s not going anywhere, and I know there’s no way he did this. I just need to prove that without a shadow of a doubt. He walks into the cell and looks at the cot, then back up to me.


  I grin. “Hey, I’ve gotten some good sleep on these cots,” I tease. Then more seriously, I add, “I’ll figure this out. It won’t be long.” He nods but says nothing.

  I lock up and start to walk away. “Ryan,” Jud calls. I turn around. “Um, I’m sure my parents are going to find out about this, but could you tell them I can’t have visitors or something? I don’t want them seeing me like this.” He gestures to himself. I’m guessing he means behind bars, but maybe it’s his rough appearance.

  “Yeah, man. No problem.” He nods and mumbles his thanks before sitting down on the cot.



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