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Exterminators Infected (The Exterminators Book 1)

Page 4

by DeSantis, James

  “Yeah, well, we'll work on that,” Nick answered before turning towards the classroom. He was still in shock about Peter knowing the cutest girl that he's seen in school so far.

  Fred yawned as he entered his class. He knew a few kids and on the way to his seat gave them a quick handshake. He was still tired from playing games last night so he slouched in his seat, closing his eyes. He began to dream about being a hero with all different kinds of powers. About mysterious monsters jumping at him while he slapped them away with a huge sword. He imagined dragons flying over him while he summoned his own dragons to fight. He imagined shooting lighting out of his hands while screaming he was a powerful overlord. Right as he was about to get into another fight with a dragon he felt a strong clap on the back of his shoulder. Fred opened his eyes and grabbed the slapping hand. He took a look to the person who did it only to see Marshall standing over him with a grin on his face. “Hey buddy,” he said sarcastically as he pulled his hand back. “What did that weird dude finish saying last night?”

  “Why do you care? You never care about anything. Always too busy trying to show off. How about you just leave me alone this year,” Fred replied and Marshall just shrugged. Fred turned around, making sure there was no way he could see Marshall who would only make him madder.

  A short man entered the class room. He had huge glasses and a small hat which looked to fit his head perfectly. He was of Asian descent. As he reached the desk in front of the class, he smiled to the students and waved. “Good morning boys and girls.” The voice was funny making almost everyone laugh. “I am Mr. Wang.” Marshall rolled his eyes. Fred saw this and prepared himself for the insults sure to fly out of his old friend's mouth.

  “Yo, Mr. Wang can I leave,” called Marshall. All the students looked towards him. Mr. Wang looked confused and then smiled. “Well, do you understand me? I'd love to leave!” Marshall was beginning to get restless. “I don't think you even speak enough English to pass me. Do you know what the letter ‘A’ means?” Some of the kids laughed. Others took it offensively as a racist comment.

  “Ah I’m sorry… Marshall is it?” Marshall nodded. “Well, I’m sorry Marshall but you will not be able to leave. You must treat your elders with respect.” Marshall let out a huge laugh. “What is this laughter from you for?” Mr. Wang’s face was turning red now with anger.

  “Listen dude, I gotta go to the bathroom. Now can I please go or do I have to keep on looking at your ugly face turning multiple colors.” The insult got to Mr. Wang as he smashed his ruler on the desk. The entire class jumped as soon as the ruler made contact with the wooden desk, including Marshall.

  “I’m sorry but you may not speak like that. Let me make this clear young man. Insults are created to hide behind one’s own shame. You think you are funny, young one, but in reality you aren't. Racist comments will also not be tolerated here!” Mr. Wang was turning back to his regular self, his pale face returning. Everyone was quiet now waiting until their new teacher spoke. “Oh and Marshall...” Marshall looked back towards Mr. Wang. “I may not know the meaning for the letter ‘A’, as you say, but I sure know how an ‘F’ would look in your grades. Would you like one of those?” The class now laughed at Marshall instead.

  “Now see, that was just sad, when will you grow up?” asked Fred quickly and quietly. Fred used to care about Marshall. He used to be his best friend. Now days Marshall just did whatever he wanted in class. Always trying to show off and gain some attention.

  “Hop off.” The slang words were used a lot by Marshall so it didn’t come alien to Fred. Marshall raised his voice and was about to curse at Fred when Mr. Wang yelled again. He informed Marshall he was on the verge of getting kicked out of class. The remainder of class went quietly.

  Nick sat down at an empty lunch table and put his head down. He enjoyed new things, but the school was far too large for his taste. He didn’t like most of the kids and the one girl he began talking with probably wouldn’t talk to him again because his opening line was one of the worst in the history of first liners. “Yo! You okay?” The voice was the slick tone of the one and only Marshall. Nick yawned while lifting his head to see Marshall sitting down on the opposite side of the table. “Bad day homie?” he asked while grabbing an apple off his tray.

  Nick sat up and shrugged, feeling too tired to explain much. “Well, not really, just the classes here are even more boring than the ones back home,” Nick answered and Marshall nodded.

  “Well that’s life in this school. I see we have some hard ass teachers this year too. When will they learn this crap doesn't mean a thing?” spat Marshall, taking a bite out of his apple. This time Nick answered with a nod. “Well, that’s life I guess. So what’s your deal? Why did you stay yesterday,” asked Marshall holding his apple out in the air while Nick put his head back down. The pain was striking the front of his head from the migraine forming.

  “Well, did he say any more stuff we need to be “WORRIED” about,” Marshall pressed on, making sure he put emphases on the word worried. This time though, Marshall did have some curiosity in his voice. Nick closed his eyes for a second to get at least a little rest but soon was asked the same question. He opened his eyes and looked back up.

  “He said what was in the case, and then how to use it. You were there for that. He said we have some other things to do but I’m too tired to remember any of it,” Nick finally answered. He put his head back down to get some shut eye. “Also, he told us to wear the small beeper-looking thing on us always,” mumbled Nick through his shirt where he had his face buried.

  Nick remembered days when he would sit at home with his parents and try to decide what to do in the summer. His father sometimes was able to get whole weeks off because both his parents worked and had enough money. One summer day they decided to go to the park and spend the whole day there. Nick had so much fun playing soccer with his dad then cards with his mom. The memory brought back happiness, something he felt was missing for a while now.

  “That little thing that looks like it’s from the 90’s? Man, I left that at home.” Marshall took another bite of his apple before continuing. “Why do you have it?” Nick tried to ignore him. He wanted to remember the good days. “Hey dude, why you believing all this stuff anyway!?” Marshall raised his voice as he threw his apple to the side.

  “What if it’s true? All of it?. Then, yeah, it could come in handy. I mean it can happen, can’t it? And if it does then what will you do with no weapon to protect yourself with?” challenged Nick. Marshall found that amusing. Nick really didn't want to keep going with the conversation but Marshall insisted.

  “Come on man, this can’t be true ‘cause it sounds too fake. Monsters? Like vampires and dragons? All of it is bull. Just sit back and chill. We got the girls. We're in our final year of High School. You got to start over here so forget all this silly stuff. Enjoy this life, not some fantasy some crazy dude was babbling about.” Nick wanted to, but he was already having a bad time in the real world. He almost wished these monsters would show up so he could take out some of his aggravation on something.

  “Well, I get what you mean and all but I still have this feeling…just what if?” asked Nick. Marshall just shrugged. The conversation came to an end and they sat there just looking around. Marshall talked some more about a few hot girls he found in his class. After a few minutes of listening to Marshall carry on with the single-sided conversation, the bell rang. The boys said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

  Nick and Fred were walking together when Fred stopped right at the front of their class. “I’ll be back in a few, I have to see someone,” Fred said abruptly and went past the classroom. Nick walked into the class and sat down closer to the back. He then felt a tap on his shoulder, which made him get madder. He wasn't in the mood for anyone else to annoy him. Another irritating person like Marshall talking in his ear wasn't on his agenda. He looked up to see the beautiful Kelly sitting down in the seat next to him.

  “Hey Pen Id
entifier - you're in this class too. That's pretty cool. You know, in case I need to know which pen to use and all,” she said with a smile. Nick smiled back. He looked into her bright blue eyes. He felt like touching her soft-looking skin; wanting to guide his hand across her cheek and kiss her beautiful lips.

  “Yeah. Well, you can never be too careful with pens. There are blue ones, black ones, red ones.” He picked up his orange pen. “Even the odd colors like this. So, yes. I will be your guide for using the right pens that are cool!” A grin swept across Kelly's face.

  “Awesome. I was afraid. I heard about terrorist using these pens to attack people while they sleep. I'm sure if that's the case you'll let me know, right?” she asked, sounding so innocent.

  “Don't worry Kelly, I'll be your protector,” he answered with a pound to his chest. She let out a huge laugh. Little did she know Nick meant it seriously, as well. He already felt the connection with this young lady.

  Nick got home around five o'clock. He threw his book bag to the side and flung himself on his bed. He let his eyes rest for a few moments trying to recover from the busy school atmosphere. He already felt a friendly bond with Fred and Peter. Fred seemed to be the average guy you hung out with every once in a while, but somehow he came off very trust worthy. Nick really valued that in a person. Peter was more of the odd type but still seemed to have interest in being friends with Nick. Nick was just glad to have met them both.

  Then Kelly slipped into Nick's mind. He rolled over and looked up at his ceiling. He couldn't stop thinking about her beautiful smile. He raised his hand to the ceiling and imagined touching her soft-looking skin. Imagining her right in front of him while he brushed his hand through her hair. He wanted to be close to her when he barely knew her. He didn't know if it was weird but he honestly didn't care. Lust took over him and he gladly accepted it.

  He dropped his hand after a moment and it hit the beeper. He looked down his side to see his beeper attached to his hip. “Well, guess no mission...” he said almost expecting it to suddenly show him something. Even though he didn't expect anything, he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

  Chapter Five – So It Begins

  “Come on, Nick, wake up,” yelled his father from below. He tried covering his ears but his alarm clock went off a moment later. He went to shut it off, but rolled too far and received a face plant from the wooden floor. “Loving New York City so far,” was all Nick could think of while lying on the floor. After much debate on whether it was even worth getting up from the floor he forced himself to stand. He grabbed a new set of clothes for school and hit the bathroom.

  “Goddamn it! This thing is freaking useless!” He grabbed the beeper off the counter, ready to fling it. He was looking in the mirror and watched his anger build up. He took a deep breath as he snapped the beeper back onto his belt. He leaned over and looked into the sink. “Just be calm. Not everything works out.” He wasn't having a tough time with the move. He just couldn't get use to the environment, and kept having old memories creep back into his mind; his hope was for the missions to create a diversion so that he wouldn't keep getting these thoughts. After washing his face, he got dressed and left the bathroom ready to face the day.

  He rode down the banister again and leapt off the bottom, almost tripping. He went through his living room, taking a few mints from a glass container before entering the kitchen. As he sat down he popped one in his mouth. “You know that’s no substitute for brushing your teeth,” his father told him disapprovingly after finishing his bagel.

  “Oh trust me pops, I know. I know since you tell me about eight times a day. My teeth are white, I brush them at night and that’s good enough.” Nick liked to have an advantage of the arguments against his father. His father however, gave him a look that told Nick keep his mouth shut.

  “Don’t talk to me like that, you know better now.”

  “I'm sorry pops,” Nick responded, finishing off his mint.

  His father finished the last bagel and threw his dish into the sink. He flung on his jacket and picked up his tool case. A long day lay ahead of him. The new building would take at least ten hours a day for a long while. “I’ll see you tonight for dinner.” With that, his father left while Nick sat there popping another mint in his mouth before heading to school.

  “I'm leaving,” Peter said but his father stopped him at the door.

  “You didn't bring home any homework last night,” his father stated, annoyed. It was a rare occasion his father wasn't drunk yet.

  “I finished it at school. Plus most classes don't give homework on the first day back to school.” Peter wouldn't look up at his father. This person, his father, demanded too much in life. At first Peter thought it was just because he cared. Lately though, Peter felt his father just wanted to torment him because Peter did so well. If someone is smarter than you, chances are they will be jealous of you and will want to find ways to make that person feel stupid.

  “Yeah, just remember to keep up with that. Trust me you don't want to miss an assignment. If I find out you’re lying... Oh boy.” He pushed Peter into the door as he walked into the kitchen. As of late Peter's father had become violent. Never beating him but always pushing and shoving. But Peter felt he never did anything bad enough to be pushed or shoved around.

  Nick was walking towards school, only a block away. He couldn't stop thinking about life before the whole incident. His mom dying suddenly changed too much. It put both him and his father on edge far too often. They would bicker about the smallest thing. He just wanted to go back to the days when he'd come home, see his mom, and get the best cooked dinners. Then his father would go outside and play a few games of catch with him before heading to bed.

  As Nick walked up the stairs towards his classroom, head hanging low, he felt a strong force on his shoulder before he was smashed into the staircase violently. He forced his eyes wide open to see the attacker. A kid by the name of Ryan stood there. He was big. Not so much fat just really well built. Everyone knew him because he was a star player on the football team. He was shaved completely, broad shoulders, and over six feet tall. “Hey kid, why didn't you move out of my way sooner?”

  Nick was about to get up swinging but he calmed himself down. He didn't need to get into anymore altercations in his life. Especially since they had just moved to New York City. He shrugged it off, saying sorry as he stood up. He could hear the kids around him muttering under their breath to each other, some of the girls and guys laughing. He rolled his eyes every time someone pointed to him. Ryan just gave him a stern look as Nick began walking away to his class.

  “Peter, is everyone here just huge a-holes? Cause it's starting to feel that way,” Nick asked as he arrived in his seat. Peter looked up from reading his book and nodded.

  “Yeah. Just about. By the way I read a lot more of that guide Carl gave us. These creatures are scary. I mean some have their whole body built out of rock. Others have the ability to fly. You have to read some of this stuff. It's crazy,” Peter told Nick excitedly.

  “I really don't wanna hear about it today.”

  “Did you read the guide at all?”

  “No. Like I said...”

  “You really should. In case we get called on a mission.”

  “Whatever dude. Just...whatever.” Nick was getting frustrated now. He started giving up on the actual idea these missions and creatures were even real.

  “Hey!” Nick spotted Kelly walking towards him waving. He waved back. She sat down quickly. Nick felt the urge to push the desk out of the way and grab her. Pick her up, kiss her, and more. “Hey pen expert, you can stop staring down there.” Nick didn't even notice he was staring at her breasts. He quickly looked to her blue eyes. He was about to say sorry but she spoke first. “I'm kidding. You looked zoned out. Are you okay though? Pete, your friend isn't adjusting too well here, huh?”

  “He's an odd one,” Peter replied chuckling.

  Nick gave a helpless look. “Sorry, I'm just tired. It's been
tough adjusting to the new area. Not to mention fights with the old man.”

  Peter quickly looked up at Nick. “Your father?” Peter could feel the need to speak about his abusive relationship with his father to someone that can finally relate to him. Peter shut off all emotional connection, but if someone could finally relate to him. Maybe he had some hope, after-all.

  “Yeah, it's been weird getting used to the fact we don't have my mother anymore. Even months later. Not to mention his hours at work are just killing him. So we get into the smallest arguments,” Nick responded shrugging.

  Peter let his shoulders fall. Nick couldn't relate to his problems after all. There was no one he could speak to about his issues with his father. His mom was scared and fragile, not willing to stand up to her husband. His little sister wasn't getting abused so why would she speak to him about it. Peter slumped back into his chair. “Oh, that's unfortunate.”

  “Yeah, but it's cool. He's still the coolest old man around,” Nick said laughing. Kelly laughed along with him. Peter gave a slight laugh as well. Not able to get the picture of his father standing over him, angry, out of his mind.

  “Yeah, so I think I finally agree with you. I don’t think these monsters are even real. It was kind of stupid to believe it,” Nick confessed to Marshall. Marshall let the grin say “I told you so”. Nick continued. “I kind of always thought it was dumb. Still, I had hoped it would be kind of real, ya know? Especially so we could of done something other than focus on this school.”

  “Eh, it's not that bad. You just gotta sit and skate by. Do well enough and it'll be over before you know it,” Marshall responded. He ate the rest of his chips.


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