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Wild Wisteria

Page 28

by Maddie Taylor

  “I think it’s romantic how they still act like newlyweds,” Jenny murmured.

  “You mean like us?” he asked, his arm slipping around her shoulders as he pressed a kiss to her temple. “Hopefully, Aaron won’t toss up her skirts right here. They should really find a private spot, like we did.”

  Jenny’s hands flew to her cheeks. “I can’t believe you spanked me then took me beneath the arbor in the mayor’s backyard. What if they’d come home?”

  “Unlikely, they’re out of town.”

  She twisted to him, wincing as she did so.

  “Tender?” he asked softly.

  “Never mind that. You knew they weren’t at home and let me worry?”

  “I told you to trust me. I wouldn’t ever embarrass you in any way, you know that.”

  “I do. Still, you could have said so.”

  “Ah, but the thrill of being caught at any moment heightened the excitement.” He dipped his head and said low in her ear, “Admit it, sweetheart. Your heart was racing so fast, I could feel the flutter of your pulse beneath my lips when I kissed your throat. And when I bared your breasts, which gleamed like pale ivory in the moonlight, the nipples pebbled hard into pretty pink peaks. They tasted delicious on my tongue. Best of all was your honey. Hot and plentiful, easing my way when I bent you over the bench and drove into you from behind.”

  “Heath.” His name slipping from her lips was a breathless moan. As always, he had the power to rouse her passion and even though the illicit encounter he was describing in erotic detail had happened less than thirty minutes ago, his wicked words made her quiver with need. She leaned into him, her face buried in his neck. “How am I to dance on rubbery legs? You’ve made me want you again.”

  His fingers threaded through the loose curls at her nape, easing her head back to claim her lips. “We either go in now, before I’m unable to, or we head home and finish what we started.”

  Her hand came up, wrapping around his neck as well, keeping him close as she whispered, “Home, of course. We can dance any old time.”

  “That’s my girl.” With another amorous kiss, he reluctantly set her from him and called to his team. As they drove away, he smiled, noticing Aaron and Janelle still stood in their unbroken embrace.

  * * *

  Luke lifted his chin toward his brother as his buggy passed at a fast clip.

  “They’re not staying?” Wisteria asked, twisting in her seat to wave at Jenny, who didn’t seem to notice.

  “If I know my brother, they have more urgent matters on their mind.” He chuckled as he slowed his team, stopping them beside Aaron and Janelle. He tilted his head their way as he grinned at his wife. “Something along those lines, I imagine.”

  “Aaron,” he called loudly, after subtly clearing his throat several times. When his dark head came up, he glared, unmistakably irked at being interrupted. Luke laughed outright before leaning down and saying much more softly, “If you’re still planning to run for office in the fall, baby brother, have a care for your future constituents. You’re giving them an eyeful.”

  Aaron turned his head in the direction Luke indicated, as did a dazed Janelle. A small crowd of older women had gathered, all wearing the same disapproving frown. “Mrs. Pritchard,” he said to the parson’s wife who stood amongst them, giving a nod and a chagrined smile to Mrs. Pendleton, the mayor’s wife, who stood by her side.

  As Luke watched the exchange, Wisteria whistled softly behind him, most likely from the chill wind that was emanating from the end of the row. The group didn’t linger long, each sniffing dismissively or tossing their heads before turning their dour expressions forward and walking stiffly to the barn.

  “Why didn’t you tell me they were there?” Aaron groaned.

  “We only just got here, brother. Besides, how was I to know that sparking in the yard outside the most well-attended social event of late summer wasn’t a new campaign strategy?”

  Aaron cursed under his breath, prompting a giggle from Wisteria. Janelle, still visibly muddled, had missed what the hubbub was all about and blinked blankly up at her husband.

  “Criminy, they are two of the town’s biggest gossips.”

  “Forget about them, Aaron. Most ladies will think it’s romantic that you lose yourself so with your wife. They have the vote, remember.”

  “She’s got a point, brother. And the men won’t care.” His voice was laced with amusement as he added his advice, “Pretend it didn’t happen and no one will think anything of it.”

  “Are we going in?” Janelle asked, coming around.

  “We’ll have to now.” Looking down at Janelle, he brushed his thumb over her swollen bottom lip. “You look thoroughly kissed, love.” Aaron laughed softly when she gave a goofy grin in response. “We’ll have to act more circumspectly, as though this never happened. Can you do that, sweet pea?”

  “After, will you take me home and finish what you started?”

  “Have no doubt.”

  “Then I suppose I can make the supreme sacrifice and suck up to the old biddies.”

  “That’s my girl.” He glanced up at Luke. “See you inside?”

  “We’ll be along directly.”

  As they walked away, Wisteria asked, “We’re not going in?”

  “Not yet.” He didn’t elaborate as he hopped out, walked around, and swung Wisteria down beside him. Taking her hand, he pulled her along, down the left side of the barn to the acreage behind it, passing several haystacks and walking into a copse of trees.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Almost there, darlin’, patience.”

  He followed a trail until it forked, bearing right down a small hill, not stopping until they reached the banks of a swift water creek. At that point, he lifted her into his arms, ignoring her protests and easily carried her while she hung onto his neck in a death grip as his long legs spanned the wide distance between the river stones he used to cross to the other side. Once on the far bank, he picked up another trail until he came to a small house in the woods.

  “Who lives here?” she asked, thoroughly puzzled.

  “A friend. He is also attending the dance. We’ll catch up with Joseph and his wife a bit later.”


  “Yes, Joseph Whitefeather. He worked on the ranch for years, but recently bought this place to give farming a go when he got hitched. He’s a good man, taught me how to track, and he’s letting us borrow his house to conduct some pending business.” At this point, considering they were alone, off in the woods, on the evening after she had blatantly defied a rule her man had set forth, and being caught in the act of that defiance at the very saloon in town he’d expressly forbade her from setting foot in, it was clear from the look on Wisteria’s face that she knew she was in for it.

  “I had an escort as required when I come to town without you,” she attempted to explain as he unlocked the door with a key he’d retrieved from beneath a flowerpot on the porch. After opening the door and guiding her inside, he lit a lamp in the main room. Neat, clean, and warmly inviting, the once Spartan cabin had been transformed into a cozy home since his friend had taken a wife. It also offered privacy, more so than behind the barn for what he intended.

  “I appreciate that you brought George along for protection, but you don’t honestly think that made where I found you acceptable, do you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Answer aloud, please.”

  “Uh, no, sir. But this was important.”

  “A thank-you is not something to risk your safety or reputation over. My wife in a Sixth Street saloon is not acceptable to me, not now, not ever, for any reason.” Turning her around with her back to him, he continued his lecture as he began to work the long row of buttons down her new blue dress. “This was the third time, Wisteria, obviously I’m not getting through. You knew I wouldn’t like you anywhere near that side of town and you went anyway, bringing along Janelle, Jenny, and my mother. Great day! Seeing the four of yo

u together made the four of us quake in our boots.” It took all he had not to shudder as he remembered the fear that crept up his spine then, and now. “Charlotte was absolutely correct when she said a note would have sufficed.”

  “I hardly think a note for saving one from sexual slavery is satisfactory.”

  “Do you think this is a good time to argue with me, darlin’?” His fingers didn’t pause on the tiny pearl buttons until the last one was free, then he turned her gently to face him.

  “Why are you taking off my dress for a spanking?” she asked, looking pointedly at the bed nearby. “Did you have something else in mind, husband?”

  “I don’t want to get it wrinkled and have folks talk when we arrive at the dance later. As for what else I have in mind, we’ll see if one thing leads to the other as it usually does. If so, you won’t hear me complaining.”

  He slid the loosened gown down her arms and helped her step out, leaving her in the thin chemise she wore underneath. Next, he pulled one of the hard, straight-back chairs into the middle of the room and sat. Looking up at her, he patted his thighs and waited, expecting her to get into the familiar position without further argument.

  She was standing by his side, planning to do exactly that, when he said, “Wait. I almost forgot.”

  He stood and crossed to a closet. Opening it, he reached for what Joseph kept there for similar occasions with his new bride. Thin and narrow, the lightweight wooden paddle was about two inches wide, twelve inches long, with a leather wrapped handle. Luke tried it out on his leg first. It moved easily and with a brisk whap, creating a biting sting on the surface of his skin even through the fabric of his breeches, but no more than that. Convinced it would deliver the fiery message he had planned, he knew he’d still have to adjust the swats in consideration of her soft, fair skin. Bruises were never a lesson he intended.

  As he strode back across the room, he saw her eyes drop to the paddle in his hand and flare wide. Once seated, he held up an arm in invitation. She swallowed so hard he could hear it, which was all well and good, since he considered the anticipation and dread half of the punishment. Hesitating, only briefly, she lay belly down across his lap.

  He smiled softly, not with any real joy that he had to punish her for the same offense yet again, more so about how she readily complied without argument or question. Warmth stirred within him, recognizing the trust she had placed in him. It was a significant change from the onset of their relationship, where she had argued and struggled at every turn. Now, if he could only get a spanking to work as a deterrent to the next time she got a wild hair to do something reckless. He was hopeful. Even so, with his high-spirited woman, he was sure there would be a next time, although it had better not involve dragging her out of a saloon or a brothel.

  With her comfortably positioned across his thighs, he raised his hand and brought the polished wood strip down swiftly. It connected with a loud splat across the middle of both of her gorgeous cheeks. She hissed, but remained in position as her skin took on a light blush in the shape of a rectangle. Thinking she could take more, he delivered the four swats that followed with a bit more energy, covering the full expanse of her rapidly blushing round globes. The sixth swat he aimed lower, landing on the sensitive lower curve where her cheek met her thigh. It was followed by an ‘ouch’ and a wiggle.

  His free hand curled around her hip as he gave her a half dozen more. She had remained stoic and silent at first, by the last stroke she was tapping her booted toes upon the floor while yowling.

  “Oh, it stings, Luke. No more.”

  “It’s meant to sting, darlin’. Since my palm didn’t make an impression, and neither did the strap, I thought polished birch might get my point across.”

  “It has, honey. I swear. No more Sixth Street or South Town, I promise.”

  “That’s good to hear. However, I’ve heard that tune before to no avail.” He continued on, intent on giving her a good two dozen that she’d remember well.

  “Ow! I mean it this time.”

  He paused at number fifteen to ask. “You mean you didn’t mean it last time, or the time before?”

  “No, I mean, yes! I did mean it.” She reached back to try and ease the apparent burn, but he caught her hand.

  “Ah, ah, you know better. I don’t want mashed fingers.”

  Pinning her arm to her lower back, he eyed her rosy butt. His woman could take a spanking quite well. Despite her fair skin, she didn’t bruise or welt, thank goodness, or he would have had to find another deterrent. He wanted to teach a much-needed lesson, not injure or harm her in any way. Resting the paddle on her back, he ran his fingers over her heated skin, testing her response. Noting the glistening wetness on her inner thighs, he explored there too, smiling when he found her very wet.

  “You understand this is a punishment, don’t you, baby?”

  “Yes, but with your hands on me, I can’t help that it makes me—” She stopped abruptly, groaning as his inquisitive fingers delved between her dewy lips and slid easily inside her soaked channel.

  “Libidinous?” he suggested. “Lustful, desirous, randy?” he offered as well, gliding two broad fingers in and out. After a few moments, he eased out and inserted a third, resuming the slow pumping motion as he watched her wiggle delightfully, lifting her hips while trying to meet each thrust.

  “You didn’t finish, darlin’, does a spanking get you hot and excited?”

  “Yes, dammit,” she groaned. “I’m so hot I think I might ignite. Are you done with the spanking?”

  “With that tone, not likely.” He punctuated his scold with a slap from his hand on each pink globe, before returning to continue to tease and torment her tight, wet center.

  “Luke, please,” she begged, writhing frantically. “I don’t know what else to say if my promise to obey isn’t enough.”

  “It’s enough, and I think you meant it at the time. We just have to find a way to get you to keep that promise when the wicked imp inside you takes control and tries to lead you down the wrong path. Or if the imp takes the shape of Janelle, Jenny, or Letty Jackson any time in the future. I want you to take the right path, always, and come talk to me, first and foremost. Can you do that?”

  “Yes,” she groaned.

  “Good girl. Be assured if you don’t, you’ll find yourself right back where you are now.”

  “I’m a fool to say this, but that’s really not a deterrent, Luke. Sorry.”

  He sighed as he removed his fingers and patted her cheeks lightly. “I’m getting that, darlin’, and appreciate the tip. Let’s finish up with what we started, though, shall we?” He picked up the paddle once more. “You’ve got nine more to make up the two dozen I had planned. Are you ready?”

  “Will you finish what else you started, when you’re done?”

  “Have I ever left you needy, baby?”

  “Then fire away, honey. I can stand about anything if I know your sweet loving is waiting for me on the other side.”

  His cock twitched with eager anticipation as he laid nine more brisk, stinging swats on her disobedient behind. On the twenty-fourth, the paddle clattered to the floor as his strong hands spanned her waist and lifted her, setting her astride his thighs. Two sets of hands ripped anxiously at his button fly to free him. He was inside her in an instant, both of them groaning at the exquisite pleasure of their joining. She squealed as his hands ran over her hot cheeks and gripped them, setting her hips in motion. His head fell back and he ordered, “I want your mouth on mine, Wisteria.”

  She immediately leaned forward, touching her lips to his, moving slowly at first, then giving way to a voracious, breathless kiss. The next few minutes were filled with the sound of slapping skin and moans of an entirely different nature. They achieved release together, each calling out the other’s name, consumed by the incredible joy of their shared passion.

  “I love you, Luke,” she whispered when she could.

  “And I love you too, my wild Wisteria.”

  * * *

  A few miles away, another pair of lovers were finding bliss in each other’s arms, crying out their enduring passion beneath the night sky, the moon and stars bearing witness. Theirs had been a slower, less frantic joining, although their eagerness burned as bright.

  “That’s a first,” she managed to say when she caught her breath.

  “We’ve made love outside often, Letty dear.”

  “Not that, Henry. I’ve never seen you so eager to tan my hide that you felt the need to do it on the front steps. We didn’t even make it up on the porch.”

  “The urgency wasn’t for the tanning, precious, it was for the loving that I had planned after.” He chuckled as he hugged her tight, adjusting their position on the unforgiving wood treads, so that her head was pillowed on his chest. “And I must say, it was worth the wait.” His hand stroked lazily over her bare cheeks, his fingertips gliding across the heated skin before he squeezed each one firmly in turn.

  “Easy, husband, I’m tender.”

  “I’d be surprised if you weren’t, sweetheart, after a good tanning and all.”

  She sighed. “I can’t believe I’m about to be a grandmother three times over and you still feel the need to whale away on my caboose like I’m a naughty new bride.”

  He rolled them as one. Propping himself on an elbow, he stared down on her, unable to believe she hadn’t gotten the message. “Obviously you need more if you don’t see the wrong in taking our three young daughters-in-law on an ill-conceived misadventure to a whorehouse.”

  “Actually, we only ventured into the saloon, dear.”

  “Don’t get smart, Letty. Were there painted ladies at said saloon who work at providing carnal pleasure for a fee?”

  “Why, yes, but—”

  “But nothing! That is by definition a whorehouse, and you know it. Say you don’t and I’m busting your tail with another twenty licks.”

  “Will you love me, after?”

  “Zounds, woman, I’m sixty, not twenty-six.”


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