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Ironic Missing Quantum Link

Page 12

by Sylvester Marshall

  They were able to send long range biodegradable probe into black holes, harnessing radiation unstable atoms, and convert it to safe clean energy. Neutrinos are a by-product of antimatter transformation, from the microscopic region into subspace. Matter altering diffusion, magnetic force altering, etc. principles are use in countless inventions.

  Subatomic induce diffusion chain reaction, sending a long-range probe in a black hole with a collection cable, to harness and conform antimatter into a supersonic energy reactor. These are all primitive methods are no longer being use. In the countless invention schools they are researching, stretch and folding matter and shifting conversion, bending the fabric of time, microscopic super time lapse evolutions.

  Their disk-like space ships are made of diamonds fibers. All spaceships are use intergraded living organism, every other aspect of their space ships are biodegradable. All water tubing’s on the planet and space vehicles are made out of aggravated lava charcoals, drink water are constantly being filtered. All drinking utensil are made out of aggravated charcoals and amber. Lava and charcoals is dump in all body of waters for filtering purposes.

  Strands of diamond fibers used in ship building, are electro-spin sub-thermal matter shield, and a super-max heat resisting sulfur coating are infused, they are used as adjusting exposure implants forming a super-light sealed haul, that are connected to a series of air separators, on the antiquate version.

  They never use metal alloys to make spaceships, it’s not an all-inclusive idea, to use metal in space, especially when, space ships ha to face an extreme ranges of conditions, solar flares, pulsar magnetic force, etc.

  The advance version are genetically altered diamond fibers with coated sulfur fibers, fussed with subatomic worm hole specimen (similar to red rain, green rain, yellow rain, blue rain, never mix the colors ). These various color rains, are just some of the intriguing specimens, probe’s brought back from various black hole. Black holes sometimes reverse, and spits out instead of sucking in, every worm hole contain unique fusion of microscopic organism, and specific color rain type organism, they have complex abilities, when they are mix together, they are extremely volatile.

  Their spaceships has multi automatic adjusting shields, living organic analytic capabilities, they are comprise of organism that can pick up sub-atomic variations, micro sensors, for the fabric of space, detect and pinpoint long distance cosmic ripple, etc.

  The entire array of various possible stages of gasses, and solids transformation signatures are registered on a microscopic level. These pre saved data is used to have advance warning, identifying possible unfolding threats, or predict unfavorable or favorable space traveling long range conditions.

  Their space ship shield uses a sulfur producing organism to regulate temperature changes. Sulfur is use to deflect extreme light, and regulate extreme temperature flux.

  A rare bacteria found in volcanoes can also be used to regulate temperature. Photons collectors were used as an antiquate form of energy. Their space disk like crafts is able to dive in to the lowest level of extreme active volcanoes, and come out without a scratch.

  There are countless bacteria’s, microbes, molds, in the sub atomic world that can be used in temperature conversions.

  Example gas conversion is one of their invention schools discovered in their primitive stage, there is the organism that can create synthetic helium. Using the photosynthesis process to easily convert altered or produces helium, or some other gases.

  The scary illegal space aliens, with eleven porthole senses all live in specular panoramic floating cities. By living in “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” floating above the terrain, is an exact science, they are reducing their exposure to the overwhelming amount of natural disasters, and all chances of fatalities, from natural disasters, and disturbance to ground species and animal, etc. Some of the natural disasters we face on earth, some are more severe.

  Freeze frame:

  With only about four percent of the earth is populated, and well over two billion people are living in pre-well-known, documented natural disaster zone, before hurricane Katrina, P.B.S did a documentary informing and warning us of the same exact threats and peril the victims of hurricane face could have been avoided. Although there is a trickiness when dealing with paradox of preordain, preordain is based of global awareness, “when we know better, we are supposed to do better.” preordain has both ying and yang force's, all highly based on global intelligence, they can be conspiring series of events, that guides us to exactly where we have to be at every moment in time, preordain can be force dujure, disturbing string of unfavorable events, crisis, and shocking and traumatizing unspeakable acts, and trigger words, image, sounds, incorporating all of our senses, and streaming us to where we have to be at the exact moment.

  The reason we remain petrified, frozen in shock and denial, our mind was already aware of the future occurrence, there is a spilt second when our mind and our prescient capability, is playing catch up. Our psyche is always being unraveled from the abundance of lies, mix signaling, conflicting information.

  Our levels of paranoia’s are synchronized and offset by our habitual greed, selfishness, and most importantly lies. All of these traits are the prime conditioning to have our entire life compromise with, disturbing, mix message, inconsistencies’, mix loyalty, we end up all over the place, with scattered sense of being, lies takes a carnivorous told on our mind, body and cosmic link, when we let lies in. lies cause us to twist our priorities, gamble with countless life’s, procrastinate and become deep seated and compartmentalized in denial pursuing and grandstanding distorted faire tale image.

  A prime example is weddings, celebrations, holidays, etc. it’s no big secrets most wedding ends in abuse, violence, "murder death, kill" and divorce’s. Yet so many young people continue to overlook the bizarre statistic associated with weddings, and grandstand wedding, a one day celebration, trying to outdo, others, costing their parents and themselves, obnoxious fortune. A refreshing all-inclusive, new rules," wedding suggestions; "wedding insurance," a decent potion of the money normally spend in the celebration, is use as a fall back insurance love end plan, to secure separate dwelling, and financial security for a decent period of time. After love runs out, or either party outlived their usefulness preparation against falling prey to statistic. The bride and the groom having the emergency home, in case of the lovers spat, quarrel, or change of ruthless heart. A reasonable back up plan, these property can be on the real-estate market, owning dividends. And available as an escape options, in case, either honeymooners, has to “to leave everything, and walk way in forty five seconds."

  Freeze reality frame:

  Scary illegal aliens ingenious floating cities enable them avoid, earthquake’s, tsunami, typhoon, forest fire, mudslide, volcanoes, etc., in their various floating cities they are easily averted any all most possible threats.

  Only strong winds post a serious threats to their floating cities, however all floating cities are design to channel strong winds, to be converted in to reusable energy. When are face with serious gale force winds, they are able to control their floating city ascend and descend. They can either relocate the city to safe locations out of harm’s way, or descend their cities to a lower altitude, or to the ground level. Their floating city are always engage in world travel, over the oceans and over the sea, they hove over, wild the ground species roam wild and free.

  The inhabitant has many ways they are able to harness and reused all natural energies from all natural disaster.

  Most of the time they are positioning their floats cities in the direction of the strong winds, their floating cities are able to withstand extreme strong winds, collects the winds, to travel or soars to any heights. The inhabitants of p (@^) rarely live on the land. All of their floating cities are compose from raw all living organic organism.

  Some of their floating cities are over their oceans, since they “don’t eat anything with a face’’, they have extra nut
rient dense rich liquid water.

  Some of their floating cities use to use natural power of the seas wind and waves to create some of their floating cities, off course; this was back in their super-primitive stages.

  Some uses to even use ground effect technology to create floating cities, and use a parabolic loop to stabilize them.

  During some of their very primitive times, they use multiple submersible pump attach to huge hose-like garget that constantly pump water vertically, keeping cities soaring over their oceans, maintain a constant streams of water, and the natural wind energy, to create lift. All their over ocean floating cities, has glass bottom sublime views. Their windows use to have birds flying it to and broke their neck; with solar tinting dots that form shapes can pre-warn the birds the problem was solved.

  Over the ocean floating cities, the water was pre-filtered to prevent their ocean sea life from harm. All their preoccupations and continuities are all-inclusive.

  Life in a suspended floating cities, are of panoramic sublime- delight. Leaving the other born free creatures, animals to roam the land free without the slightest chance of extinction, no animal, creatures were ever extinct on p(@^), quite the opposite, a surplus problem of all species that were relocated, to other planets.

  Their clothing had series of super-smart inventions, with proximate detectors, that alert them of anything in range, their detectors was calibrated to detect every conceivable form of life, all the various species, this comes in handy, and dandy, when they spend time on the ground level, picnicking and collecting specimens.

  Before their all-inclusive aspirations to started living floating cities, they use to live in numerous lava tubes that are located all over there planets, from their countless super volcano eruptions.

  The history of their planet was grossly unstable, with a constant radical series of natural disasters. Their planet was plagued with by constant streams of super erupting volcanic activities.

  In the past they use to always locate their floating cities, in a very safe distance, close proximity to volcanoes. Using a special ecofriendly tubing was use to connect into the volcano, either to a vein of the volcano, or a fault line, for numerous reasons.

  One reason to connect into volcanoes during their primitive stages, was for utilize its natural source of energy, another reason were to be able to use volcanos as an organic waste disposal unit. Again that was during their super-primitive time, before pre-composing concepts.

  Some cities use to float, from tapping into volcano veins. Some use opposite Polaris field in huge opposite pole of magnets; this method couldn’t be used in certain areas. The base of the floating city would be made of magnet, opposite Polaris to a huge magnet on the ground, etc.

  Their floating cities and spaceship, now are using new super organic technologies, replacing, the old antiquate method of acute super-compress air separators, magnets, basic chemistry.

  With those antiquate air separators, ship operator would be required to always monitor their payload (weight). Now new technologies are used, like magnetic field reducers, sub-microscopic field generator, etc., to create gravity onboard their ships.

  With ubiquitous invention schools widely available from the earliest preschool young illegal alien minds, super advancement inventive ideas are occurring, in every instant. New natural floating idea’s, is always being propose and improve on, for floatable cities, and spacecraft and, inevitably all other areas of their preoccupations. Their level of advancement, are almost billion years old, they are in an unbelievable super cutting edge era.

  P (@^) are exposed to three time share suns, (some of their suns are just decorations) and their seven Moons.

  During their forty eight of creative darkness, due to a giant planet trajectory that can cause a daily eclipse, you can receive seven moons light during the darkness. Four of their moons are very far away, however you are still able to see and feel its aura.

  During their 24 hour Days, they receive sun drench light, from three sun exposures as their illegal alien world turns and as sublime times goes on by.

  From their simple but spectacle, alteration each of their three sun are perfectly time-shared. Three sun exposures glaze their inhabitants with a sun protective shield, what we on Earth would call scary-strange-Mazarin suspect form.

  We on earth are routinely mi’ programed in our primitive minds, to be remaining constantly in mind conflict, triggering unbridles fear, at any indifference.

  However there are a few earthlings, who end up on the planet 26, sorry; “you have to wait for it”; no they weren’t abducted.

  A special organism that can absorb radiation and convert it into safe energy was added and fused into their ozone layer, and on all windows. All sun rays were being radiation screened, and their photons are also being harness. Radiation screened sunlight are an important part of our daily vitals, it will enhance our biological systems and promote super-intelligent. Radiation free sun light is the body outside doctor, sun light bridge the microscopic gap to the anatomic species; it repairs and rejuvenates our sense of being. Countries that aren’t able to receive regular amount of sunlight, must making a serious priority to bask in the sunlight when it’s are available, this will reduce their high rate of grey-sky-suicides, which is are also link to daily vital deficiencies, the remedy is a wide range of assorted freshly squeeze, fruit juices and all edible vegetation’s, three times a day, and raw foods.

  Using their super advance brain, the greater good collectives, they were able to tweak, the magnetic core of their moons, suns, to relocate them, and reposition them, for all-inclusive favor.

  Invention schools prolificacy were so successful it allow them to have advance capabilities to adjust their stellar hand dealt to accommodate everyone needs.

  By using intelligent evasive measures, from series ensuing stellar perils and chaotic inertia’s consequences had their planet remain in its horrific course of enviable doom.

  The first planet in the prism galaxy that was destroyed after a series of bitter natural space disasters was planet 27. It was pummeled with numerous celestial’s entities, from occasional passing comets, routinely pummel by asteroids, and other small planets, and was eaten up by black hole, some of the other unfortunate planets, loss of magnetic fielded.

  All the Inhabitants of P26 are all geared to constant improvements of their environment. They all live by a set of all-inclusive prime directives that are used in every preoccupation they collectively engaged in. They are the universe whisperer, oracles, and caretakers.

  They had realized a very longtime ago, you cannot have an entire planet of inhabitant lost in personal brand of chaos, and discombobulated from everybody doing, and trying their own counter-productive thing.

  Non all-inclusive preoccupations, is the ongoing proven daily recipe for ruthless chaos on display in a planet in another galaxy. Can’t get right extreme is the comfort zone. Constant streams of self-creating, challenges, crisis, and unnecessary disappointments, most of us are programed to depend on counter-intuitiveness.

  When we do the counterproductive math, we can sum up our lifetime as being constantly bombarded by unnecessary and life wrecking disappointments. Eventually all the insensitive leaders and people in position of power, embrace counter-intuitiveness, swoop up, run with it and develop “one size fits all programed mentality”

  Collective productivities, enable the illegal aliens with their heighten precognition capabilities to create, the most sublime conditions a person can ever imagine, for each other, and the Universe.

  All their preoccupations and continuities are always; fill with very intuitive ultra-sensitive caring all-inclusive ideas.

  In the whole Universe, I doubt there can ever exist such a rare exhibition, kindness, of all-inclusive preoccupations and all-inclusive continuity practice’s. Paradise mindset, seldom bloom, unless the right conditions are preset, without all-inclusive awareness, we are only repeating our historical mass wakes of dooms, our life wit
hout prime directives is a counterintuitive fête.

  Our Aliens with weird eleven porthole features are the winner of the “All-inclusive award”. Their minds have evolved into the superior ideal mindset. Whenever anyone or group of individual, include all-inclusiveness and the unvanquished truth in all their preoccupation, and continuities, they are destine for, purity, and super-greatness.

  On Planet (@^), are the largest gathering of united super-minds, super-eager to please, heaving hypnotic with sublime perfections.

  Recapping the route to super-greatness; these are the three reasons, for their global success.

  Freeze frame:

  One: They all are highly aware of the fatal importance of natural raw daily vitals, and has mandated to receive the full amount of total daily vitals, for sustaining, their subatomic core and their atomic core, both of their life force are replenish daily.

  Two: They did everything with all-inclusive considerations, and part of the all-inclusive solutions. They all have the most rewarding respect and attention for the subatomic Universe.

  Three: Their early implement of a manual, (a super-prime directive vade mecums) that taught everyone, answers to the oldest question; “to be or not to be”. These are the; answers are how to be.

  Their prime directive hand book is filled with all-inclusive consideration, greater good of the entire universe protocols. (tcejorpgninolc/sdeesworht).

  Unlike this simple idea on how we all can provide free education to each other, occupy eugenics never got off the ground, and has no chance of success. When occupy eugenics was introduce on a wonderful funding site. {Occupy Eugenics: Free College campaign from the beginning was unsuccessful campaign. We are program to disassociate with new ideas, good or bad, unless any wealth of famous person, high profile endorses them.

  Occupy eugenics was a nonviolent call to action for all Global college student, teachers, professors, and staff working in all levels of education systems. Students were politely ask pretty please place all the courses they paid for, which are legal their binding property, on a free access website for future generation, and people who can’t afford college, there wasn’t one student that had offered to help.


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