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Firefight: The Soul Scorchers MC (The Scorched Souls Serial-series Book 2)

Page 4

by Riley, C. L.

  The man was insatiable! After the load he’d emptied on my butt, I was surprised he was even hard again.

  Wanting to please him, I leaned forward, palms on the tiles. The hot water cascaded over my head and caressed my curves, while the ice cube sent shivering chills wherever it touched.

  He wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me steady, running the cube down my ass’ seam and between my legs. Nudging the back of my legs with his knee, it was obvious what he wanted. I parted my legs, giving him access.

  “That feels so good,” I moaned, widening my stance. My initial distress had rapidly flipped to a burning desire for more.

  With expert strokes, he used the ice cube on my clit, my slit, and my ass, until it melted. Reaching through the curtain, he grabbed another, and continued his ministrations. When I was ready to combust, he spun me around, pushing me against the shower’s back wall. He popped what was left of the ice in his mouth, kissing me hard, and forcing me to share the cube. We traded it between our mouths, tongues twirling.

  Not wanting to break the connection, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Understanding my need, he bent his knees and drove up, straight into my cunt. My back, slippery with soap and water, slid against the tiles while he hammered my pussy over and over, grunting with every thrust.

  Clinging to his shoulders, I dug my nails into his tattooed skin, not caring if I drew blood. “Harder,” I cried, squeezing my thighs tighter.

  He obliged and sent me careening over the edge. My channel constricted, gripping his cock, milking whatever he had left after our earlier episode. Using his huge hands to grip my ass, he lifted me up and slammed me back down. His biceps flexed and bulged with the effort, but he didn’t stop.

  Only when we were both completely satiated, and the water had turned as cold as the ice he’d used, did he step from the shower, still holding me, with my legs secured around him and my head on his shoulder. He twisted and shut off the water, and then, without a word, carried me to the bed, where we both crumpled into the blankets. I heard him let out one soft snore before I passed the fuck out in his arms.


  Olympia laughed, something I was hearing a lot more of these past few days. We’d taken my father’s advice and were making the most of our time together, turning what could have been a tense standoff into a vacation of sorts.

  The no fucking rule had been broken more times than I could count. My girl was the best kind of freak, eager to please and play, submitting to my creative demands with enthusiasm.

  She’s not my girl. I reminded myself for the umpteenth time. When her memories resurfaced, I’d be lucky if she didn’t try to castrate me.

  Shaking off worries, I didn’t dare dwell on; I watched her struggle to keep her fishing poll upright. The line had gone taut and was straining. She clearly had something on her hook. It was about time one of us got lucky.

  Bones and Grinch were bringing the boys up tonight for dinner, and I wanted to cook fresh fish. Until now, we hadn’t had a single bite. Unless you counted the bite marks I’d left on Olympia’s inner thighs before dragging her into the river for some extra rough water play. We’d probably scared all the fish away with our thrashing and her moans.

  “Boone!” she screeched. “I caught something!”

  “Hold on, babe! I’m coming.” I jogged over to help her reel in her catch.

  Whatever she’d hooked was heavy – too heavy.

  “Sally, let go. Let me do this. It doesn’t feel right.”

  She glared up at me. “It’s my fish, buddy. Catch your own.”

  Before I could argue, what looked like a pile of tattered clothes crested, floating in the shallow water.

  She gasped. “What is that?”

  “I don’t know. Stay here and let me check.” This time she listened, releasing the pole to me and taking several steps away from the water’s edge.

  Without getting closer, I could already guess what we’d hooked, and it sure as hell wasn’t the salmon we’d been hoping for.

  Plunging the pole’s handle into the hard sand, I took a second to slip on my fishing boots and some gloves I’d thrown in our bag at the last moment. I trudged into the water, ready to confirm what I suspected.

  Sure enough, the remains belonged to a man. Fuck.

  Grateful for my waterproof gloves, I grabbed what was left of the body and pulled it ashore.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Olympia called, her voice shaking.

  “Depends what you’re thinking,” I tried to joke away the horror she was sure to be feeling.

  “Well, I’m not barbequing it,” she shot back, shocking the shit out of me with her bravado.

  I’d taken to calling her ‘brave girl,’ and everyday she earned that title a little more, both in and out of the bedroom, or wherever the hell we decided to get our kink on.

  A flash of us in river earlier sent a shudder through me. That body had been out there somewhere, with us. I hoped Olympia didn’t connect the dots. It was a gruesome image.

  “Boone, what should we do?”

  That was a good question. I needed to call Bones and have him bring Doc. Maybe we could learn more. From what I’d seen, the guy had been dead for awhile, though I couldn’t be sure. Bodies decomposed twice as fast in water.

  “I’m gonna call my dad. Help me gather our gear.”

  While she packed up, I grabbed our blanket and covered the corpse, piling a few large rocks on and around it to discourage wildlife. Once done, I located the satellite phone and made the call.

  I was relieved to discover Doc was already at the clubhouse treating an injury Crusher had gotten in our fight club. Fucking idiot. He was supposed to be managing the fights not climbing in the ring. I understood his dilemma, though. The adrenaline rush triggered by violence was unlike anything else. I’d been hard pressed to give up my own place in the underground fighting circuit.

  As the undefeated, ‘retired’ champion, to this day a constant stream of challenges had to be deferred or declined by Crusher, on my behalf. Maybe he’d decided to take on one of those challengers and paid the price. He’d have one hell of a story to tell, no doubt.

  I tried to refocus as Bones voiced his concerns and suggestion that the kids stay behind. I just couldn’t agree to it, dead body or not.

  Olympia and I had talked to them on the phone every day, but they were getting restless. Kids needed their parents no matter how much they liked the people they were staying with. We hadn’t seen JV and Joey for almost a week. I missed them. Olympia had that effect on me, making me see how important family was. The way she talked to the boys, with such respect and genuine interest, more than messed with my head. She was a better mom than Rita had ever been.

  My deceased wife had been too worried about her status in the club and what the other old ladies thought about her. Olympia straight up cared about the kids, and she didn’t even remember raising them, which, of course, she hadn’t. That was dedication pure and simple, and yet another reason the Sally version of Olympia continued to stun me. She was old lady material through and through.

  Not realizing I’d let my mind wander mid-conversation, Bones yelled, bringing me back to our debate.

  I tried to convince him that Olympia could hang out with JV and Joey, keeping both her and them out of our way, and our business, at the same time. Ultimately, he relented and agreed to bring take-n’-bake pizzas, since our fish fry had been crashed by one rotting corpse.


  “Gimmie that piece!” I made a grab for the last slice of pepperoni, beating out Joey, who groaned when I took a dramatic bite, savoring the pizza’s spicy flavor.

  “How can you eat so much?” he asked. “I’m a growing boy and you’re a tiny woman.”

  I laughed along with the others who’d stopped talking to watch our pizza showdown. “Don’t ever let a woman’s size fool you, son. Some of us have fast metabolisms or stay very active.” My gaze found Boone’s.

  His lips bowed into a
mischievous grin. It was obvious he understood exactly what types of activities I was referring to. Bones, on the other hand, didn’t appear at all pleased by my comment and shot a suspicious look at his son.

  Uh oh. Maybe it had been his father’s influence that had made Boone decide he needed to refrain from sex. I’d never considered that angle. It made sense, though. Bones was a serious man who took his role as the club’s ‘prez’ to heart. He’d probably warned Boone to be careful, planting the idea in his mind. My husband liked sex way too much to worry about a few missing memories. He hadn’t lasted twenty-hours without it.

  “Mom.” JV tapped my arm. “Wanna color? I brought my stuff.”

  Joey started to open his mouth; I raised my hand. “Don’t even go there, Mister. Art is not for sissies. Do you know how much money artists can make?”

  “But…” he started to argue.

  “But nothing. Everyone has their own talents. Not everyone wants to be a badass biker. It is okay if you do, but your brother can forge his own path. I don’t want you criticizing him anymore. Stand up for him. Support him. Okay?”

  “Okay, mom. Sorry, bro.”

  JV beamed, his smile so big I was worried his cheeks might explode. “You want to color too, Joey?”

  Joey glanced at Boone and his grandfather first, then at Grinch and Doc.

  I stared at the men, daring them to discourage the brotherly bonding.

  Boone nodded. “Go on. A little art never hurt anyone. Tattoos are art, you know, and so is the custom paint work I do,” he added.

  Grinch seemed to agree. “Don’t call no tattoo artist a pussy either. Inking is an important job.” He extended his color-covered arms. “A good one can make a serious chunk of change.”

  “Cool,” Joey said. “I’ll color.”

  “Why don’t you guys work at the kitchen table while we go outside and discuss a few things? I’ll put on a movie in the background,” Boone suggested.

  Joey started to protest, but I knew the body by the river needed to be examined and prepared for transport, without the kids in tow. “Son, I made fresh strawberry shortcake. You’ll get the biggest piece with the guys gone.”

  His face lit up and he swallowed his complaint. Food seemed to work as a persuader on anyone with a penis, no matter what their age.

  Over the last few days, I’d discovered that desserts were easier to prepare than a full course meal. So I’d managed, with some teasing guidance from Boone, to bake biscuits without burning them, and add strawberries and whipped cream, making certain not to use all the cream. I had some ideas about how Boone and I could make good use of the sweet topping later.

  After getting the boys their dessert and gathering the empty plates, I plopped on the couch, ready to examine the photos Bones had brought with him. The proof of my relationship with Boone, what little was left after the fire catastrophe, was finally at my disposal. Eager to see what he’d found, I pulled the prints from a large envelop.

  The first one featured me in a wedding dress standing next to Boone in his cut. It didn’t surprise me one bit that he’d left his identifying colors on for our ceremony. I couldn’t see him in a tux, not that he wouldn’t fill it out nicely. He was a jeans and t-shirt guy, and that was how I preferred him. Well, actually, I preferred him naked.

  My pussy did its quiver-thing just at the thought of Boone’s cock – long, thick, and pierced. I’d given up on ever sitting again without an ache between my legs as long as he was around. Bruises and tender spots on my body served as constant reminders of our sexual escapades. The most recent being the bite marks on my inner thighs. Damn. I wanted more.

  Hearing the boys’ laughter from the table, sent a different kind of pleasure shooting through me, and reminded me of the photos.

  Putting the wedding photo aside, I flipped through the others. Various poses of us together, looking like a content couple. My doubts had all but vanished, even before seeing the hard evidence captured in pictures.

  A final photo caught my attention. I was wearing a cheerleading uniform. Boone wasn’t in the photo, just me. I looked young and carefree. I didn’t realize I’d been a cheerleader. That particular image seemed to conflict with the whole super-slut and pregnant at fifteen scenario.

  When had I had time to attend school?

  I figured I was uneducated or had a GED at best. Perhaps there was more to me then a history of trailer trash behavior. I couldn’t wait to ask Boone about it.

  “Mom…” was all I heard JV say before another lost memory hit like a hurricane battering an unsuspecting shoreline.

  “Mom…! I screamed. “No!” I dashed toward the house, looking for a way inside between the flames. Sirens wailed in the background. Desperate to free my mother, I raced around to the backyard and up the backdoor’s steps. I reached for the knob. Searing pain lanced through my hand, and I tore it away from the door.


  That scene ended abruptly and changed to one with me wearing my cheerleading outfit.

  The doorbell rang, not once, not twice, but three times!

  “For goodness sakes! Give me a sec!” I grabbed my gym bag from the landing at the top of the stairs and trotted down. Where the hell was ‘the help’ when you needed them?

  I opened the door, stunned to see the brawny biker fireman who had helped put out our recent fire. For some reason, his presence pissed me off.

  We exchanged verbal barbs that I found oddly stimulating, before I marched off to my car, making sure to sway my hips.

  “Mom, are you okay?” JV pleaded. Both he and Joey were standing over me where I’d fallen back on the couch.

  Was I? What did the memories mean?

  I’d appeared older than fifteen in the visions, and I clearly wasn’t married or even dating Boone at that point. It was as if he was little more than a stranger. What the hell?

  “I’m okay. How’s the coloring coming?” I forced myself to respond, hating the anxiety painted across my boys’ faces. “Let’s take a look.”

  On wobbly legs, I made it to the table where I ooed and awed appropriately over their work, still shaken by my most recent recollections.

  Joey wasn’t convinced by my performance. He’d been hanging out with the ‘big boys’ too long to fall for my act.

  “You don’t look so good. What’s wrong?” he persisted, again reminding me of his father.

  I decided to be honest and see how they would react. “Well, I had a couple of new memories I’m not sure how to process.”

  Each boy stiffened as if on cue, and they glanced quickly at each other before turning their questioning gazes back on me.

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to sense something was going on.

  “Now I’m going to ask you the same thing. What’s wrong? You both look like you saw the same ghost.”

  They shared another glance, and Joey spoke first. “We’re just worried. We don’t want you to be upset.”

  I tilted my head, trying to keep my expression open and friendly. “Why would I be upset? I want to remember all the awesome times we’ve had together as a family.”

  JV hung his head, and a lone tear, trailed down his cheek. Joey elbowed him.

  “Joey!” I admonished. “Why would you do that to your brother when he is clearly upset about something?”

  Joey just shrugged. I could tell they were becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the direction of our discussion. It was apparent I’d stumbled onto something major that involved our family’s history. I didn’t like where this was heading, not at all.

  In less than ten minutes, I’d gone from complete certainty about my past with the Richards’ ‘men’ to a whole new level of suspicion. So what if there were pictures? A Photoshop expert could manipulate any image to suite his or her agenda.

  Boone couldn’t get back soon enough. He would be answering my questions. If he refused, I would demand he take me into town, where I’d finally do what I should have from the beginning – go to the police


  Trudging back to the cabin with Grinch, gave me time to think. I wished the killer had done a better job with the body. Maybe then it would have found its way to the Pacific Ocean and its final, watery resting place.

  Wasn’t ignorance supposed to be bliss? Fuck if this wasn’t one more thing I didn’t want to know about. What I wanted was to claim ignorance, but it was too late for that now. And in this case, what we’d discovered would only serve to stoke the fire already simmering between us and the Hells Guardians.

  Just yesterday, Bones and Rowdy had negotiated a new clause to the truce, stipulating that the presidents would notify the other if war became imminent. Both clubs had voted and approved the change. After the seventy-two hour deadline for action came and went, Rowdy’s investigators were just as baffled as we were. Nothing made sense. We were now actually trying to pool our clubs’ resources in order to find the source behind such a masterful manipulation; but, as before, even after the votes, there were still disgruntled brothers, from both sides, dead set on starting a war.

  This latest find wouldn’t help the more peacefully inclined.

  Doc had discovered a chain with the Guardian’s logo twisted around the corpse’s ribcage along with the rotting flesh. A quick call from Bones to Rowdy had confirmed two of their guys had gone missing around the time of the strip club fire. Rowdy was sending his Road Captain, Ringo, and a couple of other guys to pick up the remains.

  Ringo wasn’t just a road captain either. He led a kill team the Guardian’s dispatched on an as needed basis. Sending Ringo served as a warning like nothing else could.

  I’d argued against notifying the Guardian president, but Bones had pulled rank, insisting it was a show of good faith, and said he’d expect no less if the situation was reversed. I didn’t trust Rowdy’s word as much as my father seemed to. I was also surprised he’d made the decision without a vote. Lately, we were entering uncharted territory with more secrets amongst us than ever before.

  This fucking arsonist had two of Oregon’s biggest motorcycle clubs by the balls. If we didn’t catch a break soon, I hated to think what would happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if both clubs’ national chapters got involved. That would just add to the already escalating chaos.


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