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Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess 5

Page 4

by Pet TorreS

  The eagle stopped throwing fire on Eros and looked at the top of the rock where it saw someone standing on it.

  That someone was me ...

  I was barefoot and dressed in my long nightgown. I did not think of changing into suitable clothes to be there at that moment, because the vision I had about Eros in danger had blocked my neurons ... I only thought of his protection. Even if it cost my own existence as a vampire.

  I looked at the eagle in the sky and I knew it was the vampire Lyon. My eyes were crystalline and gray.

  I feared that something bad could happen to Eros. Lyon seemed to be a very powerful vampire. After all, he had used magic, and that had made him almost invincible.

  I pressed my fingers and yelled toward the dark eagle,


  I looked at Eros. He was standing further away from me. Then I looked again at the sky toward the eagle and shouted again,


  Eros took two steps forward. He looked quite nervous. "No, Valkyrie!"

  The eagle was slowly becoming larger, becoming greater. At that moment I realised that its power was also becoming stronger.

  Eros walked to the side and grabbed the metal sword which I had given him last night.

  Lyon, in his form as an eagle, began to spit fire on me, but I stood in the same place.

  The fire had burned part of my right arm.

  Eros jumped towards me and raised his sword above our heads. He was trying to protect us from all that fire.

  But the eagle was intent on burning us.

  Eros threw me to the ground and he fell on me, shielding me with his body. He had not let the metal sword go from his hand. He held it tightly. He knew it was our only salvation.

  He looked into my eyes and frowned at me.

  "I told you to stay out of it!"

  The fire hit his back ... he groaned in pain and looked up toward the eagle.

  "I could not leave you alone in this," I replied looking at his face.

  The fire reached the ground to our left. Eros and I looked at the ground at that moment and saw the blast of fire running along the ground.

  "Playtime is over!" Eros said looking at me. "We have to stop this vampire bastard!"

  He rose and stood.

  I did the same and then I was standing a little behind him. I knew I was protected by him and also by the metal sword in his hands.

  Eros jumped into the air and flew toward the eagle.

  At that moment he raised his sword, trying to reach the giant bird with his metal weapon.

  But the sword seemed to have its own life and left his hand by itself, jumped to the ground and its spear went under the ground, in the middle of the rock.

  Eros returned to the ground after his triple jump and his right hand touched the sword. He tried to pull it to him and remained there fighting it for a few seconds.

  "I cannot," he muttered. "The sword is stuck within the rock."

  I ran towards him and tried to pull the sword with my hand but it did not move, it was stuck.

  The sword did not want to leave its place, "Eros! Help me! I screamed desperately.

  He put his hand on the sword too and we tried to pull it out together. But nothing worked, the sword was still stuck.

  Eros removed his hands from the sword and looked up at my face speaking gravely.

  "This sword obeys only your father, Valkyrie."

  I felt desperation.

  "What should we do now?"

  All of a sudden fire reached Eros’ body and he fell to the ground, the burn singed his chest.

  I looked up at the eagle still in the sky and closed my eyes. At that moment I was trying to wake my father from his deep sleep.

  I needed him there, needed him to save us.

  My father was asleep in his room, with his belly up and his hands were crossed over his chest.

  Seconds later, he opened his eyes when he heard my voice in his mind.


  Thunderbolts emerged from the sky. The eagle still cast fire around me and Eros. There was dark smoke enveloping us.

  However, a blue light burst through the sky. It was the symbol of Neptune and with that light my father's body appeared too.

  He was dressed in his dark clothes and his huge wine coloured cape.

  He looked at the dark eagle in the middle of the sky and then looked at me standing and Eros who was still on the ground. The burns on his body prevented him from getting up for a time.

  My father realized that I was trying to protect Eros with my own body in case another burst of fire came toward us.

  Vincent looked at his metal sword.

  The metal weapon came out of the ground and flew into the air, going towards the right hand of my father. The sword had answered the call of its master – the king of the vampires.

  My father flew towards the giant eagle and cut off its right foot with his sword. Then he cut off its left wing.

  The eagle fell to the ground.

  At that moment, the animal slowly turned into a vampire again. Now it was Lyon who was there, lying on the ground. His body was covered with blood. He was without his right foot and also without his left arm.

  My father had mutilated him with no compassion.

  Vincent jumped back to the ground and walked toward Lyon. His sword was still firmly in his hand. His vengeance was running through his veins.

  "What were you going to do with my daughter?" My father asked him finally.

  Lyon remained with his head down and muttered in pain as he expelled fresh blood through his mouth and his nose.

  "Everyone who desires the death of my daughter is doing so at the expense of his own life! I do not absolve those who do any kind of harm to her."

  Vincent looked up and raised his sword toward Lyon’s head. The sky became dark. Lightning and thunder began to emerge again.

  Moments later, the head of Lyon rolled on the floor, after the sword of metal separated it from his body.

  Lyon's immortality had come to an end as well as his desire for revenge and his desire for destruction.

  I ran toward Eros’ body and knelt down and hugged him. My breath was ragged. I was still worried about his burns.

  However, everything had ended well.

  Chapter 9

  We brought Eros back to the castle.

  He was sitting on the couch with his back against the seat. His burns were healing as my hands lightly passed over them.

  I was on my knees between his legs. In this position my task in tending to him quickly was easier.

  Eros briefly lifted his head and looked into my face.

  "Are you okay?"

  I smiled meekly. "I think it is me who should be asking you that."

  He looked down but his smile was still on his face. He exhaled in relief. He was really tired.

  Then I looked to the side and stopped smiling when I remembered that Eros was about to leave Neptune. He had fulfilled his promise, which was that he would stay on Neptune while I was in danger.

  But now no danger was present, at least not that I knew of.

  His imminent departure hurt me inside. I avoided imagining my life without him in that moment.

  I wanted him to be here, near me.

  But what could I do to convince him to stay?

  My father came into the living room where we were. He stopped in the middle of the room and shook his long, wine coloured cape to one side.

  Then his voice finally escaped from his lips.

  "Valkyrie, leave us alone for a moment."

  I raised my head and looked into Eros' eyes. He also looked into mine in silence.

  We did not know what the reaction of my father would be in my absence.

  Why did my father want me to leave at that moment?

  Why couldn't I participate in the conversation between them?

  I slid my hands slowly across Eros’ abdomen and got up. I looked back towards my
father, and he realized that I was worried about the conversation that they would both have without me.

  My father bowed his head, looking at me.

  I walked slowly toward the hallway, leaving them alone in the main room.

  Then I made good use of the time to have a bath and change my clothes. After all, I was dirty enough to dislike my own skin.

  Vincent walked forward and stopped in front of Eros.

  Their eyes met. They both looked very serious. They were finally in each other’s presence after all these years.

  Since Eros had been expelled from Neptune, he never dared to cross the path of my father again.

  My father cleared his throat and started talking.

  "Eros, I expelled you from Neptune years ago."

  Eros stared boldly at my father. It seemed he was ready for a war. "An unjust expulsion, but it was worth it." Eros looked away. "I conquered Uranus."

  "It so happens that my daughter needs you ..." he paused for less than a second. " Here."

  Eros shook his head from side to side and looked down at the floor. His lips moved to one side, and then he said decidedly, "As it happens I do not intend to stay in this place."

  Vincent walked to one side and shook his long cape.

  "I want you to stay here."

  He stared at Eros again. "For my daughter, I forgive you."

  Eros rose from the couch and remained standing, showing himself strong and decided on his choice.

  "I can’t live in this place for your daughter."

  "Why not?" My father insisted.

  "I can never return the love that Valkyrie feels for me, though I try ..."

  The two were silent for a few moments and my father started talking again.

  "I want you to come back to live in this castle, and everything to be like it was before."

  Eros hastened to say to him with his cold, bitter voice, "No 'before' exists for me."

  Vincent stared at him, wrinkling his face. Eros' contradictory answers bothered him a lot.

  "I gave you immortality and all the power you have today."

  "At no time did you ask me if I really wanted this life."

  Eros again used some irony. He always knew how to do that well.

  "Okay," My father muttered and walked to the open window, looking at the dark sky. "I have forgiven you and want you to live with me and Valkyrie here on Neptune."

  Eros looked toward Vincent and kept his posture straight. "I confess I am surprised with your forgiveness ...I did not expect this from you."

  Vincent faced him. "I did it for the sake of my daughter."

  They became silent once again.

  Then my father looked at the snowy landscape through the open window and said, " Valkyrie loves you."

  Eros lowered his head and looked toward his own dark boots.

  "Valkyrie will have to forget me."

  "No ..." My father looked at Eros. "I think NOT."

  Vincent smiled softly. "What she feels for you is eternal love."

  Chapter 10

  I ran down the hall of the castle towards the main room. I stopped in the middle of the room, grabbed the skirt of my long black dress but stopped when I saw my father standing at the open window.

  He was thoughtful and seemed troubled to me.

  "Where is Eros?" I asked looking around. Looking for him, desperation invaded my chest. "What did you two talk about?"

  Vincent looked at me seriously.

  "One question at a time, Valkyrie."

  I closed my eyes and sighed, trying to control my anxiety. It was devastating for me to imagine that Eros was away from me again.

  "I have forgiven Eros and asked him to return to live on Neptune, or more specifically, in this castle with us."

  I smiled relieved. "He accepted?"

  "Go after him and you will know his answer."

  I ran towards my father and hugged him tenderly.

  I was happy to have some hope that Eros might return to live with us in the castle all because my father, after many years, had finally forgiven him.

  "Thank you, father," I said looking up at his face.

  Then I ran towards the central door of the castle.

  I looked for Eros in the forest of dry trees.

  A few seconds later, Eros appeared before me, after his triple jump from up high. He knew I was looking for him while I was in the form of a black panther.

  Eros could not turn into an owl or even into smoke as he was once able to do.

  The black panther stood before him and within a few moments I emerged in her place, in my long, black dress.

  I tried to present him with a kind, sincere smile as I was very happy that my father had forgiven him and had opened a new path for his stay on this planet.

  "My father finally forgave you."

  My hands touched his shoulders.

  "Now you can stay here."

  Eros looked around and kept his facial expression serious. "I cannot stay here."

  My body shuddered at his answer. I expected to hear a positive something from his lips.

  Something like: I'll be here forever.

  He turned his back to me and looked up towards the dark sky.

  " Uranus is my planet now. I need to go back to it."

  "No!" I hugged his back. "Please! Stay here with me!"

  Eros looked down and sighed, saying, “IF I RECIPROCATE YOUR LOVE, I'll BE A DESTROYED VAMPIRE!”

  I freed his body and walked back, remembering that he lost his strength every time I kissed him on his lips.

  His statement made sense.

  My love for him was something destructive in his life. As destructive as a time bomb that could destroy an entire city block or an entire nation.

  Eros turned to face me and looked at my melancholic face. I could not face him, not at that moment. It was so sad for me. His departure was something totally unwanted by me since forever.


  Right at that moment his goodbye made me lift my head and gaze into his gray eyes. A tear of blood ran down my face.

  That was my farewell, my own blood tear.

  I was as silent as a corpse on the edge of its grave.

  Eros walked forward and stood close to me. His icy fingers touched one side of my face and they went down slowly, removing my dark, red blood from my face forming a ruby-red, slight blot on my cool, pale skin.

  His gesture told me that he did not wish to see me so demoralised before his departure.

  "Hold your head high."

  His fingers held my chin and he made me look up, without fear, without regrets.


  His fingers went off my chin and he took two steps back, still looking at me. His eyes stopped at my unhappy face.

  Soon after, he turned his back to me and then he could hear my voice challenging him.


  He looked back toward me and smiled weakly at my image in my long, black dress.

  "Continue to persevere! Who knows one day Maybe we can be together!"

  Eros looked up. The sky trembled and dark clouds formed above our heads.

  Lightning and thunder came along with an intense wind.

  The symbol of Uranus appeared in the sky, in dark gray.

  Eros was absorbed by a gray energy that came from the symbol of Uranus.

  After the disappearance of Eros and also the symbol of Uranus, everything seemed back to normal.

  The symbol of Uranus had taken Eros away from me again.

  And once again I felt so lost and so defeated after his departure.

  However, I was on top of the big rock and my gaze caressed the dark clouds in the sky. As I crossed my arms around my breasts, the skirt of my dress was shaking so much as I was dying to go after Eros on Uranus and try to bring him back to my life.

  I was reminded of the wonderful times I spent with Eros in Death Valley.

  I also r
emembered his smile, his sharp teeth, his gray eyes and also his face moments before he departed for Uranus.

  I remembered him saying to me,



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  Other books by Pet Torres

  Vampires adversaries series

  Valkyrie – the vampire princess saga

  The black wolf’s mark series

  Tiger’s obsession Series

  Black Owl Trilogy

  Pact of witches Series

  Love or friendship series

  Arranged marriage

  Blood moon



  Destiny with Blood

  Illusionism obscene

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