Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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Ironic Missing Quantum Link Page 8

by Sylvester Marshall

  The irony here, the fountain of youth always been right in from our face, the full spectrum of every edible raw vegetation and fresh organic fruits from around the world, has all of our daily vitals, and is a cure for each, and every, fatal decease on the planet. Most deceases could have been cured a long time ago, multi-centuries ago. Natural cure was discouraged by the medical industries for centuries, whereas, “the brain informs the body, and the body informs our brain. Some of the plants are already in extinction phase, or are being cover up with concrete jungles, as you read.

  Each raw edible vegetation, vegetable and fruits, from around the world, a very large assortment is needed twice or three times daily in order to receive the complete spectrum of raw daily vitals science, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc., the optimum sustenance for our entire biological needs, in order to sustaining both of our busy bee life force cores.

  The other irony here is that all the affluent people are in controlled of all the few remaining critically endangered fruit trees, plantation. From the dawn of time, reckless affluent people has single handedly contributed to the delinquencies of our planet. some affluent people are extremely wonderful, however; there is a heighten level of DE sensitivity and distance to the inner working of masses, and code of affluences, such as; “don’t talk to the hired help,” and other ruthless separatist acquisitions, and grandstanding mergers, only respecting and would engage in association with fellow who has face corporate challenges (attempting to add chided insults to misfortunate injury, a passenger on the sea streak to NJ, had ask me and my companion, Chantal. G, “had I face any corporate challenges today. In my disheveled elegance and vagrant couture fashion). Off course an astonishing regimes of misfortunate ignorant individual play a huge role in helping the world to its present extremely diminishing state, mainly due to them trying to copycat the affluent worlds, disturbing and uncanny predispositions to replace the natural beauty and sustainability, and opt for shinny brand chemically state-of-the-art finish products.

  Next time you pass an affluent area try and count how assorted fruits are wasting behind sprawling gated communities. And where there are now harmful concrete, trillions upon a time there was sustainable fruit trees, deforested causing the world to spiral into our current state of can’t get right unrest. Worldwide the remaining billions of fruit trees that have well needed raw daily vitals are rotting in artificial luxury, and are card off by, gardeners, landscapers, etc., to garbage insensitively.

  Nature dense plethora’s of super-offerings, fruit trees, berries, vegetation, and sea and land vegetable, etc., was designed to sustain well over any population free, including future population estimation of well over 20,000 trillion plus any size population to come, protection, ban on chemical aggressively continued and sustain by everyone. have we all play our role in global propagation, no one would of starve; or force into crime, just to acquire sustenance, and force fed cook dead foods, resulting in a fatal lack of daily vitals. With just a few additions all-inclusive solutions, and collective efforts located in the throw seeds/cloning all fruit trees project series, the can be a better place overnight.

  Had the natural recycling seeds/cloning process, remained in play. Instead, we disturbed the process, “first we stop nature in its sublime course, we then drop concrete everywhere, and then shut them (nature)” down”.

  ‘What if”, everyone who have fruit trees, soon to be on the endangered species list, would root some seeds or, even better, rooted (cuttings) “clones”, and share them with neighbors, and strangers, we can begin to reverse these Armageddon’s faux pas. The simplest and best way to clone plants or trees, is to multi-wrap a three inch or wider plastic around, a desire branch and secure it properly, it would sweat underneath the plastic, and sprung new roots, a few weeks depending on the climate and types of plant, after they are fully rooted remove from the tree or plant without exposing the roots to sunlight and replant and water, now you would have the next generation, a clone which would produce fruits or, vegetation’s twice as sweet, as the parent vegetation, plant of tree.

  Juices of all fruits, edible vegetation’s, and vegetables, and raw foods, can also reverse some the most fatal or terminal deceases, usually occur from lack of daily vitals or exposure to “brand new second hand” chemically finish products, depending on the stage of the decease, you might have to use vigorous all worldwide, rarest edible plants, noni mix with acidy fruit juice is usually the first step, try and acquire all of fruits and edible vegetation’s, and raw foods, that are not indigenous to your geographic location, also safely wear all of the non-harmful elements in the periodic table, from land and sea.

  When we continue to allow super-ignorance to our daily vitals for both of our life forces, to continue to get the best of us, it proves our priorities are twisted. Ironically daily vitals, and many extremely important life lessons and key skills, aren’t taught in global schools (for more info see f.r.a.u.d.u.l.e.n.t g.a.p.s and v.o.i.d.s; the throw seeds and cloning project). Leaving a quaking rift, in all areas of our continuities.

  The lack of daily vitals and milk consumptions are the main causes of all fatal illness, fatal food allergies, mental health, and crime escalations. Lack of raw daily vitals has a direct link to all our failings. When our biological system can’t receive specific required daily vitals over a long period of time, the receptor for that specific daily vitals can become over grown, the body renders that receptor obsolete, our brain reconfigure our biological system, with collateral damages, from creating a fatal bypass.

  Most people on the planet are suffering from a lack of daily vitals, the verdure fountain of youth was and always been in front of our talking eyes all the while.

  If everyone on the planet had play there part in maintaining the throw seeds and cloning project, our natural raw daily vitals provision, would of sustain the most rapid population growth, forever ever.

  The escalation of crime has the direct link to also to deforestation of fruit and all trees, our cavalier approach towards our daily vitals, and from deforestation, cutting down specific fruit trees, edible vegetation, and vegetables, are the main reasons for all our very corrigible crisis.

  Do the chaotic math, most of our natural sources of healthy raw daily vitals, are replace with concrete, by masons. In the West Indies, anyone use to be able to get free fruits offerings. Those delectable offerings has dwindled, and in the not too distant future, soon to be null and void.

  The fruits you do get are so heavily treated with chemical; vegetable has a few days shelf life.

  Try this test in any part of the world, see how far you can walk before you can find raw natural edible vegetation, fruit tree, etc., or be able walk on natural soil, that offers natural healing properties.

  Why are there so many parks without fruit trees, it’s systematic, ignorance’s and mediocre offerings, the world’s population following blindly after the reckless rich, infamous limitless ignorance, celebrities blights, royal rampages, (self-inflicting population control?), these aren’t new information’s).

  All those tree line blocks, and none of them have fruit trees. There is a systematic nightmare prose, destruction, reduction, devious trends pandemic to do our worst. Systematically mission getting rid of all the natural things that are very good for us.

  When concrete are used to cover the veins of volcanos, and fault lines, there are no way for the gases to escape, escalating, and speeding up the opportunity earthquakes.

  Revisit some of our major earthquake and volcanic eruptions, and you would find concrete, or some substance use to prevent the soil from breathing, play a major role, even as early as Pompeii eruption.

  Cities that have faultiness, can use a buried carbon fiber mesh to cover the faultiness, and remove the concrete covering fault lines, or create breathing hole, levitating pressure build up.

  These gas has been, always finding alternated routes like subways, unexplained, mysterious steams, mysterious building strange collapse’s, mysteri
ous fires etc. Some building footing of bridges, etc. are concrete sitting on fault lines, everyone are doing their own thing are the recipe for spoofing escalation of current challenges.

  Freeze reality frame:

  Back to; the down under, in the microscopic origin theory story, an alternate creation theory.

  T, was the night before creation, and all throughout decaying unstable atoms, there were endless isotope and chain reaction was been ignite.

  Numerous aimless atom bomb ubiquitous implosions plague the sub-microscopic region

  All subatomic life started from an unstable chained reaction. Unstable atoms kept imploding feverishly, causing the first ever, and super-chain-reaction.

  The implosions of numerous, unstable atoms, created atoms bombs were everywhere, in the microscopic seas. Every subatomic particle, had gone “stir crazy”, the jolts began sending shock waves ripples, throughout the subatomic microscopic region, setting the various stages for creating life.

  For every super-chain action that occurred, there was an equal and opposite super-chain- reaction. Every affect began to take on creative form, and positioning itself for greatness.

  Primordial primary series of random events, began the very first Domino effects, Butterfly effects, rooster tail effect, chaotic effect, primitive activities were present everywhere.

  Particles projectile, and trajectory, and swirling pyroclastic clouds, was moving in an awkward infantile beat.

  After, lengthily, pandemic rise in awkwardness, redundant implosion bouts, were everywhere, then slight and subtle changes began to occur. These seemingly slapstick, follies, presented the very first abstract creative living art. “The creative process takes time”, strange displays began to take on intelligent form.

  Life; always begin with chaotic autistic rhythmic activities, then all of a sudden it start oozing evolutionary potential.

  The subatomic world started to wobble and inflate, displaying legendary evolutionary passionate perspective.

  The creative process takes time; “you had to wait for it”, various evolutionary stages. Super-chain reaction was everywhere, conforming into familiar a universe rhythmic drum beat, take your time, and take your time.

  Grand master strokes began the freewill process, and opportunities for all life form a chance of electrifying preoccupation and continuity.

  The primitive evolving paste, can be describe as various dance trend, break dancing, sometime change into a spastic tango here, crude limbo over there, evanescence grand Jetta’, rough waltz, disco, Macarena carnival, rave, crumping, rolling atoms bounce.

  All moving at their own evolutionary pace, take your time, take your time, this was the primordial beginning, and the dawn of our universe.

  The first current, sparked all-inclusive free will; and all the promises of greatness. Individuality action began sprouting up everywhere, in order to have freewill, independence, indifference; there must be a certain level of all-inclusive freedom. Infinite number of forces was starting to spawn everywhere.

  Super-symmetry particle trajectory was forming various molecules; polar indifference became noticeable, atoms opposites, and atoms magnetic attraction.

  Ironies are everywhere in our life. Treasure troves of subatomic dust particles, connected by antimatter, float around aimlessly. Everything in the Universe began with dust and energy and end with dust, transforming, and recycling into advanced intelligent energy.

  The birth of free will must have been a chaotic magical sight to observe. The thriving activation process of all the elements, that creates all forms of life. Deep down in the subatomic microscopic region, in the very first Universe in all existence.

  Although the sub-microscopic universe was, constantly and rapidly been inflated. When we leapfrog to well over 13,000 billion years ago, where relentless atoms implosions, and reactions. A surplus of sub-atomic particles was created. The first Universe was teeming with volatile activities. Atoms were becoming increasingly over crowed.

  From countless implosion of unstable atoms splitting, over crowdedness was ubiquitous in the submicroscopic universe region. Simultaneous Implosions was of Hydrogen atom being split, releasing the “weak force”, and antimatter.

  A built up of antimatter, the byproduct subatomic implosions, the submicroscopic universe was overcrowded and overstuff, full to the brim, ready to burst. Located just underneath the surface of space, as we now know it, is the microscopic universe layer of space, filed with, the weak force and antimatter, byproduct from all the implosions.

  When antimatter leaves the sub-microscopic region, it the transform into another universe called subspace universe. From there it can transform into matter.

  Matter is the byproduct derivative of antimatter transformation into subspace. The subspace region Universe inflation was form from endless accumulation of atoms decaying and splitting implosion in the microscopic universe, space less arena, where the molecules had nowhere to, run or hide. The “weak force”, transform into gravity when it leaves the sub-micro.

  After a time where the pressure built up was faster than the microscopic universe inflation. The hydrogen implosions tear the surface of contained microscopic subatomic universe.

  From the torn microscopic layer of the subatomic universe implosions turned into the first ever series of explosion out into subspace realm. Forming black holes everywhere, estimated at around three quarter of a Trillion black holes, and still counting. Black holes flow in two directions.

  When the first explosion tore the ceiling of the contained sub-microscopic primary universe, they flow out wards, forming countless nebular clouds.

  After the all of the gas and matter pressure is released, they collapse inwards, drawing in everything in its path.

  Super black holes are gateways into other Universe. When two anatomic Universes bump into each other, the clash, cause a super black hole.

  The first thing to ooze out of sub-microscopic region was an invisible cosmic linking film-phlegm membrane. Forming the sub-layer-Universe, that is comprised of microscopic gases, also known as the second dimension Universe.

  In the “subspace” all the gases re-atomized into solids, over the next 13,000 billion years. And like clockwork red, unstable atoms, strontium, cesium, etc., began to cause inflation implosions. All of invisible to the naked eye pressurized build up from implosions, set of a series of first ever explosive out of the subspace region. Tearing the subspace ceiling, outwards, and at the same time creating our universe.

  After the gases, the heavier molecule, matter started pour in out from black hole. Matter is byproduct of antimatter, discharge out of the subspace Universe, into our universe.

  Black hole was the first thing to form, throughout all the various layers of our Universe. Black holes are a subspace venting system, subsequence and inadvertently, the creation of second layer of our universe, and the third layer of our Universe, our Universe.

  Our Universe is resulted from byproduct of the first layer and second layer. All the molecule, chemical reaction, all the elements in the periodic table, and over 217 unknown others are spew out of the subspace, into our anatomic Universe. Culminating into the brilliant inevitable formation of what we called existence.

  Every black hole has an inter-galactic connection. Every galaxy, solar system is connected to each other.

  Intergalactic travel, into all the various solar systems, you would be exposing a ship to various unstable activities. Traveling through subspace, you will encounter numerous ongoing unstable chain reactions, you would need, a long range unstable nuclei conditioned to detector, gauging, tracking and probing various stages of unstable atoms, able to scan and precisely, pin point, the various volatile stages of unstable nuclei.

  The anatomic Universe was created when numerous cosmic link chain reaction in the subatomic microscopic universe, spew and flow into subspace universe, then into our anatomic universe that are naked to our eye’s, yet invisible but endless ground zero mi’ programming,
endless conspiratorial blinders.

  Opening chapter

  Time as we are systematically programed to perceive it; started when a new star forming power intercede, and began to orchestrate a astronomical flurry of activities, as a distinguish collector, super artist, a caretaker, etc. our most important linking intricate force of our universe is the ongoing nebular transformation process.

  Just under fifteen billions years ago, in the Stella intergalactic primordial time, high up, way up and yonder across areas where many galaxy sparkle unattainable distant.

  Way before, the birth of our own planet was hospitable, before it was too be the source of millions of prose.

  Space yesteryears time, as always are cryogenic cold, pitch dark, varies from, subtle nuance to super-extreme, from limited light, to too unbearable heat and light. Now beaming with endless glitter of distant activities, creation and destruction from a distance, ironically is, the ultimate natural romantic settings.

  Back then, in those brand new, first mark of time in space, there was only occasional starry nebulous cloud creative sparks.

  Our universe is one gigantic intrinsic connecting all-inclusive cosmic collective.

  Imagine if you can, on the far other side of the universe, multi- billions miles away from earth, on the furthest oblique beveled edge of our universe, in a galaxy with similar neb formation as our own.

  All the names and location of these planets, and their illegal aliens, with hideous eleven portholes senses, were changed, to protect them from, mediocre intrigue and our customary counter-productive pursuit of poisonous excellence

  In this now wonderful and sublime galaxy nestling in refined all-inclusive and Feng-shuishly fashioned.

  This primary galaxy is perfectly align on that unfathomable edge, with illegal aliens existing free of ignorance. The galaxy is also known as the comfy-cozy-prism solar system, an iridescent couture of super imagination.

  This believes it or not; story, is about one particular planet in the comfy-cozy-prism galaxy, the twenty six planets.


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