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The Bull Rider's Valentine

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by Cathy McDavid


  It may be the most romantic time of the year, but Valentine’s Day just brings up bad memories for Nate Truett. Because on that day six years ago, Ronnie Hartman turned down his marriage proposal and broke his heart. Ever since, he’s avoided the holiday—and her—completely. Now he’s returned to Mustang Valley, Arizona, for one last chance to set things right.

  Ronnie hasn’t forgotten that awful day, or why she turned down Nate’s proposal, but six years is a long time. Seeing how easily the former bull rider fits back into her life is...interesting. As he is welcomed with open arms by her family, Ronnie realizes one thing. Whatever his reasons for coming back, she can’t avoid him, or the past, anymore...

  “You could have called.”

  He laughed out loud. “When? Before I hit town? You can’t possibly be referring to six years ago. I called you plenty after you walked out on me. Remember? You didn’t answer. Not once.”

  She stiffened. “Why are you really here, Nate? And I want the truth.”

  “Relax, will you? I’m just helping out a family friend. Nothing more.”


  She appeared unconvinced. Then again, he didn’t believe himself, either.

  Concern for Samantha might have been the reason he’d initially agreed to his mother’s request. But now that he’d arrived in Mustang Valley, he was suddenly determined to find out what he’d done to Ronnie that was so terribly wrong.

  She wasn’t the entire reason his life had gone from bad to worse to rock bottom, but losing her had surely launched his downward spiral.

  Dear Reader,

  Some years ago, I lived not far from a Western saloon and restaurant with a small rodeo arena built behind it. The saloon’s bull-riding events were a popular weekend attraction, and people would come from hundreds of miles away to both watch and participate. Now, bull riding isn’t a sport I would ever attempt, even on an amateur level. I do, however, enjoy watching it—and always cringe when the cowboys are thrown.

  I had it in the back of my mind for a long, long time to write a book that included a version of this saloon and restaurant with it’s locally famous bull-riding events. The chance finally came with The Bull Rider’s Valentine—my first-ever book with a Valentine’s Day element. Nate Truett, a down-on-his-luck cowboy, lands a job as bull-riding manager. His former girlfriend (and love of his life) happens to be in charge of the barrel-racing events. She’s also the one who walked out on him six years ago after his botched Valentine’s Day proposal.

  Ronnie is the last single Hartman sister to find her happily-ever-after. For me, taking her and Nate from hearts broken to hearts healed was a rewarding journey. Thank you for sharing the ride with us.

  Warmest wishes,

  Cathy McDavid




  Cathy McDavid

  Since 2006, New York Times bestselling author Cathy McDavid has been happily penning contemporary Westerns for Harlequin. Every day, she gets to write about handsome cowboys riding the range or busting a bronc. It’s a tough job, but she’s willing to make the sacrifice. Cathy shares her Arizona home with her own real-life sweetheart and a trio of odd pets. Her grown twins have left to embark on lives of their own, and she couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishments.

  Books by Cathy McDavid

  Harlequin Western Romance

  Mustang Valley

  Last Chance Cowboy

  Her Cowboy’s Christmas Wish

  Baby’s First Homecoming

  Cowboy for Keeps

  Her Holiday Rancher

  Come Home, Cowboy

  Having the Rancher’s Baby

  Rescuing the Cowboy

  A Baby for the Deputy

  The Cowboy’s Twin Surprise

  Harlequin American Romance

  Reckless, Arizona

  More Than a Cowboy

  Her Rodeo Man

  The Bull Rider’s Son

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

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  To Pamela, Libby, Connie and Marina. You not only challenge me to better my writing with your thoughtful and insightful critiques, you are my dearest friends. Your love and support are gifts I truly cherish.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Excerpt from Cowboy Lullaby by Sasha Summers

  Chapter One

  Nate Truett leaned a shoulder against the knotty pine column, drew in a long breath and braced himself for the sight of Ronnie Hartman. He didn’t wait long before she emerged from behind a tall paint gelding.

  At that moment, two full days of mental preparation promptly deserted him. Nate’s heart began to hammer inside his chest. Sweat broke out across his skin, defying the chilly temperature and the heavy canvas jacket he wore. A roaring in his ears drowned out all sound.

  He dragged the back of his hand across his damp forehead, wondering what the heck was wrong with him. Ask any of his friends, and they’d say Nate possessed nerves of steel. No one made their living riding eighteen hundred pounds of angry bull into rodeo arenas without them.

  Yet where were those nerves of steel now? Weakened, apparently, by the mere sight of an old girlfriend.

  The realization that Ronnie still affected him to such a degree was annoying, to say the least. He’d been trying for six years to put his feelings for her where they belonged—in the past.

  He’d obviously failed, and miserably at that, as his hammering heart and cold sweat proved.

  Pushing back his cowboy hat, he watched Ronnie’s every move. She hadn’t changed one bit since they’d last seen each other. Still girl-next-door pretty, still wearing her long blond hair in a thick ponytail down her back and still wearing faded red Cardinals hoodies. Next to professional rodeoing, football was her favorite sport.

  He swallowed and then groaned softly. Maybe coming to Mustang Valley and agreeing to help his mom’s best friend had been a mistake. He considered reversing direction and slinking unnoticed back to where he’d parked his truck in front of the horse stables, but dismissed the idea. He’d made a promise to his mom’s friend to check on her daughter, and he would keep that promise no matter how difficult it might be for him.

  In another minute. Or two. When he was ready.

  Ronnie and her half sister, Samantha, stood beside the paint gelding, which was tethered to an old hitching post. From their gesturing and raised voices, he gathered they were discussing the horse’s condition. No surprise. Big John, as Samantha called him, was part of the reason Nate had been asked to make a detour on his trip across Arizona. His mom’s friend was worried sick about her oldest, all alone for the first time in her eighteen years.

  Learning that Samantha was related to Ronnie had come as a shock to Nate. He’d known Samantha since she was a kid and also that she was adopted. There was never
a mention of her seeking out her biological family, which she’d done after graduating high school. It must have come as a bigger shock to Ronnie, who until recently had no idea Samantha existed. Or that her father had a child with his then girlfriend and didn’t tell anyone.

  Nate wondered how Ronnie was coping in the wake of the bombshell news but doubted she’d tell him. He’d be lucky if she discussed even the weather with him. Ronnie was an expert at erecting emotional barricades and didn’t easily take them down. Nate had learned that firsthand the hard way.

  All at once, Samantha unleashed her teenage fury on Ronnie, shouting, “You don’t care about me! You’ve never cared! You just want me to win using your horse so you can sell him for a lot of money!” She ended her outburst with a sob. When Ronnie attempted to put an arm around Samantha, she jerked away. “Leave me alone.”

  Nate straightened but didn’t otherwise move. Samantha could be a bit of a drama queen—even before learning the man who’d raised her wasn’t her real father. But when the loud wails continued, he hurried down the ranch office steps and toward the pair. No way was he letting anxiety over his past relationship with Ronnie, or the fact she was Samantha’s half sister, interfere with the purpose of his visit—namely, seeing how Samantha was doing and lending assistance if needed.

  He’d almost reached the pair when Ronnie abruptly pivoted and caught sight of him. Surprise sparked in her vivid green eyes, followed by alarm. Both emotions dimmed as she visibly gained control.

  “Nate! What are you doing here?”

  Really? No “Hello” or “Hi” or “How are you?” He couldn’t let that slide. Flashing the same wide grin that had at one time been plastered on billboards and the cover of Pro Rodeo Sports News, he said, “Nice to see you, too, Ronnie.”

  Whatever she intended to say was cut short by Samantha, who whirled and exclaimed, “Nate, you came!” before rushing forward to give him a hug. “I’m so glad. Mom said you might, but she wasn’t sure.”

  Nate grabbed the teenager before she knocked him over. “Hey there, Sammy-cakes.” Giving her a brotherly squeeze, he set her aside.

  Ronnie stared at him, her expression unyielding and her arms crossed. Not that he’d expected a warm welcome, considering she’d walked out on him without so much as a “See ya later.”

  Still, they’d been close once. Close enough to live together, suffer through an unbearable loss and for Nate to propose.

  He’d planned the entire Valentine’s Day dinner, right down to the ring and the moment he’d pop the question over dessert. Her rejection had stunned him. Not as much, however, as coming home two days later to discover her gone, along with all her clothes and possessions.

  Happy freakin’ Valentine’s Day to him.

  “Wait, wait.” Ronnie drew back, her narrowed gaze traveling from Nate to Samantha. “What is happening here?”

  Nate sighed. “You didn’t tell her I was coming?”

  “Well... busy...” Samantha faltered. “And forgot.”

  “You two are friends?” Ronnie asked, clearly mystified.

  “My mom and Nate’s are best friends from when we lived in Abilene.” Samantha lifted one shoulder in an unconcerned shrug.

  “But you’re from Flagstaff.” Ronnie spoke slowly.

  “We just moved there last year.”

  “Small world, huh?” Nate hadn’t often enjoyed the upper hand with Ronnie and, to be honest, he kind of liked it.

  “Very small.”

  “Well, you were only in Abilene a year. And we were traveling almost every weekend. You never got a chance to meet Mom’s friends.”

  Samantha stared curiously at Ronnie and Nate. “So, I’m guessing you two are more than just rodeo acquaintances. That’s what Mom said.”

  Nate waited for Ronnie to admit they’d dated for three years and lived together for one.

  After a long, uncomfortable pause, she said, “Nate and I met when we were both competing on the circuit.”

  That was it? No details?

  “Of course.” Samantha’s wide smile said she wasn’t buying the vague explanation for one second.

  “Of course,” Nate repeated, remembering the first time he’d seen her.

  It had been at the New Mexico State Fair. He’d been competing professionally for almost two years while Ronnie was a newcomer. He’d asked her out three times over the next three rodeos before she finally accepted. After that, they were rarely apart.

  Ronnie must have been remembering, too, for she shifted nervously and changed the subject. “What are you doing in Mustang Valley?”

  “I stopped on my way to Houston.” He, too, was purposefully vague. Let her think what she would. He didn’t owe her or anyone an explanation. “Sam’s mom said she was upset about her horse. Mom thought I could help and asked me to stop. Lend some support.”

  “I see.” Ronnie faced Samantha. “You really should have told me Nate was coming.”

  “Like I said, I didn’t know for sure.”

  Nate doubted her but kept his mouth shut. Instead, he asked, “What’s going on with Big John?”

  “I think he’s perfectly fine to compete this weekend. Ronnie says no.”

  “Has he fully healed?”

  “Yes,” Samantha blurted at the same time Ronnie said, “No.”

  Nate knew that four months ago the horse had suffered a torn ligament and been sidelined for what was supposed to be the rest of the year. Naturally, Samantha had been devastated.

  “What does Mel say? She’s the medical expert.” Deferring to Ronnie’s older sister, who was also the small town’s sole veterinarian, made sense.

  “She agrees with me that competing on him right now is risky.” Ronnie studied the horse, whose quiet patience and idly swishing tail belied his winning speed and agility in the arena. “He still exhibits tenderness in the affected area.”

  “He’s ready,” Samantha insisted. “I ran him three times earlier today. His time was almost as fast as before.”

  Ronnie went slack-jawed. “You ran him and didn’t tell me?”

  “You were busy.”

  “He might have reinjured that leg.” She didn’t hold back and returned Samantha’s earlier fury. “Are you crazy?”

  “He’s my horse.”

  “He could be your lame-for-life horse.”

  Samantha started crying again. “What if I don’t qualify for Nationals?”

  “There’s always next year. You only just turned professional this past spring.”

  Nate didn’t entirely blame Ronnie for being angry. As a trainer, she cared enormously about the welfare of her horses and those under her care. Also, in this case, she happened to be right. He’d seen more than one horse’s career ruined by pushing for too much too soon.

  “You said you’d help me.” Samantha sniffed and wiped her eyes.

  “You sure you’re not just panicking?” Nate decided the time had come for him to step in and do what he’d been asked. “There are only two weekends left to compete.”

  “I’m not panicking.” Her tone said otherwise. “I have to place in at least one of those rodeos or I’m done for the year.”

  “Your mom says you’re doing great on Ronnie’s horse.”

  “Not great enough. I need Big John.”

  What she probably needed was a confidence boost. Nate had dozens of friends who’d suffered a similar crisis at one point or another in their careers. It was a common enough affliction on the circuit. Never happened to him, however. All his crises had come after he’d retired.

  “I have a suggestion. Why don’t you take Ronnie’s horse on a couple of runs? Let me get a firsthand look at the two of you working together.”

  “That’s not a bad idea,” Ronnie said.

  Did she just agree with him? Well, knock him sideways with a feather.

bsp; “Okay. Be right back.” Samantha left, half running, half jogging to the stables where Nate presumed Ronnie’s horse was kept. Her long blond hair, so much like Ronnie’s, lifted in the wind.

  How had he not noticed the resemblance between the two of them years before? It seemed so obvious now. Then again, why would he have? If not for Samantha’s search for her biological father, they’d all still be in the dark.

  “What about Big John?” Ronnie called after Samantha.

  “I’ll get him later.”

  Ronnie could have untied the horse and taken him back to his stall, leaving Nate to fend for himself. But she didn’t. Wasn’t that interesting?

  “Alone at last,” he teased.

  “Not funny.”

  “Come on, I was just as surprised to learn Samantha’s your sister as you were.”

  “And what? You wanted to see for yourself?”

  “You think I showed up here on purpose? Because I can assure you, the idea was entirely Mom’s. I had no intention of ever setting foot in Mustang Valley again.”

  She studied him intently, revealing the barest hint of vulnerability before averting her glance. Why, for crying out loud? She was the one who’d dumped him. And without good reason, he might add. Without any reason.

  “You could have called.”

  He laughed out loud. “When? Before I hit town? You can’t possibly be referring to six years ago. I called you plenty after you walked out on me. Remember? You didn’t answer. Not once.”

  She stiffened. “Why are you really here, Nate? And I want the truth.”

  “Relax, will you? I’m just helping out a family friend. Nothing more. Samantha’s like a little cousin to me.”


  She appeared unconvinced. Then again, he didn’t believe himself, either.

  Concern for Samantha might have been the reason he’d initially agreed to his mother’s request. But now that he’d arrived in Mustang Valley, he was suddenly determined to find out what he’d done to Ronnie that was so terribly wrong.

  She wasn’t the entire reason his life had gone from bad to worse to rock bottom, but losing her had surely launched his downward spiral.


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