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Ironic Missing Quantum Link

Page 15

by Sylvester Marshall

  The handful of attendees for the toddlers, some were damaged beyond recognition, some were dismembered. The few that were still alive were in dire need of attention for their own survival. A few of the toddler were D.O.I (dead on impact).

  All 1,789 remaining toddles were abandoned, and left to fend for themselves, most of them manage to crawl out of the total space disk ships, and crawl into the lifestyle of the troglodytes.

  In the first crash 860 million years ago, the whole fleet crash landed, on a newly formed planet. Pangaea at that time was one single land mass. Not a single above ground living organism. In the second crash, the air was still a little inhospitable except for a surplus of, Astros mites/moss everywhere, most of them survive a very long time from full to the brim storage cells, daily vitals their ancestors pass down to them, the storage cells, slow became depleted, toddler forage of these Astros mites and moss, causing some of them to suffer from, the first scurvy cases, a lack of daily vitals.

  This is how the throw seed/cloning project, became our life savers.

  On each ship, there is an extensive collection of every species of plants, animals, birds, every seed, every bean, etc.

  You must had already surmise by now these ships had contain every living species that are around us. Some of the cargo was, disbanded over stretched a very wide range of crash into different areas.

  The animals and various species, spilled from the previous crash had already begun evolving; all types of predators and dinosaur roamed the earth.

  In the second crash, occurred in Africa, around 2.6 million years ago, they had a fleet of 27 fleets and 17 cargo ships. Before that they were able to return successfully and relocate the accidental spillage of dinosaurs 860 million years ago. With a salvage and rescue operation relocated the remaining dinosaurs to another planet. A short while after the asteroid crash in on the Yucatan peninsula, almost extinct all of the dinosaurs, they were able to successfully relocate over 197 mix species of dinosaurs.

  In the second crash, they had new live samples on the cargo section of the ships, was growing every day, litters of various species, some were unfortunately predators, many were able to fled their organic confine space, eggs from 178,000 species hatch, all various fruit trees, vegetation’s, and vegetable grew wild. The soil was rich and very fertile from countless volcanic activities.

  From the crash landing and the countless escape pods full of vegetation’s, landing and grew in every direction was beginning to be over growth with lush green verdures, after a time from everywhere on earth.

  In any direction anyone could of walk at just a few feet, and eat your belly full of a fresh raw assortment of fresh fruits, sea and land vegetation and vegetables, each plant, vegetation’s, seasoning, from the sea contain all the raw daily vitals required to sustain both of our busy bee life force cores, when our body receive the complete daily vitals and not compromise from person made chemicals, every Hu person can live for thousand years.

  All of our raw daily vitals are located in a global assortment of fresh fruits, both sea and land vegetation, and vegetable.

  On planet 26 the super advance botanist, had grafted group of fruits/vegetation, and vegetables and combine all their necessary daily vitals values into a few or one item (fruit or veggie), therefore an illegal alien could get their total daily vital, by just drinking the juice of six fruits grafted super fruits, or sometimes one fruit.

  The ship that had crashed into the sea around where Canada is located, had contained some super super-grafts, fish, eggs, and samples from the super species' planet 27 in the prism galaxy that was devoured by a black hole, under the some ice berg there are parts of the original ships that crash landed 860 million years ago.

  The samples from planet 27, was all super-size creatures, birds, sea mammals, and plants from excess oxygen’s and super dense nutrients, they were to be relocated on a specific planet that would pose unnecessary risk to others. They had to be handle with extreme care and zeal, it contains dinosaur eggs, whales, and very large trees, etc. those super fruits, ends up growing all over the oceans as sea weeds, and kelps, and the noni plant. The inhabitant of planet 26, was very serious about their consumption of the noni juice, it is the most important, main staple in their diet. At least twice a week, everyone, would consume at least one quart of the noni juice, some drink noni every day, and night, very important to release gas, free radicals, toxin, and revitalize their biology.

  It’s no longer a mystery, that kelp has a super nutrient base; it’s the fastest growing vegetation on the planet. Kelp can grow anyway from eleven to fourteen inches a day or night.

  The ship that had crashed into the sea contains the few samples of those super fruits, and genetic samples of fish. All the space ship contains fish, eggs, bees, etc., that’s why there are fresh water fishes, and other mammals.

  Some of the adult survivals immediately started cloud seeding, to create rain, back then the earth was acrid. Without the throw seeds/cloning manual, the younger descendant of the castaways from planet 26, started to take the extra-long way around, virtually backward preoccupations and continuities, from their already super evolve ancestors.

  The fresh fruits and sea/land vegetation, vegetable, were able to feed and sustain the whole of planet earth, no matter how much our world population grew. No one would of starving, anyone could of walk off in any direction and ate their belly full of fresh and healthily raw fruits and vegetable, some of the elders on earth would remember those glorious healthy nights and days, the aromatic smell of ripen fresh fruits, of the wonderful sound of off the vine dropping fruits.

  For as long as the whole population, maintain the Throw Seed / cloning Project, there would have been a free natural source of our total daily vitals. Where they are concrete or roads, there were trillions of trees. People are cutting down fruit trees as you read. And counter intuitively replacing natural for shiny chemically smell of finish products, that a killing us from every ill conceivable direction, 360 degrees of self-creating, and counting direction death is attacking us from.

  When concrete and roads, cover over fault lines (shifting tectonic plates) unnatural substance that are blanketing the earth, is preventing the soil (earth) from breathing naturally, (escaping gas from tectonic shift) will induce and speed up and chance of natural disaster. Concrete and roads induce earthquakes, most artificial rooftop covering is other contributing factors in global warming, trapping heat causing the heat index to spike.

  The other irony is that, the architect and engineers are in collusion engineering our world's misfortune. From the inception of engineers, architects played an inaction or counterproductive role in this sabotaging, deforestation, etc. and let’s not forget the not so free masons, free to mason up the planet with deathly chemically cement.

  Masons are covering multi-trillions of ecosystems and, preventing oxygen producing trees to grow and helps with cleaning the overwhelming amount of self-made poisonous chemicals. Take another look at the construction site, maybe you can see the ubiquitous “can’t get right” energy, the construction industries isn’t only covering trees that are helping us live and are also reducing fatal carbon dioxide emission.

  The chemical in cement and anything artificial are posing serious health risks. Our feet, our body need to touch the pure earth, (prantic healing) shoes and concrete are also major contributing factors for creating serious additional medical problems.

  Mason, architect, engineers, etc., reckless wealthy, has the power to replace most of the fruit trees, denying others natural source of happiness, with concrete and roads. Another irony is the verdure fountain of youth (vegetation) has been in from of our eyes the whole entire time.

  We are preprogrammed to follow blindly behind the wealthy. When the wealthy, started the poisonous trend for the finished product, and the gross obsession for the artificial poisonous, shiny finish products with new chemical smell, we have been playing catch-up, with our impulse buying syndromes and other counter-intuiti
ve afflictions.

  Every artificial product has a fatalist number that represents the rate and pace, it is killing us at and the celebrities, high profilers, wealthy has a rich amount of these poisonous shinny finish products, and the customary byproducts of unexplained onslaught of mystery illness and sensitivities.

  Our world stage is set for us to become natural born separators, Preventers, blockers, haters, pedestal complex, competitive counterproductive edge, degrading contest, spelunking enthusiasm to get in counterintuitive winner circles, and a whole onslaught of porcupine distractions.

  With no direction, or elders to guide the descendants, the elders were in their own separated locations, engulf in their own crisis and challenges. “If you don’t know where you are going, any direction will do”. With few elders, most evolve into not using spoken language, they communicated through mental telepathy.

  The abandon toddlers only knew how to crawl, they had to redo re-evolve, and take the long way around, everyone began trying their own thing, in full play up till this day.

  Lack of daily vitals, and ignorant to the total daily vitals, a person or planet are going backwards. Everyone is supposed to drink the juice of raw produce every day and eat a full global assortment of all edible vegetation’s two or three times a week for the roughage.

  Although the toddlers were outfitted with time releasing daily vitals, after a while all of that gear had gotten ruined from numerous accidents. Most of the toddlers who survive seek refuge in caves.

  During those times all animals that survive the previous crash, were multiplying with ease.

  Herding complex, copycat, follow fashion, copying others, mimicking are our earliest survival tendencies, for all our ignorant ancestors.

  Survival of the fittest in its prime, they began counter-productively emulating the predator’s carnivore feral instinct. All of the super-standards and all-inclusive mindset of their ancestors from p26, had gotten lost in translation, and transitions.

  Inbreeding was everywhere, their ignorance, cause of their strange pre Hu person’s erectus poster children.

  All living organisms were on the ships and the cargo ship, were released on earth from the crash. The entire fleet of flying dish like a ship, the dish is compartmentalize of different section that can move, in a hyperbolic fashion, sustained by a magnetic core, that enabling them to create gravity on the ships.

  They able to duplicate and recreate any environment clouds on-board, use cloud seeding to produce water on board.

  Every ship had its own precious cargo of, microbes, seeds, coffee beans, eggs and embryos of every animal and life forms from Planet 26. A lot of the seeds and other life samples were dislodged in the crash, in one hundred and twenty two different wide span locations, via escape pods.

  Vegetation began growing all over the ships or escape pods, after a few years vegetation took over the planet.

  On board the second fleets of ship to crash on Pangaea, and cargo ships, had were extended families. Extended years of space travels, are best when everyone has their Love interest and family with them.

  One ship was used as a nursery, with all kinds of intelligent schooling for their young. Others had various age groups; they can easily go back and forth from another ship. The main ship had all of the adults, each ship had their own extensive supply of various seeds, for the throw seeds/ cloning project. Eggs from various species, bulbs, plant cuttings of every species of plants and animals from planet 26, and samples of life forms, they had collected from planets previously explore by fleet.

  Chapter 6

  From the accidental spillage of dinosaur eggs from the second crash landing, on the returned, for salvage and rescue operation on Pangaea was overpopulated and out of hand with dinosaurs.

  The various dinosaurs Eggs were in the process of being relocated, to a planet where they wouldn’t pose threat to anyone but each other. As a last minute ditch preservation strategic effort, they divided all the super-size sample amount the other ships, the samples from the first planet into existence, planet 27, where the dinosaur, alligators, and all the over-super-size specie’s was found on planet 27, whales, rare trees now called aspens in Colorado, and other oversize living organism, was saved before planet 27, could be swallowed up by a black hole. Another portions of the oversized animals, was spilled in the Gobi desert, the Mongolians, are direct descendants of the inhabitant of planet 26.

  Whales samples, Dinosaurs, Elephants, Mastodon the largest trees were from (¥β€ planet #27). Planet #27 was the only other Planet that was more beautiful, than Planet 26, was the first planet ever into existence.

  It was overflowing with, thick oxygen was everywhere, from all the first life forms that ever came into existence and the planet was 1.8 billion years old. Because of the extra oxygen everything was super-size, extra-large.

  The wreckage of the second crash landing, were spread into twenty six locations. The main ship crash landed in landed between south of Africa, and near what’s now called Ethiopia, the other crash sites was spread out in different location on Pangaea.

  After the separation into various island and continents, their new names are, the Australia, British isle, Mexico, Easter island, isles of Espanola, Cuba Bosnia, equator, in between two seas in Georgia, china Peru, Egypt, Iraq between two rivers, and in California, Palestine, and Colorado, those ships contain all of the gigantic tree sample, and some of the teen populations.

  The main cargo ship with most of the plants and some sea life, (the reason for pink dolphin in the amazon), the mian horticulture ship had crash into the amazon. By stroke of luck of literary eugenics fantasy direction, the cargo containing most of the oceans live, crash near the Madagascar close to the Sea.

  Some of the fish eggs from other crash sites were dehydrated and suck up by the sun, during hurricane season, and hatched in the clouds, then rained back down, those few castaways, who saw those times, when it rained fishes.

  From the hurricane gales, and flash floods, some of the fishes was flood away very far and landed in various newly formed rivers, lakes, ponds and other water ways.

  This unfortunate accidents, could have been the beginning of our very promising evolution.

  Chapter seven

  At the other crash sites, the surviving caretakers illegal aliens from the Prism solar system, in the salvage and rescue phases. Most of the castaways had miraculously end up on a very promising Planet, literally with the super-advance clothing on their back.

  Their clothing had every preparation considerate “go-go gargets” in them; they could possibly use and need.

  Their clothing had the quantum organic technology, always collecting and storing all elements, gasses, on a subatomic level, compartmentalizing them and storing each item in its own chamber.

  Easy access to anything the heart and mind desired, and can be used in various ways or applications. They were able to use their suit for flight, in super advance and way before the Wrights in Kitty Hawk.

  The fabric of their garments is made of living silk thread, that has isolated genes from a special blend grafted using sulfur organism, Astros-mites, and a subatomic organism that only lives in dark matter, Turritopsis jelly fish, extreme weather bacteria, chameleon, Geoduck, tuataras, Lamellibranchiate tube worm, red sea urchin, bowhead whales, Koi, tortoise, ocean quahog, Antarctica sponge. Then they use an animal that was genetically altered to produce an all-weather silk thread.

  The Astros mite gene is always collects sunlight and store it in the billions of constantly produce solar energy cells. The Cells are designed to store everything on a microscopic level. Water, every gas in the universe, oxygen, energy, neutrinos ( are the byproduct of anti-matter), all daily vitals necessary to sustain the busiest life force are time released and administered from the suit into their Hu person biology with eleven porthole senses. The suit is also designed to allow air to flow and regulate and maintain preset temperature.

  Photons are collected from the sun and re
-molecule as clean energy. A radiation shield collects and can re-molecule, it for safe use. The suit is able to detect and alert in advance to every harmful gas or threat in exist, natural disasters. Their clothing has pre programmable detachable G.P.S flying mini scouts that travel ahead of them and can send back live image of any proposed journey.

  The memory and scents of distinguishing air consistency, and odors or poisonous animals, were collected, and was programed in its computing system, every known D.N.A, and can scan them miles away, from the scout probe or the suit.

  Their suit sensors can detect subtle changes in the air that occur before natural disasters. The suit is always on analytic mode, first alert. They are pre warned at any air inconsistencies and use the various air separators that house every gas is chambered in different compartments to analyze future threats.

  Their shoe has a retractable extending lever that can anchor them to any surface, and raise the wearer to towering heights, or achieve flight hover like a butterfly using acute separators, or particle acceleration, the shoulders are the stabilizing rudders. Shoes are made from cushion organic materials, it has multiple holes that can close or open to match terrain or temperature, or let your feet breathe.

  Their shoes have powerful footlights, and ankle 360 radar type detectors, alerting them to anything approaching or ground effects. The detectors were mainly use back on planet 26, to allow the animals free reign. Shoes also have emergency gear storage compartments, or leave an invisible trail, so others can follow.

  In both pairs of shoes there are chambers that housed the microscopic fission reactor, repeated induce fission of helium nuclei, and repeats the process as necessary. The implosion combustion is harnessed and use as a lift, by mini releases throughout the suit. Stabilizers and alignment boosters are located in balancing areas, front and back pleats on each leg arm, and neck and shoulders.

  The first Hu person’s illegal aliens with eleven port holes, one porthole in the center of their biological make up (the navel), this is our cosmic link to and from the microscopic Universe interconnected directly with the Brain it can travel through that port hole into the future.


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