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Spirits 04-Spirits of Seacliff Manor

Page 18

by Morgan Hannah MacDonald


  Jane was more than surprised by Detective Shelly’s admission that he didn’t have a clue what was going on. In her experience, men like him would never admit to feeling hopeless.

  “Thanks for talking to us,” Jake said.

  “Hey, do me a favor and don’t let it get around. I normally wouldn’t share delicate information on a case with a civilian, but if you’ve got a theory…” The detective’s face fell as if he’d just remembered who he was talking to. “Oh, right. You’re ghost busters.”

  “Paranormal researchers,” Jane answered.

  “Well, I do know a ghost didn’t do this,” Detective Shelly said.

  “No. This was no ghost,” Jake answered.

  The detective’s eyes lit up. “You do have a theory?”

  Jake nodded. “I do.”

  “Then spill it.”

  “You’re not going to like it,” Jake warned.

  The detective’s hands rested on his hips. “Let me be the judge of that.”

  “You see, I’m a demonologist. Do you know what that is?”

  The detective made a face like he smelled something awful. “Not really.”

  “I’m called in when there are reports of extremely violent paranormal activity. I determine whether it’s an angry spirit or a demon that’s responsible.”

  “Okaaaay.” He all but rolled his eyes.

  “Hey, you asked,” Jake replied.

  Detective Shelly grudgingly nodded. “I did.”

  “The average populace has no idea how prevalent demons are. They are responsible for the majority of horror in this world. You’d be amazed how many hide inside otherwise nice people. Come on, you’ve seen the news reports. The neighbor, the grocer, the wife, the girlfriend. They all say, he was such a nice guy. We never would have suspected him capable of such a heinous act.”

  “That’s because they’re psychotic, they aren’t born with emotions like the rest of us. They’re also very smart. They show the world one face while they keep their true selves hidden,” Detective Shelly answered.

  “What if I told you that isn’t always the case? Some of the most gruesome serial killers were actually possessed by a demon,” Jake said.

  The detective’s brows knit. “Like in the movie The Exorcist?”

  “Not exactly, some of that was Hollywood, but it was close. William Peter Blatty’s book was based on a real case. People who are possessed can speak in tongues and know things about individuals they couldn’t possibly know.

  “They have ungodly strength and act in ways that are normally against character. Like the meek nun who suddenly snapped and killed her Mother Superior, but had no recollection of it when she woke the next morning with blood on her hands,” Jake said.

  “Ah, the old ‘the devil made me do it’ defense,” the detective said sarcastically.

  “Joke all you want, but it’s something you need to consider,” Jake said.

  “You’re saying that your colleague Sara was possessed by Satan? Come on.”

  “No. I don’t think that’s the case with her, but someone or something led her to that spot and made her dig. In no way was she acting like herself,” Jake added.

  “It was as if she were sleepwalking,” Jane said. “Or in a trance.”

  “Do you have tangible proof?” Detective Shelly asked.

  “You mean like something that would stand up in court?” Jake said.

  “That is kind of the point,” Detective Shelly said.

  “If what I suspect is true, this case will never go to court,” Jake answered.

  “And why is that?” the detective asked skeptically.

  “Because the killers are dead.”

  “You know who killed all these people?”

  “I have a good idea,” Jake told him.

  Detective Shelley folded his arms. “Please enlighten me.”

  “So far in our investigation we’ve learned that Mrs. MacDougall inadvertently summoned a demon when she was trying to speak to her dead husband.”

  Detective Shelly took off his jacket and hung it over his arm. “I think I’m going to need to sit for the rest of this story. Mind if we go into the house and get out of this heat?”

  “Sure,” Jake said.

  Jane led the way into the cool, dark dwelling. They found the others sitting at the extensive dining table. A couple of large fans were set up at each end. The room quieted when they entered; expectant faces stared back.

  “Mind if we join you?” Jake asked.

  “Not at all,” Alyssa said.

  Once seated, the detective turned to Jake. “So how did this woman summon the devil?”

  “Demon,” Jake corrected.

  “Oh, for Heaven’s sake. What’s the difference?”

  “Demons are the Devil’s minions and as such they each have a name. There are many.”

  “Fine, whatever.” The detective’s hands waved about. “Just answer the question.”

  “Bess MacDougall bought a Ouija board back in the 1920s to speak with her dead husband. She invited a group of friends to join her. That night they opened a portal through which a demon entered and he’s been here ever since.”

  “How the hell could you know this?” Detective Shelly asked incredulously.

  “Sara has been blessed with the gift of psychometry. When she touches or holds certain items, she receives images. They’re like short movies in her head. She describes her visions while she goes through the process. The session I just explained happened yesterday before she led us to that grave. I believe it was Bess MacDougall who showed it to her.”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe in ghosts or demons or whatever bullshit parlor tricks you play. Some people are just plain evil. That’s what I believe. No, that’s what I know. All this other crap sounds like a closing statement some criminal attorney came up with to convince a jury that his client is innocent of unspeakable acts.”

  “Maybe. But sometimes it’s true,” Jake said.

  Detective Shelly stood. “Right. Like I said, if you find a way to prove it so I can close this case, great. Otherwise, I need to get back to work.”

  After he left, Jane turned to Jake. “Can you prove it?”

  “I don’t know.” Jake sounded lost.

  “What about Sara? Can’t she point us to a murder weapon or something?” Jane offered.

  “It’s possible, but we can’t count on it.” Jake got up and began to pace.

  Jane relayed the information gleaned from Detective Shelly to the group sitting around the table. She also summed up Dr. Walsh’s findings in case Courtney and Danny hadn’t.

  Alyssa remained remarkably calm listening to all Jane had to say without interruption.

  Brandon rubbed his neck. “I can’t believe we’ve been living here surrounded by dead bodies all this time.”

  Without warning, Alyssa jumped out of her chair. “I’m not staying here another minute!”

  “What do you mean? We can’t afford to move,” Brandon shot back.

  Alyssa stared at her husband with fire in her eyes. Her nostrils flared. “You mean to stop me?”

  Brandon leaned back in his chair. “I, no.”

  “Good answer.” Alyssa turned on her heel.

  Jake stopped Alyssa in her tracks. “I know this is upsetting, but—”

  “Get the fuck out of my way, Cow-Boy. I’m not your piece of shit wife.” Her head cocked right. “Poor.” Then her head cocked left. “Natalie.” The words came out in a sing song way. “She had to die just to get away from you.” Alyssa shouted the last word and drew her hand back. Then the back of her hand connected with Jake’s cheek, a loud crack echoed throughout the silent room. No one would accuse Jake of being a small man, but the power she wielded made him fly a couple of feet before he landed in a slump on the floor. His eyes rounded in shock, and his hand flew to his face.

  Jane raced to his side. “Are you all right?” A pink welt the size of a small hand on his cheek grew d
eeper in color until it was bright red.

  Sara ran into the room. “What happened?”

  “He has Alyssa in his grasp,” Jake answered.

  “How do you know?” Sara asked.

  “She just did that.” Danny pointed to Jake on the ground.

  “She mentioned my dead wife, Natalie,” Jake said solemnly.

  Sara faced Brandon. “Don’t let her leave this house!”

  Brandon launched out of his chair and disappeared around the corner.

  “I’ll help him.” Danny raced after him.

  “Courtney, we’re going to need something to tie her to that chair.” Sara pointed to the Captain’s chair at the end of the table. “Belts, scarves, electrical cords, anything you can find.”

  Courtney fled the room.

  Jake stood and shook his head as if his brains were rattled. “Sara, get my bag from the back of the van.”

  When it was just Jake and Jane, she put her hand on his chest. “Are you okay?”

  He covered her hand with his. “Yeah.” He chuckled. “Just a little shook up. That was the last thing I expected from that tiny woman. When a man is about to deck you, there are signs. He gets a look in his eyes, his body tenses and you know the guy’s a powder keg ready to explode. This, on the other hand, came out of nowhere.”

  “Seeing you fly through the air and land…” Jane shook her head, her eyes misted.

  Jake leaned down. “Hey.” He brought her chin up with his finger. “I’m fine.” He kissed her.

  “Good. Now stay that way.” Jane laughed nervously as she swiped her eyes.

  “I’ll do my best.” Jake stepped back as Sara entered the room.

  Sara handed him his bag. “Here.”

  “Thanks.” Jake opened the gym bag and pulled out a bible, a crucifix, incense, candles and a small bottle. He set the items on the table. He then retrieved something else he palmed mysteriously before he slipped it into his pocket. Sara pulled the sturdy chair with armrests to the middle of the room.

  Courtney ran in out of breath. “I found these.” She dropped a load onto the table and began pulling things apart. “I got two belts from Brandon’s closet. I couldn’t find any scarves, but I have some extension cords.” She pulled out five. “Will this do?”

  “You did great,” Jake said.

  A bloodcurdling scream came from somewhere in the house. “Sara, put on some loud music and lock the doors,” Jake yelled over his shoulder as he fled the room.

  “Don’t hurt her!” Courtney shouted as she sprinted after him.


  Jane ran into the foyer to see what the hell was going on. She noticed Jake taking the stairs two by two toward the fracas on the landing. Brandon and Danny had Alyssa by each arm as they tried to wrestle her down the stairs. Her face was distorted into an ugly mask while she twisted and turned in an effort to loosen their grip.

  Her head whipped around fast and connected with her husband’s shoulder, where she clamped down hard with her teeth. Brandon cried out and let go. She pushed Danny with such strength that his head hit the wall and he sank to the carpet. Alyssa bounded down the stairs, right into Jake. This time he was ready. He snatched her around her arms, pinning them to her sides as he threw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry.

  Alyssa kicked and snarled, trying to bite Jake. The second she noticed her sister standing at the bottom of the stairs, her face miraculously changed back to normal.

  “Court, help! This man wants to kill me. Please, Courtney, you’re my sister. I love you,” she pleaded in a childlike voice.

  Courtney backed up as Jake come rushing toward her; he appeared to be taking advantage of Alyssa’s sudden stillness.

  “Don’t hurt her,” Courtney said as Jake whisked by carrying his toxic bundle.

  “I never told Mom and Dad about your abortion,” Alyssa said quickly as she went by.

  “Hurry, guys. I’m going to need your help!” Jake yelled.

  Brandon shot down the stairs. Danny leapt to his feet, grabbed the banister and sprang over it, rolling once before he popped back up and sprinted ahead.

  Alyssa lifted her head and glared at her sister, who stood in her wake. “You. Owe. Me. Bitch,” she spit out each word with such malice.

  Jake raced toward Jane, she backed up, giving him a wide berth. Alyssa’s back arched and her mouth yawned bigger than Jane thought humanly possible, she swore she heard bones crunching. A hideous stench filled the air as a thundering yowl escaped. Jane held her breath and covered her ears. If she hadn’t witnessed it herself, she would have thought an animal was being slaughtered.

  “Go, go, go!” Jake shouted. “Get to the chair. I’ll need everyone’s help securing her.”

  Last to enter, Jane noticed Sara behind the chair with an electrical cord held taut between her hands. Danny and Brandon stood on either side, each holding a belt.

  Courtney stood idle, appearing overwhelmed.

  Jane snatched an electrical cord off the table and waited for instructions. Alyssa wiggled like an electric eel; a deep throaty growl came from her mouth as Jake forcefully deposited her on the hardwood surface. “Now!” he yelled the second her butt hit the seat.

  Sara wrapped her cord around Alyssa’s waist, threading it through, then tying it behind the chair. Jake snatched the cord from Jane’s hand and firmly pulled one of Alyssa’s ankles against the leg of the chair, tying it into place. Jane reached for another cord and held it out for Jake.

  Alyssa’s arms flailed while Latin spewed out of her mouth. She decked Danny with a right cross, and he fell on his ass. Alyssa turned to Brandon. “You spineless worm. You never made me come.” The voice was not hers, instead it sounded deep and guttural.

  “Ignore her, Brandon. The devil is a liar and whatever you do, don’t look her in the eye. That goes for everyone!” Jake said quickly.

  “Not once, you little pencil dick. I faked those orgasms. You’re such a pathetic loser you can’t even give me a baby,” the insults spewed forth in that male voice.

  To his credit, Brandon didn’t glance her way. Instead he concentrated on wrangling her right wrist down onto the armrest.

  Jake’s head came up. “Brandon, use all your strength.”

  “I don’t want to break her arm,” Brandon answered.

  “That’s a chance you’ll have to take, her arm will mend. Remember we aren’t at war with your wife, but a demon. You must do everything in your power to save her,” Jake said.

  Every swear word known to man came blasting out of her mouth and along with it the smell of death.

  Brandon used his entire body weight to lower her arm. Once he’d managed, he laid on her while he urgently wrapped the belt until he could thread the strap through the frame of the buckle.

  He stuck the prong through the nearest hole and finished by sliding the leftover leather through the end tip. The job complete, he fell back on the floor, out of breath. His clothes clung to his sweat drenched skin.

  Sara and Jane struggled to manipulate Alyssa’s left limb, but were no match for her freakish strength. Jake was busy securing Alyssa’s other leg to the chair. Once finished, he rushed to the rescue.

  Jane watched, amazed, as every muscle and vein protruded from Jake’s arms while he subdued her. By the time her skin touched the wood, Danny was there with the belt ready to secure her as Brandon had done.

  The men fell away, breathing hard. Jake raked a hand through his wet hair as he collapsed into the nearest chair. Danny plopped onto the floor and pulled the hair tie the rest of the way off his sun-bleached ponytail, smoothed his hair away from his face and refastened it.

  Jane noticed Sara attempting to place another cord around Alyssa’s upper body and went over to lend a hand. Together they secured her to the chair back. Alyssa’s head swayed in all directions, and her hair, stringy from sweat, covered her face. A throaty growl erupted each time she snapped at the air.

  Jane backed away from the unruly beast.

nbsp; Jake stood. “I need a drink.”

  “That’s right, Jakey, old boy. Get good and liquored up before you deal with me. You’re going to need it.” A high pitched cackle followed.

  Jake focused on Brandon and Danny. “You guys stay and watch her. If anything happens, like she gets loose, call me. I’ll just be in the kitchen.”

  Brandon got off the floor and pulled a chair to a far corner of the room before he sat. Danny did the same.

  Alyssa laughed maniacally as she eyed each one separately. The sound sent chills up Jane’s spine.

  “You girls come with me.” Jake headed out of the room.

  Jake kept mum as he strode through the house. Once in the kitchen, he went directly to the cupboard, where he reached for a glass. He filled it with water from the fridge and drank half. He pulled several paper towels off the rack and ran them over his sweat-drenched face, head and neck before he turned his attention to Jane and Courtney.

  “We need to prepare you for what will come next. Like I said before, you must not look her in the eye or acknowledge anything she says.” He turned. “Sara, do you have the crystals?”

  Sara pulled out two fist-size quartz crystals and handed them each one. “These have been cleansed and blessed. They will protect you. Keep them on you at all times.”

  Courtney slipped hers into the front pocket of her jeans. Jane turned around and stuffed the crystal into her bra in the center over her heart chakra.

  “Sara, don’t forget to supply Brandon and Danny,” Jake said.

  Jane faced the group and noticed Jake waiting.

  “Sara will help me prepare the room. She will light the holy incense that has been blessed. It weakens the demon. She will also light the candles. I will use the holy water in the four corners of the room to bless it.

  “I need everyone to lay hands on her and pray along with me when you can. If nothing else, say amen. It will take all our energy to remove this demon. It’s a long, exhausting process. I suggest everyone use the bathroom before we start and stay hydrated.”


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