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Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

Page 13

by Jeneveir Evans

  I was done, stick a fork in me. I felt my arms start to give way and I managed to push just enough that I landed to the side of her. We both struggled to regain our breath. I raised my head and glared at my cock, but this time, I think he was finally sated for the time being.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Jesus, not sure what happened there.”

  Jennie giggled, “Well I'm pretty sure I was just fucked twice. Once long, slow and wildly insane. The second time was a race to see who could come first.”

  I barked out a laugh. “I believe we tied for that race, my love.”

  “Yes, we did, and it was fantastic. I can't wait to do it again.”

  My cock twitched at her words. Fuck, how did it even have any feeling left?

  I rolled onto my side and got serious. Jennie turned her head toward me and I reached out and ran my fingers up and down her cheek.

  “Jennie, I don't ever want you to hold things back like that again. It's not good for you and it fucking damn near killed me to see you hurting so bad. It made me hurt too. I felt like I had failed you, love. If you ever start to even have an inkling of anything like that again, you fucking come talk to me, understand. I'm your man, I'm here for you for any and everything, Jennie.”

  Jennie's eyes filled up with tears.

  “No more tears, love. I just want you to know that I love our sons, love the time I spend with you, love the way you love all the kids, love the time we spend together as a family, love the way you and Mia love each other, and Jennie, I love every little fucking thing about you. I love you so fucking much it hurts sometimes. I thank God daily that you are in my life. I don't ever want you to have any doubts about that ever again. Because Jennie, I fucking need you. You get me?”

  She nodded, “I get you, love, I get you.”

  I leaned over and gently brushed a gentle kiss across her lips.

  “Time to get up, love. We are gonna be late as it is. Let's hit the shower and if my dick starts acting up, for the love of god, run okay?”

  Jennie started laughing her ass off at me, snorting every once in a while. I chuckled lightly as well. We took a quick shower, threw on clothes and left the house.

  All I can think of as we walked hand in hand down the road toward the Clubhouse, was that I prayed nothing like this ever happened again. Not sure my heart could handle hurting that bad for one of my women again.


  Chapter 10

  Nothing is given to man on earth – struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible – the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen.

  ~Andrew Bernstein~


  June 1997

  We were about thirty minutes late and the party was in full swing. Between Brothers, Old Ladies, Prospects, children and club girls, there were roughly fifty people here. Tables were laden with food, plates, cutlery, and napkins. Coolers offered the choices of ice-cold beer, sodas or water. Old rock music played over the speakers.

  There were a variety of choices in things to do for everyone, ranging from eating, dancing, swimming, to sitting around the bonfire chatting or playing horseshoes. It was a fairly well-ordered form of mild chaos. Adults were starting to drift into small groups, while it looked like all the kids were swimming.

  I was mildly surprised to find that the club girls were at a family function. While it was still apparent which of the women fell into that category, at least it wasn't because they were wearing anything risqué. It was just how the girls acted, plus the majority of their faces were in full makeup mode. For now, they weren't draped all over the brothers.

  Mia was sitting at a table full of women that appeared to be mostly Old Ladies. Apparently, someone was telling a really interesting story because Mia's laughter was ringing out over the air. She has such a fucking great laugh and I smiled upon hearing it.

  “Viper as soon as I get my plate, I'm heading over to sit with the women.” Jennie stated.

  “Alright love, you go have a good time,” I replied back.

  Upon loading my own plate up and grabbing a beer, I made my way to where Mad Dog was sitting at a table full of Brothers. As I sat down across from him, he grinned up at me and spoke.

  “How's it hanging, Viper.”

  I smirked at him and responded, “Hanging low and tired, Brother.”

  He barked out a laugh and commented, “You dirty old man, good for you. Keeps you out of trouble.”

  I laughed as someone spoke up, “Fuck, wish that we could all be that lucky.”

  “Hell,” someone said. “I don't envy him at all. Putting up with one Old Lady is hard enough, two's the stuff of fucking nightmares.”

  Laughter echoed all around, some men nodding in agreement to the statement.

  “Yeah, but I'd sure like to give it a try.”

  “Fuck, Nickel. You have a hard-enough time managing not to piss off the club girls, how the fuck you think you could handle two women, Old Ladies at that?”

  “Hell, I ain't that bad.”

  To which howls of laughter came from the men. It was nice to be able to sit at a table, eat a meal, enjoy good conversation, without counting the minutes before you could get away. The guys were comfortable around each other and not scared to tease a Brother without the fear of getting swung on or shot at.

  About this time, my lovely well-mannered daughter, or as I like to call her, my little hellion, came running up to me and exclaimed, “Dad, Dad, we were wrong yesterday.”

  Laughing, I said, “About what, Jemma.”

  “Bout Mad Dog being the biggest motherfucker we've ever seen.”

  Fuck. My. Life. Will this kid ever learn to watch what she says? It's apparently not going to happen anytime soon, that's for damn sure. I shook my head as everyone started rolling with laughter. I glanced at Mad Dog only to see great bellows of laughter were coming from him and he's wiping tears off his face, with more falling as fast as he was wiping them away. Thank God for small favors. I'm fucking ecstatic that he was an even natured man.

  “Fuck, Red. What were you told?” I growled.

  “But Dad, I'm serious. Look at that man coming out of the Clubhouse. He's a scary huge, monstrous motherfucker.”

  I glanced around to where she was pointing and there's no missing the man in question. I'm not sure there was another man bigger than him on the planet.

  “Jesus Christ. What the fuck is in the water out here?” I inquired.

  Mad Dog was snorting, he's laughing so hard now. Brothers are leaning against each other as they are laughing their asses off. I'm so thankful these men appear to be fairly easy going.

  “My apologies, Red. You are fucking correct, but we are still gonna have a talk about this later.”

  “Ah Dad, do we have to?”

  “Yes, young lady, we do.”

  “I ain't no lady, bye Dad.”

  And away raced my red headed hellion child. I sat shaking my head as laughter continued from around the table. The huge motherfucker that Jemma pointed out, was making his way over to our table.

  “Move over boys, it's time for my second plate.”

  “Second hell, Hoss. That's like your sixth.”

  “Bah, who's counting. I'm a growing lad.”

  “Fuck Hoss, you get any bigger and we're gonna have to rebuild the Clubhouse to have higher ceilings and wider halls.” Mad Dog said.

  “You sayin' I'm fat there, big brother?”

  “Wouldn't dream of saying that to you, little bro.”

  “It's a good thing too, ‘cause I can easily whip your ass.”

  “In your dreams, horsey boy.”

  It's apparent this was Mad Dog's brother. They looked damned near identical, other than size that is. I wouldn't want to meet either of them at night alone, but both together, fuck, I've bet grown men have shit themselves at seeing the two together at night.

  “Don't you fucking start that shit with me
, puppy boy.”

  Both men glared at each other. I glanced around to see all the other men snickering at the two of them. Just as I was wondering if I needed to move to give them some room, they both burst out laughing. Fuck. After so many years of the SoS, I was in culture shock. Despite having the best 'bastard' face, some of what I was feeling must have reflected upon it, because Mad Dog spoke up.

  “Fuck, Hoss. We need to knock it off. We're gonna scare Viper smooth away. Then Beau will be pissed, because Rebel and Pred will be upset about their old man not wanting to come here.”

  “Sorry, Brother.” Hoss said.

  “Fuck, no apologies necessary. Y'all ain't doing nothing wrong. It's more like what you're doing right.”

  “How so?” Hoss asked.

  “Well let me just say the atmosphere from where I'm from is more like, if that had just happened there, one of you would have been pulling and shooting a gun.”

  “Damn, I'd hate to be in an MC like that.”

  Agreements sounded all around.

  “Well, we'll have to see what we can do about that,” Mad Dog said.

  I saw men nodding all over. I glanced around and not one was acting like I wasn't welcomed here. It was a fucking nice feeling. I think I could get used to actually wanting to be with my MC Brothers.

  All of the sudden, a shout rings out loud, “God damn you old man, you fucking cheat. I don't know how you do it, but you fucking cheat.”

  I turned my head in the direction the yelling was coming from and I saw a gray-haired Brother, bend over holding his stomach and laughing his ass off. Standing glaring at the old man was a younger version of him.

  “Fuck, that brother of mine is never going to learn. He's dumb as a rock. Pathetic. He's never won against the old man; I don't know why he keeps trying.”

  I glanced over to the man who has just spoken, it's apparent he was related to the men at the horseshoe pit.

  “How much this time, Maul?” the man yelled out to the younger man at the horseshoe pit.

  “Shut it, fucker. None of your business.” The brother, I'm assuming was Maul, yelled back.

  I watched as the old biker walked our way. He had his wallet out and was putting what looked like hundred-dollar bills in it. He's laughing the whole time.

  “What'd you take him for this time, Dad.”

  “Three hundred dollars. That little shit will never learn. You want to play me, Son?” the old man asked.

  “Fuck no, Dad. Just you asking me that proves not to play against your ass. You know though don't you that Karma's gonna bite you in the ass one day.”

  As everyone laughs, I'm slightly confused.

  The younger version at the table of the old biker saw my face and said, “Fuck man, sorry. We've been bad hosts. We've not introduced ourselves. I'm Karma, and that old man who just won the money is my old man, Cueball. And the dumb ass over there still trying to figure out shit, is my younger brother, Maul.”

  After that, everyone began introducing himself. I'm fairly good with names, but I'm pretty sure I haven't been able to remember all of them.

  Mad Dog started laughing and said, “Damn boys, y'all have probably just made it worse. He only knew a couple names before, now he's probably confused as hell.”

  As everyone looked sheepishly at me, I laughed and said, “It's all good Brothers, it's all good.”

  As the night wore on, I saw the kids go up to Mia and Jennie and speak to them, then turn and start towards the house. The kids waved at me but didn't attempt to come over to say anything. Every one of them looked like their ass was dragging. I noticed that soon all the other kids were following mine and making their way up the blacktop road. I guess the Brothers with families lived on the compound. I liked the fact that the kids felt safe enough to go on home while their parents stayed at the Clubhouse.

  I glanced around and noticed it was just adults now and I'm curious how rowdy the brothers will get. I saw club girls cajoling Brothers to the dance floor. All the outside lighting dimmed down some, giving the entire area a more intimate feel to it. It wasn't so dark that you couldn't see, but it allowed for the feeling of privacy. About this time, I heard Barry White's You’re the One I Need come on and I heard hoots and hollers. I'm curious if any of the Brothers danced with their Old Ladies. We never did at SoS. There was no way I would ever drop my guard for that, but here, it felt safe.

  I stood up and looked over to where the Old Ladies were sitting. I smiled when I saw my two women looking at me. They knew I didn't give a fuck who watched me dance with them. I quirked my finger in their direction and Mia got up and started making her way towards me. Mia and I have been dancing to this song since our teens.

  “Fuck, did you see that shit?” I heard in the background.

  “That fucker has moves, he simply quirks his finger and an Old Lady is on her way. I want to be him when I grow up.”

  I heard laughter from the comment, and I snickered quietly as I met Mia on the concrete dance floor. I took her in my arms and spun her out and back into me, while she laughed up to me.

  “What's so funny?” Mia asked.

  “Just the boys. Apparently one of them likes my moves with my Old Ladies and wants to be like me when he grows up.” I quietly laughed as I'm telling her.

  “Well big boy, there's not a better man to want to emulate.”

  “Oh yeah?” I uttered huskily.

  “Yeah,” she whispered back.

  Fuck. You would think my cock would be happy just taking it easy after going three rounds earlier, but fuck no, not him. He perked right up hearing Mia's seductive talk.

  “Hey big boy, is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me.”

  I shouted out a laugh and swung her out and back to me. I grabbed her ass and pulled her hard against me. I heard hooting and hollering, cheering me on as I swayed Mia around.

  “Fuck, you two are gonna be the death of me, you know that don't you.”

  “Well, you know what they say.”

  I smiled lazily at her, “What do they say.”

  “When I'm good, I'm very, very good. When I'm bad, I'm better.”

  I busted out laughing, “Fuck woman, you two have been watching Mae West movies again haven't you.”

  She snickered and nodded.

  As the song ended, I cupped Mia's face in my hands, leaned down then slid my tongue into her slightly open lips and kissed her senseless. There went the cheering section again. Fuck these men. They were a riot.

  As Mia made her way back toward the women, I had almost made it back to the men who were still hollering out suggestions on what to do with Mia when Barry White's I've Got So Much to Give comes on. I looked at the men sitting at the tables and shook my head.

  “Seriously, you motherfuckers? Who does two back to back Barry White songs at a fucking MC?”

  I shook my head at all the laughter going on. Fuck Me.

  As I made my way back towards the dance floor, I looked over to see the women were laughing too. I beckoned Jennie to me, and she got up and started her slow, sexy, sensuous walk to me. I smirked at her, watching the show she's putting on. I knew two little motherfuckers who were going to pay for this the next time I got the chance to get them back. They would be home for good before long and I was gonna get them back.

  Jennie laughed as she grabbed the hand I was holding out to her. I locked her hips against mine and decided if they wanted a fucking show, they were gonna get one.

  “Jennie girl. Our shit older sons did this to us, so these men want a show, let's give them one.”

  She grinned wickedly up at me and nodded. Jennie had serious mad dancing skills, and when it came to dirty dancing, well let's just say watching her has made many grown men shift around uncomfortably.

  I tilted Jennie back to the right and she bent backwards and slowly rolled her torso left, I pulled her back up to me and we proceeded to dirty dance. It didn't take thirty seconds before Brothers, Old Ladies, and club girls were all yell
ing out suggestions and encouragements. I'm usually a fairly intense man around Brothers, but I did fucking know how to have a good time and laughed with and at myself. But my fucking sons were still gonna get it. As soon as the song was over, I leaned Jennie over and kissed the fuck out of her. Shouts of 'that's how it's fucking done' and 'damn would you look at that kiss, it's fucking hot' could be heard.

  This time, I actually made it back to the table. Before there had been about eight Brothers around it, now it looked like double that.

  “Fuck man. Blame it on Reb and Pred. Sorry to do that to you. But that shit was fucking hot.”

  Laughter and fuck yeah's were uttered.

  “Knew it was those little shits and you're not sorry at all, motherfucker.”

  Everyone laughed at what was said.

  “But I tell you what, those little bastards are gonna pay, just gotta think on it a bit.”

  “Damn should we warn them? His smile is scary as fuck right now.”

  I chuckled evilly at Nickel. “Don't you fucking dare.”

  “Ah damn, now I know how he's a VP. I don't want none of that shit. Nope. Won't say a word. They can suffer the consequences.” Nickel says as he backed away and made his way toward the club girls.

  “I swear,” Mad Dog said, “I don't think that boy's elevator goes above the third floor.”

  I barked out a laugh at that.

  “Seriously though, thanks for being a good sport about it. I told Nickel not to do it, but that boy, fuck all I can do is just shake my head, don't think he will ever learn.”

  “It's all good, Brother. What time are we meeting back here in the morning?”

  “Ten sound good to you?”

  “Ten works. Think I'm gonna grab my Old Ladies and head toward the house.”

  “Sounds good, Brother.”

  I stood and glanced over to see that Mia and Jennie were already heading my way. I walked over to them, put my arms around their waists and we headed back toward the house. I heard one of the men saying as we were walking away.

  “Seriously guys, I want to be that dude.”

  I shook my head once again as Jennie and Mia giggled the whole way back.



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