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Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

Page 7

by Jeneveir Evans

  God. Damn.

  Fuck. Me.

  I am a grown ass motherfucking man and here I am almost about to cry. For the love of God, how does anyone just throw their child away? What. The. Fuck. I know shit like this happens all the time, but I have never been personally close to it, at least not that I'm aware of.

  Then it hits me. Fuck. BamBam and Cotton. I have been neglectful in my responsibility to them. I am their VP, and as such, I should have found out what their lives were like growing up, especially since I knew they had been raised in foster care as well.

  I cleared my throat, started to speak, couldn't, cleared it again and took a deep breath and said with a voice that was rough, “I'm truly sorry, Brenna girl. I'm so fucking sorry, honey, that you've had to live the life you have. And that you had to even have that knowledge of your parents.”

  I breathed in deep. Fuck there were just no words. What more do you say to someone who has had to live with this knowledge their whole life? I didn't want what I was about to say to come across as nothing more than pity. Because it's not. It's like finding out about a child you never knew you had, and you now want only what was best for them.

  “Brenna, the only way I won't ever be there for my Old Ladies and kids will be because I'm dead and buried in the cold hard ground. I will always be there for my kids, always. I wish I could change your childhood. If I had known about you, I would have welcomed you into my family in a heartbeat.”

  She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, “I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, ever.”

  Christ. This girl. Just. Fuck.

  I cleared my throat again and said, “Okay, the reason I showed you those pictures was to let you know that I'm not some old man trying to pick up a young girl. Because if you don't have anyone to help you and nowhere to go, it would be best, Brenna, if you left here tonight and never returned. And I'd like you to come home with me and live with my family and be one of my kids.”

  She started fucking sobbing. Gasping for air. Tears and snot running down her face. Her small body shaking uncontrollably.

  Mother. Fuck. This was killing me. I fucking will not cry. I am a grown ass man dammit. A biker. A 1%'er. I have killed men dammit. Killed. And here this eighteen-year-old little girl was about to make me lose my shit.

  On a choking sob she asked me, “Why would you do that for me? Why?”

  Tears continued to flow down her face, fuck I hated tears on a woman or girl.

  “I'm no one to you, a nobody. Why would you want to help a nobody like me?” she sobbed. “Why would you want a nobody like me in your family? A nobody. Unlovable. I have to be, because they threw me away.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Son of a Bitch. She was gonna kill me. I learned earlier this year that fucking words could damn near devastate you. While this wasn't as bad as that time, it's bad enough that I wanted to do bodily harm to multiple people. I reached up and rubbed my hand over my heart. Fuck. It fucking hurts to hear her words. If I could find the people who created her, I'd kill them in a heartbeat.

  I reached out to her, drew her in to me and wrapped my arms around her shaking little body and hugged her close to me.

  “Because you're not a nobody Brenna. You’re someone special. And darlin’, somebody wants you now, baby girl,” I said huskily, my voice clogged with emotion. “Somebody wants you now.”

  She cried for ten damn minutes. Ten. Ten fucking damn minutes. Crying. Tears. Seriously thought I was gonna lose my shit. I had to breathe deep because I wasn’t gonna fucking let any tears fall. So, what if my chest shook a little, I wasn’t fucking crying. I've always been this badass motherfucker with a take no prisoners mentality, but I have always cared deeply for my family. And I never thought I could feel this way about a complete stranger, yet I did. She felt like my child. Mine. And whether this little girl knew it or not, she has just gotten a daddy, two moms, and a shit load of brothers and a sister.

  It felt like I had been in this damn little store for hours, when in actual fact it had only been about thirty minutes or so. And while we have been lucky no one has stopped in, if we didn't do something soon, our luck would run out.

  When the first inkling of this idea crossed my mind, I thought about picking her up on the way back through but hearing her say that dickwad's uncle was a cop, I'm too uncomfortable about leaving without her. Anything could happen to her in a matter of hours, so if she said yes, with me she would go. And I am making damn sure she said yes.

  I raised my hand and wiped the tears from my eyes. I have been through a lot of shit in my life and I honestly think this has been close to some of the hardest minutes of it.

  “Brenna girl, you need to make a decision. Will you come with me?” I asked her.

  Her tiny body shuddering, she started taking deep breaths of air. She used her shirt to wipe the tears and snot off her face. And when she had some semblance of control, she looked up at me and said on a shuddering breath, “Yes, please. I would like to come with you.”

  I felt the band that has been tight around my heart loosen some. I hadn't even been aware it was there. If she had said no, I still would have done something to get her out of this town. Although I have to admit, if she had said no, I would have somehow convinced her to go with me. I felt like she needed us, and something tells me we need her too.

  “Okay, here's what we're gonna do. I want you to get your belongings, then I want you to leave a note on the counter telling your boss that you quit. I am going to drag that sorry motherfucker right there outside, and while I'm doing that. I want you to turn off the gas pumps, if you have a safe, drop the money from your register in it, turn off the lights and come outside and lock the store up. You got all that?”

  She nodded at me.

  “Okay, then we will go to wherever you live, hmm fuck, your car.” I muttered.

  “Not mine. His. And I have most of my stuff in the car. Just a few things left at his place,” she said.

  “Well that works. We can get your stuff out of the car, then we'll just go where you lived, get the rest of your belongings and hit the road. Sound good to you?” I asked.

  She smiled at me and said, “Sounds good.”

  I dragged that sorry motherfucker out and smiled when his head bounced over the seal of the door. I pulled him down the sidewalk a little way into an area that wasn't well lit and dropped his legs. As long as he had been out, I might have done some serious damage to him, or else it might have happened when he hit his head when he landed. He should have been coming around by now, but the fucker was still dead to the world. I cut off the zip ties and put them in my pocket, then I turned and walked away from him while thinking the whole time about what I would really like to do to the fucker.

  I stood right outside the door and waited as Brenna did all the things I told her to. She then made her way toward me, stepped outside, dropping a backpack onto the sidewalk, then turned and locked the door.

  “What do I do with the key?” she asked.

  “Shove it under the door.”

  I watched as she pushed it under the door. It didn't look like it had completely cleared the threshold, so I took my knife out and pushed it on into the store.

  “Let me pull my Blazer over to the car and we can load your things into it.”

  She nodded, grabbed her backpack then walked over to the car.

  I pulled my Blazer perpendicular to the trunk of the car. Then, I walked to the back of the Blazer and rolled down the window to the tailgate. As I turned toward Brenna, she was pulling things out of the trunk. She turned and handed stuff to me, which I loaded in the back behind the back seat. We did this until the trunk was empty, then we loaded up the things she had inside the car. She then grabbed her backpack.


  “Yep, ready.”

  She glared at the scumbag lying there on the sidewalk, drew her backpack on, turned and started around the Blazer. About halfway there, she stopped. She looked at me and said, “
Just a second.”

  She dropped her backpack, turned around and ran back over to the asshole on the ground. She proceeded to kick him in the balls as hard as she could and then she spit on him. She turned back around and ran back over, picked up the backpack again, walked over and hopped up in my Blazer.

  I watched all this in silence. And I have to admit, I winced slightly when she nailed that fucker in the balls, but he deserved it, so I was all good with it. He had curled up into a ball when she kicked him, but never fully woke up. So, I did what she did, I made my way to the door of my Blazer, got in, started it, pulled out of the parking lot and said, “Where to?”

  After we had gone to the dump she lived in and got the rest of her things, we hit the road, traveling on through the night.

  “Brenna, I'm on my way to see my two oldest boys. It's still about a four-hour drive to where we'll be meeting them. And after I have my visit with the boys, we'll head back toward home. We will have to pass back through this area, but I'll make sure not to stop. Overall, though, I'm sorry to say we will be spending a lot of time on the road before we make it home.”

  “All's good,” she replied. “I think I will just try to sleep if that's okay with you.”

  “That's perfectly fine with me, Brenna girl, perfectly fine.”

  About thirty minutes after Brenna fell asleep, I reached down to my console to get my Sprite and encountered nothing but air. I looked down puzzled and all I saw was an empty cup holder and no sunflower seeds. Well fuck, with everything that had gone on tonight at the store, I had forgotten to get my Sprite and sunflower seeds. So here I was driving down the road, thirsty, wanting fucking sunflower seeds to eat, with a sleeping girl in the passenger seat, just fucking perfect.

  But in actual fact, it was perfect, I thought to myself as I glanced over to the sleeping girl softly snoring in the passenger seat beside me, and decided at this moment in time, life was pretty damn good. Pretty damn good indeed.


  Chapter 6

  A man is truly a man when he wins the love of a good woman, earns her respect, and keeps her trust. Until you can do that, you're not a man.

  ~Gregory David Roberts~


  January 24th, 1998

  I glanced over to check on Brenna only to see that she's still sleeping. The poor kid probably hadn't felt safe enough to sleep for a whole night in no telling how long. Meeting her has opened my eyes to a whole new problem that many kids and young adults are facing. While I know that there are kids out there who don't really have much of a family and nowhere to live, I never thought about what happens to foster kids as they age out of the system.

  I guess because I haven't ever encountered this type of situation before, I just let my blinders of what's going on in the world keep the subject out of my mind. Even though I know BamBam and Cotton had been foster kids, they have never talked about any part of their lives as children, at least not to where I've ever heard it spoken about. So, the whole issue hasn't been something on my radar.

  Excuses. That's all I have for not doing something for these kids. After dealing with the daily stress of Devil and the MC, plus my shop, I haven't really let anything in a long time distract my attention from the MC and my family. And since my family was my number one priority, I have locked the outside world out whenever I am with them.

  I'm a selfish man. My family is my everything. All that I do is for them. They are the one thing that keeps me going. They make me whole. And as cheesy as it sounds, they complete me. Fuck. If you have a woman or women in your life, as I have, you've watched about every cheesy assed rom com film out there. And yes, I have watched fucking Jerry Maguire more than once I'm sad to say.

  And my women, fuck, my women keep me sane in an insane world. Without them, I might not be any better of a man than Devil is. I thank God daily for both of them. They give me my highest highs. When I am at my lowest, they bring me back up. They are my light in a dark world. They are my hope, when I feel hopeless. They give me a purpose to stay breathing. They are my reason for living. They are my everything.

  Oh, I wouldn't ever take myself out if something happened to them, God forbid. Because I still have kids to be there for, but the hole in my heart, hell in my soul, would be so big that it would be fucking hard to want to go on living. There would be a part of me that would be nothing but a shell of a man. So yeah, when I'm with my family, the outside world ceases to exist for me. All that there is, is them.

  I sighed heavily. This has gotten to me more than anything has in a long time. And now my brain is trying to figure out shit to do for kids. Hell, just not foster kids, but there are other kids, runaways, kids with monsters for parents, that don't have anyone either. Fuck.

  We do a poker run once a year; Devil thinks it makes us look good. He doesn't have a clue. We have done them before for an organization that helps out battered women, now we need to add one for children who have nowhere to go, whatever their circumstances might be. Not sure if there was a program like that. I needed to check in on it, if not, then that might be something my Old Ladies might want to sink their teeth into, and I'll do everything in my power to help out. That can be something we can do as a family after all my plans have played out accordingly. But for now, I can't focus on that. Right now, I have issues that for me are more important. My family.

  I grabbed my burner phone, the one I know that was untraceable, and got ready to call my Old Ladies. I changed burner phones once a month, more often if I felt like it's needed. I keep a 'regular' phone to use when my calls are nothing important. But for the times that I didn't want anyone to know that I am calling someone, I used a burner. And for times like now, I made sure that my Old Ladies are using one as well. Plus, I wanted to make sure that no one can use my 'regular' phone to triangulate my coordinates and figure out where I am right now.

  I had turned that phone off and took the battery out of it before I left home to be on the safe side. I know having it turned off puts me out of contact for members of the MC right now, but if someone calls my Old Ladies looking for me, they know to say that I have gone to pick up parts for a rebuild and that they have tried to get a hold of me themselves but haven't been able too. So, if anyone asks why they couldn't get a hold of me, I'll just say that my phone died, and I forgot to grab my charger.

  I glanced over at Brenna one more time to make sure she was still asleep, she was, so I called my Old Ladies. As I waited for them to pick up, I saw a sign that showed a couple of twenty-four-hour convenience stores and a truck stop about ten miles ahead. I decided I’d make a pit stop there and get me my damn Sprite and fucking sunflower seeds. I'm thirsty as hell. Hmm, truth be told, starting to get a little hungry now as well.

  “Hello,” Mia's warm sensuous voice said.

  “Hey babe, can y’all both hear me?” I asked.

  “Yeah we can, Viper.”

  I heard Jennie's voice in the background. Her voice sounded husky too and it's only that way when she's having sex. Mother. Fuck. My damn women were having sex without me. I growled slightly and heard low toned laughter.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me, right? Tell me you aren't doing what I think you are doing.” I tried to speak low and quiet.

  All I got were two seductive laughs this time.

  “Y'all aren't even fucking sorry, are you?” I asked.

  “Well, maybe a little.”

  I heard Jennie say. And then I heard Mia's low moan. Son of a bitch. See zero to sixty in three seconds, my cock was now hard as steel and there wasn't a motherfucking thing I could do about it. Damn, how is it my damn dick reacts to them this fucking fast? I swear it's not normal.

  “I will get you both for this,” I muttered.

  “Oh yeah?” Mia said. “Whatcha gonna do? Spank us? Tie us up? Blindfold us?”

  I groaned as all those scenarios ran like warm honey through my mind. I could picture doing each of those things to them. I would blindfold them, then I would make them get on
their hands and knees on the bed. Next, I would tie each of their hands to the head board, then push their heads down onto the bed while keeping their asses up in the air where I would spank each of their satiny smooth cheeks to a bright red. Then I would lick, bite and drink my fill from their pretty pink pussies while I finger fucked them. I would tease and taunt them and get them right to the point of orgasm, then I would flip them over leaving their hands tied up, pull off their blind folds and let them watch me jack the fuck off. Fuck yes, I was so doing this when I got the fuck home.

  I growled back at them, “That's exactly what I'm going to do when I get home. I'm tying your hands to the headboard, blind fold you, spank your asses, and then you are gonna watch me stroke myself until I come. You both can take that to the fucking bank.”

  I heard two moans.

  Jenna murmured, “Oh, fuck yes.” While Mia whimpered and said, “Fuck. Me.”

  I chuckled, then I glanced over quickly to make sure Brenna was still asleep. That's all I would need was for her to wake up and see me sporting a damn hard on and hear me talking dirty to my Old Ladies. Fuck. If she sees me like this, she'd probably run screaming for the damn hills. My fucking women are in trouble. Big trouble.

  I heard Jennie gasp, then say, “God, Mia. Right there, lick me right there.”

  Then, I heard Jennie moaning.

  I heard Mia say, “Bite my nipple harder Jennie, harder.”

  “Oh fuck,” I whispered.

  My cock was so god damn fucking hard, I swear I could hammer a fucking nail into a concrete piling right now. Son of a bitch. They are so in for it.

  I heard Jennie groan and Mia moaned out, “Your sweet cream is sooo good Jennie, I could lap you up all day long.”

  “Fuck, fuck,” I heard whispered.

  Another moan, a hitched gasp. Whimpers of need.

  Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

  I should fucking hang up now, I really should, yet I can't make myself do it. I just can't. I want to hear each sigh, gasp, moan, groan and whimper. I reached down and tried to rearrange my cock some for a little bit of relief, but don't have any fucking luck.


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