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A Shadow's Light BK 2

Page 8

by J. M. Pierce

  Turning to his right, he could see the outwardly strong man with tears now running down his face.

  “Yes sir.”

  He turned from him and climbed over the tailgate, taking a seat on the floor of the bed next to Eric. James started the truck; quickly put it into gear and taking off down the road. Test watched behind him as the headlights from Enrique’s truck dimmed with distance.

  Chapter 11

  The sight of all the officers standing in the emergency room made Test retreat into the corner of the room. The memories of Lincoln were still very close to the forefront of his mind, and this felt like history repeating itself. He sat in a stiff, wooden framed chair, with red cushions on the seat and back. He slunk deep into the chair with his arms crossed and closed his eyes.

  He was awakened by Enrique’s voice and a firm shaking of his body. Startled, he snapped up in the seat, gripping the wooden arm rests tightly. The entire audience in the room had changed in the short amount of time that he’d drifted off. There was only one uniformed officer present, and now standing in front of him was Enrique and another man wearing a suit.

  “Hey, Chance,” said Enrique. “This is Detective Simmons. He needs to talk to you.”

  Test, with clouded eyes, looked back and forth between the two men and then gazed around the room. Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, he responded hesitantly.

  “Uh, yeah…sure. I didn’t see much, but I’ll tell you what I can.”

  The detective reached out his hand to shake Test’s. “Hello, Mr. Johnston. I am Detective Jason Simmons.”

  Test reached out and shook the detective’s hand.

  “It is my understanding that you were at the scene when the accident occurred. Is that correct?” asked the detective respectfully.

  “Yes sir,” Test paused. “Well…kind of. I was a short distance away when it happened,” answered Test.

  “Mr. Johnston, would you mind telling me what brought you to the location?” Test glanced to Enrique, his own face tense with nerves and fear.

  Enrique rested a hand on Test’s shoulder. “It’s okay. Tell him.”

  Test looked back to the detective. “Rob and Eric were trying to leave me in the woods.” He dropped his head, his hair hanging around his face.

  “Was there a reason?” asked the detective.

  Test again looked nervously to Enrique as he replied. “Eric was mad that I interrupted a conversation between him and Alyssa.”

  Enrique patted Test on the back. “It’s okay, Chance. I know most all of this already. Just tell the detective what happened.”

  Brushing his hair from his face, Test continued. “I don’t know what to say.” He thought for a moment. “We were driving home, and Rob stopped the truck. Both of them got out of the cab, and the next thing I know, I got pushed over the side of the truck and Rob kicked me in the side.”

  “So you were assaulted?” asked the detective.

  “I guess…yeah,” replied Test.

  “So what happened next, Mr. Johnston?”

  “I got left in the woods.”

  Test froze. He just realized that there was at least a mile of distance between where he was left and where they had been found. He became hot with confusion, struggling with a way to explain it in a believable manner.

  The detective responded with a puzzled look. “So you were left in the woods and Mr. Mills, Mr. Benson, and Mr. Baxter entered the vehicle and drove away?”

  Test fearfully replied. “Yes sir.”

  “So when did you arrive at the scene?” asked the detective.

  Test looked to him confused. “I’m sorry sir, what do you mean?”

  “How long did it take you to walk from the point that you were abandoned to the location of the accident?”

  Test then understood. The detective had just given him the answer. Trying not to seem excited and relieved, Test replied. “I would say maybe fifteen minutes? I’m not sure though. It was getting dark and I wasn’t really paying attention.”

  “That’s certainly understandable,” replied the detective. “Was Mr. Mills deceased when you arrived on the scene?”

  In the tenseness of the present situation, Test had almost forgotten. While it was no secret that he and Rob didn’t get along, he was remorseful that Rob was dead. And then the realization came to him that he was actually responsible. Tears began to well up in his eyes.

  “Mr. Johnston, I know this is a difficult time, but I’m just trying to get a better understanding of tonight’s events.”

  Test looked to the officer with a tear running down his cheek. “Yes sir. He was already dead.”

  The fact was that the pulse was in self defense, but that didn’t make acceptance any easier for him. He put his face in his hands and began to sob.

  Enrique took the seat beside him and put his arm around his shoulders. “I’m sorry, Chance. I should have seen something like this coming. I should have fired Rob a long time ago.”

  Test continued to hide his face in his hands.

  “Mr. Johnston,” spoke the detective, “I think I’ve got what I need for now, but I’m sure I will need to get a hold of you to fill in the minor details. You don’t have any plans of leaving town for the next week or so, do you?”

  Test dropped his hands and looked to the detective. His cheeks bore red blotches from where his palms had been resting; the scar on his cheek contrasted sharply.

  “No sir…I don’t think so,” replied Test as he leaned back into his chair and took a deep breath.

  “I would request that you don’t,” said the detective as he held out a plain brown business card. “If you think of anything further to add, here is my card. You can call me any time that you need.”

  Test reached out to take the card just as a janitor walked by. He was pushing a mop bucket across the floor, and the small black wheels squeaked rhythmically with each turn until coming to a sudden stop. Test’s eyes met with the janitor’s with immediate recognition. It was the man from the lake that had taken him home two nights before. The man’s face became stoic as he glared at Test.

  “Okay then, Mr. Johnston, I’ll leave you be,” said the detective.

  Test looked away from the janitor and back to the detective whose hand was offered once more. Taking the detectives hand into his, he shook it firmly while glancing over his shoulder.

  “Thanks, detective,” said Enrique as he stood from his chair.

  “Thank you, Mr. Franco. My sympathies to you and your crew.”

  With those words the detective turned and walked away. As Test watched him walk out the emergency-room door, he noticed the janitor now standing next to the doorway that led to the main portion of the hospital. The man watched the detective exit the room, and then turned back to give Test one last look as he followed.

  “You know that guy?” asked Enrique.

  Test jumped.

  “Easy buddy,” replied Enrique. “I think you’re shot.”

  Test nodded in acknowledgment. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I’m beat. What did you say?”

  “Never mind, it’s not important right now. How about we get you home?”

  As Test stood from his chair, he let out a mild groan. “How’s Eric?” he asked.

  “He’s in surgery right now. His leg was in pretty bad shape.”

  Test exhaled forcefully and snapped his head back to stare blankly at the ceiling.

  Enrique looked at the young man before him, realizing that in just one day’s time, Chance Johnston had transformed back into the same young man that had walked into his office nearly a year earlier.

  “Chance…,” began Enrique with his hands shoved deeply into his jean pockets, his voice shaken and raspy. “I am truly sorry.”

  Test let his head fall and could sense the emotion in Enrique’s voice. He wanted to speak, but couldn’t find a word within his taxed mind. Instead he just shook his head and patted Enrique on the back as he took a step towards the door.

  “You know
…Alyssa’s pretty shook up,” said Enrique.

  Test continued to walk, but glanced to measure the demeanor of Enrique’s face. “She’s okay though…right?” he asked.

  “Yeah, she’ll be fine. She’s worried about you though,” replied Enrique with a raised eyebrow. “You know, Chance, she’s the reason we found you.”

  The two of them stopped just inside the exit to the emergency room. Test stared at Enrique with intrigue.

  “What do you mean?” asked Test.

  “We were heading toward the new site and she suddenly told me to turn around; that she felt like something had gone wrong.”

  “Really?” replied Test.

  “Yeah. When I didn’t stop fast enough, she even reached over and put her foot on the brake; nearly sent James flying over the cab of the truck.”

  Test scratched the stubble on his chin. “How did she know?”

  In an instant, the expression on Enrique’s face had changed, and he became withdrawn. “She just gets a feeling sometimes, that’s all,” he replied as he took a step towards the door.

  Test turned with him and the two of them exited the hospital. “Lucky me,” he replied sincerely.

  Chapter 12

  Test couldn’t even remember leaving the hospital parking lot. He rested his head on the passenger window of Enrique’s truck and had quickly fallen asleep.

  He was awakened by the shifting and bouncing of the truck as Enrique turned into the motel parking lot. A gentle rain had begun to fall. Test could see the lights of the motel smeared behind dirty streaks of water as the windshield wipers attempted to provide clarity. He blinked his eyes hard several times, attempting to achieve the same goal within his mind.

  “How’re you feelin’?” asked Enrique quietly. It was obvious that he too was exhausted.

  Test turned his head lazily and replied. “A little stiff. A little foggy.” He shrugged his shoulders lackadaisically.

  Enrique pulled the truck into the parking stall in front of Test’s room. “Nobody’s working tomorrow. Why don’t you sleep in? I’ll call you later in the morning…see how you’re doing.”

  Test placed his hand on the door handle. “Thanks for the ride.” He paused. “Thanks for everything.”

  The sincerity within Test’s words left Enrique once again emotional beyond words. He gripped the steering wheel with both hands and turned to Test with tear filled eyes.

  “You…” he took a breath and the looked straight ahead. “You…you’re welcome.”

  Test smiled, opened the door and stepped out into the rain. With a thud, the door closed and Test looked through the droplet spattered window, lifting a hand to tell Enrique goodbye. Enrique nodded as he began to roll backwards out of the stall, and then drove away slowly into the damp cool night.

  Once again feeling the extent of his exhaustion, Test walked to his door and inserted the card key. It worked on the first attempt, and with the green light flashing, he entered the room. Unconsciously, he flipped the light switch next to the door. It felt like it had been days since he had been ‘home’. So much had happened in the last couple of days that it was hard to piece together any sort of time line to the day’s events. It all blurred together.

  He walked to the washroom and turned on the faucet, splashing his face several times with the cool water. He exhaled forcefully with each splash, sending a fine spray of water from his lips to speckle the shattered mirror in front of him. Overcome with a light headedness from the series of deep breaths, he gripped the counter, leaning on it heavily until his equilibrium returned. With a regained focus, he stood erect, stripped to his boxers, and walked like a zombie to his bed.

  The bedding felt as though it weighed one hundred pounds as he pulled them back to climb in. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the red message light blinking on the phone. He looked at the clock. The digital red lights told him that it was midnight. After a short debate of whether or not he’d wait until morning to listen to his messages, he lifted the phone and pressed the button.

  He listened lazily, hearing hisses of static and clicks, and then as if stabbed in the stomach, the voice on the phone made him shoot from his bed to his feet.

  “Hello, son.” It was Cliff. His voice was distant, and faded in and out of clarity. “The ma...lake…he…detective…you…leave.”

  The message ended as suddenly as it had begun. Test quickly pressed the button to replay the message. A chill ran down his back as the second playing of the message was just as un-nerving and shocking as the first. He sat on the edge of his bed, his face now dripping with sweat. He could feel his hands trembling. He forcefully interlocked his fingers, squeezing them in a desperate attempt to gain some control.

  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The unexpected sound sent Test’s heart rate into overdrive and he spun off the bed onto the floor. He knelt like a schoolboy saying his prayers at bedside. Unsure if he’d actually heard the knock or not, he waited anxiously until it came again. A gentle series of knocks echoed in the silence of the room. From outside the door, a soft voice resonated through.


  It was Alyssa. Test stood, panting and dizzy. He rushed to his dresser and fumbled through the drawers for a pair of sweat pants. As he pulled them on, he slowly made his way to the door, but before he could reach it, she knocked once more.

  “Chance, please let me in. I need to see you.”

  He reached for the handle and opened the door. Alyssa was waiting in the rain with a sweat shirt on; the hood up and covering her head. She was wearing no makeup and looked as though she’d been crying for days. She stared at him nervously with crossed arms.

  “I need to talk to you.” There was a silent pause as the two of them stared through the doorway. “Can I come in?”

  Confused, Test replied. “Yeah, sure. I’m sorry, please come in.”

  He backed away from the doorway and let her pass. As she walked into the room, he closed the door behind her and turned on the lights. With a mild amount of stammering he spoke. “Uh…sorry about the mess.”

  Alyssa pulled the hood off of her head and turned to him without a reply. She carried a serious look on her face, one that Test had never seen before.

  “Who is Cliff?” she asked.

  Test’s mind went blank with shock. He stared at her with his mouth open, unable to formulate a response.

  “Do you know who Cliff is, Chance?” Her voice quivered.

  He couldn’t look at her. He opened and closed his mouth several times, the words trapped between his mind and his tongue. “I…um…you…how?”

  “Please be honest with me.”

  Test took a seat on the foot of the bed and Alyssa stood beside him, looking down on him patiently. “How do you know that name?” he asked.

  “You answer my question first. Who is he?”

  His stomach was wrecked with nerves and the sweat on his forehead had begun to soak into his hair. “He’s an old friend of mine.” He looked up to her and could see that his answer didn’t satisfy her, but at the moment that was all he was willing to give. “Are you going to tell me how you know that name?”

  Alyssa turned away from him and walked towards the washroom. She stared at the shattered mirror and tried to keep herself composed. Wiping a tear from her eye, she turned back to him. “I saw him today.”

  Test stood from the bed and stared at her in disbelief. “You…you saw him?” he asked.

  Tears were now streaming down Alyssa’s cheeks. She nodded her head as she wiped another tear from her eye.

  Test walked to her. He placed his fingertips to her cheek and asked softly. “Where?”

  With a deep breath and a fearful look, Alyssa replied. “In the forest.”

  Test looked at her in disbelief. He backed away from her slowly and ran his hands through his hair. Out of breath, he sat back down at the foot of the bed. “When?”

  “Today,” she replied. She stared silently at the floor.

  Test rocked
back and forth; confused, exhausted, and agitated. “I…I had a message from him when I got back tonight. I haven’t talked to him in almost a year.” He leaned over as he gripped his hands together, tapping his thumbs on his forehead neurotically. “What, was he just walking along the road?”

  “Sort of,” she replied.

  Test sat up with his elbows on his knees. “Sort of? What is that supposed to mean?” he asked. Alyssa began to sob and turned away from him. Realizing that he was out of line, he walked to her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. It’s just that…a lot has happened today and I’m a little stressed out. Can you understand?”

  Alyssa remained facing the shattered mirror, statuesque and silent.

  “Did he give you a phone number or an address to where he’s staying?” asked Test calmly. Slowly she turned to him, her eyes filled with fear. The pain on her face was overwhelming. “Alyssa, what is it?”

  She stared at him blankly and let the words fall out of her mouth. “He’s gone.”

  Test heard the words, but their meaning escaped him. “What, already?” he asked as he shook his head. “I got a phone message from him today? What was he doing in Saratoga?”

  Her entire body was now trembling. She reached out and touched his hand softly. “He’s dead, Chance.”

  He felt sick. This was like a nightmare. “So if he’s dead…” he hesitated to finish his sentence. “If he’s dead…how did you see him today?”

  Her tanned skin became two shades lighter as her body continued to tremble. She looked wildly around the room, trying desperately to answer the question. Suddenly she felt his hands on her jaw, and her face was slowly brought to his.

  “Alyssa,” he said her name dramatically. “If he’s dead, how did you see him?”

  She opened her mouth and a clicking sound came from her throat as she tried to speak. The intensity of the moment was beyond her experience, and as she closed her eyes, she could feel her mind letting go. Then she felt Test’s palm rest on her cheek, his thumb gently wiping the tear from her eye. A wave of comfort rushed through her body. His palm felt intensely warm and seemed to pulse in rhythm with her heart, both of them slowing to a more relaxed pace. She found herself swaying to the rhythm, and in moment, had lost most of her anxiety. She opened her eyes to see his only inches from her.


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