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Ironic Missing Quantum Link

Page 17

by Sylvester Marshall

  During the time when the hideous illegal aliens with eleven porthole senses, from planet 26, became castaways on planet Earth.

  They have evolved so much and so advance and so long ago, they had already stopped using a spoken language which cause the problems that are in play 360 degrees today. Well over a billion years ago, they was using a written language, but with only the custom of telepath communications, and the illegal aliens marooned, from planet 26, their children were started to be born with telepathic abilities.

  Without a written language and their associates are scattered throughout 26 locations, experiencing every form of crash landing injuries possible. Most of their all-inclusive value was lost in their transitioning, and translations, they are left to fend for themselves in their new home planet.

  The teenagers began going their own separate ways, and started trying their own thing. Later on as they became accustomed to their new mediocre surroundings, “they began inventing and creating myths, beliefs, and then turn around and not only belief in them”.

  There was no shortage of followers, who were able and willing to commit mass murders defending any and all their ill-conceived, created and invented ideas, customs and beliefs.

  They had to try and recreate a handbook, during those dark-age time of unbridle fear, it was too late. As a last ditch effort, a few of the elders, used a black stone, to try and written a new all-inclusive uniformed code, and other’s to create the Rosetta stone, the exact dates are on the Rosetta stone.

  Fast forward rescue ships and salvage teams routinely travelled the long distance from p26. Due to the nature of the crisis all other throw seed/cloning project, on every occasion eager to offers their assistance.

  The second major mistake the illegal aliens made on earth, was their good intention to create an intergalactic jump from earth to a close proximity to the prism galaxy. They try to shorten the trip from planet p26 to Earth, these extra-long space trip was time consuming.

  They had just recently discovered, a way to construct a porthole true various, black holes that has an inter-solar system connection. Every black hole is connected to a galaxy, it’s the interconnection, from the microscopic universe into subspace and the atomic universe.

  They create an inter-Galactic portal jump, via wormhole holes, and every wormhole can be used to travel to another solar system in four months opposed to years, but in time measuring, in space time are about one tenth ratios, of the time on Planet.

  The porthole causes a magnetic rift, that fouled up the Earth magnetic force field, and creating the green anomaly. They had reconfigured the earth magnetic field, inadvertently it was a luck on our part, they reposition the earth to where it is right now using prescient, the earth was supposed to be hit with over 660 serious collisions, in the last 800 million years, some of them would have caused severe damages and others would have destroyed the planet.

  The porthole, caused ships, plane and people to end up in the prism galaxy near to planet 26. That’s how some of their people on earth disappear and ended up of p26. The anomaly and rift cause the magnetic haywire in the Bermuda triangle.

  The permanent security monitoring crew was able to repair most of the damages. Till this they are remaining resilient protecting the castaways, with the strictest desire to please all the while not interfering with our free will.

  The permanent overseer crews has long abandoned their retreats, remote cities in our hostile environment, that can’t be detected by others unbridled ignorance. As the technology of the castaways ignorant descendants, become more advanced, their primitive propensity for war, all war hungry countries had magically open budget to do their worst.

  Ironically the war mongers spend open budgets on detection devices, inadvertently, displacing our protectors. Remote areas are no longer possible, while ducking and weaving through our space garbage, they are up and away, serving and protecting us from our self mostly, and celestial threats, they can be found in the most remote location, or even on other planets.

  There are a very few impressive countries, Switzerland, and Netherland both exhibited unusual royal leadership. Switzerland early establishment of neutrality, and freedom ideas of the Netherland, and very high praise some of the contributions and Cuba had made to the descendant of the origin crash site, and some other countries, Poland, japan, Korea, Germany, Canada, Russia, early brazil, Australia, Scandinavia, France, Italy, and a few others as well.

  The women of the amazon

  The women were treated as royalty on planet 26. Not like on Earth, somehow along the way, a lot of things got lost in translation. Somehow, in a bizarre twist of fate, Dark Age ignorance’s, fear, or the lack of an all-inclusive handbook. Unlike on p26, on Earth counterproductive preprograming, and breeding, took on a fathomless dark essence.

  Women were treated as second class citizens, in the not too distant pass thousand was branded as witches, burned at stake, beheaded just by show natural sense and sign of intelligence. Women were forced into collusion and secrecy, they had to hide, be secretive about their advance state of being, and superior intuitions, that all women possess.

  They were globally barred from any leadership, and presently to this day driving and other preoccupations. Another very important Irony, if this doesn’t display our well documented twisted systematic programming for most of the world to fail miserably. First step is to accept we are all really lost to the point of no return, in order to get cured of all of our counterproductive programming.





  The ocean was in a very sensitive stage, during the first crash, there was thousands petri dish that contains Hu person samples (stem cell), these stem cells merge into a few species of fish, that had spilled into the ocean, surrounding Pangaea.

  Those petri dish samples had evolved into sea sponges, later called Niridians. Noni and seaweeds (kelp) were a couple of the super-fruits, had spilled into the sea. Noni is originally a tree grow around the ocean, “noni has a high sodium content from growing around the sea”, (Teston horsford, Pine hill Palatuvier) you must always mix noni with fresh squeeze orange juice, grapefruits, any available acidy fruit drinks, or even apple cider vinegar, that contains some of the mineral only found in the sea and not on land. (“Cramps is usually a sign, that we have too much acid in our biological systems, “Larry/ Destiny/Dia at the Abattoir in Roxborrough, Tobago and belle garden, alkaline fruits is suggested). people with high blood, hypertension, should be careful of bathing in the sea, the sea salt will enter our body transdermal and sky rocket your blood pressure, and also be care full of sun exposure, the heat of direct sun will sky rocket your blood pressure, use apple cider vinegar to cure high blood pressure.

  The cargo ship that crashed into the Galapagos area of the ocean, the ship drifted and became the great coral reef.

  For a short while the, castaways monitors from p26, try to remain under the radar, with cities under the oceans, using the energy from hydro-thermal vents, to their advantage. Because of A.U.V’S AND SONAR FISH, as you read they are relocating to UNDER A CITY………

  Back in the sixties, the collective on Planet 26, focus on the alarm escalation inactions, impact on the environment, and the harm of the relatives on Earth, every ritzy inaction was in the castaway report. From the slavery trade, Hitler, deforestation, hazard chemical production, primitiv
e dark age, draconian, Wars, futile battles, concrete invasion (replacing fruit trees with concrete), chopping down of the super-food trees, the use of money, desiring to more put unnecessary expectation strains, that cause them to “stalk worthless objectives”, instead of learning to desire less.

  Why people are paying for recycled education across the globe, create a hand me down system, and constant needs for austerity measures. Pretty please pass on your educational material absolutely free to others, who can afford college. We are programmed to systematically to separate and bar others from, opportunities and education, decided to occupy eugenics.

  At days our ancestors on planet 26 wonder, why decedents of the castaway’s enigmas were offering each other their endless worst, billions of counterproductive preoccupations can’t get right walls, and draconian continuities they ponder.

  At night the ancestors sunder. Why the castaways hasn’t prioritizing all their daily vitals. All-inclusive collective thought and crisis interventions from force dejure, a sleeper enhancer’s redemption conjure, reverse these counter-productivity and inactions biological thirst, culminating bitter ends, and restore the planet to all-inclusive favor.

  Hu persons as they called; in this planet linear age is 1.4 billion years old. There are Hu persons located on 226 planets around the universe.

  Most of these reports they are already seen in their future dream. They use their prescient capabilities, to read every stream of information publishes or media information’s regarding the earth’s condition and future. Routinely the crew that is monitoring the safety of the Earth, using a long range probe, they have deflected, and has deflect countless, and a large object that was on a collision trajectory with the moon or the Earth. With our constant advancement in technology, they have to remain further away, recently a transition was picked up moving the crew even further, posing a cataclysmic risk.

  The collective back on planet 26, were only using all-inclusive idea's, that didn't hindered free will. After all precision consideration of all-inclusive options, they unanimously decide on a sleeper enhancer. Collective prescient adjustment group, select a nobody, a sleeper enhancer with bohemian habits, that stenciled grapevine on Manhattan sidewalk, with Latin quotes, coming soon, introduction for the throw seeds/cloning Handbook.

  Grapevine was scrawled on Manhattan sidewalk with Latin phrases, up-teen years ago, as a coming soon symbol of preventive intelligence.

  The sleeper enhancer was discovered and was on a person or interest list of the F.B.I, Precognition prescient project. The F.B.I* prescient programed, was using some of the best precognition around the world, in the eighties.

  The only problem with that waste of open budget on prescient project, the future cannot be changed, “prescient paradox”.

  The F.B.I had made inquiry about the enhancer during the eighties, using their precognitive prescient project. They had made an attempt to interfere and block the handbook. Second guessing the enhancer led them to be cleverly discouraged by the scatterbrain persona, and improvised condition of the younger enhancer.

  Two the pre cog from the F.B.I secret prescient project, made a personal approach, made contact with enhancer, and saw worthless enhancers, in the pre-rough stage, which they conceded to and chalked up as Hu person error.

  These are some examples of preordain trigger words: and what’s my line, who’s preordain trigger word line is it.

  Trigger words, sounds, taste, smell, a scene, an event, an act, etc. triggers and guides towards our preordain positioning.

  Everyone has trigger words are our adjustment guidance; pushing, actors, actresses, sunset, mountain climbing, evolution, flying, pulling ,kicking, and sometimes screaming us towards the exact place, era, position where we belong, in the full scheme of existence, endless sources, spelunking, forces, some comes out of the woodworks, everything that happens to us is part of our preordain, including those who play disturbing hands-on subjecting us to our worst nightmare, and fate, super-crisis, atrocity, skiing, spoken words, massacre, Jushi-Yakity-yak, “murder-death-kill”, every stream of our continuity is culminated into the worlds future, the good the bad and the super-ugly, all games, comfy cozy, prides, international flowers in bloom, Korean Jim fifth precinct, south Hampton Lemmon, music, disturbing mood swings, stunning success, laws, infidelity, summertime, annoyances, accidents, weddings, the door, mary lous on 9th st, cross paths, mi’ programing, sways, stubbles, admirations, groupies, misinterpretations, browies on avenue a, branding, middle sex England- ex-a-harsh-mickey-slipper-Sheda-D-tie –the -general-slip-away, categorizing, cataloging, Camelo-liuzzo –Helmsley’s incident, Mr. g east 71 St, Donna Brooklyn, sis rosemary and fam, , corinthia, William, Anthony, clyde, Bianca, janil:d, big steve, crystal, steve jr, Cassandra L, Cheryl, Ed cooper east 6 sixth st/ seattle, chester, nicky whitest/ Brooklyn, tom st mark’s pl, panic rooms, Leon the scoundrel/ buster and family, Naomi and family 150 east 96 street, four seasons, save the robots on avenue b, comfort zones, love interest, public meltdowns, greediness, selfeeing, winter time, breaking news, psychopaths, glance, falls, well-dress Mr. D/ ray/ brownie, save the robots/ body heat/ Mary Lou/ legato/ , after hour magnate, procreation, sociopaths, tryst, narcissist, disgrace, warm and fuzzy place, serendipity, wrong hands, guns and ammunitions, drugs, messages of doom, spring, wickedness, pretenders, drivers that aren’t screened for the big seven seeping untreated illness, wrong love interest, new neighbors, old neighbors, feverish expectancy, failures, intelligence, deceases, acquaintances, writers, mistakes, a joke, the park inn on ninth st,

  The area club on the Hudson st, Marie channel and friend Montreal, snow fall, coup du solei, medical industry, clubs and apt, meatpacking district, the media, beach street-D, the weather, all the friends we made along the uncharted ways, cherry blossoms, intuitions, enchanting Tia from Finland sticky mikes/Carl, natural disasters, lust, wind, sun and moon, vacations, haters, premonitions, whistle blowers, a women scorned awards, journalist sacrifice/ braveries, parts of our dreams, ambulances, violence, funerals, abuse, prison, intrusions, good times, good Samaritans, bad times, illusions, a phone call, dream teams, interruption, birds and the bees, concrete, yelling, racism, wars, closed doors, flicker, hesitation, gut feeling, misadventures, devious plot, spring break, standing in the rain, a beautiful German girl with wonderful ”smiling eyes” sitting with an artist name Cathy:B (liz smith), on a Thompson park bench, open doors, conclusions, circumnavigating, travelling, unsung heroes, Purvis-Monroe- measurements, Paramus shite’s, (Alex and wonderful wife) methahana bar second floor 276 canal/ ludlow, finish products, eyesore, smell, sight, researches, ruthless bore, spring time, those the Oscars goes to, touch, grin, black-rain, George 643 east ninth, super-beauty, books, girls just want to have fun, artist, entertainment, women’s intuitions, down time, keeled/His ham/ infamous-jay lead/distractions, rick-333-w16 street, dancing, cook foods, enchanting fulmination, night and day after hours 8 Riving- ton, Jenny (Gouden-NYU) west 9- Ludlow, Serpent eyes-and all other after hour/drug dealer bicycle, joanne poland, singing in the rain, Goldie east village, Mr. starker, inactions, color of our intergument, selfishness, practicing to deceive, stealth forces, Joanne and Polina-Finnland, Polish girls staff, 44 bowery after party bartenders, discovery, being late, body heat sixth st between ave c and d, unearthing artifacts, father pat east ninth street, frances, Jim and the lovely Mrs. Breckenridge move to Seattle, from newyork, little japan-new York, ideas, tall lovely warm very nice girl – from sticky mikes-time café, and her exquisite biryani, soul mates, disturbance, spectating, athletes, hurdles, feelings, vengeance, deep pockets-super-greedy-Zoe-(thank –Joe) bartender 276 canal, Limón and folded Ducati, desperations, delusions, Sajjad-h-Pakistan, day and nights, Fernando and Pell street NY/Boston basement dragons, junior print shop east Flatbush-excessive police force, Glenn miller east 45 ,Debra owner S.O.B, secret pains, confusions, Alice king-Fook jewelry, Chester east ten, Mr. Kidd, sensei Cato, education, mystery stains, those our soul hate
s, entire club scene from 82-07, Palatuvier village, most wonderful Eloise piano super-diva, mark’s place between first avenue and avenue a, Canaan, Dante and Curlon / family east 51 Brooklyn, Bonn accord, gold room 276 canal, people we had to edit out of our lives, exclusions, preventers, wrong friend, meritocracy, quickening, cosmic vibration, a wall, laurel- north sixth Williamsburg, carl and ray and Elmhurst posse, jonnie/ twin NJ, mystery sounds, Mr. Richie and Louis 327 bowery, a stall, break through, trendsetters, Sameer, ignorance’s, super model strutting and striking a pose, Mr. carpenter, ear hustle, twerking, Amanda-stormy-jones, Jack and Amy east sixth street, teasing, hate, poets license, hate crime, missing link, gems, rain drops, sensei Mr. A-Lowe/ Mr.K- Keller, annihilation, refugee, crimes that are heinous, orphans, “this just in, unnecessary deaths, cow jumping over the moon, the gold room 276 canal st. all the black outs in ny, September 11 (911), know when to walk away, call of the wild ”abandonment, Mr. Barbosa east 51, greater good, mystery girl S.O.B’s Hannah from Boston, 723 union st, 35 dean st, 7 st john st Ridgewood, 110 east 10, 333 west 51 st, 339 west 28 st, 327 bowery, 943 east ninth st, #7 john st financial district, 254 park avenue south, 220 west 22 st, north sixth st above the bike club, Curtis S /wife-guardian angels/a bump in the Roadless travelled, the ones that got away, rivers we cross, music, c. Clifford, flight 800, sensei Cato, bottle necking, a kiss, near misses, talking eyes, lies, mystery girl from nells-723 union street- Brooklyn before Chicago travel, François and joy-Tunisia, truths, inventions, cursing eyes, water, life styles of the rich and famous, enthusiasm, art, those who, “gets involve in our personal brand of confusions and build up our confidence and then turn us into victims”, Mr. victor .Sempre at Houston street NY, NY.


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