The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1

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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1 Page 74

by J. Smith

  See Baader, Andreas: hate campaign, target of

  See Meinhof, Ulrike—death in Stammheim: psychological warfare

  See also news media

  anarchist smear 315–316

  BAW 379, 381, 398, 400, 412, 422–423, 430

  BKA 232, 290, 304, 350, 379, 400, 412

  Bonn Security Group 232, 286, 290

  former guerillas 113, 154–155, 263, 352

  Ulrike Meinhof on 354, 359, 365–366, 367–368

  use of RAF 117, 140–141, 142, 233

  Public Service, Transport, and Communication Union 22, 169

  Puttick, Anna 594, 611. See also Proll, Astrid

  Putz Group 436, 439, 442, 443

  Puyan, Amir Parviz 369

  Quante, Wolfgang 333, 339

  Quick 587

  Rabehl, Bernd 30, 444, 573

  RAF Commandos

  Andreas Baader Commando 612

  Ciro Rizatto Commando 620

  George Jackson Commando 617

  Gudrun Ensslin Commando 614

  Holger Meins Commando 332, 336, 337, 339–340, 357, 404, 435, 474, 488, 517, 597

  Ingrid Schubert Commando 618

  Jan-Carl Raspe Commando 616

  José Manuel Sévillano Commando 620

  July 15th Commando 165, 178, 180, 590

  Katharina Hammerschmidt Commando 623

  Khaled Aker Commando 619

  Manfred Grashof Commando 165, 176, 590

  Mara Cagol Commando 618

  Patsy O’Hara Commando 617

  Petra Schelm Commando 163, 174, 590

  2nd of June Commando 165, 177, 179, 180, 590

  Siegfried Hausner Commando 476–486, 498–502, 503, 507, 607

  Sigurd Debus Commando 614

  Thomas Weissbecker Commando 164, 175, 179, 180, 590

  Ulrich Wessel Commando 621

  Ulrike Meinhof Commando 470, 490–492, 604

  Vincenzo Spano Commando 620

  Wolfgang Beer Commando 619

  RAF documents 319. See also Regarding the Armed Struggle in West Europe

  Acktionspapier (1984) 616

  August Paper (1992) 622

  The Black September Action in Munich (1972) 187, 195, 199, 201–203, 205–236, 337, 592

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  Build the Red Army (1970) 79–82, 584

  Build the Revolutionary Front (1986) 618

  Ceasefire Statement (1992) 622

  The Expulsion of Horst Mahler (1974) 255, 257, 288–291

  For the Unity of Revolutionaries in West Europe (1985) 617

  For the Victory of the People of Vietnam (1972) 174, 590

  The Guerilla, The Resistance, and the Anti-Imperialist Front (1982) 478, 615–616, 622

  Interview with Le Monde Diplomatique (1976) 392, 408–432, 602

  June paper (1992) 622

  Letter from the RAF to the RAF Prisoners (1975) 327, 332, 338, 416–417, 596

  No Bomb in Munich Central Station (1975) 349, 376–377

  Provisional Program of Struggle for the Political Rights of Imprisoned Workers (1974) 257, 279–284, 594

  Regarding the Fascist Bomb Threats Against Stuttgart (1972) 181–182

  Second Hunger Strike Statement (1973) 274–278

  Serve the People: The Urban Guerilla and Class Struggle (1972) 117–119, 122–159, 160, 202, 337, 589

  Statement to the Red Aid Teach-In (1972) 169, 183–185

  Third Hunger Strike statement (1974) 285–287

  To the News Editors of the West German Press (1972) 179, 590

  To Those Who Struggle Alongside Us (1985) 618

  The Urban Guerilla Concept (1971) 65, 83–105, 107, 337, 586

  The Urban Guerilla in the Form of the RAF is Now History (1998) 625

  RAF ideas on

  anarchism and antiauthoritarianism 91, 100–101, 226–227, 227–228

  anti-imperialism 142–143, 201–203, 205–206, 308, 312, 359–360, 451

  antisemitism 225, 544–547

  the APO 88, 89–92, 126–127, 147, 226–227, 406, 430–431, 431–432

  bringing out the violence in the system 234–235, 310, 317, 326, 368–369, 427–428, 467–468

  car accidents 123, 146, 211

  child abuse 71, 123, 145, 366

  “class for itself”/class base 79–82, 95, 183, 274–275, 405–406

  consciousness 222–224, 235, 274, 310, 317–318, 400

  consumer society 202, 320, 362, 363, 401

  fascist drift/new fascism 104, 139–141, 214, 224, 305, 309, 374, 419, 425, 426–427, 427, 456, 497

  the Federal Republic of Germany 308–309, 413–415, 430–431

  imperialism 88–89, 124–128, 206–210, 211–214, 215, 280–281, 315, 426

  labor aristocracy 202, 207, 216, 222, 318, 434

  liberal human rights 229–230, 249, 320, 373–374, 424, 424–425, 451

  long march through the institutions 152

  Marxism-Leninism 90, 92, 315–316

  metropolitan chauvinism/opportunism 126, 141, 215–221, 226, 318, 424–425

  nationstate perspective 126, 139, 226, 360

  necessity of armed struggle 81, 93, 95–96, 96–98, 99, 122, 141–142, 152, 185, 311

  old antifascists 88, 225–226, 228

  old left 90–91

  radical subjectivity 100–101, 202, 219, 296–298, 310, 362–363, 366–367, 397, 399

  reformism 102, 148–149, 282–283

  “the right-wing bugaboo” 229–230, 230

  the “ripeness” of the masses 96, 141, 141–142, 151–152, 183–185, 279, 281

  role of guerilla in metropole 81, 97, 127, 141, 142–143, 151–153, 308, 311, 315, 362, 427

  social democracy 148–149, 229–230, 305, 415, 426, 427, 428, 431

  solidarity 158–159, 216, 217

  Soviet Union 88, 228–229, 309, 405–406; spontaneity 122, 152

  Third World as vanguard 222, 223, 226, 309–310

  Third World liberation framework within which they operated 142–143, 174, 178, 215–216, 218, 311, 315, 318, 360–361, 430, 456, 482–483

  vanguard 93, 94, 122, 218, 368

  Vietnam War 185, 420, 430–431, 455, 491, 600

  working class 128–139, 142–147

  RAF prisoners 269, 326. See also Geneva Convention (strategy)

  See also Info

  See also prison conditions

  See also isolation torture

  first hunger strike (1973) 244, 277, 592

  second hunger strike (1973) 248, 250, 274–278, 370, 593

  third hunger strike (1974-5) 253–255, 257–265, 285–287, 290, 296–299, 303–305, 306–308, 327, 338, 344, 345, 346, 352, 416–417, 429, 434, 459, 594, 596

  fourth hunger strike (1977) 455, 457, 463, 470, 471, 487–489, 492, 493, 604

  fifth hunger strike (1977) 475, 476, 495, 496–497, 606

  sixth hunger strike (1978) 528, 610

  seventh hunger strike (1979) 530, 612

  eighth hunger strike (1981) 614

  ninth hunger strike (1984-5) 616, 617

  tenth hunger strike (1989) 619

  eleventh hunger strike (1994) 624

  association 254, 455, 470, 471–472, 473, 487, 493, 496, 528, 604, 610, 614

  association versus integration 253–254, 255, 257, 263, 281, 594

  bugged cells 516–517, 596, 597, 598, 604

  Celle prisoners 622, 623

  cell raids 267, 286, 419, 593

  harassment of relatives 267, 286, 303

  inspiring people to join the RAF 248, 327, 336–337, 451, 470, 508

  Lorenz kidnapping 328, 330

  “RAF” Ralf Reinders Commando 349

  RAF (Red Army Faction). See also RAF Commandos

  See also RAF documents

  See also RAF ideas on

  See also RAF prisoners

  See also support scene

  See also SPK (Socialistiches Patientenkollektiv)

  activities prior to the RAF 46–56

rankfurt department store bombings (1968) 46, 48–49, 66–78, 581, 583

  activities May 1970 to May 1972 59–60, 64–65, 107–108, 108–110, 110, 111–112, 113–115, 117–118, 160, 161–162, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589

  Baader library-break (1970) 54–55, 60–61, 79, 85–86, 362, 584, 586, 589, 594, 595

  trip to Jordan (1970) 56, 57, 84, 118, 120, 557, 584

  triple coup bank robberies (1970) 59, 585

  Kaiserslautern bank robbery (1971) 112, 352, 588

  Ludwigshafen bank robbery (1972) 589

  May Offensive (1972) 163–167, 169, 172, 200, 357–358, 591, 612

  attack on U.S. Army V Corps (1972) 163–164, 166, 174, 315, 491, 590

  attacks in Augsburg and Munich (1972) 164, 175, 179

  attempted Buddenberg assassination (1972) 165, 166, 176, 590

  attack on Springer Building (1972) 165, 168, 177, 179, 183, 326, 357–358, 392, 422, 590

  attack on USAREUR in Heidelberg (1972) 165–166, 178, 315, 491, 590

  arrests (June/July 1972) 170–172, 591

  activities 1972-1974 325, 593

  arrests (February 4, 1974) 325–326, 332, 594

  activities in 1975 268, 332–335, 336–337, 596, 597

  Stockholm Embassy Occupation (1975) 332–336, 339–340, 429, 455, 458, 462, 474, 479, 488, 490, 499, 597, 598, 604, 606

  activities 1975-6 337, 349, 450–452, 453–455, 597, 598, 600, 602

  1977 offensive 469, 470–471, 472, 474, 475–478, 479, 481–486, 604, 605, 607, 608, 617

  Buback assassination (1977) 470–471, 473, 490–492, 604, 615, 627

  Ponto assassination (1977) 474, 476, 478, 494, 495, 615

  attack on the BAW (1977) 475–476, 495, 496–497, 607

  kidnapping of Hanns Martin Schleyer (1977) 476–481, 484, 486, 498–502, 607, 608, 610, 614, 617, 625, 627

  activities after the Stammheim deaths 526–531, 541, 609, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 621, 623, 626

  attack on U.S. Air Force in Ramstein (1981) 614

  attempted assasination of U.S. General Frederick Kroesen (1981) 614, 624

  attempted bombing of SHAPE School (1984) 616

  Zimmerman assassination (1985) 617

  Rhein-Main Air Base bombing (1985) 617–618

  Beckurts assassination (1986) 618

  Braunmühl assassination (1986) 618

  attempted Tietmeyer assassination (1988) 619

  Herrhausen assassination (1989) 619

  attempted Neusel assassination (1990) 620

  GDR arrests (1990) 620, 621

  machinegunning U.S. Embassy (1991) 620

  Rohwedder assassination (1991) 621

  bombing High Security Darmstadt prison (1993) 623

  split in the RAF (1993) 623, 625

  dissolution (1998) 625

  attitude towards anarchists 87, 92, 96–97, 100–101, 227–228, 315–316

  and Action Directe 616–617

  and Black September 188

  and GDR 58–59, 614, 620

  and Red Brigades 619

  and Revolutionary Cells 457–463, 464–466, 482

  and Roaming Hash Rebels 50–52, 59, 587

  and 2nd of June Movement 51–52, 264, 313–314, 609, 613

  and spontis 464–465

  and the left 108, 166–169, 200–201, 244, 264–265, 326, 450–452, 457–458, 483, 540–541, 615, 616, 618, 622

  and Tupamaros 64, 157, 587

  and women’s liberation movement 447–448, 536–538

  Anti-Imperialist Front 615–618, 622

  bank robberies 100, 157

  “generations” 336

  attitude towards K-groups 92–96, 101, 183, 226, 228, 289, 316, 361, 406, 424

  leaving the group 160–162, 288–291, 355–357

  public opinion polls 107–108, 317

  structure 98, 158, 160, 172, 288, 365, 397–398

  RAF trials; Albrecht (1991) 621

  Baader-Ensslin-Meinhof-Meins-Raspe (1976-77). See Stammheim trial (1976-77)

  Baader-Ensslin-Proll-Söhnlein (1968-69) 48–49, 50, 66–78, 430–432, 583–584

  Bäcker-Mahler-Meinhof (1974) 255, 288, 328, 354, 359–370, 390, 594, 595

  Becker (1977) 609

  Beer (1991) 621

  Beer-Eckes-Pohl (1977) 607

  Boock (1984) 616

  Dellwo-Krabbe-Rössner-Taufer (1976-77) 335, 400, 404, 491, 600, 606

  Folkerts (1977) 609

  Folkerts (1980) 613

  Friedrich-Sternebeck (1992) 622

  Grundmann-Jünschke (1975-77) 302, 430, 598, 605

  Haag-Mayer (1979) 612

  Haule (1994) 624

  Heissler (1982) 615

  Helbing (1992) 621

  Hofmann (1982) 615

  Hofmann (1995) 625

  Jakobsmeier (1993) 623

  Klar (1992) 623

  Klar-Mohnhaupt (1985) 617

  Kuby (1979) 612

  Lotze (1992) 621

  Mahler, Schubert, Goergens (1971) 60–61, 63, 64, 586, 589

  Möller (1976) 600

  Möller (1979) 612

  Pohle (1973) 111

  Pohle (1977) 608

  Proll (1973) 240

  Proll (1980) 613

  Schulz (1985) 617

  Schulz (1995) 624

  Sonnenberg (1979) 610

  Viett (1992) 622

  Wackernagel-Schneider (1980) 613

  Wagner (1980) 613

  Wagner (1993) 624

  Wannersdorfer (1985) 618

  Wisniewski (1981) 614

  Wisniewski (1993) 623

  Ramírez Sánchez, Ilich 438–439, 561, 565, 599

  Rasch, Wilfried 243

  Rashid, Hussein Muhammed al 481

  Raspe, Jan-Carl 512, 573. See also Stammheim deaths

  captured (1972) 170, 200, 591

  death in Stammheim 485–486, 507, 608

  force-feeding 259

  isolation 244

  On the Murder of Ulrike Meinhof (1976) 391, 395–396, 600

  postmortem and burial 384, 533–534

  preface to Fragment Regarding Structure (1976) 397

  prison 238, 286, 471, 548–549

  joins RAF 59

  release demanded 328, 332, 339, 440, 476, 492, 498, 505

  Spiegel interview (1975) 300, 596

  Stammheim trial 420, 604. See also Stammheim trial (1976-77)

  Statement Breaking Off the Fifth Hunger Strike (1977) 476, 495

  Rauch, Georg von 110, 574, 581, 587, 588

  death mentioned by RAF 123, 148, 183, 233

  Erich Fried on 247

  killed by police (1971) 110–111, 588–589

  Rau, Johannes 626

  Rauschke (pathologist) 334, 384, 386

  Ray, Michele 54, 83

  rear base areas 56, 57

  rearmement 20, 22

  movement against 20–22, 23

  Rebmann, Kurt 475–476, 574, 605

  mentioned by RAF 495, 496, 533

  recession (1966-67) 28–29, 126

  Red Aid 107, 168–169, 245, 267, 474

  criticized by Baader 249

  support for RAF prisoners 241, 244

  Teach-In Against State Repression (Frankfurt, 1972) 168–169, 200, 591

  during third hunger strike (1974-75) 263, 264

  Red Aid e.v. 245, 255, 289

  Red Aid registered association. See Red Aid e.v.

  Red Aid/West Berlin Prisoners’ Collective 461, 464

  Red Brigades 360, 619

  and RAF 522, 619

  Reer (columnist) 103

  Regarding the Armed Struggle in West Europe xix, 64–65, 289, 586, 587

  Reiche, Annerose 332, 339

  Reiche, Reimut 444

  Reinders, Ralf 52, 328, 349, 440, 574

  Report Mainz (television) 627

  Republican Clubs 31, 39, 226, 580

  Republic of Yemen 330

  Reuter, Edzard 623

  Revolutionärer Kampf. See Revolutionary St

  Revolutionärer Zorn 438

  Revolutionary Cells 377, 436–441, 451, 540. See also Rote Zora

  attacks on ITT (1973) 436–437, 460

  attack on Federal Constitutional Court (1974) 377, 447, 460, 462

  OPEC raid in Vienna (1975) 438–439, 455, 481, 559, 599

  Air France skyjacking (1976, Entebbe) 439–441, 442, 481, 504, 559

  attack on U.S. Army in Frankfurt (1976) 391, 430, 601

  anti-Zionism 437, 561

  denouncing reactionary attacks 349, 376–377, 380, 599, 615

  forged public transit passes 460, 462

  international wing 438–441, 482, 561

  and RAF 168, 349, 376–377, 380, 458

  RZ letter to the RAF Comrades (1976) 456, 457–463, 602

  Women of the Revolutionary Cells 438, 447

  Revolutionary Struggle 264, 265, 436

  Mass-Militancy vs. the Guerilla 436, 441

  Rhodesia 503

  Ridder, Dorothea 30

  Rieber (journalist) 379

  Rieck, Horst 587

  Riedel, Helmut 598

  Rieger, Jürgen 63, 586

  Rifai, Zaid el 188

  Rinnelt, Timo 70

  Roaming Hash Rebels 45–46, 57, 157

  and RAF 50–52, 59, 107, 114, 585

  and 2nd of June Movement 46, 588

  triple coup bank robberies (1970) 59, 585

  Rodewald, Fritz 171, 201

  Röhl, Anja 386

  Röhl, Bettina 443, 557–558. See also Meinhof, Ulrike: daughters

  Röhl, Klaus Rainer 574

  daughters 118, 557. See also Röhl, Anja

  See also Röhl, Bettina

  konkret 26, 28

  and KPD 28

  Ulrike Meinhof 26, 48, 247, 583

  Rohwedder, Karsten 621

  Roll, Carmen 250, 574

  captured (1972) 114, 589

  drugged 114, 176

  release demanded 339

  Rollnick, Gabriele 602

  Rommel, Manfred 533–534

  Rosa Luxemburg Conference (2007) 626

  Rosenberg, Ludwig 415

  Rössner, Bernd 404, 574, 622

  Hamburg squats 435

  pardoned (1994) 624

  prison 605

  released (1992) 621

  release demanded 498, 505

  Stockholm Embassy Occupation 334

  trial (1976-77) 600, 606

  Rotbuch 587

  Rote Ruhr Armee 588

  Rote Zora 438, 447, 540

  attack on Federal Doctors’ Association (1977) 438

  Roth, Jürgen 143

  Roth, Karl Heinz 29

  Rouillan, Jean-Marc 619

  Rowohlt 143

  Rubin, Berthold 586

  Ruf, Friedrich 587

  Ruf, Helmut 587

  Ruhland, Karl-Heinz 574

  captured (1970) 60, 585

  informant 60, 113, 161, 460, 530


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