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Stay A Little Longer

Page 9

by Jess Bryant

  “This looks good.”

  Lance snorted, his dimples flashing as he shot an amused glance at Trent from beneath his lashes, “No it doesn’t.”

  He chuckled, “It does.”

  “It’s a burned steak, Trent. No sides. No extras. No frills. It’s probably the worst meal you’ve ever had.”

  He almost responded with another joke. He liked Lance’s strange sense of humor. He liked seeing that smirking smile on that handsome face and knowing he’d put it there. But since they were supposed to be talking, getting to know each other, he went the other direction and dropped the most traumatic truth of his life.

  “Definitely not the worst.” He waited until Lance glanced back up at him before adding, “Unless you plan on pointing a gun at me for dessert?”

  Lance’s dark eyes flashed with shock, horror and then sadness. He opened his mouth, closed it again without saying anything and Trent didn’t blame him. There wasn’t much to say to that.

  “Eat.” He picked up his knife, “Eat and I’ll tell you about it.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  Trent gave into the urge and reached out to stroke his fingers over Lance’s stubbled jaw, “I want to. Now, eat.”

  Lance nuzzled into his touch slightly and then pulled away with a blush. Trent grinned. So damn adorable. He loved that one touch made the man melt for him. Because he felt the same damn way.

  “I was seventeen when I came out to my family.” He started once Lance picked up his utensils, “I don’t know what I thought was going to happen. My parents were always very conservative. Old-fashioned. But we were never a very religious family so I guess I thought they’d be shocked and then get over it.”

  The memory made his chest feel tight. It made the fear he’d felt that night rush back to the surface. He noticed his hands were shaking and put his utensils back down. He took a deep breath as he pictured his father’s face turning beet red at the same time his mothers turned pale white. He let it out as he saw his brother’s face, the one that looked so much like his own, simply freeze in shock and horror.

  Trent struggled to push the words out, “They didn’t just accept it. There was a lot of yelling. Mostly from my dad about how he wasn’t going to have a fag for a son. That queers were wrong and he hadn’t raised me wrong. He ordered, demanded, that I take it back.”

  “Take it back?” Lance stared at him with those dark eyes, that spark of anger flaring again, “He pulled a gun on you because you wouldn’t take back the admission you were gay?”


  Lance’s jaw twitched and he dropped his knife onto his plate, “Jesus Trent… that’s… I lost my appetite. That’s... terrible. I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No. No it’s not. It’s not even remotely okay.” Lance met his eyes again and there was so much hurt there that Trent automatically reached for his hand and their fingers intertwined in a way that made his breath catch, “It’s not okay and I want… Jesus I want to kill that bastard for threatening you, for hurting you.”

  Trent’s heart squeezed, “Baby, you can’t. He’s already dead.”

  Lance blinked, “What?”

  “He died a few years ago. Heart attack. Mom said it was all that hate in his heart. My fault of course.”

  “Fuck.” Lance shook his head, “You don’t… they don’t… even with him gone they don’t accept you?”

  “No. It’s one of the reasons I never came out to anyone else. At least that’s what I tell myself. It wasn’t just for my career. It was to protect my family too.”

  “Why? When they were so awful to you?”

  “Because they’re still my family.” Trent winced at the only reasoning he had, “And I hate disappointing them. Hate that I didn’t turn out how they wanted. Hate that people might assume Trevor is gay too just because we’re twins and I can’t out him.”

  Lance’s eyes widened, “Your twin brother is gay too?”

  “Yes. Closeted but yes.”

  It had taken Trevor a long time to come clean, even to Trent. He would never come out publicly. Ever. Trent knew that and he didn’t judge him, couldn’t. Not when he’d spent so long in the closet himself. Not when Trevor had been witness to Trent’s coming out party and the fallout.

  “And you never outted him? To take the spotlight off you? So you weren’t so… alone?” Lance was looking at him with wonder and confusion now and Trent shook his head.

  “Of course not.”

  Lance chewed his bottom lip again and dropped his gaze to his plate. Their meals sat mostly untouched. Maybe it had been a bad idea to start the heavy talk so early in the evening. He’d ruined both their appetites. Clearly. And definitely the mood.

  “Thank you.”

  Trent frowned at the whispered words, “What?”

  “Thank you.” Lance looked back up at him, “For not saying anything about me, to anyone.”

  “Never. I’d never say a word. Not as long as you don’t want me to.”

  Lance winced and looked away, “So yeah, never then.”

  Trent’s heart squeezed again but this time, with pain. Some part of him wanted to hear that Lance had at least considered coming out at some point. Not for him but for himself. But he swallowed the urge to ask why that was when things were already so deep.

  Instead he tilted Lance’s chin towards him until the other man was forced to meet his gaze, “I’m not going to out you, okay?”

  Lance’s Adam’s apple bobbed, “Okay.”

  Trent rubbed his thumb over Lance’s stubble, “Lance?”


  “I like you.”

  That finally earned him a small smile, some of the tension drained out of Lance’s handsome features and he nuzzled closer into the touch when he whispered, “I like you too.”

  Aww, fuck it. He was too adorable. Too fucking irresistible.

  Trent dragged Lance’s face towards his and took his mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. He felt like a kid with a crush. He wanted to be touching Lance all the time. Constantly needed to kiss him. Loved hearing that Lance liked him too.

  Lance kissed him back, that soft little moan coming from deep in his throat, the one that drove Trent absolutely crazy. He couldn’t help himself. Didn’t seem to have control over his actions. Not when he had Lance so close. He pulled again, dragging the man into his lap. Again. And Lance came willingly. Again. All but crawling over to straddle him.

  It was Trent’s turn to groan as Lance settled into his lap. He felt so good there. Felt so right there. He wrapped his arms around Lance’s waist and pulled him in tighter, closer.

  God, he always wanted him closer. Wanted his scent all over him. Imprinted on him. Under his skin. Lance was under his skin and still he wanted him closer.

  Lance opened for him when his tongue traced his lips. Trent stroked deep, claiming, possessing, loving the way Lance responded to him. His hands were in Trent’s hair, pulling, as he sucked on Trent’s tongue. Trent palmed his ass, his perfect, gorgeous ass that fit his palms so damn well and tilted him up until their erections pressed together through the barriers of their jeans.

  “Ah, fuck, yes.” Lance broke the kiss on a gasp.

  Trent sucked in a lungful of air and logic as Lance began trailing kisses down his throat. The feel of Lance’s stubble on his sensitive skin was distracting as hell and he gave into the urge to tilt his head back and enjoy the sensations it sent cascading through his every nerve ending. He closed his eyes and felt the magic of want fill his blood, make him hard, make him want more.

  And then he forced his eyes back open and moved his hands to Lance’s face, urging the other man back. Lance whimpered which was so damn cute Trent chuckled. There wasn’t a damn thing adorable or cute about a six foot three, muscular man with dark, mysterious eyes and secrets galore and yet, Trent couldn’t describe him any other way. Adorably irresistible. Because he knew, just knew, that Lance was only like this with him.
  “Shhh…” He nuzzled Lance’s swollen lips, “Hold on.”

  “Why?” Lance ground their hips together and Trent had a momentary flash of spanking that cute ass of his if he didn’t listen.

  Jesus, when had he ever wanted to spank a man? Never. The answer was never. He wasn’t that kinky. Hell, he was pretty damn vanilla considering all the hiding he’d had to do just to get a man in his bed. But something about Lance pushed at his every button, unleashed everything he’d restrained for years.

  He wanted to dominate. Not just top. Wanted to control. Own. And he wanted it to be Lance.

  He forced Lance’s eyes to meet his, “We’re outside. Is this okay?”

  Lance’s lust fogged eyes cleared just a little and he looked around. He stiffened slightly but then he forced his eyes back to Trent. He licked his lips and gave a curt nod, as if it took all his courage to let this happen.


  “Lance...” He said cautiously.

  “There’s nobody around for miles. It’s fine.” Lance twisted his hips again and nuzzled Trent’s mouth, “Kiss me. Please.”

  Trent was a complete sucker. He might as well get it stamped on his forehead. Because all it took was that one pleading word and he was helpless to do anything but give this man what he wanted.

  He kissed him. He had to. He kissed him and groaned when Lance was the one to deepen it this time. His tongue flicked out against Trent’s lips, licking and playing. When Trent tried to capture it, he dodged and retreated, drawing Trent’s tongue into his mouth and sucking on it like Trent wanted him to suck something else.

  “Oh God…” He groaned when Lance broke away enough to shove at his t-shirt, trying to strip him, “Baby, wait…”

  “Told you. I’m. Not. A. Baby.” Lance growled and bit the tendon between Trent’s neck and shoulder.

  A shudder ran through him, pain and pleasure overwhelming him for a moment. Fuck. Fuck that felt good. He liked Lance pliant and needy. But he liked this too. That attitude of his. His insistence on not being called baby, which only made Trent more enamored with the endearment.

  “And I told you…” He pulled Trent’s hair, hard, making the other man moan, “When you’re mine, you’re my baby.”

  Lance bit his lip, his eyes darting from Trent’s down to his lips and back again, “When I’m yours?”

  “Yeah.” Trent raised an eyebrow. “You got a problem with that?”

  “No.” Lance swallowed hard and shook his head, “I… I think I… I’d like that.”

  Damn that felt good. Trent smiled and then smiled wider when Lance grinned at him shyly. Those goddamn dimples were his now. Lance was his. For as long as he stayed or maybe even longer than that. He couldn’t think that far ahead. Not right now. Right now, all that mattered was that Lance was his, here, tonight.

  “Mmm. Good.” Trent popped Lance’s lip free of his teeth and kissed him gently. “That’s real good, baby. Because I want you.”

  Lance groaned, “I want you too.”

  “Then we should take this inside.”

  “Yes. Inside. Yes.”

  Trent groaned as Lance ground against him again and made no move to get up. To get off him. In fact, he snaked a hand between them and stroked Trent through his jeans. His hips bucks uncontrollably and he hissed.


  “I want this.”

  “It’s yours, just… ahh…” He cursed when Lance unbuttoned his jeans, “Inside. We’re not doing this here.”

  Lance ignored him, focused on his task at hand. Literally trying to fit his hand into Trent’s pants. Trying to get his hand around Trent’s cock.

  “Damn it. No.” Trent growled and pushed himself upright.

  Lance clung to him. Luckily. Or he would have gone plummeting to the ground. He managed to use one arm looped around Trent’s neck to stay upright. His legs locked around Trent’s waist. His free hand still down Trent’s pants.


  “Mmm.” Lance nibbled on Trent’s jaw as he carried him towards the trailer.

  It wasn’t exactly easy even if the trailer was only a handful of steps away. Not with two hundred pounds of pure, unadulterated, hot, hard male writhing against him. Not when, more than anything, he wanted to simply shove Lance up against the side of the trailer and take him, claim him.

  But he wouldn’t risk it. Not with Lance. For Lance. He didn’t want to come out. And Trent wouldn’t risk outing him no matter how much he wanted him.

  They slammed into the trailer, Lance’s hand working him as his tongue played a pattern down his neck. Trent groaned and scrambled to hold him up with one arm while he used his other hand to pull the door open. They stumbled up the stairs and Trent instantly propped Lance on the edge of the table.

  To his surprise, the other man shoved him as soon as he shut the door behind them. Pushing him away instead of pulling him closer. Trent stepped back, suddenly confused, worried.

  Had he gone too far? Too fast? Had Lance changed his mind? Did he…

  “Oh fuck… Lance?!” He moaned when Lance shoved him in the chest again, pushing him back against the door and climbing off the table to drop to his knees.

  His knees. Fuck. Oh, fuck.

  Trent’s mind tripped, spun and then shut off. He should have pushed Lance’s hands away. He should have, before he’d unzipped him and jerked his jeans and briefs all the way to his ankles. Definitely before he circled his thumb over the bulging head of Trent’s cock, spreading the pre-come and using it as lube. Most definitely should have stopped him before he licked his lips and hummed against his skin.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” His hands instantly went to Trent’s hair and he gripped it so hard he knew it must have stung like a bitch, “Lance, baby, wait, you don’t have to…”

  “I want to.” Lance looked up at him from his knees, those dark eyes like midnight, his pupils blown, need pulling his every feature taunt, “I want to. Please.”

  There was that word again. Please. And damn it, Trent was helpless with this man. Because he didn’t just want the pleasure, he wanted to give it to Lance too.

  “I’m too close. I’ll come if you suck me.”

  “I want you to.”

  “I thought you wanted me to fuck you?” He tightened his grip and licked his lips when Lance’s breathing hitched.

  “I do but…” Lance bit his bottom lip and looked up at him from beneath those thick, dark lashes, “We have time for that right? You’re staying?”

  Trent’s heart stuttered in his chest and he loosened his grip, stroking his fingers through Lance’s hair, soothing the burn he’d put on his scalp, “Yeah. I’m staying.”

  “Good.” Trent’s lips twitched and his attention flickered back down to the cock he still held in his hand, “Condoms?”

  “I’ve been tested and I haven’t been with anyone in… in a long time.”

  “I want to taste you.”

  Formalities out of the way, Trent could do nothing but take a deep breath and give his consent. He wanted this. They both wanted this. He loosened his hold, not keeping Lance at bay a single moment longer.

  And Lance practically pounced on him.

  He licked the moisture at the head of Trent’s cock, making Trent groan and his head fall back to bang against the wall. He licked and lapped at him, getting him wet and then bringing his hands back into play. He stroked him and then cupped his balls. When he finally, finally, wrapped those sexy lips around the head and sucked, Trent cursed a blue streak and his hips jerked uncontrollably. Lance hummed around him and took more, took him deeper, picking up the pace, driving Trent out of his mind with pleasure.

  “Fuck, baby. Yeah, just like that.” He groaned out when Lance squeezed his tightening balls and hollowed his cheeks.

  That earned him a brush of teeth against the underside of his head and his knees went momentarily weak before he caught himself. He grinned and tightened his hold on Lance’s hair again, enjoying the tease. Knowing the endearment
had earned him the slight nip of pain and only wanting more.

  God, he wanted more. Wanted all of this man. Wanted everything he could offer and more.

  Lance was too good for Trent. Too kind and sweet and accepting. Trent would wreck him. He’d never had anything even remotely resembling a relationship and he came with a shit ton of baggage. Baggage that would catch up to him sooner rather than later. And he wouldn’t, couldn’t, risk dragging Lance into his media shitshow.

  But as his balls tightened and his hips stuttered, as the dark-haired man that had somehow managed to wrap himself around Trent’s heart in just a day’s time, glanced up at him, their eyes meeting amid the pleasure, he knew there was no letting go of him now. Not now. Maybe not ever.

  “Lance.” He groaned out his name as climax ripped down his spine and made him stutter, falter, and then explode.

  Lance hummed and groaned with him. Licking at him. Swallowing down everything Trent gave him. He eased his approach as Trent softened and somewhere through his fog of pleasure filled euphoria he felt Lance kiss his head as he pulled away, planting sweet kisses across his thigh and nuzzling into the v between his groin and hip.

  Trent stroked his hair reassuringly as he regained his bearings. It was just so damn good with Lance. And he hadn’t even fucked him yet. That thought pulled his eyes back open, lids heavy from his release. He pulled Lance’s head back so he could look at him and felt his spent cock twitch at the sight of him on his knees.

  Eyes dark with pleasure. Lips swollen and red. Cheeks flushed. Sometime during the blowjob to end all blowjobs, he’d unzipped himself and gotten his free hand on his own cock. He’d come from jerking off and the idea that he’d gotten that much pleasure out of being on his knees for Trent, made his chest tighten again. Still, a strange sense of loss niggled in the back of his mind, making him wish he’d been on the receiving end of that orgasm. Made him feel possessive because it was his. Lance was his. And he wanted to be the one giving pleasure too.


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