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Blood Promise (Blood Books Book 3)

Page 9

by Danielle Rose

  I smiled and shook my head. “So what are you saying? That these vampires gave you something your coven should have?”

  He nodded.

  “And how does that connect to my visions?”

  “It doesn’t. It connects to mine.”

  “Can we stop with the cryptic talk, please? Just say it. My head’s starting to hurt.” I rubbed my fingertips against my temples.

  “It means I understand why I have no future. Because I have a reason to die. These vampires, they’ve accepted me. They know what I am, and they took me in. Even this new priestess took me in, and she knows even less about me than the others. I don’t know when this fight will happen, but I do know that it makes sense why my future self would sacrifice my immortality to try and save just one of them. These vampires, they’re a family. They walked away from the only home they’ve known for hundreds of years because they refused to separate. I have to believe that, one day, hopefully not too far away, they’ll care for me almost as much as they care for you.”

  I smiled and bit my lower lip. “They will. I know they will.”

  He smiled back.

  “And they wouldn’t walk away. Even if it meant their death, they’d never walk away.”

  “I know. Somehow, I just know.”

  “You know, all this time, I’ve been focusing on finding more information. Going back into the vision to find out when the attack will happen so we can be prepared.”

  Sebastian nodded. “Yes, right.”

  “Maybe I’ve been looking at this all wrong.”

  “How so?”

  “I’ve been trying to figure out when the attack will happen on their terms. I’ve never thought about it on ours.”


  “Meaning I say we take this fight into our own hands. The vision has always been in the same place: Amicia’s manor. I assumed it was there because I was influencing it somehow. But maybe it was there, because she attacks us there. After all, we are strongest there. We know the grounds, we have supplies, we have vampires to back us up if needed, and there’s a spelled gate. But what happens to the future when we take control, when we make the move?”

  “Maybe we can change the outcome?”

  “Exactly.” I flashed Sebastian the widest grin I could muster.

  “You already have a plan, don’t you?”

  “That I do, and she’ll never see it coming.”

  THE HUNTERS SAUNTERED into the basement training quarters, yawning and sleepily scratching at their messy, bed-head hair. Sebastian and I sat in the center of the room, our legs crossed, wearing matching cheeky grins. After explaining my plan to Sebastian in the woods, we raced back to the manor to talk logistics with my key players: the Hunters. My insides danced with excitement, the tummy butterflies threatening to fly out my ears. If all went well, and I refused to believe it would go any other way, we’d have serious leverage against the Rogue army my grandmother was forming, and we’d likely end this war—for good.

  “Seriously, Avah? We’ve only gotten like two hours of sleep. This couldn’t wait?” Lillie asked grumpily.

  I shook my head, widening my grin.

  “Can’t you see she’s got her game face on?” Jeremiah asked and winked.

  “Come. Sit,” I said. I waved my hand before me like some super-charged tour guide, and the vampires sat down.

  Lillie plopped down beside Sebastian and leaned over, yawning dramatically while resting her head against his shoulder. I rolled my eyes.

  “Yes, I know it’s early—”

  “Umm, I think you mean late. Early would imply that we’ve almost made it to sunset but woke up an hour or two before dusk. But it’s,” Lillie paused, twisting to check the wall clock, “barely nine. We’ve only just fallen asleep.” She groaned. “This is totally going to mess with my rem cycle. We need sleep, Avah. We’re not all hybrids, y’know.”

  I stared pointedly, narrowing my eyes. “You done?”

  She shifted, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

  “The sooner you let me explain, the sooner you get back to that rem cycle…”

  “Okay. Okay, I’m done,” she said, giving me her infamous Miss America smile.

  “We have the perfect plan.”

  The seconds ticked by as I explained my plan, the clock’s clunk of each passing moment echoing through the empty room as I spoke. As I explained everyone’s parts, the Hunters’ faces grew more and more grim. My plan was risky, daring, but I was confident. Everything within me told me this would work—and now wasn’t the time to turn my back on my instincts or my power.

  After I broke down everyone’s jobs, I took a deep breath and waited. No one spoke. Instead, they just stared back at me. Hours seemed to pass while they internally debated my sanity.

  Finally, Jasik cleared his throat. “Well, that’s an interesting—”

  “This is crazy,” Jeremiah cut in.

  “It does go against everything we’ve ever done and everything we are,” Jasik agreed, nodding.

  “You’re putting quite a bit of faith in areas we’ve never pursued,” Malik added.

  “Guys, this will work. I can feel it. Can’t you? Deep down. Think about it. It feels right. We just need to put the key players in motion.”

  I glanced at Lillie as she slowly nodded. “If this works,” she began.

  “If this works, nothing will ever be the same,” I finished.

  “And that’s a good thing?” she asked.

  “That’s a damn good thing. Imagine not having to constantly look over your shoulder. Imagine being able to live your life. Imagine an eternity without blood and gore and violence. I mean, hell, if we’re going to live forever, I’d like us to have some time for fun and games.” I flashed Jasik a wicked grin, and he smiled, shaking his head.

  “So,” Sebastian said, sitting forward, “we can’t do this without you. Are you in?”

  “Do you even have to ask?” Jeremiah asked. “I’m always in for some Rogue ass kicking!” He flashed us a big smile and playfully slugged Sebastian in the shoulder.

  “Guys,” Lillie said, exhaling sharply, “we could actually die if this fails.” Her eyes flickered from Jasik to Malik to Jeremiah.

  “Then we can’t fail,” I said confidently.

  “I agree, but, I mean, this… this is crazy! Right? I’m not the only one who sees that this is crazy, right?” Lillie asked.

  The door to the basement training room opened, and Kat walked in.

  “This idea is absolutely ludicrous,” Kat said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Kat, I didn’t—I didn’t realize you were listening,” I said. My eyes flickered to Malik, whose cheeks were flushed a bright pink, and then to the floor-length mirrors facing us. The one-way glass housed some super-secret office the high priestess utilized to observe training. I wondered why Malik hadn’t mentioned Kat followed him to our meeting.

  She held her hand up to stop me, and I obeyed.

  “Please, let me finish. As I said, this idea is insane and very well may get you all killed. But,” she exhaled slowly and met my eyes, “it just might be crazy enough to work.”

  Her grin matched mine as she walked forward and sat beside Malik.

  “So you’ll help?” I asked. “You’ll join us?”

  She nodded. “I will.”

  WITH JASIK’S ARMS holding me close, I woke just as the sun set. I snuggled against him and smiled. He hadn’t woken yet, so I didn’t move. Instead, I closed my eyes, focusing on the falling sun and rising moon. As a vampire, my heightened senses made me connected to everything. If I concentrated, I could hear the worms crawling in the ground, the clouds being blown away by the wind, and the beating hearts of those nearby. When I first turned vampire, the sounds consumed me. I was only able to survive the transition because Jeremiah’s shield protected my mind. At some point, he began to slowly remove it until it no longer shielded the outside world. My eyes fluttered open as I wondered when he had trusted me to control
my own senses.

  Jasik leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.

  I smiled. “You’re awake.”

  He nodded and pulled me closer. I rested my head against his chest and listened to the firm, steady beat of his heart.

  “Are you ready for today, love?” he asked.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “We should get ready,” he said,

  I nodded, pulling away from him. “Shower?”


  I rolled off the bed, and hand in hand, we walked into the bathroom, stripped, and stepped into the glass shower. Turning the water on, I shrieked when the icy stream splashed against my chest. After adjusting the temperatures, I faced Jasik and bit my lower lip. His eyes were dark, hungry, as he stalked toward me like a predator to prey. He reached behind my head, his hand grazing the skin of my neck before he clasped my hair and lightly yanked backward. My head fell backward as I gasped. Pushing me up against the wall, he lowered his fangs and sunk his teeth into my neck.

  I cried out as a wash of ecstasy crashed over me. I wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him closer to me, scratching my nails against the smooth skin of his back. My fangs lowered instinctively as my need for him grew to uncontrollable levels. Unable to control myself, I leaned forward and pierced his skin with my fangs, drinking long and deep. The sweet scent of his blood swirled around me as it flooded my mouth. I pulled him closer to me, grunting as I worked my tongue over the puncture wounds and drank deep. I hadn’t realized he’d stopped feeding from me until after I’d heard him moan. His hand that lightly pulled my hair softened as he leaned into me. I pulled away, licking my lips clean and swallowing him down.

  Gazing up at him, I stared into his burning neon blue irises and ran my tongue over the ridges of my fangs. His mouth crashed onto mine as he pulled me into a ravenous kiss. Lifting me into his arms, he slammed his hardened length into me, and I pulled away as I cried out. Bracing myself with one hand against the tiled wall and one arm wrapped around his neck, I found myself at the brink of release almost as soon as Jasik had entered me, and from the ravenous noises escaping his lips as he slid in and out of me at ruthless speeds, I was sure he was close, too.

  I cried out as the orgasmic waves rippled through me and felt Jasik’s release splash into the depths of my core. He stumbled as he turned toward the wall, leaning my back against it. Resting his head against my chest, he closed his eyes, his breathing erratic, his speeding heart matching my own.

  I ran my hands through his tussled hair, brushing the wet strands from his skin. His eyes met mine, and I lowered my lips to his. His kiss was deep, passionate, and all-consuming. He pulled away, breaking the kiss and ignoring my protests.

  “We have a lot of work to get done and only so many hours of darkness, love,” he said.

  I pouted but knew it was useless. He was right. Besides, if my plan worked, we’d have an eternity to spend kissing.

  JASIK AND I took the stairs to the foyer and walked out onto the porch, where the other Hunters, Sebastian, and Kat were already waiting. I closed the door behind us and trailed my eyes over the length of their bodies.

  “What?” Lillie asked, panicked. She ran her hands over her stomach, smoothing the fabric of her shirt.

  I shook my head. “Nothing. I just can’t remember a time when I’ve seen us in so many clothes.”

  “The ferry to Alaska,” Jasik whispered.

  “Oh. Yeah. Well, other than that.” I shrugged.

  Lillie tugged on her shirt and readjusted her pants.

  “Stop fretting,” I grunted. “You look fine.”

  She rolled her eyes but crossed her arms, so I considered that a win.

  “Everyone has their mobile phones?” I asked, and almost in unison, they pulled their phones from their pockets and dangled them before me. I nodded, and they were put away. “Everyone knows what to do?” I asked.

  Lillie nodded. “Jer and I will go back home, err, to Amicia’s.”

  I nodded. “We need her on board. Convincing her won’t be easy.”

  “I know. We may need to use force,” Jeremiah suggested.

  “Or, maybe, compassion,” I said.

  “Huh?” Jeremiah asked.

  “Remember what she’s gone through. She’s panicked and paranoid, and I can’t blame her. She’ll want nothing to do with this plan. The only way through to her is to show her the aftermath, the future she’ll have if she helps.”

  Lillie and Jeremiah nodded in unison.

  “And you’ll call as soon as you get there, right?” I asked.

  “You got it,” Jeremiah said.

  “Good luck,” I said, pulling Jeremiah into a hug.

  “You, too,” he said as he moved aside for Lillie.

  “Be safe,” I told her as I pulled her into a hug.

  “You, too,” Lillie said, walking away. I exhaled slowly, hoping my emotions wouldn’t get the better of me. I glanced over in time to see Jeremiah and Lillie’s final goodbyes to the others before they disappeared into the darkness, and then I faced the others.

  I turned and faced Sebastian. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to bring Malik?”

  “How many times do I have to tell you? Sibyl is not going to hurt him. We’re practically family,” Sebastian said, slugging Malik in the arm.

  “Never do that again,” Malik said, emphasizing each word as he spoke.

  “Lighten up, mate.”

  “You know, this is exactly why I had you work with Malik and not Jeremiah. Can you imagine the lack of work getting done if I paired you with anyone else?” I smiled and pulled him and then Malik into hugs.

  “Come on, mate. Clock’s a tickin’,” Sebastian said as he tapped the non-existent watch on his wrist.

  Malik flashed me an I-will-probably-kill-you-later-for-making-me-go-with-Sebastian glare, which promptly faded when Kat pulled him close and kissed him. I whistled my approval. Malik ignored me, though, and instead pulled Jasik into a hug, mumbling something in his ear.

  I smiled at Sebastian who pulled me close to his chest, pressing a sloppy kiss atop my head.

  “Be careful, okay? Check in. I mean it,” I said.

  “Of course, Mom,” he said, pulling away and winking.

  I shook my head as I walked to Malik and jumped into his arms. I knew he wasn’t as emotional as the rest, and I figured I’d have to pry a hug from him. But he surprised me by hugging me back.

  “Take care of him,” he said softly, and I nodded.

  “See you soon,” I promised.

  They took the porch steps toward the forest, where Sibyl and her coven of hybrids waited—just a few states over in Montana.

  I stood at the edge of the porch, facing the backs of Sebastian and Malik. “Don’t forget to call as soon as you get there! And guys, remember!” I said, and they looked back over their shoulders. I brought my hands before me, drawing a triangle in the air. “Sibyl and the hybrids are super important. Remember the triangle. We need all three sides to make this work!”

  “Yeah, yeah. Triangle. Points. Sides. Blah. Blah. Blah,” Sebastian said, waving his hand dismissively. “Y’know, pumpkin, an eternity is a long time to wear worry wrinkles!”

  I groaned as Jasik stepped beside me. “It wasn’t a dumb idea to pair them, right?” I asked, watching as the two vampires disappeared into the darkness.

  “I certainly hope not,” he said.

  I turned around, meeting Kat’s eyes. There was sadness there—one I’d never seen before. “Don’t worry, Kat. That’s my job,” I said playfully. When she didn’t respond, I added, “They’ll be fine. Really. Sibyl is on our side. She won’t hurt them.”

  She smiled. “I believe you. I just wish you could have all stayed together, that’s all.”

  I nodded. “Safer that way, yes, but time is of the essence here. And we are seriously running out.”

  “Yes, of course. My Hunters will be leaving soon, as well, as you’ve requested.”

  “Thank you. It’s really very helpful. I know that puts your coven at risk, but the more we reach, the better chance we have.”

  She nodded. “Of course. Good luck, Avah. Goddess speed.” And with that, she walked back into the manor and closed the door behind her. I turned and faced Jasik.

  “Ready, love?”

  “Am I ready to visit the one person who’s likely to kill me?”

  Jasik’s smile faded.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  THE STREETS WERE empty as we emerged from the forest and walked onto the concrete pavement. Jasik walked closely beside me, his hand in mine, his thumb drawing an infinity sign across my skin. I glanced up at him. His features were hard, his eyes alert. Tonight, he was the hunter, the predator. This place was new to him, but the pain from my experience here was everlasting. He wasn’t there for me, and I knew that still frustrated him. Today, I knew he’d give his life to ensure I made it back to Kat’s.

  “Here we are,” I said, stopping before the store. It shared the brick building with a small cafe and bookstore—both were closed now, though. My first visit here had ended badly. Now, I could only hope things would go differently this time around.

  I exhaled slowly. “Ready?”

  He nodded and lifted his hand to cup my chin, raising my gaze to meet his. He smiled softly and ran his thumb up the length of my jawline. Goosebumps formed in his wake.

  “You’re going to be okay, love. I won’t let anything happen to you,” he reassured me.

  I nodded. “I know.” Standing on my tiptoes, I placed a brief kiss to his lips.

  Jasik grasped the door’s handle and stepped aside so I could enter. The door closed behind us, echoing through the empty room.

  I inhaled deeply, letting the scent of burning sage flow through me. Sage was a cleansing herb, and as I stood in its smoky path, I felt its power rush through me.

  “Welcome!” a familiar voice said. As the girl approached me, her voice grew louder, until she stood only feet before me.

  I smiled, hoping the sincerity reached my eyes.

  She gasped. “You!” the girl said.


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