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The Lost Years

Page 1

by Shaw, Natalie

  Table of Contents


  Part 1 – LOUISE (1974)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Part 2 – CRAVEN (1974)

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Part 3 – LOUISE (1989)

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Part 4 – CRAVEN (1989)

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Part 5 – LOUISE (2005)

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Part 6 – CRAVEN (2005)

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Part 7 – LOUISE (2005)

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Part 8 – CRAVEN (2014)

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25



  The Lost Years

  Natalie Shaw


  © 2014 Natalie Shaw, all rights reserved, worldwide. No part of this ebook may be

  reproduced, uploaded to the Internet or copied without the author's permission.


  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real

  persons, dead or alive, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

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  The Lost Years is the second book in The Craven Trilogy. It is recommended that you read The Alpha's Search (book one) before reading this book.

  Part 1 – LOUISE (1974)

  Chapter 1

  My head felt as if a depth charge had just exploded inside it. I opened one eye, but then quickly closed it again. The light was too intense. What was that smell? So sweet and sickly. Where was I? I tried again with the eyes—opening first one and then the other. It took a few seconds to adjust to the light. I could see the room now, but I was no wiser. Bed springs creaked beneath me as I pulled myself up into a sitting position. It wasn't only my head that hurt—I ached in every muscle. Had I been in an accident? I raised both legs a few inches—they appeared to be in working order. Then my left arm—no problems there apart from a dull ache. My right arm felt heavy. Little wonder. A metal clamp had been fastened just above my wrist. Attached to it was a thick metal chain. I swung my aching legs slowly off the bed so I was seated on the edge. The chain snaked across the concrete floor to where it was tethered to a huge eye-bolt. I raised my right arm, and watched as the ripples ran along the length of the chain.

  My first reaction was to shift into wolf form, but I quickly realised it would do no good. Although I'd be much stronger, I'd still be no match for the steel and concrete. If I did shift, there was a good chance I'd do my arm serous damage as it tried to expand inside the steel shackle.

  “Hello!” I shouted. “Is anyone there?”

  I waited for several seconds, but the only sound I could hear was my heart pounding against the wall of my chest.


  No reply. Where was I? The solitary window opposite the bed was located too high in the wall for me to see anything other than the sky. When I got to my feet, my head began to swim, so I leaned onto the bed frame until it passed. Nausea rose from the pit of my stomach as I walked unsteadily across the room. Eight feet short of the far wall, the chain snapped tight. I could get no closer. From where I stood, I could see only a beautiful, cloudless sky. I took the chain in both hands, planted both feet onto the floor, and pulled with all of my body weight. It was futile. I was no match for the metal and concrete.

  “Help me!” The words died on my dry lips.

  To my right, and well within my reach, was a small sink. On the draining board was a single metal mug. The tension in the chain eased as I walked away from the window. The tap was stiff and resisted for a few seconds. After a few more attempts, brownish coloured water exploded from the spout. I let the water run, and after a while, it ran clear. I drank the first mug full in one go. The second I sipped a little slower.

  “Help!” I tried again—much louder this time.

  It met with the same response.

  I examined the room more closely. A small table was positioned against the wall opposite the sink. In front of it was a single wooden chair. Next to the bed was a small cabinet with two drawers—both of which were empty. The external door was on the same wall as the window, so beyond my reach. I almost didn't notice the second door because it blended into the wooden wall—only the handle gave it away. Dropping the mug into the sink, I hurried over to the second door and turned the handle.

  The toilet was little larger than a cupboard. There was no window or sink—not even a light bulb. I slammed the door closed.

  “Hello! Is anyone there?”

  I had the sense that there wasn't anyone around to hear me. The only sound I'd heard so far had been the occasional bird call.

  I took a seat at the table. The chair was uncomfortable and rocked on uneven legs.

  Think! I had to think. I closed my eyes, and slowly the memories began to drift back:

  The vampire attack on Jester's nightclub. It had been a massacre. I'd escaped, but Tish hadn't made it.

  On the same night, my father had been murdered in his apartment. I'd seen his body. Drake, one of Milton's men, had been there. He'd been with a vampire who I hadn't recognised.

  I'd managed to escape to Terroun—the neighbouring territory. Craven had been waiting for me. Craven—my fated mate.

  What had happened after that? I racked my brain.

  The next morning, I'd woken to find Craven gone.

  I'd heard the door open. I'd thought it was him, but when I checked...

  Everything went black.

  The next thing I remembered was waking up here. How long had I been here? Hours? Days? Where was Craven? If he was alive, he'd be searching for me. Of that I was certain.

  I was hungry, but there was no food in the room. If whoever had done this had intended I should die, why go to all of this trouble? Someone would eventually have to bring me food, and when they did, I'd be ready for them.


  My sense of smell, which was usually so reliable, was over-powered by the sweet, sickly odour which seemed to permeate the whole building. I'd have to rely on my other senses. As the hours dragged by, I counted at least six different bird calls. I'd heard other sounds too—small creatures of some kind. I was almost certain I was in the countryside because I hadn't heard traffic or any other urban sounds. Outside, it was beginning to get dark, so I clicked the light switch on the wall next to the bed. The single light bulb barely illuminated the room. With night came a drop in temperature. It wasn't cold, but it was cool enough to warrant wrapping the bed cover around me. Sitting up on the bed, with my legs pulled up to my chest, I stared at the small window. The blue sky had been replaced by blackness. I tried to spot even a solitary star, but could see none.

  I didn't have a watch, but my body clock sensed it had been at least eight hours since I'd first woken. Eight of the longest hours of my life. I'd had plenty of time to speculate who might be behind my imprisonment. There were a few obvious candidates. If Drake had seen me at my father's flat, he'd have reported it to Milton. If they were responsible for my father's death, they couldn't afford to leave me alive. One word of their betrayal and the rest of the pack would have turned on them. If Milton was behind it, why was I still breathing? While eve
r I was alive, I would be a threat to him. Could it be the vampires? I'd seen one of them in my father's flat—he'd been arguing with Drake. That explanation seemed less likely. Why would vampires go to all of this trouble? They'd kill me without a second thought. Another possibility was that Craven's own pack had turned against him. There would be those who resented the fact he'd welcomed an outsider not only into his pack, but as his mate. Perhaps there had been an uprising against him, but again that didn't explain why I was still alive. They'd have surely despatched me in short order.

  Maybe it was the lack of food, or simply paranoia setting in, but another possibility kept forcing its way into my mind. It wasn't something I even wanted to consider. What if Craven was behind it? How well did I really know him? Well enough to share his bed, but what did that count for? He'd come into our territory to seek me out. He'd insisted I was his fated mate. It was an outrageous thing for any wolf to do, but for an Alpha it was nothing short of suicidal. Had it been no more than a ploy? Was it possible Craven had somehow been working with Milton to overthrow my father? A shiver ran down my spine. Had I unwittingly been responsible for my father's death? I couldn't believe that. I wouldn't believe that. And yet, Craven had been waiting for me when I fled to his territory. How had he known? He'd said he'd sensed the presence of his fated mate. Was he lying? Had this been the plan all along or should I have died in the nightclub? Nothing made any sense, and the more I thought about it, the more confused I became.

  It was pointless. I was going round and round in circles. I'd have answers soon enough when someone came to bring food. How long was it since I'd eaten? How many hours? Days? I had no injuries as far as I could tell, so I assumed I must have been drugged. That would have accounted for the nausea which had now been replaced by an overwhelming hunger. Paranoia began to raise its head again—what if no one came? I had to get a grip. Such thoughts served no purpose and made no sense. Why would someone go to all of this trouble only to allow me to starve? Someone would come, and when they did I'd be ready.


  I didn't remember falling asleep, and yet when I opened my eyes, it was light outside. My right shoulder ached where I'd slept awkwardly.

  As I walked over to the sink, I spotted it. A rectangular metal tray lay on the floor a few feet from the door. Just close enough to the bed so I could reach it.

  “Anyone there? Hello?” I shouted. Again, there was no reply. The only sound was early morning birdsong. Whoever had delivered the food had gone.

  I filled the mug with water, and then made my way across the cold floor to collect the tray. It had been placed with an element of precision. Another few inches closer to the door, and I wouldn't have been able to reach it. The food was good, but there wasn't nearly enough to satisfy my hunger. The bread, sliced meat and apple were all fresh, but together didn't amount to even one half of the calories my body needed.

  The sleep and food had breathed at least some energy back into my body. Now I needed a plan—there must be some way out. Could I find a way to loosen the chain? What about a weapon? Was there anything I could use? Think! The next time someone came to deliver food I must make sure I was wide awake and waiting for them.

  Chapter 2

  I wasn't sure if I'd actually heard it at first. I listened again, and for a few seconds, there was only the sound of the birds. There it was again—a vehicle's engine. The sound grew slowly louder—it was getting closer.

  Despite a thorough search of the room, I'd not been able to find anything that I could use as a weapon. I had no idea who would walk through the door. Whoever it was, I would have to get them to come close enough so I could mount my attack. If they didn't, I'd be powerless to do anything.

  The engine noise was much louder now. It was no more than a few metres away. I stood up and moved as close to the door as the chain would allow. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins; my pulse was in over-drive.

  I heard footsteps, and then the sound of a key in the lock. I was about to find out who my captor was, and with a little luck, I was about to reap my revenge. The handle turned, and the door swung slowly open.


  “Hello, Louise.”

  I stared at her—unable to process what I was seeing.

  “You were asleep when I came before,” she said.

  “What the fuck's going on? Why am I here?”

  “So many questions.” She lay down her basket, and pushed the door closed behind her. Her movements were quite deliberate. She'd not yet ventured more than a few feet into the room—still far beyond my reach.

  “Where am I?”

  “You don't need to know that.” Layla's face showed no expression. Her cold eyes cut through me.

  We'd known each other since forever. As young shifters, we'd run, played and learned to hunt together. She'd been my best friend, but as we'd grown older, we'd drifted apart. Like my father, I'd never seen humans as the enemy. He'd taken the view that if we lived side-by-side in harmony that everyone benefited. He'd even had limited success in convincing the vampires to buy into his philosophy. The majority of pack members had backed him, but there had been a few who simply could not accept the idea that we should treat humans as equals. Layla was one of those. I'd never really understood why, but she'd always hated humans with a passion. Our laws forbid unprovoked attacks on humans, but I suspected her of doing so on more than one occasion.

  “Tell me!” I thrust towards her. I wanted to feel my hands around her neck.

  Layla didn't move; she barely even flinched. She knew full well she was beyond my reach.

  “You don't give the orders,” she said—her voice cold.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “You should be grateful you're still breathing.”

  “Who brought me here? Who are you working for? Where is Craven?”

  I don't have to answer your questions. Pass me those.”

  I walked over to the table, but never once took my gaze from her.

  “Is this what you want?” I held up the tray on which stood the empty metal plate.

  “Slide it over to me,” she said.

  “Fuck you!” I launched first the plate and then the tray at her. Her reflexes were keen, but the plate still caught her on the shoulder. The tray missed its mark by only a few inches.

  “No.” She grinned. “Fuck you.” She turned back towards the door. “No food for you today.”

  “I'm going to tear your fucking throat out,” I shouted after her, but she was already out of the door.

  I was still shaking with anger by the time the sound of the vehicle's engine had drifted away. I paced around the room trying to calm myself. It had been a stupid move to throw the tray at her. If I was to have any hope of escape, I had to keep up my strength. I couldn't afford to turn down food.

  When would she return? Would she punish me further? Would I be without food for several days?

  Of all the people who might have walked through that door, Layla hadn't even been on my long-list. I was certain she wasn't the only one behind this. It would have been impossible for her to have planned and executed this alone. Who could she be working for or with? My first instinct was that it must be Drake or even Milton himself. Layla wouldn't team up with the vampires; she hated them almost as much as she hated humans. How deep was her involvement? Had she known about the attack on Jesters? Had she been involved with my father's murder? The thought that she might have had a hand in his death made me sick to my stomach. When Layla and I had been young shifters, he'd often taken the two of us on outings. He'd treated Layla as though she and I were sisters—as though she was his own daughter. Could she really have betrayed him?

  I had to reel in my anger. No matter my feelings toward Layla were, I couldn't let them get the better of me again. Ranting and raving, and throwing things at her wouldn't get me the answers. Nor would it get me the food I needed to keep up my strength.


  The hours dragged by. Looking at th
ose four walls was driving me slowly crazy. I'd have given anything to be able to see what was outside. Even though I'd had plenty of time to think, I was no nearer knowing who was holding me. They must want me alive otherwise they'd have killed me by now. Layla might have withheld my food today, but she couldn't keep doing that. What if I turned the tables on them, and refused to eat? Would that flush out whoever was behind this? I wasn't ready to take that risk just yet. Instead, I formulated a plan. From now on I'd give the appearance of being co-operative. Rather than be confrontational, I'd try to gain Layla's trust. It wasn't going to be easy. All I really wanted to do was to slice her throat open. But not yet. For now, I had to be patient. If I could earn her trust, maybe in time, she'd drop her guard—then I'd make my move.

  As I lay on the bed, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. A small spider was scurrying across the floor. I sprang off the bed, and followed it as it made its way under the table. On all fours, I watched as it disappeared down the narrowest of cracks in the concrete. I waited—just staring at the crack—willing it to reappear. Thirty minutes later, and I knew it wasn't coming back. It was crazy, but somehow I felt even more alone.

  A key turned in the lock.

  I didn't recognise the young male shifter. He was tall with short brown hair. I hadn't heard a vehicle approach. Had he travelled on foot? Was there another building close by? Where was Layla? He carried a basket similar, maybe even identical, to the one Layla had brought earlier. Keep calm, I told myself. He didn't make eye contact with me as he closed the door behind him. For a moment I wondered if he might stray into range, but he stayed beyond my reach just as Layla had done.


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