Rulers, Religion, and Riches: Why the West Got Rich and the Middle East Did Not (Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice, and Society)
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Democracy Index, 215
determinism, 10, 16, 20–22, 120, 123, 131–133, 236n1, 236n2, 244n21
Diamond, Jared, 22
Dickens, A. G., 127, 131, 132
Dittmar, Jeremiah, 100
divergence, 1, 8, 208Christianity and, 24
conservatism and, 10, 11
economics and, 62
factors in, 29
history of, 9
incentives and, 28–29
institutions and, 43
Islam and, 10, 18, 24, 210
reversal of fortunes, 5–6, 71–72; See also specific states, topics
Dutch Republic, 15, 159–167, 206Catholics and, 162
Dutch Revolt, 132, 137, 159–167, 212, 241n36
East India Company, 164
economic elites and, 161, 164, 165, 168, 199, 208 (see also economic elites)
economics of, 159, 165, 168, 208
England and, 149–168
Golden Age, 166, 167
industrialization and, 167
propagating agents, 172
Reformation and, 165, 199
Spain and, 160, 169, 177, 181;
special interests, 208
tax and, 163
trade and, 160
urbanization and, 7, 150, 152, 159, 161, 162, 164–166
wages and, 165
West India Company, 164
Dutch Revolt. See Dutch Republic
East India Company, 164
Ebu’s-su’ud, 32, 80, 82, 188, 244n59
economic elites, 2, 137, 194Catholics and, 189
commerce, 168
defined, 14, 29, 225n4
democracy and, 215
Dutch Republic and, 164, 165, 168, 208
economic development and, 35, 207
England and, 168
feudal nobility, 64
financial instruments, 65
information technology and, 218
Islam and, 203
legitimacy and, 32, 33 (see also legitimation)
medieval, 67
Ottoman Empire and, 188, 189, 193
parliaments and, 137–141, 206, 223n18
partnerships and, 196, 204
political power of, 207, 208, 220
propagation and, 15, 204
Protestants and, 137–141, 152, 162, 188, 193, 207
religious elites and, 45, 61, 67, 137, 215, 219 (see also religious elites)
Spain and, 178, 182
special interests, 208
urbanization and, 163, 221n3; See also specific states, topics
economics: banking (see banking) capitalism (see capitalism)
causal connections, 16, 120, 123, 131–133, 224n21, 236n1, 236n2
Christianity and, 13, 205 (see also Christianity)
Commercial Revolution, 67
conservatism and, 11
culture and, 221n9
divergence (see divergence)
Dutch Republic and, 168
economic elites (see economic elites)
economies of scale, 195
England and, 8, 168
equilibrium actions, 108
in Europe, 65
factors in, 1, 18 (see also specific topics)
fiscal capacity, 19
general arguments in, 8
geography and, 22
growth theory and, 222n15
historical factors, 17
incentives in, 10–12, 21, 27–29, 37, 40 (see also specific topics)
industrialization and, 15, 167, 211
inflation, 179, 180
institutions and, 12, 16, 45 (see also institutions; specific topics)
interest charges (see interest)
Islam and, xiv, 3, 10, 14, 23, 194 (see also Islam; specific topics)
judicial system and, 197
legal systems and, 225n1 (see also legal systems)
legitimacy and (see economic elites; legitimation)
merchant guilds, 67
modern and, 3, 8, 75, 81, 97, 167–168
money and, 75–132
origins of, 23
Ottomans and (see Ottoman Empire)
parliaments and, 140
path dependence and, 43
prediction in, 44
printing and (see printing)
propagating agents, 44, 140 (see also propagation)
Protestantism and, 16, 119, 120, 125, 205
real wages, 150
Reformation and, 16, 119, 125
religions and, 23, 45–46 (see also religions; specific groups, topics)
religious elites and, 45, 61, 67, 137, 215, 219
Renaissance fairs, 67
scarcity and, 34
secularism and, 61
stagnation and, 8, 11, 172–184
success of, 8
taxes (see taxation)
trusts (see waqf)
urbanization and, 65 (see also urbanization)
wages and, 6, 165
wealth and, 3, 23
welfare ratios and, 120, 150
Edict of Milan, 53
education, 1, 145, 147, 236n2, 237n18, 239n44
Edward VI, 155
Edwards, Mark U., 129
Egypt, 34, 188, 230n10
Eisenstein, Elizabeth, 129
elites. See legitimation; specific groups
Elizabeth I, 32, 151, 152, 156, 157
endogenous growth theory, 222n15
Engerman, Stanley, 22
England, 15, 18, 20, 21, 152–158, 201Catholicism and, 154, 155
Civil War, 137, 157, 158
commerce policies, 157, 168
currency and, 197
Dutch Republic and, 149–168
economic elite and, 168, 199
Glorious Revolution, 158, 240n21
high wages, 222n11
inheritance and, 196
legitimation in, 155
Parliament and, 152, 155, 157, 240n21
partnerships, 196
printing and, 153
propagating agents, 152, 153–154, 172
property rights, 155
Protestants and, 153, 155, 199
religious elites, 153
Spain and, 181
Tudor monarchs, 155, 156
usury and, 206
Enlightenment, 20
Ergene, Bogac, 244n64
Eugene III, 84
Eurocentrism, 10
Fall and Rise of the Islamic State, The (Feldman), 216
family, 17, 18, 19, 222n12
Farewell to Alms, A (Clark), 21
Febvre, Lucien, 129
Feldman, Noah, 216
Ferdinand II of Aragon, 173, 174, 206
Fertile Crescent, xiv
feudalism, 154, 159, 186, 223n18, 226n18
France, 15, 130, 132Bourbons, 140
interest laws, 85–86
Italian War, 47
Ottomans and, 186, 187, 190
papacy and, 68, 70
printing and, 101, 102t, 103, 116
urbanization, 150, 151t, 237n15
Frederick II, 69
Gaddafi, Muammar, 216
Galor, Oded, 222n15
game theory, 36–41
gate of ijtihad 61–62, 80, 90, 147, 228n32
Gelasius I, 53, 227n12
Genghis Khan, 32
geography, society and, 22, 224n26
Gerber, Haim, 228n32
Gerson, Jean, 130
Gill, Anthony, 39
Glorious Revolution, 18, 224n21
Goitein, Shelomo, D., 230n10
gold, 169, 175, 178, 206, 214, 242n18
Goody, Jack, 17
Great Britain, 6
Gregory I, 64
Gregory IX, 84
Gregory VII, 67, 69, 91
Greif, Avner, xx–xxi, 16, 17, 29, 156, 157, 212
growth theory, 222n15
guilds, 65, 67
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 22
Gustav I, 132
Gutenberg, Johannes, 13, 44, 99, 124
Habsburgs, 161, 1
76, 182
Hallaq, Wael, 59
Hanseatic League, 127, 237n18
Henry II, 153
Henry IV, 67, 69
Henry VIII, 47, 125, 132, 152, 153, 154, 155, 158, 197, 212
history, research in, 8–10. See also specific persons, topics
Hobbes, Thomas, 138
Hoffman, Philip, 19
Holy Roman Empire, 32Charles V, 176, 183
Christianity and, 64–69
Italian War, 47
Ottomans and, 171, 207
parliaments and, 139
printing and, 129–135
Reformation and, 126–128, 153, 161
Roman Empire and, 53, 62, 227n12, 231n23
urbanization, 65, 237n15
Humboldt, Alexander von, 138
Hunt, Edwin S., 92
Hus, Jan, 131
Hussein, Saddam, 216
Iannaccone, Larry, xix
ideology, 39
incentives, 10–12, 21, 27–29, 37, 40
individualism, 17
Indonesia, 216
industrialization: capitalism and (see capitalism) Dutch Republic and, 166–167, 171, 183
Industrial Revolution, xiv, 6, 18, 28, 121, 151, 158, 222n11
urbanization and (see urbanization)
wages, 150–151
welfare ratios and, 120, 121f, 150–151
inheritance law, 191, 195–196
Innocent III, 69
Innocent IV, 87
Institute for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture (IRES), xviii
institutions: access and, 18change in, 42, 43
constraints in, 37
decentralized, 19
definition of, 37, 226n13
divergence and, 43
economics and, 12, 16, 18, 45 (see also economics)
endogenous change, 41, 41f
family and, 16–17, 18
fiscal (see money)
game theory and, 36–41
geography and, 224n26
kin groups, 17
medieval period, 16
path dependence and, 43
propagating agents and, 12, 37
property rights and, 17
religion and (see religions)
role of, 36–41
rulers and, 12, 37
self-reinforcing, 55, 142f, 226n14; See also specific institutions, topics
Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance (North), 17–19, 37
Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy (Greif), 16–17, 19
interest 75–98
banking and, 75–78 (see also banking) census and, 87
Christians and, 83–88, 88–92, 97, 231n23, 231n35
commerce and, 90–91
divergence and, 91 (see also divergence)
double sales, 76, 79
economic theory, 13
exchange rates and, 232n40
financial systems and, 77
hiyal, 79, 90
Islam and, 78–83, 88–89, 91, 230n20
lombards and, 85
medieval period, 86t
montes and, 88
Ottomans and, 80, 82
punishment and, 81
religion and, 14, 78 (see also specific groups)
restrictions on, 13, 76, 78–83, 86t, 90, 91, 92, 97
societas and, 85, 87
usury and, 84, 91, 230n21
waqf and, 81, 82, 230n20
Internet, 217, 218
Investiture Controversy 67–69
Iqbal, Muhammad, 145
Iraq, 4, 6, 33, 49, 185t, 186, 215, 232n44
IRES. See Institute for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture
Isabella of Castille, 173, 174, 206
ISIS, xiii
Islam, 10, 42, 45, 68, 188, 210, 219Abbasids (see Abbasid Caliphate)
Arabic script (see Arabic script)
banking and (see banking)
books in, 108
Catholicism and, 121, 206 (see also Catholicism)
Christianity and, 5, 12, 13, 54, 142f, 143, 238n28 (see also Christianity)
church/state, 22, 51, 54
commerce and, 203
conservatism and, 10, 61, 203
currency and, 202
democracy and, 216
divergence and (see divergence)
economics and, xiv, 3, 10, 14, 18, 23, 49, 203, 218
education and (see education)
fatwas and, 32
formation of, 202
fundamentalism, xv
governance and, 3
great empires of, 8
hadiths, 52, 58, 111
historical distribution, 3
hiyal, 80, 89, 90
ijaza, 111–112
ijtihad, 61, 228n32
incentives and, 12, 21, 27–29, 37, 40
information technology and, 218
institutions in, 238n28 (see also specific institutions)
interest and, 78–83, 88–89, 91, 230n20 (see also interest)
Internet and, 217
Islamic Reformation, 145–148, 239n44
legal systems, 12, 30, 48–62, 82, 88, 89, 191, 194, 207, 209, 218
legitimacy and, xv, 17, 23, 57–58, 141, 202, 207, 227n6 (see also legitimation; specific groups, topics)
Muhammad (see Muhammad)
oral transmission, 111
Orientalist tradition, 2–3
origins of, 49
Ottomans and (see Ottoman Empire)
political institutions and, 51 (see also institutions)
polity and, 50
printing and, 107, 108, 205 (see also printing)
propagating rules, 216 (see also propagation)
Protestants and, 121 (see also Protestants)
Qur’an and (see Qur’an)
rebellion and, 54
reform in, 145, 147, 148
religious authorities and, 48, 49, 51, 56–62, 89, 168, 216, 227n6
riba and, 78
science and, 228n33, 236n38
Shia, 57, 145
Spain and, 177
Sunni, 48, 57, 60, 71, 110, 145, 230n20, 233n51
Taliban, 146
trade and, 49, 203
umma and, 17
urban populations and, 3–4, 5, 7
wealth and, 3; See also specific rulers, states, topics
Italian city-states, 5, 65, 67
Italian War, 47, 71
Iyigun, Murat, xvii, 42, 128, 156
Jennings, Ronald C., 80, 81
Jesus, 53
Jews, 32, 86t, 173–174, 180, 183, 184, 207
John I, 153
John Templeton Foundation, xviii
Johnson, Noel, 39, 191
Jones, Eric, 21
Julius II, 106
Kamen, Henry, 179
Kant, Immanuel, 138
kanun, 30, 80, 194
Kennedy, Paul M., 19
Kim, Hyojoung, 133
kinship ties, 17
Kuran, Timur, xx, 8, 16, 18, 22, 61, 80, 82, 194, 195, 197, 198, 212
Landes, David, 21
Latin America, 239n36
legal systems, 19, 44, 49, 58canon law, 68
commerce and, 28
conservatism and, 61
costs and benefits, 28
economics and, 225n1
incentives and, 27, 61
Islam and, 12, 18, 30, 48–62, 82, 88, 191, 194, 207, 209, 218 (see also Islam; specific states, topics)
kanun and, 30, 80, 194
legitimacy and (see legitimation)
literature, 225n1
origins and, 255n1
precedent in, 61
religious authorities and, 61, 68 (see also religions)
rules and, 29, 35
secularism and, 61, 68
Shari’a, 68, 80, 82, 193, 194
legitimation, 11–12, 31agents of, 11–12, 31, 34f (see also specific agents)
charismatic, 31
Christianity and, xv, 52, 54, 62–71, 202, 204r />
definition of, 225n5
deposition, 69, 70
elites and, 32, 33
feudal nobility, 64
Islam and, xv, 17, 23, 57–58, 141, 202, 207, 227n6 (see also Islam)
political elites and, 45, 64, 67, 220
propagating agents and, 33–36, 39 (see also propagation)
Protestants and, 151 (see also Protestants)
Qur’an and, 51–52 (see also Qur’an)
religious elites (see religious elites)
Umayyads and, 58
Leo X, 47
Lewis, Bernard, 2, 22, 51, 61
libraries, 107
Lipset, Seymour Martin, 225n5
literacy, 13, 109, 237n18. See also education
local elites. See notables
Locke, John, 138
Lollard movement, 130
lombards, 85
London, 7
Long Divergence, The (Kuran), 18
Long Road to the Industrial Revolution, The (van Zanden), 18
Lopez, Robert, 212
Louis XIII, 140
Louis XIV, 140
Louis XV, 140
Lucas, Robert, 222n15
Lustig, Scott, 197
Luther, Martin, 119, 126, 129
Lutheranism, 131
Lynch, John, 178
Maddison, Angus, 221n7
Magna Carta, 137
Makowsky, Mike, xvii
Malthus, Thomas, 21
Mamluk Empire, 110, 188
Martin, Henri-Jean, 129
Mary I, 152, 156
mathematics, 3, 104, 135, 238n19
McCloskey, Deirdre, 20, 212
media, 2
Medici bank, 96, 234n54
Mehmed I, 243n47
Mehmed II, 109, 192, 194
merchant elites, 65, 67
Miceli, Thomas, 105, 109, 142
Milan, Edict of, 54
military, 19, 173feudalism and, 226n18
Janissary corps, 33, 144, 191, 197, 211
military elites, 29, 38, 142, 186, 190, 194, 207, 226n18
naval protection, 137
notables and, 190, 191, 193
Ottoman, 142, 144, 145, 186, 190, 207
propagation and, 35
recruitment of, 226n18
taxation and, 187, 190 (see also taxation)
timar system, 142
war and, 19, 175, 186–188, 222n16; See also specific rulers, conflicts
modern economy, 3, 8, 167–168
Mokyr, Joel, 20, 21, 97
money: banking and, 75–98 (see also banking) bills of exchange, 92–97, 204, 231n39, 234n58
currency and, 92–93, 95, 232n40
debasement, 197, 207, 232n40, 244n63
endorsement, 232n39
exchange rates, 93, 95, 232n40, 232n41, 233n49
financial institutions and, 77
interest (see interest)
Islamic law, 94–95, 202
Middle East, 93
monetary reforms, 197