Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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Ironic Missing Quantum Link Page 7

by Sylvester Marshall

  From endless chain reactions and evolutions, eventually mostly creating opposite, or, male and female version, etc., of all evolve intelligence, and opportunity for all intelligence to be able to reproduce and continue the continuum.

  Atoms blending and mergers and acquisitions and sometimes hostile take overs, all forms of cold welding, also created an infinite numbers of other types of life forms. Hu persons are just one example of water base life form, from multi billions of atoms with feral instinct, crawled, clashing, swooshing, chain reactions, cavorting, dancing singing, crumping, shaking, wiggling, twerking, selfeeing, humming, eventually forming a blue print for freewill creation. There were various transformations of species even before RNA, DNA. There are another series of super-advance evolution that water base life form can aspire to when the prime condition are met, the highest region of existence.

  However counter-intuitive and counterproductive and systematic inactions customary practice’s has derailed us into can’t get right detours, from our very promising evolutions. Water base life forms, must regulate their PH balance at all times, otherwise sufferer unbearable consequence.

  Some atoms and inflate into our unique universe, sometimes parallel to an existing universe, twin universes, sharing the same exact, but opposite chain reaction, time rhythm, and space.

  Back almost 14.5 billion years ago, from our present time, in the fathomless Sub-Atomic realm, just below the surface of our mi’ programed reality.

  All of the atoms in the subatomic region, all the nuclei’s were in constant flux from ruthless implosions, and decays. All of the chemical elements needed to create our Universe, were nestled and tightly together, already has been inflating for over 72,000 billion years in the subatomic region.

  The back story

  All the main molecules of the sub core are the, Protons, neutrons, and electrons, are regulating chain reactions. They are similar, and alike the way in which our subatomic cosmic life force regulating our existence.

  All subatomic creation, are the origin form of energy, they regulates the intricate ‘use and disuse” in all evolution that occurs.

  This is “Species Origin theory # 26’, in every universe the microscopic primordial existence, gave rise to, two other Universe’s.

  All life forms starts out, in a subatomic vibrating overstuff subspace collective, and then they sprout and branch out into, various species of being, depending on the universe.

  Think twice before your next carnivore urge, most of the time energy is recycles across all organisms and universe, when you “eat anything with a face”, you might be gnawing on energy of your very first and primary relative.

  Our Sub atomic microscopic region and the “subspace” layer are the driving force of our anatomic Universe. Our anatomic journey consists of us going through various transformations, and in and out various training universe and worlds. These transformations are preparation for our energy to take on advance creating visionary shifting.

  A continuum are a collaboration of surprising generosities journeys, fine tuning art of creating new life, an organic canvas with revolving gallery. Evolving advance energy strokes a magical display with exceptional perspective effects. Energy never dies it’s, it’s simply redesign and evolve, and reassign.

  Down below and all around, are our primary microscopic dimensions, invisible to our naked eyes, yet the most important life force cores.

  Every life form has two life-force core, the subatomic life force and the anatomic life force core. Our subatomic core requires different raw daily vitals than our anatomic life force core. When both of our life force of our body are able to acquire both sets of daily vitals that supply our subatomic and anatomic cosmic life force, all pistons will be firing, and awaken, and allow us all access to our true potential and capabilities, we can hone the abilities to become invincible, and a positive force to be reckon with.

  The supreme microscopic dimension is the highest region. All life forms begin in the “Subatomic chill is our very first home, and then on to the microscopic prime Oceans”, and conscience awareness, and it’s where we begin our very first stage of evolution.

  The microscopic region is the first place where all signature of existence began, outlining the rhythm of all species journey. Most people have it backwards, when we want to show respect to our origins they look up.

  We have to look, down, deep down below, whereas it’s invisible to the naked eyes in our microscopic dimension; it’s in superb play all around us, the sub regions an extraordinary melting pot of kindness and the source of all organic creation.

  Deep down in the carbon twelve microscopic region almost 15 billion years ago, neuron activity began, one neuron was the first sign of life, two conjoin neuron meant motion capacities, then evolution when viral.

  From there cell began to group together and communicate, forming all types of isotope party, the VIPs were atoms with 82 protons, who started radioactive decays, alpha beta and then gamma decays, inevitably led to into a chain reaction, uncontrollable relentless trillion kiloton implosive in the microscopic primary region.

  Bang, Bang

  All of the known, and unknown elements in our periodic table, and then some were joisting and fun dangling in the microscopic region, electric impulses, “every cell knows one another, they communicate with every other cell, forming a network of interactive priorities, exchanging well over 1000 bits of information every split second”, the very first super computer, is the cell. “Cells conjoin and group together and form various types of matter. is the cell began to go “stir crazy”, from laying semi dormer in there “primordial soup” to oozing, twitches, wobbling, jingling, shaking, popping, crack, pow-wow, thumps, zip, bang zoom, booms, thunderous and lightening, spastic rage, spastic fit, overstuffed into expansions and eventually into rapid inflations.

  It had first started off as a gentle, stir, vibration, and then atoms and gas molecule inevitable began fierce competing for space. Radioactive decay, from unstable nucleus, created, artistic chain reactions.

  Gas atoms move freely about, while the solids huddled wobbling, in the sub-atomic realm, forming complex radiant molecules.

  This is was always the first greatest living gallery, an isotopes art show, begun to take on the greatest artistic form. Our Initial origin was from an abstract fission reactions of great perspective, the creative process take’s time, the creative evolution is still in play as you read this is part of that enchanting process.

  Deep yonder, in the cryogenic pitch dark was the first primordial arena. Radioactive glow of decaying atoms was everywhere, an explosive feasting of creation. Floating gases, lingering and engulfing, and dissipating always in constant flux, alteration of space.

  Some atoms began to form a cosmic bond, creating and recycling interactive collective complex energy molecules. Setting the stage, creating an intertwined universe umbilical cord cosmic link, that is connected to all life forms.

  Widespread radioactive decay erupted everywhere in the sub atomic fabric of the universe, displaying the very first fireworks.

  After death of anatomic life forms, their microscopic life force core energy returns, to the sub atomic cosmic collective core, as advanced intelligent energy, the subatomic core is immortal, it never Dies, it’s recycle and evolve into complex trans, cross species universal energy.

  It was the night before, the microscopic Universe was about to begin its creation phase and all through the night, it was always night, there was plenty of unstable atom movement about, excess radiation was being secreted by atoms with 82 protons, in the subspace region.


  The combination of different types of decay, created a prime mortal fission reaction, radioactive decay spark and implosion was everywhere, in subspace.

  Radiation from all the radioactive decay generated an enormous amount of heat, causing nuclei fusion. Unleashing primordial electric fireworks, unstable nuclei were the underlying driving force in creating excessive implosio

  Freeze frame

  A bit different from when a person threw the first switch, lights on 1878. Those persons with great unnatural intentions didn’t realize the unforeseen consequence. We all are mi’ programed into mostly using aftermath contingencies, it’s our counterintuitive ways of life and are in all our preoccupations and continuities.

  Even light bulbs manufactures, was ignorance to the fact that, artificial lights can cause, according to the brand new consensus cause of breast cancers, and a series of other fatal illness. My very grateful personal disturbing puzzling automatic reaction was, pertaining to bizarre duration, and over extended research approach. In some cases, we should take some type of un-reckless initiative, and preemptive whistle blowing strike when the greater good is at stake. Our counterproductive system enforces mediocre response from those with brilliant in sight, from those wonderful eager to please people around the world.

  The very insightful caring researcher took, over twenty five years to compile a detail research to present a result, he inevitable suspect from his onset of his extremely valuable research. Yikes; twenty five years of causalities, I hope I don’t appeared as ungrateful, on the contrary I am highly ultra-sensitive, applauded the scientist and all who are attempting to be an all-inclusive “part of the solutions” with wonderful and super caring Insight and relentless determination. My opinion, although hindsight, this story shed light on our priorities as a whole. It also demonstrates a prime example how we are, mi programed into chastising unfavorable result, from those who are attempting to help others with good intention. Whereas; the long term insurmountable collateral damage from restless hornet nest of critics, that seems to in their lair ready to come out and buzz “as part of the problem”, discouraging all-inclusive progress.

  Instead taking twenty five years, to study women who are use artificial lights. The world should be well aware, anything artificial, aren’t good for us, however: most of us are busy trying to mimic and follow the high-profile, celebrities, and the rich and famous, which most of them are highly driven with open budget to replace au natural, satisfying uncanny addiction for brand spanking new shinny hazardous chemically smell finish (I don’t mean product form Finland) products. Why the researcher didn’t first study women in countries, or areas that didn’t use artificial lights.

  Instead of having an ingrained twisted fear of failure, the scientist could of make public his suspicion and perhaps, other inputs would have been available. Example, extrapolating instant results primary set of medical information from people around the world, who are living without artificial lights, then issuing a pre-warning while, pursuing extensive research, that would have taken less than a year. Instead of pursuing relentless systematically falling prey to mi ‘programing twenty five years research, while others are suffering unnecessary cruel and unusual punishment, there should be a greater good suspicion publication. The main disturbing question is how much of these extended researches are in progress that will eventually confirm researcher critical suspicions?

  The irony is, it didn’t seem matter, to all the insensitive wrong hands, pretend impaired ears and eyes that are in charge aren’t spreading critical news to our global girls and women. These invaluable information like million more are still not wide spread, every school should always be ready to ad add on critical info, that inevitable pass on to most of the rest of societies. Although the facts are in, the news aren’t widespread, we all know that unscrupulous manufactures don’t have the empathy to put a warning label on lighting equipment’s and all light bulbs consumers know of one of the hazardous of using artificial lighting. Similar to the salt and sugar, process foods, and food facts industry, should respectfully put warning labels on salt, mentioning it cause high blood pressure, hypertension that can lead heart attacks (un managed ph. Balance, apple cider vinegar cures high blood pressure, (when you have high blood pressure, the heat of the sun is very dangerous, and you should refrain from bathing it's extremely dangerous as well, the sea salt, enter your body through your skin and other portholes, the sea salt will escalate your blood pressure to sky rocket, patience with low blood pressure can use the sea bathing to their advantage), it’s customary to bask in the sun, and then, be subjected to transdermal intake of intense salt, from the sea water, for those suffering from high blood pressure, it can be a night mare. Facilities to check blood pressure should be easily available, at beeches and salt pool owners.

  White vinegar is very dangerous, refrain from using them, then can gives you gallstones, apple cider vinegar a day keeps the high blood pressure away). Put a warning label on all food items containing sugar, carbohydrates items, etc., cause’s diabetes. Or coffee chains offering dental services, corrective measures from business and services, and so on.

  Throughout our bizarre history, there are constant ironies. There were even ironic cliché’. Can you belief architects and engineers, most are spending seven years in schools are preparing to sabotage us. “Engineers, perhaps excluding the world famous architect Mr. Wright, limited few others, and large amount Asian architects (Japanese, Feng-shui savvy Asians), the misinformed and the ones with a knack and love replacing natural with artificial products, oblivious to natural positioning, are the major grim overseer in architecting our global misfortune”.

  Masons play a very destructive hand; they were free Masons* to plaster and cover more that 67% of most cities natural environment with concrete, creating many ironies. The counter-productive creation of concrete jungles is just one of their many faux pas, replacing natural jungle with enchanting benefits, our primary source of all of our raw daily vitals for sustaining both of our life force core’s, with self-destructive concrete jungle’s.

  On top of those self-destructive practice, we have quite a few other slapstick customary counter practice, for instance cooking out most or all of our natural daily vitals from foods, necessary for sustaining both of our life forces, when add in eradication of our natural sources of raw daily vitals and beginning our day drink milk, cook foods endangering circle, buy compromised foods- cook out all of the nutrition, eat the dead foods with no or trace amount of nutrients. On any given moment most people are highly driven fully absurd and engage in internationally in all types of preoccupations with lack of daily vitals, this can't be good. (Insert people entrapped in a circle of madness graph). Eating cook foods for thought is our super-grand, faux pas, misnomer, a farce, global suicide, misconceive, misinterpretation, missteps, misguided, misinformation, mi' education, mi' nurturing, misconception, etc. of our daily vitals science and requirements.

  Cook foods are the tip of the iceberg missteps, most of our preoccupations are fueled by cooked foods. All of our societies and sub-cultured are being run down by well-fed people with cooked foods.

  Cooked foods are making us incompetent, sabotaging us into being can't get right creatures, of counter intuitive habits, ballooning weight, hampering our prescience capabilities, and is also a primary causes of us only being able to use less than ten percent’s of our brain processing power prowess. Cooked foods are dead, and super dead foods, that are only over loading our body with unnecessary toxic, overriding over biological systems, and making us susceptible to all terminal decease, main source of adipose, imbalances and energy imbalances, over weight issues, there are various types of weight issues, for instance, genetic dispositions and juvenile onset or adult onset weight issues determine your type of obesity, upper body obesities and lower body obesities, vestigial encoding evolution stasis, metabolic syndrome, and fatal food allergies, in which the leading cause are the prolong lack of lack of daily vitals. Cook foods, are lock in to our psychic and has psychological hold on our biology and mind, from prolong usages. In addition another customary long running ignorance irony, our body wasn’t design to process most of the other species milk and soy milk, yet most of our world are conditioned to start their mornings and day with cow milk. a great deal of the times, when we are feeling sick, is due to build ups, gases and fr
ee radicals, all sort of byproducts from, cooking foods, which is dead foods, process foods and drinks, chemical exposures, that are causing all manifested forms of discomforts, all forms of mental declines and terminal illnesses.

  Concrete also are on the top ten list of major cause of population control in existence. Most of the trapped greenhouse gases, are being trapped by concrete, roads, roofing’s, and many other forms of persons-made products that are blanketing the earth, and causing some type of harm.

  Gazillions upon a natural time, anyone could of walk in any of our world lush verdure 360 degrees direction, and ate their belly full of countless, absolutely free, “the best things in life are free”, or more appropriately use to be free, and fresh on the tree ripe, or pick up and wipe off, or wash off assorted raw fruits, edible vegetation, and vegetable, the correct assortments contain all of our daily required vitals and multivitamins. The sustain ability factor, was for everyone, like john chapman, (the famous Johnny Appleseed) had incredibly and thoughtfully done, was and still can take immediate effect, is to throw the seeds, from all fruits and vegetation’s/vegetable, where they had a chance to grow, these days you have to throw them in shaded areas. The people who live through that time, would be the healthiest, living proof, and are a very rare find, due to uncanny systematic hype to replace natural lifesaving jungle with a concrete jungle global super rapid expansion.

  Most of the adults who was privilege to multiple organic (chemical free) raw fresh fruits, edible vegetation’s, vegetable, etc., unless compromise by other shinny finish unnatural products, would be in wonderful health, even though they are surrounded by billions of Hu person made harmful products and practice that are fatal to our environmental.


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