Book Read Free

Can't Walk Away

Page 12

by Sandy James

  “How did I end up on YouTube?” Opening the laptop that she seldom had time to use, Savannah waited as it booted up.

  “Did’ya get it yet?” Joslynn asked.

  “Hang on.” Savannah had to bite back a comment about the lack of speed on the laptop. Joslynn had given it to her when she’d bought a new one for herself, and Savannah considered herself lucky to have such a generous friend.

  “Did you know he was going to post the song?” Joslynn asked.

  “Who’s he?”

  “I’m assuming it’s Brad since the poster is a guy called The Hitman.”

  “He wouldn’t.” Or would he? He’d never told her what he intended to do with the recordings she’d made. He’d been too busy coaxing her to sing.

  One thing was for sure. This strategy had his name written all over it.

  “Did’ya get it yet?” Joslynn, normally patient, sounded agitated. “Check again.”

  When Savannah opened her e-mail, there were only three items in her in-box, and two of them were spam. “Yep, I got it.” She opened Joslynn’s message and then clicked the link. “Oh my…” YouTube appeared with the title of the video.

  Who’s Nashville’s Newest Star?

  “He doesn’t use your name,” Joslynn pointed out. “He’s obviously trying to create buzz about who you are.”

  “Then how did you know about it if it doesn’t have my name?” Savannah asked.

  “I caught it on the news. I was sitting there, drinking my coffee, and the anchor started talking about the top five videos of the week. Before they showed yours—which, by the way was number one on their list—they talked about how it had gone viral. Everyone’s trying to figure out who you are.”

  Savannah watched herself inside Brad’s basement isolation room, singing to him as though the words were meant only for him. Simply watching how she slowly moved toward him, how she’d been drawn to him in such a dynamic way, made heat shimmer through her. The memory of her desire for him, of how she’d felt each time he’d kissed her, had haunted her sleep and intruded upon her thoughts thousands of times.

  Why hadn’t he bothered to tell her he had a camera aimed at her while she recorded his new song? Still dumbfounded by his temerity, she couldn’t even focus on whether she’d done a good job covering the song. Then her jaw dropped as the video continued after the last note rang in the air, capturing their kiss. Thankfully, he ended the clip with her melting into his arms, so she didn’t have to live with the embarrassment of knowing how intimate they’d become after.

  “Look how many hits!” Judging from the chair’s squeak and her excited tone, Joslynn had to be bouncing in her chair. “And the comments! So many great comments!”

  All Savannah could do was blink. The video had been posted three days ago and already had close to five hundred thousand hits. Scrolling down the long list of comments, she fought back tears.

  Best voice ever!

  Who is this woman? She’s amazing!

  I have GOT to see her in concert!

  Then there were Brad’s fans.

  Is this a new Hitman song?

  Rock on, Hitman! U have a fucking awesome new song & u get the grl!

  “Oh my…” Feeling the fool that she couldn’t seem to decide how to react, she just kept repeating herself.

  Brad had been busy since the last time they’d been together.

  She’d seen neither hide nor hair of him since their last date three days ago. Rehearsals had been run by Ethan, who was now spending more time at Words & Music. Brad was evidently still working as manager, judging from his handwritten comments on the work schedule and the rehearsal notes he’d given to Ethan. Unsure as to why he hadn’t called or texted, she could only assume he finally realized he’d made a mistake in pursuing her.

  Although Joslynn, true to her assertive nature, had encouraged her to reach out to Brad and find out why he’d been silent for so long, Savannah wasn’t about to put her pride on the line to contact him, only to be rejected.

  If he didn’t want to be a part of their lives, maybe his silence was for the best. Caroline was already asking why he hadn’t come for another visit. The last thing Savannah needed was her daughter getting too attached to him.

  Damn it. All her worry about Caroline caring for Brad was nothing compared to how much he already meant to Savannah. Each day that passed without a call made her heart hurt.

  “This is a good thing,” Joslynn insisted.

  “I suppose. I just…it’s so much like something Michael would’ve done.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that.”

  Savannah tried to keep a grip on her temper, which was quickly heating up. “Seriously, this reeks of Michael. Doing something that affects my career without even asking how I feel about it.”

  “Calm down, Savannah. Sure, Brad should’ve asked first, but it’s not like anything bad could come of this.”

  “Probably not. But why wouldn’t he at least tell me?”

  “Maybe he likes surprises?” Joslynn asked.

  Maybe he likes to run the show. After Savannah had told him she didn’t need a manager, perhaps he’d taken it upon himself to try to jump-start her career.

  Without asking permission.

  Although she had to admit the idea bordered on brilliant, and realizing she hadn’t truly come up with a plan of her own, she couldn’t seem to get past the irritation over him acting on her behalf without so much as a peep explaining his plans.

  But a look at the number of views on YouTube showed his strategy was working remarkably well.

  “You okay?” Joslynn asked. “I hate to leave you, but I’ve got to get to the hospital.”

  “I’m fine,” Savannah replied, even though she really wasn’t.

  “Are you sure? You sound—”

  “I’m fine, Jos. Go to work. Thanks for telling me about it. I’m going to head to the restaurant and talk to Brad.”

  “When you talk to him, Savannah, remember one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Everyone who watches the video absolutely loves you.”

  * * *

  Brad leaned back in his desk chair, letting a smile bloom.

  Things were working out better than he had a right to expect. Although he wasn’t particularly concerned with social media, he’d taken Russ’s advice and bombarded the Internet with the video of Savannah singing “That Smile.”

  Russ had softened his anger over Brad being personally involved with Savannah. The change in attitude came right after he’d showed Russ the video. The connection between them was so obvious that there seemed to be invisible wires pulling them together. Russ evidently figured out that Savannah wasn’t being coerced, which meant the friction between him and his friend could end.

  Brad’s first inclination had been to stop the video right after the last note of the song, but Russ had insisted the kiss—at least the beginning of it—would make more people talk about her. And “talk” was what he’d aimed for.

  The Hitman was back, and his new songbird clearly belonged to him. How funny that he didn’t even mind the nickname any longer. If it helped her, so be it.

  Once the video was ready, he’d followed Russ’s advice and bombarded different sites, posting it for everyone to see. There was no trying to hide that this was a Hitman song, which ramped up speculation. Especially since one big thing was missing.

  Her name.

  She was going to be so pleased. What singer didn’t want to be the newest rising star? Katie had based her whole existence on it, but had none of the talent. Savannah was the genuine article.

  After watching the flurry of activity that had exceeded his expectations and Russ’s predictions, Brad was ready for the next step. Today, he’d solve the mystery of her identity and let everyone know exactly who she was and where she’d be performing tomorrow night—and from then on until she was popular enough for larger venues. Probably far too soon for his taste.

  An insistent knock on the
office door drew him back from his smug satisfaction of a job well done. “Come in!”

  Savannah walked into the office. “Stormed” was probably more descriptive, especially since she slammed the door shut behind her. Her cheeks were flushed, and her slender fingers were clenched into fists that rested against her hips.

  “Why?” she demanded.

  “Why what?” Her anger took him by surprise because he had no clue as to what had set her off.

  “Why would you post that video?”

  He blinked a few times when her mood suddenly registered. “You’re mad about it?”

  “Hell, yes, I’m mad.”

  Confused, Brad dragged his fingers through his hair. “About…”

  “You know what about,” she replied. “You didn’t even tell me that you’d filmed the song. You told me you weren’t even recording it!”

  “I film everything in my studio. It’s set up for video and audio. You never know when there’ll be magic in a performance.” Considering how hard she was glaring at him, his explanation hadn’t helped. His own temper began to rise in response. “I posted that video to build an audience. For you. I did it for you.”

  “Without asking! You didn’t even tell me you’d recorded that take!”

  “I wrote the song.”

  “I sang it.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “It’s working, isn’t it? Have you seen how many hits it has on YouTube? How many shares on Facebook? On a ton of other sites?”

  “Yeah, I did. But…”

  “When I release your name today—”

  “Today?” At least she no longer sounded pissed.

  Brad nodded. “Just in time to get Words and Music packed to the rafters for your first performance tomorrow night.”

  The fight drained out of her in the blink of an eye. “Look, I know you posted that video to help me. I just…” She let out a weary sigh, reminding him of a balloon deflating. “Michael used to do stuff and not tell me.”

  Like a flash of lightning, Brad understood. And he felt like an asshole. Sure, his intentions had been good. He’d been trying to get her career up and running. But he’d taken total control. Not once had it occurred to him to talk to her. He’d figured she was busy enough simply getting herself and the music ready for opening night. He’d stayed away from rehearsals because Ethan had told Brad he would be too much of a distraction. Since he couldn’t be there to help, he’d busied himself with building an audience for her. After all, wasn’t being a star what every singer wanted?

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  Her head shot up. “You are?”

  Brad stood and came round the desk. He placed his hands on her shoulders. “I should’ve talked to you first.”

  “It’s just…I have a hard time trusting people,” she whispered.

  He smiled at her. “I’ve got the same problem, as you’re well aware.”

  “I told you that I don’t want someone ruining my career.”

  “How about we do it together?” he asked.

  “Ruin my career?” At least she was teasing now. Her eyes were full of laughter.

  He grinned. “Build your career. I can still act as a sort of manager, but from now on, I’ll run all my ideas by you.”

  She eyed him skeptically. “For how much? Fifteen percent? Twenty?”

  Although he was a bit insulted, he understood why she was asking. “How about zero?”

  Her eyes flew wide. “Zero?”

  “I don’t want money, Savannah. Especially from you. I only want to help you the way you helped me.”

  “How did I help you?” Savannah looked genuinely surprised.

  “I hadn’t written a note in just about forever. All I had to do was listen to you and…” He shrugged even though he felt anything but casual. This was an important time for them in a relationship that was an embryo. He would have to earn her trust, and to do that, he had to assure her she wasn’t a meal ticket. Sure, he might be paying penance for another man’s sins, but God only knew Brad had been quite a sinner himself.

  Perhaps a little penance would make him a better man.

  “Besides,” he added, “you’re singing my song. I’ll be making plenty of money once you’re a star. Which reminds me… I’d really like to get the second song on tape. We can release it soon, while the buzz is still strong.”

  * * *

  Savannah wanted to believe him. Wanted to believe in him. History had taught her how foolish it was to blindly trust.

  On the other hand, Brad was right. His concern for her career was also concern for his own. Those songs represented his comeback, although he hadn’t truly been absent from the music scene for too long. Why not hitch her wagon to his star? At least they were both heading in the same—correct—direction.

  But there was one thing she really needed to know, and she had to ask him about it before she lost her nerve. “You haven’t been at rehearsal. And you didn’t call. Why?”

  He looked surprised by the question. “Ethan didn’t tell you?”


  Brad nodded. “He told me I…distracted you. Said I should let him run rehearsals and to give you some space until the first show. I can’t believe he didn’t explain that to you.”

  “Not a word,” Savannah said, pleased to know he hadn’t been avoiding her.

  “You could come over tonight,” he said, his voice growing husky. “We could do a few takes and you pick the one you think is best.” Still holding her shoulders, he caressed her arms, sending chills racing across her skin. Then he drew her closer and wrapped his arms around her. Staring down into her eyes, he smiled—a lopsided and entirely too seductive grin. “I could make us dinner afterward.”

  As if she didn’t understand exactly what he was inviting her to do, especially after their frankness on their last date. No, if they were alone in his home again, she’d end up sleeping with him. She’d probably be the one to suggest it.

  Am I ready?

  They were just starting to learn about each other, and yet she felt as though she’d known him forever. Her whole life she’d wished for the kind of passion she felt whenever they kissed. Michael had never shown her any. Sex with him had been clinical and cold. What Brad made her feel was warm and intoxicating, and even though they’d spent only a short time together, in some ways she felt closer to him than any other man she’d known.

  “Will you come tonight, Savannah? To my house? I’ve got a surprise planned for you.”

  “Another surprise? I’m not sure I can handle that.”

  “It’s a good surprise.”

  Since she figured he was planning seduction, she nodded. “I’ll come.”

  Then Brad’s lips were on hers, and all she could do was melt into him. Her hands smoothed over the broad planes of his chest and she twined her arms around his neck. Whatever it was inside her that he touched, she both welcomed and feared it. Whenever he kissed her, all she wanted was to get closer and closer. To let him reach parts of her she’d never shown to any other man.

  As his tongue slipped between her lips, she had her answer. For now, she would go wherever this man led. It would be easier to live with regrets over having been too daring and for having reached too high than to always wonder what might have been.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Welcome back,” Brad said as he held open the door to his home.

  Savannah took a backward glance at the vehicles in the driveway, including a souped-up muddy pickup. Since she’d assumed they’d be alone, she had no idea what was going on. “Um…thanks. But”—she nodded at the vehicles—“are those yours?”

  He let out a chuckle. “Hardly. That’s Ethan’s truck. He’s waiting for us inside.”

  Her heart sank. All the fantasies she’d nurtured that afternoon about making love with Brad were going to have to be postponed. “What about the cars?”

  “That’s the surprise.” Another chuckle. “Actually two surprises.” With a gentle hand against the small of her
back, he guided her through the door.

  The last thing in the world she wanted to do was scold him, but she’d never been so disappointed. “You gave me your word that you’d run everything by me first.”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “I told you there was a surprise.” Shutting the door behind them, he nodded toward the kitchen. “Everyone’s waiting for us.”

  Ethan smiled when they entered the kitchen. Dressed in an apron that looked like a curvy woman’s body wearing pasties and pink panties, he was flipping steaks on the indoor grill. “You’re just in time. These rib eyes are a perfect medium rare, and all the sides are ready.”

  Two women sat on the same bar stools Savannah and Brad had used only days ago. One was a blonde who had an incredible smile. The other was a brunette who had to be a good foot taller than Savannah. Even sitting down, her lofty stature was plain. Both had more curves than Savannah’s thin body would ever boast. They were putting serving spoons into several types of covered dishes.

  Motioning to the blonde first, Brad said, “Savannah Wolf, meet Leah Brooks.” Next, he gestured to the brunette. “And this is Maggie Sims.”

  “Hi.” Savannah gave them a goofy half-wave. Then she fixed her attention on Brad. “Should I know them?”

  “They’re your new backup singers,” he announced as though he’d done something wonderful for her. What he’d done was make plans for her career without asking. Again.

  “Backup singers. So now you think I need backup singers?”

  Ethan was the one to answer as he slid the steaks on plates that had been set out on the counter. “‘Need’ isn’t the right word. Brad and I talked it through, and we think they’d be a great complement to your voice. His songs always sound great with harmonies.”

  “We listened to your older stuff, too,” Brad added. “Your voice is phenomenal, but a couple of backups would really add some power to your performances.”

  Ethan untied the apron and tossed it aside. “With your wit, you could bounce things off the girls when you’re chatting. Trust me, the crowd will eat it up.”

  Leah and Maggie must have picked up on Savannah’s anger because both of their smiles had faded. Feeling like an ogre, she tried to put them at ease even though she was still skeptical. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”


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